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Professor Pancipane,

Hello! Attached herein is the link to my video submission for HMRM121’s activity,
“Activity 4”. Kindly click on it in order to be able to access the video file.



Additionally, also attached within this document is the transcript. Kindly take a look at the
2nd page. Thank you!

Adelle Melyssa Imoen M. Manatad
The transcript of
by Adelle Melyssa Imoen M. Manatad

Hello! My name is Adelle Melyssa Imoen M. Manatad and who I am to be is a psychologist;

particularly, I would like to become a child psychologist. This is the story of how I came to the
conclusion that I would like to become one.

I was born on the 22nd of May, 2003 after my older brother who was born on the year 1990.
Shortly afterwards, my younger brother followed the next year, on December 2004. I was born a
middle child and due to this, although unintentional, I grew up to be quite lonely.

Growing up, I didn't really get to see my father all that much; he came to work at night,
when my siblings and I would be asleep, and in the mornings when he'd be resting, my siblings
and I would then go to school. My mother would mostly be with my younger brother and my
older brother, unfortunately, did not have anything in common with me. We have a 13 year age
gap and I wasn't able to relate to him at all. Where he would be hanging out with his friends at
college, I would be at home playing with my dolls alone.

I remember one time when I was, I believe, 9 years old, I wanted help from my mother on a
school activity. When I told her about it, she told me that she would not be able to help me
because she also had my younger brother's school activities to take care of and so because of
this, I did that school activity alone and although I understood that the reason why my mother
doted on my younger brother so much is because she had faith in me, as someone who is older
and more capable, to be able to handle myself, I was still a bit hurt. I don't hold any resentment
towards any of my family members. I had a lonely childhood but I blame the situation not them.
However, ever since then, even though some may say that the situation wasn't that serious, to me,
it was and sadly, it became the catalyst for me to grow up in an early age. Thinking that no one
cared for me, I kept to myself. I learned to become independent and rely on myself. However,
these also carried onto my adulthood and unfortunately, they led to me having difficulty in
asking for help. I became cynical to the kindness of others, thinking that people who want to help
me would be lying and that they have ulterior motives for doing so. I became so accustomed to
being independent and relying on myself that I now think that the simple and kind act of being
given help is too good to be true.

This, among other reasons, is the reason why I would like to become a psychologist.
Particularly, a child psychologist. People don't realize this but our childhoods has a lot of impact
on the adults that we will become. I am one of the examples. I was, sadly, neglected as a child
and this led to me becoming an overly self-reliant adult, distrustful of others, and cynical to their
kindness to me. I would like to become a child psychologist because I want to be able to help
children achieve their very best selves as adults and I will do so by cultivating their mental health
as children and thus, developing them to become emotionally-healthy adults, regardless of how
painful their childhoods may be.

Once again, my name is Adelle Melyssa Imoen M. Manatad and who I am to be is a child
psychologist. Thank you so much for listening!

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