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Course: C1 - Advanced LISTENING COMPREHENSION Lesson: 55 LISTENING TASK ESME WHITE INTERVIEW You will hear Esme White, a celebrated musical actress in her time, and now one of the UK's oldest people being interviewed about her life. For questions 1- 10 com d or short phrase. n 2 g 3 3 3 other because she Esme was je _____ her name. job at_____ of 8! sks who Esme thinks she _____.. kes how Esme _____ going into musics . She lived from her sisters. s of 105. CP RBnNaneaw = 3 3 3 10.Esme feels she Perfectly Spoken* Page1of4 ‘All cours lessons and associated content i copyrightof Perfectly Spoken Limited ~ © Perfectly Spoken 2019. Alrights reserved Course: C1 - Advanced LISTENING COMPREHENSION Lesson: 55 CORRECT ANSWERS 1. Esme was hamed after her grandmother. . She never met her grandmothe N ‘oon after Esme . Esme secretary school. . She tive \s afid€dlGOWhl from her sisters. 3. 4 5. " 6. The inter ended Up going into atre. 7 . 8. 9. Esme di jer age as the ripe old age of 105. Perfectly Spoken* Page2 of 4 ‘All cours lessons and associated content i copyrightof Perfectly Spoken Limited ~ © Perfectly Spoken 2019. Alrights reserved Course: C1 - Advanced LISTENING COMPREHENSION Lesson: 55 TRANSCRIPT EW EW EW EW You were brought up in the south of England? Yes, that's right, in a small village in Kent. | was one of 6 children which ‘was quite common insthOse days. | was named after my grandmother, she was quite a formidable woman by all accounts, she certainly knew her own mind but‘unfortunately she passed away soon after | was born so | don't haveany real memories of her... but | have always hoped that I lived up to hef name! And what was family life like? | was lucky because | had a loving family and a happy childhood... but | certainly didn’t have everything handed to me on a plate... Things weren't so easy growing up, we didn’t have ready money and my father worked hard for every penny. From an early age | was taught the value of money -I had my first job at the tender age of 8! Really? Yes (laughs), it was juStpicking up the rotten apples from the ground in our neighbour's orchard, butjitinstillediin me an appreciation for money and a strong work ethic. Who do you think you take after? Well, I'm told by my siblings that I'm the same as our father! Not in looks, | might add, but our personalities are very similar in that we are very determined, when we want something, we don't give up easily. So how did you end up going into musical theatre? Quite an unusual choice. Perfectly Spoken: Page3 of 4 Course: C1 - Advanced LISTENING COMPREHENSION Lesson: 55 EW Very, it caused quite a few family disagreements, my parents were keen for me to have a more “traditional” career with a guaranteed income... but | have never wanted a conventional life. | dropped out of secretarial college which was quite scandalous in those days and moved to London. It was tough for many, many years, scraping by each month to make the rent for my lodgings. to job | could find and lived in clothes handed d ondon! Near to the theatres and ak when I served a theatrical a history! about now? Do you still keep yo e old age of 105, I'm too long in the to still very much young at heart and I sti -e do you have for any young person list art, don't let anyone talk you out of yi Some va there -thank you for taki fo speak with Perfectly Spoken* Page 4 of 4 ‘All cours lessons and associated content i copyrightof Perfectly Spoken Limited ~ © Perfectly Spoken 2019. Alrights reserved

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