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Today, humankind is busier than ever before. For that reason, classical education no longer
suits some of us. The technological revolution has enabled learning on the go, changing the way
we study forever. Distance learning is a type of education in which students and their lecturers
are separated, i.e., they reside in different physical locations, and the instruction between them
is communicated using different technologies [1]. Distance education can be classified into two
categories: asynchronous and synchronous learning [2]. Asynchronous distance learning is
based on the interactions between the teacher and the learner at different times, such as
learning from instructions on paper, listening to recorded lectures, or watching pre-recorded
visual tutorials in a flexible timeframe. In turn, synchronous learning requires interactions in
real-time, such as listening to live radio programs or attending live online lectures [3]. Naturally,
asynchronous distance learning is older than its synchronous counterpart, as the latter was only
made possible by new developments in communication technologies [4]. Both methods have
become popular, and the selection of appropriate teaching methods depends on the
knowledge that the learner wants to gain. Sometimes, a mix of synchronous and asynchronous
teaching is used. Modern distance education uses computers and the Internet as the delivery
mechanism, with at least 80 percent of the course content delivered online [5,6]

Several decades ago, to study in a given field, people had to attend classes physically, and it was
impossible to start their studies without passing classification exams. Now, people only need to
spend a few minutes registering online, and they can attend world-classlectures available for
everyone from numerous places across the world, without leavingtheir home [7]. This form of
education is no longer expensive, and it is not limited to only those who cannot attend classes
due to important reasons like family or health issues, but to everyone. Participation is
technically limited, due to the fact that this requires a computer/tablet and Internet access.
Currently, online courses are available to all who wish to learn and understand something new.
No matter the subject choice, courses are readily available, both for beginners and advanced
students. From the basics of physics to quantum chromodynamics, everything can be learned

The K-12 curriculum is a comprehensive educational program that aims to provide Filipino
students with the necessary skills and knowledge for the 21 st century. It is a 12-year program
that covers kindergarten, six years of elementary education, four years of junior high school,
and two years of senior high school.
According to a study conducted by S. R. S. Mondejar and M. L. B. Abueva (2021), the,
majority of students enrolled in the GAS (General Academic Strand) perceive the curriculum as
relevant and beneficial to their future career goals. They also perceive the curriculum as
relevant and beneficial to their future career goals. They also perceive the curriculum as
challenging and demanding, but they appreciate the opportunities to develop their critical
thinking and problem-solving skills.

Another study by J. M. C. Panopio, C. M. A. Hapal, and R. B. de Vera (2019) ,found that the GAS
students perceive the K-12 curriculum as a useful tool for improving their academic skills and
preparing them for college. They also value the exposure to real-world issues and concerns
through the integration of community-based projects and work immersions programs.

Similarly, a study by R. A. Grefalda and M. F. R. Baylen (2019) showed that GAS students
appreciate the emphasis on 21st-century skills such as critical thinking, creativity,
communication, and collaboration in the K-12 curriculum. They also recognize the importance
of being globally competitive and the role of the K-12 in preparing them for the challenges of
the future. The Senior High School GAS (General Academic Strand) gives students a more
general overview on the different subjects rather than a focused approach. In this strand,
students receive a holistic education that tackles subjects from each of the different strands –
HUMSS, STEM, and ABM. General academic strand subjects are ideal for students who want a
well-rounded educational experience that opens the doors to various career and education
paths to explore after graduation.

Based on the general trends and feedback from students in the Philippines, it is possible
to make some assumptions about the perception of students in Bohol towards the K-12
curriculum. It is likely that students in Bohol have similar perceptions to students in other
parts of the country. Some students may appreciate the curriculum's emphasis on developing
skills such as critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving. They may see the additional
two years of senior high school as an opportunity to better prepare themselves for college
and the workforce.
In this research, we will focus on the perceptions of students enrolled in the General
Academic Strand (GAS) of the K-12 curriculum. The GAS is one of the four standards offered in
Senior High School and is designed for students who plan to pursue a degree in college in the
field of social sciences, humanities, education, and business.

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