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Course: C1 - Advanced LISTENING COMPREHENSION Lesson: 50 LISTENING TASK MELVIN'S ACCIDENT You will hear an interview with a man called Melvin talking about a life- changing accident he suffered. For questions 1-6, choose or D) which best fits according to what you d. used to coi 3. When Melvin got out of the trailer a. he collapsed due to a strok b. the ladder of the trailer ga c. his friends started to laugh at him because of what he was wearing. ay and he fell to the ground. d. he fell and was taken immediately to hospital. Perfectly Spoken* Page 1of 5 ‘All cours lessons and associated content i copyrightof Perfectly Spoken Limited ~ © Perfectly Spoken 2019. Alrights reserved Course: C1 - Advanced LISTENING COMPREHENSION Lesson: 50 4. Four years on, Melvin a. has made a full recovery from the stroke. b. isno better than he was immediately after the stroke. . has a lot of difficulty eating and drinking. d. has recovered som e had lost after the stroke. e Princess of Wales ho e made more progress. or him to make more, d. his friends ha Perfectly Spoken* Page 20f5 ‘All cours lessons and associated content i copyrightof Perfectly Spoken Limited ~ © Perfectly Spoken 2019. Alrights reserved Course: C1 - Advanced LISTENING COMPREHENSION Lesson: 50 CORRECT ANSWERS 1. What does Melvin do for a living? a. He's working in the building trade. b. He's unemployed but looking for work. c. He retired last yeare d. He's a childminder. 2. Inhis free-timepMelvin a. was a keen hunter and angler. b. wasiinterested in track and field sports. c. was fond of indoor sports. d. used to compete for his country. 3. When/Melvin got out of the trailer a./ he collapsed due to a stroke. b. the ladder of the trailer gave way and he fell to the ground. c. his friends started to laugh at him because of what he was wearing. d. he felland was taken immediately to hospital. 4. Four years on, Melvin a, has made a full recovery from the stroke. b. isno better than he was immediately after thelstroke. c. \has a lot of difficulty eating and drinking. d. has recovered some of the abilities he had lost after the stroke. 5. Melvin's rehabilitation a. takes place at the Princess of Wales hospital in Ely. b. has been sporadic overithelast four years. c. took place in first in the hospitaland now privately d. will have to stop shortly because he's not supple enough to continue. 6. Melvin says that a. he should have made more progress b. there is still time for him to make more of a recovery. c. he is struggling to look after his garden d. his friends have persuaded him to give up shooting. Perfectly Spoken: Page 30f5 Course: C1 - Advanced LISTENING COMPREHENSION Lesson: 50 TRANSCRIPT MELVIN'S ACCIDENT So, can you tell me a bit about yourself My name's Melvin Goodjohn, aged!65) coming)66, now retired. Formerly a builder by trade. Married with one child! What were your Hobbies? My hobbies were basically field sports: which will be shooting and fishing. Country sports as a whole really. OK. And you had an accident a few years ago? | had an accident while | was on a day's shooting with some friends and was. asked to help somebody and as | stepped on to the ladder to get from the trailer, it collapsed and dropped me on to the floor which in itself didn’t seem too much ofa problem and was quite a laugh to most people and | had to laugh as well but as it turnediout, 10 days later | suffered from aistroke that was related to that accident which was ,they reckoned to bedamage an artery in the neck. And how long did it take you to recoVer?)HaVé you recovered? I'm now four years further on., I'm not fully recovered and unlikely to be... to get back to as | was originally. I'm probably about 80% of what | was originally but quite thankful for the fact that | can walk now and I've got full use of my arms and can eat and drink and am completely compos mentis In terms of now, do you do any physiotherapy? For two years | had continual rehab.. rehabilitation at the Princess of Wales in Ely and then they directed me on to some private rehab which I've been continuing... which is more of some exercise. a continuation of some general exercise. It keeps you more supple... it's allowing the nerve endings to regrow and hopefully make all the connections. Perfectly Spoken: Page 4 of 5 Course: C1 - Advanced LISTENING COMPREHENSION Lesson: 50 So that's relatively positive.. How do you see the future? Are you optimistic about the future? Well I'm as optimistic as you can be at the age of 66 years old. When you're getting older, you're going to be slowing up anyway... but I'm pleased with what I've achieved.. and | still think there is room for improvement. I'd like to improve more before old age does set in and you do have to slow up. How do you spend anumber of an continue ‘m Time is still invo friends, I'll put with the shoo ately | still have a lot 0 tly, who take me under thei e association there... a large gal managing to top of now... but look upon it all as a ach time you go out. d ... it's like physio at home really... by I'm exercising jood about it... and it appears to be ben Thank yor Perfectly Spoken* Page5 of 5 ‘All cours lessons and associated content i copyrightof Perfectly Spoken Limited ~ © Perfectly Spoken 2019. Alrights reserved

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