72B Case Study 03 Creative Deviance - Apple Org Chart - (VERSION 1)

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72B Case study 03 Creative Deviance - Apple Org Chart - (VERSION 1)

1. Problem Definition:
The issue that organizations lack and discourage creativity and continuously suppress creative
employees to participate in creating new innovative ideas that might substantially improve the
organization position. This will threaten new ideas and innovation from traditional hierarchical

2. Justification of the Problem

Organization that engages employee in decision making have more opportunities to develop their
business, while hierarchal organization, that tend to standardize work and keep control for top
management believe that any creative idea is threat, and senior managers usually tell their
employees to stop working on the new ideas and to “stick to process” and “do business as usual”,
which may be a result of one or more of following reasons:
- Impatient leadership
- Lack of Innovation Culture
- Fear Of Change
- Lack of ownership
- End-to- End Process
- Inadequate Benchmarking

In the other hand, in some successful organization like Apple had used a strong top-down creative
process in which most major decisions and innovations flowed directly through CEO and then
were delegated to sub-teams as specific assignment to complete.
Then there is a creative deviance in which the individual creates extremely successful product, but
their managers advise them to follow management rules and decisions only. In these cases, an
approach like Apple’s would have shut down some of the most successful products the companies
ever produced.

3. List of Alternatives
To solve the creative deviance issue, there is three alternatives:

1. Set the right mission, vision, and strategy

A company’s vision is, in essence, the firm’s ‘‘ambition in life,’’ a central motive designed
not only to capture the imagination of the entire organization but also to extend boundaries
within the realm of the possible. Stretch is the sine qua non of vision.

2. Create Innovative department:

To encourage creative deviance even within a formal organizational structure, the company may
allocate a creative team/ department to work on a separate innovative line inside the company
and to propose new ideas to top management directly. This will help improving the creativity
levels at a certain company without breaking standardization, the centralization here will come
with a specialty. So, it will be better to centralize things to the one who can really do it.

3. Adding innovation &creativity metrics to employee performance appraisal

This will give significant advantages to the company and the person. Significantly, where
measuring performance will promote the teams and allowing for multiple feedback and continuous

4. Evaluate Alternatives:

1. Set the right mission, vision, and strategy

Setting the right mission, vision and strategy from the early beginning will help organization
determine which organizational structures they need to follow. If the company’s strategy
depends on continuous innovation and that’s what reflects their vision, then they will need to
follow a structure that will help achieve their goals like flat or informal structure. At the other
hand, another company may want to follow the imitation strategy to control their running
activities while being open to creative ideas.
The company strategy service equality and diversity are essential components of health and
social care. Good equality and diversity practices make sure that the services provided to
people are fair and accessible to everyone. They ensure that people are treated as equals, that
people get the dignity and respect they deserve and that their differences are celebrated

2. Create Innovative department:

There should be an independent department reporting to the owner with full control of the
roles and regulation without none of top management involvement, this department will be the
powerful soul motivation to all organization staff including manager and non-manager, it will
provide a space for everyone to express his idea, and this department can expand the
implementation of these ideas, after achieving the required criteria to evaluate them, the
development department should follow some roles and steps to approach the best results:
- Have a strategy and objectives
- Allow everyone to have several timed meetings to discuss his/her ideas
- Communicate with different departments and individuals.
- The department should not demotivate the individual if he/she offered an insufficient or
unachievable idea, nevertheless, it should motivate her/him to grab more and more ideas.
- The department should have a budget to test and justify the serious ideas and if they will be
succeeded to be implemented on a high scale
3. Adding innovation &creativity metrics to employee performance appraisal
Adding innovation and creativity metrics to performance appraisal will promote employees’
creativity and help them to break conventions, question leaders’ decisions and reorganize
knowledge effectively, thus exhibit more creative deviance.
Google one of the first organizations which put KPIs as 10percent of employees working
hours should share innovation ideas with each other’s. and this result best google products.

2. Recommendations
Applying both second and third solution will strongly participate in encouraging creativity in the
organization in addition to measuring and improving this creativity continuously

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