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PSPP Workshop Assignment
Semester 2 A/Y 2022-23 (20%)


A group of student researchers were assessing the relationships between several variables to
respond to the hypotheses for their research project. The students collected the data from 170
participants using Google Forms and downloaded the file as a MS Excel comma separated file.
You are being asked to help the students with the analysis by completing the activities below.

General Information and Submission Requirements

1. Students should complete this assignment in their Major Project Research Group. This
means that the group will submit ONE document to the facilitator.

2. Provide your answers to the questions (interpretation included) in full sentence format.
Show how you arrived at this answer by pasting ONLY the relevant output table BELOW
your answer for each question. It is suggested that students use the Snipping Tool App to
copy the required tables from the PSPP Output file.

3. ONE (1) MS Word file with the requirements in (2) above must be submitted using the
following naming convention: XXX4990 (followed by the surname of the student submitting
the file) where XXX must be replaced by your major code.

4. Each file should have a cover page that shows the major, the name of the facilitator as well as
the name and ID of each member of the group. If a project is submitted without the name
of a student, no marks will be assigned to that individual.

5. All submissions must be made using the Moodle Assignment for your class. No submission
will be accepted via the Facilitators’ email address.

6. The assignment is marked out of 100.

7. Deadline: Saturday, April 15, 2023 (11:59pm)

Data Analysis Requirements

1. Upload the MS Excel CSV Data Analysis Assignment file to PSPP. The file is located on
Moodle in the Data Analysis Workshop files. You are required to paste the PSPP Output file
report for this requirement. (10 Marks)

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Use the following Data Description to complete the uploaded file.

Data Description

Var1 Respondent's identification number (ID)

Var2 Location of residence (LOCATION)

1 Urban
2 Rural

Var3 Respondent's gender (GENDER)

1 Male
2 Female
9 Prefer not to state.

Var4 How Happy do you feel today (FEELINGS)

1 Very Unhappy
2 Unhappy
3 OK
4 Happy
5 Very Happy
6 Prefer not to state.

Var5 Respondent's age (AGE)

Var6 Respondent's religious affiliation (RELIGION)

1 Seventh Day Adventist
2 Catholic
3 Baptist
4 Methodist
5 Other

Var7 Respondent’s mother‘s education - years of schooling (MAEDUC)

Var8 Respondent's highest level of education completed (EDUC)

1 Grade school
2 Some high school
3 High school graduate
4 Some College, but no degree
5 Trade or technical school
6 Associate degree
7 Bachelors degree
8 Post Graduate Degree
9 None

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Var9 Income of respondents (INCOME)
1 Less than $10,000
2 $10,000 to less than $20,000
3 $20,000 to less than $30,000
4 $30,000 to less than $40,000
5 $40,000 to less than $50,000
6 $50,000 to less than $60,000
7 $60,000 to less than $70,000
8 $70,000 to less than $80,000
9 $80,000 to less than $100,000
10 $100,000 or more
99 Prefer not to state

Var10 Respondent's ethnicity (ETHNIC)

1 White
2 Black /African-American
3 Hispanic / Latino
4 American Indian or Alaska Native
5 Pacific Islander
6 Asian
9 Other

Var11 How knowledgeable are you about health issues (GenHealth)

1 Little or no knowledge
2 Knowledgeable
3 Very knowledgeable
9 DK

Var12 How knowledgeable are you about smartphones (GenSmartPhone)

1 Little or no knowledge
2 Knowledgeable
3 Very knowledgeable
9 DK

Var13 How knowledgeable are you about technology (GenTechnology)

1 Little or no knowledge
2 Knowledgeable
3 Very knowledgeable
9 DK

Var14 How knowledgeable are you about the environment (GenEnvironment)

1 Little or no knowledge
2 Knowledgeable
3 Very knowledgeable
9 DK

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Var15 How knowledgeable are you about social media (GenSocialMedia)
1 Little or no knowledge
2 Knowledgeable
3 Very knowledgeable
9 DK

Var16 How knowledgeable are you about Internet Banking (GenInternetBanking)

1 Little or no knowledge
2 Knowledgeable
3 Very knowledgeable
9 DK

2. Data cleaning – all variables with the following values must be declared as missing:

Prefer not to state.

After completing the data cleaning exercise, you are required to paste the PSPP Variable
View screenshot for this requirement. (12 Marks)

3. What are the religions with the highest and second highest frequencies? What percent of the
respondents are affiliated with these religious groups? Report and interpret your answer.

4. What percentage of respondents are high school graduates or lower? In responding to this
question, you are required to provide the breakdown for all the relevant groups.

5. What is the mode, minimum and maximum for the “AGE” variable? What percentage of the
respondents are associated with the mode? (6 Marks)

6. What percentage of the respondents are White or Black/African American? In responding to

this question, you are required to provide the breakdown for the relevant groups. (5 Marks)

7. What percentage of respondents were either “Unhappy” or “Happy”? In responding to this

question, you are required to provide the breakdown for all the relevant groups.

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8. Recode MAEDUC into a new variable – MAEDUC_Levels using the ranges below. You are
required to add the label and value labels for the new variable. Report the modal value for
the variables “MAEDUC” and “MAEDUC_Levels”. What are the percentages for each
mode? What accounts for the difference in the percentages?
For the recode process copy and paste the Output file information displayed. (8 Marks)

Value MAEDUC_Level Value Label

1-6 1 Primary
7 - 12 2 Secondary
13 - 19 3 Tertiary

9. Compute and report the Pearson correlation between the variables “GenTechnology” and
“GenInternetBanking”. In reporting your findings include the significance and the strength
of the relationship as well as the PSPP output table. (7 Marks)

10. For the Income variable report and interpret the mean, median, mode, minimum and
maximum values. (7 Marks)

11. Consider the following variables as items for a proposed “Gen_Knowledge_Index” :


a) Compute the Cronbach’s Alpha for the proposed ‘Gen_Knowledge_Index” index. In

answering this question, you must provide the tables associated with Cronbach Alpha.

b) Can the reliability of this index be improved? Justify your answer. (3 Marks)

c) Using the results of questions 11a-b, create a “Gen_Knowledge_Index” index using the
most appropriate variables. As verification paste the output report from this process.

Tip: Unless you had decided to remove 1 or more items to improve the Croncbach’s
Alpha, the index should be created with all 6 variables. The name of the newly created
index is “Gen_Knowledge_Index.”

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12. Test the following hypotheses:

a) H1: “There is a significant difference in “Gen_Knowledge_Index” based on gender.

(Hint: Independent Samples T-test, “Gen_Knowledge_Index” by “Gender”)

b) H2: There is a significant difference in “Income” based on Ethnicity.

(Hint: One way ANOVA, “Income” by “Ethnicity”) (13 Marks)

For both (a) and (b) above you are required to provide the relevant tables and
analyse your results.

End of Assignment

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