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Arise - Surgir Be – Ser Beat - Golpear

Simple Past Arose Simple Past Was/Wer Simple Past Beat

Past Participle Arisen Past Participle Been Past Participle Beaten

Become -Convertirse Begin - Comenzar Bet - Apostar

Simple Past Became Simple Past Began Simple Past Bet/Bettet
Past Participle Become Past Participle Begun Past Participle Bet/Bettet

Bite - Morder Bleed - Sangra Blow - Soplar

Simple Past Bit Simple Past Bled Simple Past Blew
Past Participle Bitten Past Participle Bled Past Participle Blown

Break - Romper Bring -Traer Built - Construir

Simple Past Broke Simple Past Brought Simple Past Built
Past Participle Broken Past Participle Brought Past Participle Built

Buy - Comprar Catch - Atrapar Choose - Elegir

Simple Past Bought Simple Past Caught Simple Past Chose
Past Participle Bought Past Participle Caught Past Participle Chosen

Come - Venir Cost - Costar Creep- Arrastrarse

Simple Past Came Simple Past Cost Simple Past Crept
Past Participle Come Past Participle Cost Past Participle Crept

Cut - Cortar Deal– Dar/Repartir Do - Hacer

Simple Past Cut Simple Past Dealt Simple Past Did
Past Participle Cut Past Participle Dealt Past Participle Done

Draw - Dibujar Dream - Soñar Drink - Beber

Simple Past Drew Dreamt/
Simple Past dreamet
Simple Past Drank
Past Participle Drawn Dreamt/ Past Participle Drunk
Past Participle dreamet
Drive - Conducir Eat - Comer Fall - Caer
Simple Past Drove Simple Past Ate Simple Past Fell
Past Participle Driven Past Participle Eaten Past Participle Fallen

Feed - Alimentar Feel - Sentir Fight - Pelear

Simple Past Fed Simple Past Felt Simple Past Fought
Past Participle Fed Past Participle Felt Past Participle Fought

Find - Encontrar Fly - Volar Forget - Olvidar

Simple Past Found Simple Past Flew Simple Past Forgot
Past Participle Found Past Participle Flown Past Participle Forgotten

Forgive - Perdonar Get-Tener/Obtener Give - Dar

Simple Past Forgave Simple Past Got Simple Past Gave
Past Participle Forgiven Past Participle Got Past Participle Given

Go - Ir Grow - Crecer Have - Tener

Simple Past Went Simple Past Grew Simple Past Had
Past Participle Gone Past Participle Grown Past Participle Had

Hear - Oir Hit - Golpear Hold-Tener/mantener

Simple Past Heard Simple Past Hit Simple Past Held

Past Participle Heard Past Participle Hit Past Participle Held

Hurt – Herir/doler Keep - Guardar Know - Saber

Simple Past Hurt Simple Past Kept Simple Past Knew
Past Participle Hurt Past Participle Kept Past Participle Known

Learn - Aprender Leave - Dejar Lend - Prestar

Simple Past Learnt Simple Past Left Simple Past Lent
Past Participle Learnt Past Participle Left Past Participle Lent

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