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Have you ever heard about Hilongos? About the Hilongos

Fiestas? About the story of the heritages? Their long lost ancient
bell? About what pushes them to be culture-rooted ? What about
the improvement of their economy in the past years? And about
the rumors and norms of their municipality? Well, if not, here
are some things you need to know.

Hilongos is known for their Cocobud delicacy, puto sikwate, and

puto monggos. Neighboring municipalities say Hilongosnon are
inventive in terms of food, and they give sacrality in terms of
their heritage—that's why they are known for being religious and
culturally rooted people. Neighboring municipalities also claim
that the people in this municipality are impressive in taking
actions to boost economic developments. In fact, in the latest
municipal ranking, Hilongos is classified as a second-class
municipality in Leyte. There is so much more to explore in
Figure 1:
Hilongos. Come on! Let's explore the topics mentioned above.

A Wealth of Culture, History and Scenery


Hilongos is located in the southwestern part of Leyte Province. It is bound in the north by the municipality
of Hindang, in the south by Bato, in the east by the municipalities of Bontoc and Sogod, and in the west by
the Camotes Sea, a rich fishing ground.

It has about 8,500 hectares of land with a slope of 0 to 3 percent that constitute a broad area of level to
nearly level land that is generally suited for rice farming.

In the 2000 Census of Population and Housing, Hilongos registered its second-lowest growth rate of
0.28% since population censuses were first undertaken in 1903. The lowest was recorded in the 1960
census, with 0.05% of its population in 1948.Hilongos had 10,763 households in 2000, up 6.96% from
10,062 in 1995, with an average household size of five people.

Origins and History

The town of Hilongos was first called "Ilong", which means nose. It must have been adopted by the
early inhabitants as a misnomer for the Ilongots, a tribe from Iloilo which first settled in the place.
Artigas however, claims that the name is a corruption of the term "lomos" - to drown - which was a
usual occurrence in the turbulent Salog river which flows nearby.

A migratory Ilongot tribe is believed to be the first settlers of Hilongos, then a thick virgin forest. They
came to the place accidentally as they were pursued by some warlike Malayan sailors. Nomadic as the
first Ilongots were, they cleared out a temporary habitation where big "lipata" trees now stand, a few
hundred meters from the present church palisades.

But the accepted first founders of Hilongos were successive groups of early civilized malays who were
believed to have come from Bohol. This assertion is supported by the fact that some of the present
Hilongosnons, particularly those who founded and settled in the barrios of Concepcion and Catandog
were Boholanos.

Partial accounts describe the pre-Spanish Hilongosnons as cultured Malays. The built their huts with
nipa, sulirap or woven coconut leaves and bamboo which the rich wilderness provided in abundance.
Being semi-nomadic, the lived from hunting and fishing rather than from farming. The more extensive
cultivation of the soil was the task of a later group of settlers whose general mode of living showed a
more advanced culture than their predecessors. These subsequent settlers were also responsible for the
organization of the people as their number increased into tribes, barangays and villages. These tribal
organizations were the beginnings of the present Hilongos.

Pre-Spanish Era

Pre-Spanish Hilongos attained the summit of greatness in the 12th century when Amahawin, a powerful
barangay chieftain, conquered the neighboring barangays extending his territory to the present limits
of Inopacan, Hindang, Bato and Matalom.

The social life of the people were enhanced by the 'anibong' or merrymaking. Gatherings were held
after the harvest seasons. The pagan worship of 'diwatas' and 'anitos' also furthered their social
relations.It is not quite clear when the Spaniards first set foot in Hilongos although it is possible that
they first came two or three decades after Legaspi's arrival in the Philippines.

A certain Datu Magahong ruled the village when the Spaniards arrived. The feeble resistance offered
by the wooden palisades surrounding the settlement was no match for the cannons of the invaders. The
village was razed to the ground.A long period of rebuilding followed the capitulation. The Spaniards,
in respect to Datu Magahong's leadership, made him the first gobernadorcillo after baptizing him and
giving him the name Manuel Manicar. The Spaniards likewise changed the name of the pueblo from
Ilong to Peublo de los Hilongos. Manicar was succeeded by Juan Onson, who is said to have constructed
the first street of the town which today is called Rizal Street.

The real conquest of Hilongos was effected not so much by the Spanish soldiers but by the courageous
and pioneering Spanish missionaries. Fr. Sendino relates that "Hilongos was established in 1737 and
was already listed in that year among the few places in Leyte under the Jesuits." Fr. Leonardo Celis-
Diaz, a native of Cebu who also built the church in Matalom, constructed the present church according
to Fr. Sendino.

The Hilongosnons quickly saw the Truth despite their deeply rooted pagan beliefs. They were
converted to Christianity within a short period of time. In 1778, ten years after the expulsion of the
Jesuits, Fr. Manuel Santos was ministering 4,055 souls. In 1885, the number of Catholics numbered
11,560. The growing number of inhabitants induced the missionaries to make Hilongos a parish before
1737, as Fr. Sendino notes, "prior to neighboring towns." Thus, in 1784, the town of Palompon was
under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of Hilongos.

Spanish Era
During the Spanish era, the education of the youth was in the hands of the friars just like elsewhere in
the Philippines. Artigas claims that "from 1774 to 1779, various municipal schools were established in
Hilongos and six others in more important barrios." The Augustinian friars who took the place of the
Jesuits in 1768 first conducted these schools by the Jesuits and later. When the number of pupils
increased, the Augustinians then trained lay teachers. There were two schools located near the Casa
Real - the present site of the municipal building. Parents, who could afford a higher education, sent
their children to Cebu.

The local Spanish rule was not without discontent for one or two uprisings were staged by disgruntled
elements. In 1862, a certain Manicar in the present barrio of Sta. Margarita led a political uprising. The
cause of his revolt was his being accused of wrongly for conspiring to overthrow the government. With
about 50 armed men, Manicar raided the Casa Real and freed the prisoners. Subsequently, Manicar
was caught and hanged.

After eleven years, a certain Leovio Magia staged another uprising. Magia was a notorious robber.
Owing to this failure to pay his taxes, his domestic animals were confiscated. The made him angry at
the government and he led numerous robberies to show his defiance against Spanish authority. He was
never caught.

American Era

In 1900, the Americans came to Hilongos. Like the first Spaniards, the also met with resistance.
Capitan Francisco Flordelis, the regional commander of the Katipunan from Baybay to Maasin, laid
out the plans to delay the American forces by guerrilla tactics. On a road leading to the town from the
sea, Capitan Kikoy met the Americans in a bloody hand-to-hand encounter. Aided by naval
bombardment, the Americans routed the Filipino defenders. Capitan Kikoy escaped to Barrio Pulta
(now Sta. Margarita) where he established his military headquarters. The Americans in a skirmish later
took this. In Barrio Protection, another encounter took place. The prolonged resistance died down with
the burning of Hilongos in a terrible jues de cuchillo. Important documents were destroyed with the
burning of all buildings, public and residential. The able field commander and brilliant military
strategist Capitan Kikoy was finally killed in the vicinity of the Salog River.

The reorganization of the town was made easy. The affability of the Americans convinced the people
that they were friends and not enemies. In 1904, the Americans confirmed the election of Pedro
Flordelis as the first mayor under the American regime. New roads and town streets were laid out. A
town hall and a market place were constructed. Schools were erected. An American supervisor named
Madeira reorganized the classes and trained native teachers

Related Fields

This municipality has not been short of notable sons and daughters in their own fields of personal
endeavors. In the literary field, there are renowned writers, thespians and noted dramatists like Sergio
Leonor, Floro Valdueza, Pedro Vizcara, Epifanio Rubio and his wife, Meman, Lorenzo Napa,
Senyang, "Ikoy" and other stage actors and actresses.Local drama has not lost its flavor in Hilongos
today and this is due to the untiring efforts of some of the townspeople, Conrado Fulache among them,
who organized the "Banagbanag Dramatic Club."

In the musical field, Hilongos can claim with pride the following sons with notable talents: "Maestro"
Emil, "Asion" Inugay, Laureano Fabular and Kikoy Rio (noted violinist).

In the ecclesiastical field, Hilongos has the following distinguished men and women among others:
Bishop Cipriano Urgel, Msgr. Cesar Garces, Msgr. Cornelio Parado, Fr. Robles and Sor Rosario

The town boasts of two hospitals - one government-financed and the other, privately owned (run by
and American missionary, owned by the Baptist Church). Both are now serving the health needs not
only of the Hilongos townspeople but also of people coming from places as far as Maasin and Baybay.

Hilongos has its own electric plant owned by the Artadi families. This electric entity - the Western
Leyte Electric Company or "Welepco" for short, is lighting the town's homes and streets.

This town is well on its way towards progress in almost all fields of endeavor, and the future seems
bright for its townspeople.

History of Hilongos: Wonders and Attraction

Heritage Sites:
There are a total of 20 churches in Hilongos, Leyte, however, in this paper, we will be only
exploring the.Immaculate Conception Church for it is the famous church in Hilongos and has the
significant history.

Immaculate Conception Parish

The Immaculate Concepcion Parish is located only across the

Municipal Hall. The Church is a 17th century edifice as
presented in the landmark put up by the National
Historical Commission. The “cota” that encircles
the church was constructed in that year to protect
the church from the marauding “moros”.

Hilongos Church is a classic example of a well-preserved fort

(cota) and church. Hilongos way back in 1700’s was already a
parish with its neighboring towns included as its jurisdiction.
Figure 2: The modern Church of Our Lady of the In Palompon, early settlers sailed to Hilongos to attend masses
Immaculate every Sundays.

The belfry of the 270-year old stone church in Hilongos, Leyte and the fortification of stone around
the church was built to protect the early settlers from the onslaught of Moro raids. The frequent Moro raids
made the Leyte churches unique, with fortification of massive coral stones.

The church in Hilongos was buit in 1737, but during the American occupation, a Katipunero, Francisco
“Kikoy” Flordeliz, was forced to surrender by the US forces, but he refused. The whole town of Hilongos
was burned including the church. But the ruin was masterfully renovated not to touch the original
architectural make-up of the structure. The old church is still there, but an extension was built in 1960’s.
The ruin of the altar was transformed into a devotional garden (dagkutanan) with statues of saints and
decorated with ornamental plants and flowers.

It is quite clear that the church complex underwent major renovations over the centuries. The old entrance,
formerly the main entrance to the fort, is now blocked. Area in this side now became a school (St. Therese
School of Hilongos) and the old nave converted to the transept of a new church. A newer convent has been
built inside the fortification that guards many of the church’s antiques including silver vessels from the
18th century. The church interior is completely new in contrast to the convent which may have
been completed in the 19th century.

The bell tower build by Fr. Celis-Diaz is an independent multi-story
structure, now plastered over with Portland cement. Examination of
extant remains indicate that the church and the surrounding walls
were built as one ensemble and is akin to 18th century construction.
Some bastions and walls of the original church’s fortification still
remain. A fortification surrounds the church to which an older church
façade is attached suggesting that the fort was coeval to this old

People of this generation treated these architectural heritage sites

differently, people wanted to make the place integral to modern
fortifications walls and some bastions remain. Now, effort to
preserve and protect the Hilongos church is a joint undertaking of the
parish and the local government unit. History-conscious
Hilongosnons wanted these walls to remain untouched and preserved
the church ruin. Today, only in Hilongos, where we can find
a church with a fortification.
Figure 3: The Old Bell Tower

Alikaraw Festival

Alikaraw is a festival in Hilongos, derived from a Bisaya word

variously meaning "kisaw, kasikas, banha, and aligre." This festival
is held annually on December 31 in the municipality of Hilongos in
the province of Leytea, and aligre." This festival is held annually on
December 31 in the municipality of Hilongos in the province of
Leyte. The Alikaraw Festival is one of the most interesting and
highly entertaining special events in our area. This colorful festival
never fails to amaze tourists and guests, particularly because it
commemorates the ancient ritual of a local tribe in Leyte. At the
same time, this event is a celebration of the rich natural resources
of our place, which boasts pristine forests and beautiful orchids.
During the celebrations, Hilongosnons and other guests witness
enjoyable dance presentations as well as outstanding concerts that
feature many talented homegrown singers.

The Alikaraw festival was a way to show others how creative and wonderful Hilongos and the people that
live there are. During the festival, we have a dance contest wherein different dance groups show Hilongos'
rich history. These groups compete against each other, and the one that wins will be the town's
representative in the Kasadya-an Festival held in Tacloban City, Leyte.
And if you ask why this event is called the Alikaraw Festival, here is a short story to understand the essence
of the said event.

A land replete with a promise of
. The story behind the Alikaraw Festival:
The Petal Fairies have a very important job: together with their magic petals, they help to make sure
that flowers grow and bloom in the human world. They are the ones who are responsible for making
our environment ideal to live in. On Leyte, you will find rare flora and fauna, as well as a garden where
wild flower productions from every zone and clime are united and coexist in peace.The brilliant tropical
flowers are seen at the side of the green grasses, and the aloes are near the periwinkle. Palm trees spread
their fan-like leaves above a grove of acacias, whose white flowers are faintly tinged with red. Orchids
grow in moist branches, blending their sweet colors and crimson glow.The red, pink, and white colored
petals, as well as a thousand flowers that catch the eye but have no name, mingle in harmonious groups
or form beautiful Eden.All these flowers live, breathe, and converse as they exchange odors. It is
believed that fairies dwell in these gardens to protect the flowers.
Of all the flowers that bloom in the forests of Leyte, there is one rare orchid species that Leyteos are
very proud of: the Phalaenopsis orchid, which grows wildly in moist branches. Old stories tell us that
there are three elemental fairies who made it possible for this orchid to bloom for several weeks. The
Water Fairy, Air Fairy, and Light Fairy sway their magical petals to create countless blooms around the
feet of the trees, shrubs, and plants as water and soft wind flow caressing petals around.The petal fairies,
as flower guardians, are responsible for making sweet colors and fresh air in the forest.
However, Leyteños believe that magic and fairies are not enough to make their pride show off with
brilliance. With the faith of the Holy Child, the powerful Sto. Niño, this beautiful orchid will generate
more colorful breeds in the future. More exquisite blooms and scenic gardens will come to reality
through constant praising and prayers to the Holy Child. Thus, people of Hilongos make a constant
ritual to praise with gratitude to the Holy Child for showering their land with enchanting tropical forests
where lovely orchids bloom. There is no definite dance step in the ritual, — yet you seem to be
enveloped by the universal harmony, as in one of the concerts which we hear in our dreams – and this
is the breeze which sighs, murmurs, plays, and sings some melody to every flower.


To summarize what has been stated, Hilongos is one of the fastest-growing municipalities in Leyte—
culturally rich, economically growing, and heritage-preserving. Despite running into many challenges,
Hilongos has continued to strive to lead the Area V-B municipalities to this day—from the day it was
founded until today. Although, in this paper, only a grasp of information has been shared about
Hilongos, it is still indeed true that Hilongos excels as a municipality in the province of Leyte.
Churches, cultures, traditions, and fiestas are several of the many fields where Hilongos is rich, not to
mention their fast economic growth.



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Hilongos, Leyte, Philippines - Philippines. (n.d.). Hilongos, Leyte, Philippines - Philippines. Retrieved
December 15, 2022, from,_Leyte,_Philippines#Your_Story_about_Hilongos

Philippines Tacloban Mission Alumni | Welcome. (n.d.). Philippines Tacloban Mission Alumni |
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HILONGOS: a town & a home. . . (2010, September 20). HILONGOS: A Town & a Home. . .: 2010.
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Appendix B

Appendix A

A Town In the Province of Leyte

A Wealth of Culture, History and Scenery

By: Brian R Luar BSCE 1-B

To: Sir Carlou Ampo

Faculty Member, SLSU-ZAS



Table of Contents
Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 1
Background ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Origins and History ................................................................................................................................. 3
Pre-Spanish Era................................................................................................................................... 3
Spanish Era ......................................................................................................................................... 4
American Era ...................................................................................................................................... 5
Related Fields...................................................................................................................................... 5
History of Hilongos: Wonders and Attraction ........................................................................................ 6
Immaculate Conception Parish ....................................................................................................... 6
Alikaraw Festival ............................................................................................................................ 7
A land replete with a promise of PROSPERITY and PEACE... ..................................................... 8
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Bibliography ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Appendixes .......................................................................................................................................... 11


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