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How to export Inbox Rules

Before giving you the instructions, know that it is only possible to apply this step-
by-step if you are using the Outlook Client, if you try to import or export through
OWA you will not have these functions available there.

1.) First Open the account information tab in your Outlook Client and click on
Manager Rules & Alerts as shown in the example below:
2.) After clicking it will open a modal with all your email rules, now we will export
the two rules that are listed in the image below, for that click on options:

3.) Then clicking on the options will open the modal with the options, now click on
Export Rules as shown in the image below:
4.) Clicking to export will open a prompt for you to specify the location, name the
file and then click save:

If you have followed the steps and no errors have occurred, you will now be able
to see the file in the location you specified, now we will see how to import these

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