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Case Study 3: OCP Group

Naoual JABRI


PR & Digital Media

Prof. Naziha HOUKI

3rd April 2023

OCP Group

OCP Group, a Moroccan company that is one of the world's largest producers of

phosphate-based fertilizers, has implemented several corporate social responsibilities (CSR),

that is the corporate social responsibility initiatives that showcase the company's corporate


First and foremost, OCP Group has made sustainability a central pillar of its business

strategy. The company recognizes that its operations have a significant impact on the

environment and the communities in which it operates, and it has taken steps to mitigate these

impacts. Based on the video; “Cultivating Conversations: Feeding the Earth: Understanding

Soil Health”2; The video provides an overview of the importance of soil health in sustainable

agriculture, including how healthy soil can improve crop yields, increase soil resilience, and

reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It aims to raise awareness about the importance of soil

health and the need to adopt sustainable agriculture practices to ensure food security and

environmental sustainability.

In addition to its sustainability, OCP Group also demonstrates its corporate values

through its governance and ethical practices. The company has a strong commitment to

Tench, R., & Waddington, S. (2021). Exploring public relations and management
communication. Pearson.

YouTube. (2022, October 11). Cultivating conversations: Feeding the earth:
Understanding soil health. YouTube. Retrieved April 2, 2023, from
transparency and accountability, and it has implemented robust systems for monitoring and

reporting on its environmental and social performance3. 

Overall, OCP Group's CSR initiatives demonstrate the company's commitment to

sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical behavior. By implementing these initiatives,

the company can showcase its corporate values and build trust with its stakeholders, including

customers, employees, and the communities in which it operates.

The company has been in operation for over 100 years and has established its

legitimacy as the world's phosphate provider through a combination of factors, OCP

established partnerships, memberships, and international recognitions; to enhance its

legitimacy as a trusted and reliable supplier of phosphate-based products. Also, a large

production as they are local contributors and global leaders; its production capacity is

unmatched, allowing it to meet the needs of customers worldwide. In addition to that

Innovation is one of the main factors for its legitimacy; for an investor, he will probably first

be interested in the profitability and overall economic performance of the company, but also

in its overall reputation and legitimacy; Since they continually invest in long-term

sustainability strategies as well as in research and development to enhance their goods and

processes, they ensure that the industry is led by them. Excellent production; as they produce

high-quality phosphate-based products that meet international standards, ensuring that

customers receive reliable and consistent products. Finally, the most known factor is its

3 (n.d.). Retrieved April 2, 2023, from
commitment to sustainability; its operations are designed to minimize environmental impact

and contribute to the social and economic development of the communities where it operates4.

Carroll’s matrix is proposed as an analytical tool or framework to help company

managers make sense of their ideas about what the firm should be doing, economically,

legally, ethically, and philanthropically5, concerning its defined stakeholder groups. In the

case of the OCP group, their level of responsibility is shown based on The Niya report and the

Phosboucraa Foundation website; their philosophy is to create long-term value for all its

stakeholders, including its employees, customers, suppliers, and the communities where it

operates, while also ensuring environmental sustainability6. For example, OCP Group has

established the OCP Foundation, which supports education and social development programs

in Morocco and other countries where the company operates.7

In terms of entrepreneurship, the foundation provides training and support for small

businesses and cooperatives to help them become more sustainable and profitable. The

foundation also works on environmental protection, such as supporting reforestation projects

and sustainable agriculture initiatives. 8

Terrab, M. (n.d.). Sustainability Overview. OCP Group. Retrieved April 2, 2023, from
Tench, R., & Waddington, S. (2021). Exploring public relations and management
communication. Pearson.
Community report - Microsoft. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2, 2023, from
The OCP group. OCP Group. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2, 2023, from
One of the strongest factors in OCP’s Group's reputation is their community

engagement, they involve employees in building this reputation as a good global citizen, and

that’s through the Act4Community Program which aims to harness the site's materials and

human resources for local social and economic development. Thanks to this new approach,

OCP has established a relationship based on trust and continuous dialogue with communities,

allowing the company to develop activities that generate as much local shared value as

possible. Committed volunteer employees at OCP sites support Act4community. They work

with local participants to develop relevant projects based on local engagement, discussion,

and joint development. 9

The program provides employees with knowledge and tools to implement sustainable

practices and encourages them to act as sustainability advocates within the company and


OCP Group also involves employees in its sustainability reporting and accountability

efforts. The company regularly reports on its sustainability performance and engages with

stakeholders, including employees, to receive feedback and input on its sustainability

strategies and initiatives.

Overall, OCP Group's strategy for involving workers in establishing its image as a

good corporate citizen shows the company's dedication to sustainability and CSR, as well as

its belief that workers can play a critical role in achieving these objectives.

Terrab, M. (n.d.). Sustainable Agriculture. OCP Group. Retrieved April 2, 2023, from
The OCP factsheets - Microsoft. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2, 2023, from

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