Farstalker Kinband Rules

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Pt UE tf ae TT aa) i et Liisa KROOT KILL-BROKER operative Sct 10 options: St ety tod bella! Laetat KROOT BOW-HUNTER Param oe Tty) Le) Leen eaten Conta een Cad cee RCs Eee sy Le Ea) Te a a oe eed the following options Kroot rifie; blade Kroot scattergun; blade Pe eg tT Le) KROGT HOUND operatives. Othes than ROOT WARRIOR and KROOT HOUND Seed ean) eters Below, you will ind a common ability ofthe ct The Kroot of Farstalker Kinbonds ore experienced raiders, infitrotors nd Scouts. They have mastered the art of using local terrain to their best advantage, concealing themselves before lounching ambushes. ee eee te aL Defence Dice step of that shooting attack, before rolling your defence ice, if tis in Cover, you can do one ofthe following Unto eerie Et Ld ier Ue eer RL rd Che Farstatker Kinband - Faction Yac Op 1 Reveal this Tac Op the fist time an enemy operative ‘s incapacitated Each time an enemy operative ‘incapacitated, belore its removed from the Lillzone, place one of your Meat tokens underneath ___the operative as close as possible to the centre of "its base. The Pick Up action can be performed ‘upon your Meat tokens by friendly FARSTALKER 'KINBAND® operatives, even if they are carrying nother objective marker or token, * Atthe end ofthe batt, if the total number of your Meat tokens that friendly operatives control Is equal to or more than a quarter ofthe number cof enemy operatives selected for deployment, you score 1VP. * Atthe end of the battle, ifthe total number of your Meat tokeas that friendly operatives control is equal to or more than half of the number of ‘enemy operatives selected for deployment, you score 1VP ET ae Farstolker Kinband - Faction Tac Op 2 You can reveal this Tac Op when you score maximum victory points from another Tac Op. + Ifyou score maximum victory points from a Tac (Op, and no more than hal of your operatives hhave been incapacitated when you do so, you score IVP. * Ifyou score maximum victory points from another ‘Tac Op, and no more than half of your operatives, hhave been incapacitated when you do so, you ee NR ainsi Ei Farstalker Kinbsand - Faction Yac Op 3 Reveal ths Tac Opin the Target Reveal step ofthe first Turning Point. Your opponent selects one of their operatives * If that enemy operative is incapacitated, you score WP and place your Bounty token undemeath the operative as dose as posible to the cent of its base. * Ifa friendly operative performs the Comfiren Hilt action, you score IVP Friendly operatives can perform the following mission action: ‘An operative can perform this action while within ‘of your Bounty token and not within Engagement, Range of an enemy operative. Remove you Bounty token. s R KINBAND®, BIE Ploys during a game. YOU can use the 1 to the Attacks ly FARSTALKER, th (0 a maximum of Melee ‘Weapons friend) IND@ operatives are equipped w Ehatige the order of up to thee friendly operatives that are more than Bhd OF the Turning Point, friendly FARSTALKER BB operatives gain the following ability this operative is activated, you can use [you do so, until the end of the Tuming Point, S this operative is equipped with (excluding Page 60) gain the Balanced and Heavy of the Turning Point, friendly FARSTALKEF HINBAND® operatives first distance of P or traverse lly pass jump tests they travel each time they Dinve AUIIVAL PLU {oer Faton i FARSTALKER KINBAND®, you can use the llowing Tactical Ploys during a gare WSS ee ii Use this Tactical Ploy in the Select Tac Ops step, when building your Tac Ops deck. Instead of adding one card to your deck from your selected archetype, you can add one from an archetype you did not choose (you must stil have a six card deck) SLIP AWAY iris Use this Tactical Ploy when a friendly FARSTALKER KINBAND® operative is activated. Until the end of its Activation, that operative can perform the Fall Back action, for one less action point (to a minimum of OAP). Use this Tactical Ploy when a friendly FARSTALKER INBANDE operative is activated. Until the end of its activation, that operative only needs to be within the required range of an dbjective marker oF token to perform mission actions and the Pick Up action associated with that objective marker (they do not need to control it). In addition, they can do so while within Engagement Range of an enemy operative. QS Ta asa oad = Use this Tactical Ploy when a friendly FARSTALKER KINBAND operative is incapacitated by an enemy operative. Until the end of the battle, each time another friendly FARSTALKER = KINBAND® operative fights in combat or makes a shooting attack against that enemy operative, in the Roll Attack Dice 4 step of that combat or shooting attack, you can reroll any or all of your attack dice. You cannot use this Tactical Ploy in the ‘hattle again unbi that enemy operative is incapacitated. Pe LT (i) eT TT ee eed rere ener eet able negotiators ensuring thei kn ceive just rewerds for Ny eee 4 © Kroot rifle. 4 © Pulse carbina 4 © Palse rifle 4 4 45 X Blade a Rogue (0951 Photon Grete API: Secon any pert Veet hg Call The Kilt: Once in each Strategy phase, when tis your turn to use operate. Bol one 08 recins e ‘tStravepic Ploy or pass, you can select one enemy operative Visible. = I that enemy operative 1s not in this oporative’s Line of Sigh Enneoersiw ated Dnt endl ttetcnns Fert cechame =I" u:eneny operate smorethen @ roms ope fra stow stuck apesttetonnyaceve nce O" Zt eer having Po stint Perici tere stect ggcttet many opetatie nthe Rell opens Movement character ané& cana ee Da ie estat contac or stotg snack beer reting vor SPS Th parte can operon Bistros ee ee Sauipeduh o pulse carina td enna perl tis x Wl ‘tn Engagenect Range oon enon ope, ARSTALKER KINGAND®, LEADER, KROOT, KILL-BROKER KROOT BOW-HUNTER The occelerotor bows wielded by these Kroot are De tt ead fired, the bows curves crackie with eneray, charging dete Ce eee r bow Fach time this weopon is selected so make @ shooting attack with, select one of the profiles below toi Fused arrow 44 aS APl 2 = Glide arrow 4 4 Sitent Voltaic arrow 4 & X Blade 3% ‘ABILITIES. = ’ ‘unique ‘ogue (po 51) Energize (1APE Unite ond of the actvation, al protien accelerator tow this operative is equipped with gun the special rua. This operative cannot perform this action Engagomant Range of an enemy operative. FARSTALKER KINGAND®, KROOT, BOW-HUNTER LO TO TT ieee a Lesil acAica ts Cee iT inspires fear in them. The knowledge they have guned Coed eee selecting the optimum shot for each kil they wish to make Rogue (pg 51) Hardy: Each time this operative fights in combat o a shecting tack is made against inthe Resolve Successful His step of iat combat or shooting attack each time anaitack dice mould ict ertieal erage an this operative, you can choose fr that tack die to inflict normal damage instead, i Soe Th pri mia ah ten A ven stn ene tay det eet oy ern pes se pnis Taso weapons ent ected oes se nace, instead of once. FARSTALKER KINBAND®, KROOT, COLO-8LO0D Leeched hese Dene | ieadaavetL Len et rte X Cut-skin's blades: ABILITIES: ogee | Vcioes Duelist: Each time this operatwve fights in combat, nthe ‘Dice step of that combst. for each attack dice your as, the enemy operative in that combat sulfes 1 KINBAWDS, KROOT, CUT-SKIN biows aginst their foes, giving the enemy no opportunity Savage Assault 1APt Porform aoe Fight action wh ‘peratve, After completing tat action ight sequence, # this ‘operative othe target have notboen ineapactated fightin combat with this operative against to same target using the same weapon again. | a = pe eee q Eh eT Ce cnt eer etree er ee eee nee a et er eee inner writ fe ate ‘ntiarmour weapons tht fre sla shots at high speeds Rng @, aP2, © Dvorgite skinner Cumbersome*, Torrent ‘© Londaxi tribalost 5 4m Mm AP!, Cumbersome*” x nce 3 anues TE Rogue (995!) *Cumbersome; An operative cannotmove more than 3inthe ‘sume activation in which it performs 2 Shoot action with tis snged weapon, FARSTALKER KINBAND®, KROOT, HEAVY GUNNER Ce Fast, nimble, ferocious and incredibly loyal to their ce ead to the Farstalker Kinbonds. These beasts con stea! into ‘narrow passageways, recover objects and rip foes apart Per ed ees 3 Ripping fangs Regue 9951) ‘Gathor (IAP: Perform afre0 Dah, Fall Back o: Normal Nove o ‘th this operative. At any point during that move You ean Benst Ths operative canot perform mission aeons and eannctbe the pick Up ection fr fee uit ts operatve, aan ‘equipped nth oquipment Increments of movement can be used alter it dees 9. ‘Bad tempered: Each tine an enemy operative parorrs@ Fight action, this operative iso valid target, you con solect his operatve os the targetinstad. Each time an onemy operative fnishas a Charge action vthin Engagement Range of srothr fiend FARSTALKER KINBAND® ‘operative within Bio! ths operate, this operative isnot win Engagement Range of n eneny operate, this operative can pertorm tree Charge ction bu must firish that mave wth Engagement Range ofthat enemy operative FARSTALKER KINBAND®, KROOT, HOUND OCT eee ae ae eee ee Haseltine ey rial prt pel ns ee time to make the perfect shot. Few in thei De = ney Tere ANE © kroot hunting rifle x Blade . = 4 8 38 3 i TT fegue (pa 51) KER KINBAND®, KROOT, LONG-SIGHT bn U3] ees patella eee et Ta Si Genta nd Rohters. Once in optimum range, they unleash a fsilade Cec nar a ee eer © Dual Kroot pistols 44 38 X Blade 30 3M Segue (p3 51) Quick draw: Once per Turning Point when this operative is slected as the target af a shoetng attack, his operative Is ‘dy, OU can interupt that action to perform a fae Shoot ‘ion wit this operative with the cual Keootpstls is equipped th against that enamy operative (that onomy operative must 2 valid targa). that enomy oporative is not incapacitated or vive as a ful, fish ts shooting attack. KER KINBAND®, KROOT, PISTOLIER bf sy Heavy {Longsight (1AP}: Ul he and of the aesvation: ‘= Tho Kroot hunting rile this operatives equipped with gus the Latha 5+ ane Sint special rulos. tif itis equipped with, enemy operatives are nat Obscured for that shooting atack ‘This ope ive cannot perform this action while within Engagement Range of an enemy operative, i “Ring @, Belanced, Lethal 5+ wees eager Sale (1APl:Parfor a free Shoat action with his arlinae eds rout ats sequined with Aer that sre teckyoucon mate anatorehoxng stack with te Tare dass opartvete equipped wih Thi operative faenolpuform bacon fithas a Conceal rer or wlan Engager: Range a an enemy operative Iecannet perform & Charge fal Back cr Normal Move ator in te seme activation fhmenitpererms ths aeten Van Cy Even among Kroot, these warriors are particulorly Dee ee eet pretermatural understanding of terrain and the art of en ee ter Pee eg Pe a © Kroot scattergun 2X Stalker's blade ‘Stealth Atiack (2AP): This operative can partorm this action ithas « Conces! order, is within \ ofa terrain festuye end not Be This opeatve can perform a Charge action Fithes a ‘ahi ag uneciore Rangeela aneehy Solve + Perform a {ree Charge action with ths operative, but do not exceed its Movement cheracterstc (ke. do not add, + Perform a free Fight action with this operative. + Inte Resolve Successful His step of that combat, the fstaina You resolve one af your successful its, you can immediately ‘resolve another of your successful hits, KROOT TRACKER These Kroat share a very strong personal bond with Py ee eet La Ree ae eae a ee aad warn the Kroot of the foe's presence. a © Kroot rifle X Blade “ABILITIES. enemy operative es oo fond of he Turing Point wate that enemy operative with Poche: The ire tine tis operate is atvated during ve bate, harontaly and any distanea vertically your Pash tate, place your Pech ra token within @ horizontally and any distance ‘marked for the hunt. Until tre end of the Turning Point. each tea ervcaly cf the operative. Each ie ths operatives achvatee trendy FARSTALKER KINBAND® operatve wits @ pra Sieeelier you can mvs your Poli theo upto howtontaty any cistance vertical of your Pecra token makes «shoo nd.up to onydetance vertical is oparatve is capactated and 2088tan enemy operative marked forthe hunt, tht ere ‘emnoved irom the kilzone, erove yout Fecha tken Cannot use Ugh terrain as Cove forthatshoating atack Tis annet perform this acton whe within @ ofan enemy op From the Eye Above (1A: lactone rena op rath @pof this operative, Ade ito ts APL Ths operate cag parton his acten wre tn ofan onary aprat | oT | eee ete many years as mercenaries, gaining much experience in wor 4s well as consuming genetic material for the betterment of ea © Kroot rifle Cee) © Kroot scattergun 4m 439 X Blade 3% a Rogue (pg 51) Per ete Lyk Laleitlbaididiatetsaaiied tT ae Peet ee Pe Tt a eaten ac DE Ce etereeica CUCM LLU a ei Cae | er aL iil aed lad adil ell Rd cy iochaaras Cee i Re pererteti at tat tk a ee a tdi " ACC ham Te operative gains the following ability fr the batie | Crs 4% es MU uC) Se eee es PCa Ome ee PR ae Le he Pere Nt oct tt this operative's APL Each Turing Point, only one ena root pistols only. The operative is equipped with the Pereernren es Se EL Dee Tt ee oud ms forage shar spreecthta alist Sc NR LiL Ta Bee ac ee cL ae Coy operative is equipped withthe following melee weapon fo oes ee Gen hoe ae Gere) ae ars eM TOXIN SHOT C2EP] Operative equipped with a Kroot rifle, Kroot pistol or dual KROOT PISTOL C1EP] ‘The operative is equipped with the following ranged weapon Sete tnd Cee following ranged weapon for the battle (its BS characteristic et eet eto ht ld Cee Ray) el eet Toxin shot ey eee Lethal 5+, Limited Stun

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