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Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject: 11/Math
Unit/Topic: Rational Expressions and Equations
Lesson Duration: 90 minutes
General Learning Outcomes:
 Develop algebraic reasoning and number sense.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

 4. Determine equivalent forms of rational expressions (limited to numerators and
denominators that are monomials, binomials or trinomials). [C, ME, R]
 5. Perform operations on rational expressions (limited to numerators and denominators that
are monomials, binomials or trinomials). [CN, ME, R]
 6. Solve problems that involve rational equations (limited to numerators and denominators
that are monomials, binomials or trinomials). [C, PS, R]

Students will:
 Solve for x given a rational equation.
 Determine non permissible values of rational expressions.
 Read word problems and derive rational equations that will allow them to solve.

Key Questions:
 How do we multiply and divide rational expressions?
 How do we determine the non-permissible values?
 How do multiplying and dividing rational expressions differ? What do they have in common?
 How do we solve for x using what we know about rational expressions?

 Observe their work when they have work time.
 Are their algebra skills good enough for this unit?

Written/Performance Assessments:
 Partner Activity
 6.4 Quiz


Resource #1: Fun Friday Rationals
● Have worksheets ready to go
Introduction ( 5 min.) Assessments
Getting Started Questions
 Start with entrance slip related to last night’s homework.  Do we understand the
 Ask if anyone has questions about last night’s homework. activity?
 Today we’re going to be doing this partner activity, you
can work in groups of 3 at the most.
 You’re going to find a partner, then together you’re going
to solve all 3 questions on the frontside of your paper.
 When you’re done all 3 questions, you’re going to meet up
with another pair and switch sheets.
 You’re going to look at their answers and they will look at
yours. When you’re all in agreement on the answers for all
6 questions, staple your sheets together and hand it in
with all your names on it.
 There are 4 activities numbered 1-4, meet up with a pair
who did not do the same 3 questions as you.
 Remind them that they will have their 6.4 quiz after this
activity and they’ll have the last 40 minutes of class to do

Body (83 min.) Assessments

Body Observations:
 Walk around, assist, observe the students while they’re  Are they working
working together. together or is 1 person
 Give pointers and tips to students as they’re working taking over?
collaboratively.  Are they getting their
 Give students a 10-minute warning before the end of the answers correct?
activity  How long did it take
 Ask students to hand in their work at approximately 9:43 them to meet up with
 They will have from 9:48 to 10:28 to complete the quiz. another pair?
 Starting handing out the quizzes after they have handed in
their partner activities.
 Allow those who work in the math room to go there.

Conclusion (2 min.) Assessments

 With 5 mins remaining, give them 5 minute warning and
remind them that tomorrow is a review period for their
unit assessment on Thursday
 Collect quizzes and dismiss students.
This lesson was a good change up from the usual for the students. We arranged the desks into groups
of 4, and students were to work with a partner then compare answers with the other partners at their
group afterwards. Students got to peer tutor and work collaboratively. The students helped each
other interpret word problems and derive equations that would allow them to solve them. They did
this as preparation and review for a quiz that they wrote for the second half of class. This got them
warmed up and ready for the quiz as quite a few of them did well on it. I want to do more lessons like
this in the future because I liked how this style of lesson motivated them to engage and try harder. A
downside was that there were so many questions it was hard to get to everyone when they needed
help. This design might need a few tweaks, but overall I think it was a great lesson.

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