2022 Assessment Notification: Year: 11 Subject: Society and Culture Task: 1

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2022 Assessment Notification

Year: 11 Subject: Society and Culture Task: 1

Date issued: Term 1, Week 6: 1/3/22 Date Due: Term 1, Week 10: 1/4/22
Outcomes assessed (please refer to the Assessment Booklet): P1, P3, P6, P9, P10
In this task you will be assessed on how well you:
1. Identify and apply social and cultural concepts
2. Identify and describe relationships and interactions within and between social and cultural groups
3. ​Differentiate between social and cultural research methods
4. Use appropriate course language and concepts suitable for different audiences and contexts
5. Communicate information, ideas and issues using appropriate course language and written, oral and
graphic forms

Social Issues Dividing Society

You are to select and research a contemporary social issue* that has been the subject of debate within society and
write a response outlining the social issue and explaining the perspectives of different groups. You must ensure
you link your selected social issue to at least three relevant Society and Culture course concepts throughout your

You will then suggest TWO (2) social and cultural research methodologies that could be used in order to further
investigate the perspectives on this issue. Using the Research Plan scaffold attached, you will need to discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of using these methods.

*Remember the ethical considerations of research and consult your teacher if you are unsure if your selected
social issue is appropriate.

Some possible social issues to research include:

● The Religious Rights Bill
● Vaccination Mandates in Australia
● Climate Change

Part A: Written Response

1. Conduct secondary research of your selected social issue to identify the different perspectives held by
different social and cultural groups.
2. Prepare and submit a response 700 - 1000 words in length that:
● Outlines the social issue
● Identifies and explains the perspectives of this issue held by different social and cultural groups
● Applies at least three relevant Society and Culture concepts throughout
3. Create a bibliography of all sources used. Please reference the College Diary for how to structure your
Part B: Research Plan
1. Using the Research Plan scaffold, discuss TWO (2) suitable research methodologies that could be used in
order to further investigate perspectives on your selected social issue.

Marking Advice
o For the purposes of marking, the following components must be submitted (marking guidelines are
attached) via Google Classroom by 8:15am on Friday 01/04/22 to the Google Classroom Assignment
o Part A: 700 - 1000 word written response and bibliography
o Part B: Research Plan
o ​Ensure you use your own words, as a plagiarism checker will be used for this task. Significant plagiarism
may result in no mark being awarded, and/or resubmission of the task being required.

You will be marked according to the following components:

● Knowledge and understanding - 10%
● Communication - 10%

Feedback you can expect from this Task:

The source based study will be assessed and a MARK awarded. You will also be given a GRADE that will describe your overall
achievement in this Assessment event. Most importantly you will receive explanatory and diagnostic feedback from your teacher. You
can expect to be set some revision or more practice items as follow up to this Task.
Students are reminded of the rules and requirements relating to completion,
submission and absences for assessment tasks. You should refer to the
Mr Marco Cimino
relevant Assessment Booklet or consult with the appropriate Leader of Acting Leader of Learning -
Learning if you have any concerns or queries regarding this task. H.S.I.E.
Part A Written Response Scaffold

Please note that this scaffold is a guide only. You may wish to organise your response and the content of your
paragraphs in another way. Use this guide if you are unsure of how to structure your response and include all
necessary information.

Introduction ● Your introduction should be a broad overview of your topic area - provide
background information and give your audience an understanding of the
100-200 words context of your report
● For this task you will be providing your audience with an overview of a
current social issue in Australian society; think about the type of language
(and concepts) that should be integrated in your overview

Body Paragraph 1 First Perspective on the Issue

(Refer to IDEAL scaffold ● In this paragraph you will explain the perspective of a particular group in
for paragraph structure) society in relation to your selected social issue
● Integrate Society & Culture concepts: think about which concepts are
250-350 words
relevant and why they are relevant
● Use specific examples out of your secondary research to support this (this
could include quotes and/or statistics from secondary sources)

Body Paragraph 2 Second Perspective on the Issue

(Refer to IDEAL scaffold ● In this paragraph you will explain the perspective of another particular
for paragraph structure) group in society in relation to your selected social issue
● Integrate Society & Culture concepts: think about which concepts are
250-350 words
relevant and why they are relevant
● Use specific examples out of your secondary research to support this (this
could include quotes and/or statistics from secondary sources)

Conclusion ● Your conclusion is a summary of the key arguments you have made
throughout your response
Around 100 words ● Do not introduce any new information in your conclusion
● Reiterate key concepts and the perspectives of different social and cultural
groups on your chosen issue
PART B - Research Plan
Preliminary Society and Culture - Task 1
Question: Response (write your answers in the spaces below):

1. You have been asked to carry out social research to further explore Methodology 1:
the social issue you have addressed in Part A of your task.
Identify TWO suitable research methodologies. Methodology 2:

2. For each of your suggested methodologies, discuss (provide points Methodology 1:

for and/or against) its use to investigate perspectives on your selected
social issue.

Methodology 2:
Preliminary Society & Culture Assessment Task 1 Marking Criteria

Part A: Written Response

Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
Knowledge and Identifies a social and Identifies and attempts to Accurately identifies and Clearly (highly detailed) Explicitly (significantly
Understanding cultural concept with apply up to THREE (3) applies THREE (3) and accurately identifies detailed) and accurately
limited reference to the social and cultural concepts relevant social and cultural and applies THREE (3) or identifies and applies
selected social issue. with some reference to the concepts with reference to more relevant social and THREE (3) or more
selected social issue. the selected social issue. cultural concepts with relevant social and cultural
reference to the selected concepts with reference to
social issue. the selected social issue.

Identifies the social issue Briefly outlines the social Briefly outlines the selected Clearly outlines the Comprehensively outlines
P3 and/or a perspective of a issues and/or perspectives social issue and briefly selected social issue and the selected social issue
social/cultural group on a of different social/cultural explains the perspectives of clearly explains the and comprehensively
social issue. groups on the selected different social/cultural perspectives of different explains (relates cause and
social issue. groups on the selected social/cultural groups on effect; provides why and/or
social issue. the selected social issue. how) the perspectives of
different social/cultural
groups on the selected
social issue.
Communication Implies concepts and May mention relevant Some use of appropriate Regular use of appropriate Extensive use of
(10%) terminology. concepts and terminology. concepts and terminology. concepts and terminology appropriate concepts and
throughout response. terminology throughout
P9 response.

P10 Communicates limited Communicates knowledge Communicates knowledge Clearly communicates Comprehensively
knowledge using basic and/or understanding using and some understanding knowledge and communicates knowledge
structures. limited structure in the using appropriately understanding using logical and understanding using
written form. structured written forms. and appropriately sustained, logical and
structured written forms. appropriately structured
written forms.
Preliminary Society & Culture Assessment Task 1 Marking Criteria

Part B: Research Plan

Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
Knowledge and Identifies (an) advantage/s Provides the advantages Accurately provides the Clearly and accurately Explicitly and accurately
Understanding and/or (a) disadvantage/s and/or disadvantages of advantages and/or provides the advantages provides the advantages
of a social research ONE (1) or TWO (2) social disadvantages of TWO (2) and disadvantages of TWO and disadvantages of TWO
methodologies in research methodologies in social research (2) suitable social research (2) suitable social research
investigating a social issue. investigating the selected methodologies in methodologies in methodologies in
social issue. investigating the selected investigating the selected investigating the selected
social issue. social issue. social issue.
Preliminary Society & Culture Assessment Task 1

This is a checklist to help you think about all the components of this task. It does not determine the mark you will be awarded for each section.

Task 1 Checklist

Have I…?

Selected a contemporary social issue?

Selected a contemporary social issue that has been debated by different groups in society?

Identified and applied at least three relevant Society & Culture concepts throughout my response?

Given an outline (sketch in general terms) of the social issue?

Explained (related cause and effect; provided the why and/or how) the perspectives held by different social/cultural groups in society on the issue?

Used concepts and Society and Culture terminology throughout my response?

Ensured that my response is appropriately and logically structured?

Given both the advantages and disadvantages of two social research methods in investigating the issue further?

Compiled all the sources of information I used into a correctly formatted (as per the College diary) bibliography?

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