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Essential tips for finding your ideal ITSM solution

If you’re satisfied with your current situation or aren’t ready to change,
read no further. This guide isn’t for you.

But what if you and your IT team are tired what’s right for one organization, isn’t
of firefighting and answering the same right for another. That’s what this guide
questions over and over? If you’re stuck will help you with: finding your
at the office after hours because creating ideal ITSM solution.
reports is slow and time-consuming. If
you’re done feeling overwhelmed with the Think of it like having a great relationship.
workload, with no time for improvements It all starts with finding that perfect match.
or other plans. If your current solution for Someone you have that connection with,
answering questions and solving tickets who ticks the boxes, and who’ll go the
isn’t user-friendly. What then? extra mile to make you happy.

Well, then we’d suggest you keep on With our step-by-step plan, we’ll walk
reading. Why? Because obviously the way you through strategies to figure out your
you’re working now isn’t helping you at all.IT department’s needs, help you decide
Whether you’re using Excel or an outdated which type of ITSM tool is right for you,
service management tool, we’re here to and how to find the perfect vendor. We’ve
tell you: you can do better. included questions to consider when
evaluating software and vendors, and
Modern ITSM solutions have come a long some tips for initiating that first contact.
way – probably even since you first started Even though change is scary, we hope this
using yours. The best solutions are easy guide will inspire you to take a fresh look
to use by everyone and have just the right at what works for you.
number of features for your needs. But

Table of
1. Create a business case
2. Let's talk about strategy
3. Software checklist
4. What to look for in your ideal vendor
5. From shortlist to selection

Creating a
Change doesn’t happen out of thin
air. And when it comes to your service
desk, the success of a new solution
begins way before you purchase a
service management tool. In fact, it all
starts with you and your needs. How
is your current way of working holding
you back? What would it take to solve
these issues? And most importantly: is
investing in a new tool the way forward?

You might already have an idea of what
you’re looking for, but you still have to
convince management that spending
time and money on a solution is worth it.
If this sounds overwhelming, we have a
tip: create a business case. Now this really
doesn’t have to be hard. Simply answer
some of the questions below to create
your case. It’s your first step to envisioning
a new solution for your service desk, and
a perfect way to validate your investment
with management.

Let’s start with what is perhaps the most

1 urgent incentive for your business case:
what is it that you dream of achieving?
Take a moment to sit down and map out
your vision on a service desk Utopia. It’s
best not to overcomplicate things here.
What are the two or three main goals you
have for your service desk?

Now that you’ve written down your main affect your employees? What are these
2 goals for an ideal service management problems costing you? And what could
workflow, it’s time for you to face your any possible solutions save in terms of
pains. Which specific problems are time and money? Stick to two or three
you currently experiencing? How often of your biggest pains and find business
and when do they occur? How does it benefits that you’d wish to gain.

For instance:

My agents are spending x amount of time answering We spend x amount per year on updates of our current
the same questions over and over. A solution that service management system. We could better spend
supports better knowledge management would save this money on x.
my team x time per month.

My team is always firefighting. Our current system

Simple questions like password resets and printer lacks modern features and automation, meaning
errors make up x % of our call volume. If end users agents spend an average of x time solving even a
could access a self-service portal to solve these easy simple ticket. All this time spent on manual tasks, we
problems, I expect 50% fewer calls to come in. could better spend on larger improvements such as x.

If you can’t point out one major flaw and think it might improve your
3 with how you currently work, but you organization in small but effective
still see room for improvement, then ways. But how exactly? Do you think
ask yourself why. Perhaps you’ve sharing knowledge with end users will
seen vendors that offer a slick portal make them happier and more self-
reliant? Or do you currently use an
ITSM tool with an outdated interface
and would you like to improve your
customer experience? These are all
valid reasons to switch things up and
improve your service desk.

Both lists—of goals and of pains—are

specifically for you and your case only.
One thing that’s universal however, is
that these two lists make for a truly
appealing case for change. Getting this
step right will help you get maximum
adoption when the time comes to
replace your tool.

Evaluate and act with management as well. Tell your
You’ve identified an urgency for change, colleagues and management about
and you’ve spent quite some time thinking all the seemingly unimaginable things
through both your service management your service desk team is capable of.
goals and struggles. It’s safe to say you’re Convince your stakeholders that the
almost done with finalizing your business needed transformation will lead to a
case. There’s one more thing to take positive overhaul on all levels of your
care of. Now be honest: if you look at company and that there’s something
the bottom line and total cost, is it worth valuable at stake for them too.
investing your time and effort into looking
for a new tool? Both for your team and for Once you get that green light, you’re set
your organization at large? If the answer and ready to choose your ITSM tool and
is no, either you need to revise and re- vendor! Since this is a whole journey of
evaluate your goals and pains, or your its own, our next chapter outlines all
current solution is as good as you need it the things you should look out for when
to be for the time being. finding the right tool for your team.

But if your answer is yes, then some

exciting change is coming. This means
you are ready to present and discuss
your case with your team, and already

Let's talk about
Now you’ve got your business case,
it’s time for you to go out there and
start exploring your options. With so
many different vendors and solutions,
where do you start looking? How can
you find your perfect match? Let’s say
that preparation is half the battle. The
following approaches can help you
narrow down your search.

1. Checking the boxes
Most companies looking to replace
their software send out an RFI (request
for information): a large document or
checklist that covers all technical features
and solutions. The idea behind them
is good: helping you compare vendors
and their software in a uniform and
structured way. But often they’re far too
extensive, difficult to make, or expensive
to outsource. So no, we don’t suggest
sending out an RFI, but we do suggest
creating a short checklist for yourself
with all the most important demands you
have for your new solution. Take a good
critical look at your business case and
write down: what do I expect from the
software and the vendor. What are the
technical requirements? Which features
do we need? Should the vendor offer
local support? And so on.

2. The problem solver
Checklists are a good place to start when
narrowing down your search, but two
important questions they won’t answer
for you are: How is this vendor going to
solve my problems? And how do I know
if I can rely on them? To answer the
second question about reliability, you’re
going to have to do some research,
which we’ll discuss in step 5.

If you want a more personal approach

that goes beyond standard features
and functionalities, you should ask the
vendor how they are going to solve your
problems. And guess what? 4 0 3

You already have your problems and 3. Best of both worlds
goals on paper: it’s your business case. Normally, we’d say you can’t have it
You can contact several vendors, present both ways. But in this case, we think you
them your business case and ask them should combine both approaches. In
questions like: the end you want to have a shortlist of
potential vendors who’ll show you how
- How will you help us reach our goals? they can help you, and how they’ll solve
- How are you going to support us? your problems. But because you don’t
- How can I get my team excited about want to go on 50 first dates, you first
switching tools? need to create a short checklist to narrow
- How will we measure the success of down your search. In the next section,
this system? we’ll discuss some topics to include in
your checklist and help you on your way
Ask vendors to write you a proposal to finding your perfect vendor.
based on these questions. Or let them
create a use case to show you how they
work. It will help you figure out which
vendors offer the most value and are
truly invested in solving your problems.

Creating your
What to look out for? why it’s good for you to be critical, and
There are a lot of ITSM solutions out truly think about what fits your needs.
there. And to be honest, most solutions After all, you want to be in it for the long
offer very similar features. So, how do haul and not have to switch solutions
you decide which ones to add to your every year. Here we’ve listed some
shortlist? If you look closely, you’ll see technical aspects for you to consider when
that vendors do differ. For instance, in adding vendors to the ‘yes’ or ‘no’ list.
how they deliver their software, and how
flexible and future-proof they are. That’s

SaaS vs On-premises SaaS, on the other hand, means your
Traditional ITSM solutions, like the solution is hosted in the cloud. You pay
one you might be using right now, are a monthly subscription fee to get going
installed on-premises. This often means and the vendor takes care of the rest.
you pay a large chunk of money upfront The advantage of SaaS is that it’s quick
for the software and licences. The to set up and cheaper to maintain.
advantage of an on-premises solution Frequent updates are part of the
is that you have full control over the package, which you’ll get automatically
solution: from security and data to the through continuous deployment. On
way you get someone to customize and the downside, it’s not as flexible or as
configure it for you down to the last extensively customizable as an on-
detail. On the downside, you also have to premises solution. And you’ll have to
get someone in to update and maintain trust your vendor to handle your data
the software every once in a while. This with care.
can become expensive, and in between
updates you run the risk of working with
software that’s not the latest version.

Integrations flexible enough to deal with these
While we understand your ITSM solution changes and grow with your needs? For
is the centre of your universe, it should instance: can you easily collaborate with
also play nice with the other tools your other departments in your organization
company uses. Things like staff data and in the future? Or with suppliers? Can you
network scans should be easy to integrate, easily add features if necessary? Or drop
which saves you a lot of manual work. them if you no longer need them?
That’s why it’s important to check whether
a solution integrates well with 3rd party
software. Ask yourself: what software can I Ease of use
integrate with? Does the solution integrate One of the most important aspects for
with Active Directory, for instance? And do you to get right is user experience. Will
they offer an open API so I can make my your IT team and end users get along
own integrations? with your new system? The easier the
software is to use, the less resistance
you’ll get from your team and the rest
Flexibility of the organization. To start with, ask
Don’t just think about the present when yourself: do I really want to hire an
evaluating a new ITSM solution. It’s a external consultant for every small
long-term commitment, remember? change? If not, you should be critical and
Think about new challenges, changes and find a solution that’s truly easy to use.
opportunities you might face in the next Also consider things like: how quickly
years. Is the solution you’re reviewing can I get up and running?

Can we adjust the smaller things
ourselves? Is the interface intuitive? Will
end users be able to understand how to
use the self-service part of the software?

You can discover all these things in a

trial version, or you can ask the vendor
to demonstrate the software and show
you specific use cases. Look closely at
what they’re showing you and see: how
many clicks does it take to log and close
an incident? Can I easily create reports?
But also: are buttons labelled clearly?
Is the flow of actions logical? It’s best to
consider all these things now, rather
than find out later once you’ve made
the commitment.


When picking a vendor, it’s easy to get
stuck comparing feature lists. No doubt,
the software part of your new ITSM
solution is important. We understand
you want your costs to be justified, and
a vendor that provides the most options
and features might look like the most
sensible solution for you. But finding
the right match isn’t just about pretty
features. It's what's inside that matters
most. A vendor that truly listens and
responds to your needs, someone who’s
an actual partner, can make the success
of your new solution. To help you find
the right match, we’ve prepared a
checklist of things to keep in mind when
selecting a vendor.

Industry experience years. So, what should you look out for? yours. These facts speak volumes on
Some might say experience isn't As a first step, you could check out the the trust and longevity a vendor will
everything, but when it comes to picking vendor’s customer base, their customer provide you. That’s why we suggest you
a vendor, it can be crucial to your new retention, and how much they've grown consider a vendor with proven industry
solution's success. We’re not saying you since they started. Another key element experience and with a kaleidoscope of
should just settle down for someone is to look for vendors who have worked loyal customers.
who’s been in the game for the most with companies and industries like
Local support
Like in any relationship, things can’t
always run smoothly. Luckily, your
vendor can already give you a heads-up
on what kind of support they will provide
you when things get rocky. What’s
important here is to pick a vendor with
local, in-house support agents. They are
most likely to have a lot of knowledge
about the software they provide and will
offer you individualized support in your
preferred language. We believe that
there’s one stand-out trait of excellent

support: agents who will go that extra Trainings for staff and webinars
mile to help you solve any problem you Ultimately, it’s all about easing the work
might have. So, look out for this! and lives of individuals within your
organization, and selecting a vendor
In-house implementations that provides trainings and webinars will
Some vendors don’t go any further ensure your colleagues and customers
than selling you a product. Just like are self-reliant and feel confident about
some vendors don’t offer in-house using a new ITSM solution. You should
support, others also get a 3rd party in also ask what type of training the vendor
to implement the software for you. The provides. Just help with getting started?
downside to these consultancy parties User and application manager training?
is that they charge by the hour, which Perhaps also knowledge management
can lead to unexpected costs. They also training, or other best practices? And
might not be as involved with you and make sure to check out previous
your needs if they don’t actually work for webinars the vendors has hosted. Do
the company. If it’s a true partner you’re these align with your company's needs?
looking for, checking for things like in- Is the extra content suitable for you? The
house consultants is something to keep answers to these questions will really
in mind. show to what extent the vendor will be
your long-time partner instead of just an
interim supplier.

Cultural match for
your company
Our last (but not least) top tip is to go
for a vendor that is a match with your
company culture. Implementing a new
tool is so much more than a software
switch-up. Your new ITSM solution is
made and run by people, for people; and
it will undoubtedly reflect the mindset
and culture of those people. Are your
vendor’s employees highly engaged and
driven? Does their culture encourage
empathy, freedom, trust? Take a close
look at your own values and go for an
option that reflects those. It might seem
superficial when compared with the
importance of features and other vendor
characteristics, but opting for a culture
match will pay off in the long run.


You have a business case, you’ve outlined
your solution and vendor criteria, and
management has finally given you the
green light. You’re almost all set! Here’s
just a few last things to consider before
you make your final choice.

Bring in an objective view they could solve those with their ITSM
With your criteria checklists from step 2 in solution. While it might be tempting to
hand, look at trusted and objective review already delve into the technical aspects
platforms, such as Gartner, TrustRadius or of the vendor’s tool, we advise you to
Forrester, to begin collecting information focus on whether their solution is able to
on potential vendors that match your successfully improve your service desk.
criteria and needs. It’s always a good idea
to bring in a second, or even third, view on Time for technicalities
what could be your new ITSM solution. Based on the first live demonstrations,
it’s quite possible that you already have
Make a shortlist and dive in a couple of vendors crossed off your list.
Once you’ve gathered the useful This is the right moment to approach the
information you need, it’s time to make vendors you like best with more specific
a shortlist of candidates. The best way to questions about the technicalities of their
approach your list of potential vendors solution. For reference, review step 2
is to get in touch directly and ask for a once again to freshen up your memory
personal demonstration. Remember the on which elements play a key role in an
questions based on your business case? ITSM tool selection process. For example:
Now is the time to ask them. Let potential how quickly can you get your new
vendors know which current issues you’re solution up and running? Can the system
facing are and get them to show you how integrate easily with 3rd party software?
Is the system flexible?

And don’t hesitate to already inquire
about the more vendor-focused
questions we outlined in step 3. Those
may include topics such as support, local
offices, webinars, trainings, and so on.

Let's talk money - Most ITSM vendor quotes feature an x number of aspects:
Now that you’ve narrowed down your
license or software costs and services.
list, it’s time to talk money. No doubt—
tool features and vendor qualities are - Pay close attention to what's included in the features. For
of utmost importance in the selection instance, a standard solution with an open API will cost less
process. But if the price just isn’t right than a package that requires a lot of customization.
or doable for your circumstance and - Some vendors charge for creating assets, so keep an eye
expectations, then there’s no going on this.
forward. Our tip is to not only look
- Ask the vendor for a clear and complete pricing overview.
at the difference in pricing between
Include the above-mentioned points, but also the hidden,
vendors, but to also pay attention
or less evident, costs. Those may range from 24/5 support
to the pricing breakdown options
and accessing additional learning materials to the time it
provided by each vendor.
will take to implement the tool and the effort to make the
changes you’re looking for.

- Last, but not least, keep flexibility in mind, and see how
scalable the solution is. What do you have to pay extra for
once your organization grows?

Have you found the one?
We’d like to assume that, by this point, you feel confident about finding your perfect match. If this is not
the case, consider looking back over the Buyer’s Guide and re-evaluating some steps of your process. But
if our assumption is correct, then we wish you all the best with your new ITSM solution and hope you’ll be
elevating your service desk to entirely new heights!

Is TOPdesk a good match for you?
If you’re looking for a new ITSM solution, you could consider
TOPdesk. We’re not ones to boast, but our software is
modern, user-friendly and flexible, and we have some really
great people who’ll do whatever it takes to help you.

Getting to know us is easy. You can sign up for the switching

service management tools webinar to learn more about our
software and services. Or you can request a personal demo,
so you can see exactly how we can solve your problems.

Request a personal demo:

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