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Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 79 (2012) 163–169

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Cadmium toxicity assessment in juveniles of the Austral South America

amphipod Hyalella curvispina
Anabella Giusto a, Lucas A. Somma a, Lucrecia Ferrari a,b,n
Applied Ecophysiology Program, Basic Sciences Department, Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development (INEDES), National University of Luján, Casilla de Correo 221,
B6700ZBA-Luján, Argentina
Scientific Research Commission (CIC), La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Article history: Hyalella curvispina is representative of zoobenthic communities in Austral South America. It is
Received 11 August 2011 taxonomically close to Hyalella azteca and abundant in fresh water bodies of the pampasic region of
Received in revised form Argentina. It is usually used as test organism in ecotoxicological studies at a regional level, and there is
27 December 2011
a strong concern to increase the knowledge of both their biology and their sensitivity to different toxic
Accepted 28 December 2011
agents. The aim of the present work was to assess the effects of cadmium on H. curvispina juveniles
Available online 24 January 2012
exposed to concentrations expected in the water bodies of the distribution area of the species. Survival,
Keywords: growth and cadmium body burden were evaluated in aqueous and solid matrices under fixed
Hyalella curvispina experimental conditions. Animals were exposed in ten-day static toxicity bioassays to 2.5, 5.25 and
11.25 mg Cd/L for the aqueous-phase bioassays, and to 0.85, 2.8 and 5.6 mg Cd/Kg dry sediment for the
Spiked sediment
solid-phase bioassays. In water only assays, the animals exposed to 11.25 mg Cd/L showed a significant
Body burden
Toxicity assessment decrease in survival and growth. In the sediment bioassays, no effect was observed on survival, and
weight was significantly reduced at the highest concentration. Cadmium uptake was concentration
dependent for both assay matrices and one order of magnitude higher in the aqueous medium than in
the solid matrix. Results indicate that juveniles of H. curvispina are sensitive to cadmium concentrations
expected in their environment and thus confirm their importance as test organisms for ecotoxicity
assessment in water bodies within the distribution area of the species.
& 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2005; Borgmann et al., 2005; Alves et al., 2008). H. azteca is

usually found in lentic habitats, such as ponds, and occasionally in
Invertebrates include the largest number of species generally lotic habitats, such as streams, especially those with fine bottom
found at the lower trophic levels. The comparison of the sediments (EPS, 1997). In addition this species is distributed in
responses of invertebrates to toxicants is a priority issue in the Northern Hemisphere from Central Mexico to the borders of
aquatic ecotoxicology (Gourmelon and Ahtiainen, 2007). Particu- Canada and Alaska. However, there is a global tendency to
larly, amphipods play an important role in benthic communities evaluate the impact of polutants on particular aquatic systems
due to their abundance, their detritivorous–herbivorous habits, through ecotoxicological monitoring of native species (Rand et al.,
and the place they occupy as important links between producers 1995; Ferrari et al., 1998; Castro et al., 2006; King et al., 2006;
and higher trophic levels, being involved in the flow of energy Dutra et al., 2008; Giusto and Ferrari, 2008). The need of using
through food chains. native species becomes evident because, among other reasons,
Hyalella azteca is the freshwater amphipod most widely used these species, adapted to the environmental characteristics, may
in ecotoxicology. Its use as a test organism is based on a knowl- provide more realistic results than those obtained from exotic
edge of both their biology and their response to several toxics in species.
different test media and conditions. This information is the result The species used in this work, Hyalella curvispina, is represen-
of decades of study (Borgmann and Munawar, 1989; Ingersoll, tative of zoobenthic communities in Austral South America. It is
1995; Ingersoll et al., 1998; Wang et al., 2004; Bartlett et al., distributed from Cangallo and Rı́o de Janeiro in the North to Punta
Arena and Malvinas Islands in the South (Garcı́a et al., 2010). It is
taxonomically close to H. azteca and abundant in fresh water
Corresponding author at: Programa de Ecofisiologı́a Aplicada, Departamento
de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad Nacional de Luján, Casilla de Correo 221,
bodies of the pampasic region. Taking into account these con-
B6700ZBA-Luján, Argentina. Fax: þ54 23 23425795. siderations, efforts to asses biological effects of sediments and
E-mail address: (L. Ferrari). water contamination on H. curvispina have begun years ago in

0147-6513/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
164 A. Giusto et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 79 (2012) 163–169

Argentina (Di Marzio et al., 1999; Di Marzio et al., 2005; Jergentz 2.2.1. Water-only bioassays
et al., 2004; Doyle, 2007; Garcı́a, 2009; Garcı́a et al., 2010; Peluso, Two 10-day static assays were performed to evaluate the effects of waterborne
cadmium (MHW) on Hyalella curvispina according to the guidelines of EPS (1997)
2011; Peluso et al., 2011; Mugni et al., 2011). Thus, for several
and Garcı́a et al. (2010) with minor modifications.
reasons, including wide geographical distribution, easy laboratory The nominal test concentrations assayed were 0 (control), 5, 10 and 20 mg Cd/L.
breeding, and their being native fauna to the area, there is an These were prepared by dilution from a stock solution of 1 g/L Cd which was
increasing concern to expand the knowledge of both their biology prepared by dissolving CdCl2  2(1/2)H2O (analytical grade) in bidistilled water. The
and their sensitivity to different toxic agents. concentrations range was selected based on values of LC 50–10 day, of 14.52 mg Cd/
L—for this species in similar conditions—which are, in addition, within the range of
Concentrations of cadmium in freshwater environments have cadmium concentrations detected in different regional water bodies (Garcı́a, 2009;
increased substantially as a consequence of anthropogenic activ- Garcı́a et al., 2010). Thus, the concentration of Cd assayed in this work may be
ities. Cadmium is more mobile in aquatic environments than most considered as environmentally relevant.
other metals, and it is regarded as one of the most toxic elements The treatments were conducted in triplicate (except controls, which were
conducted in quadruplicate) in polypropylene bakers of 400 ml. Each replicate
for aquatic organisms; it has a relatively long residence time in
contained 10 animals, 200 ml of the corresponding test solution and a piece of
aquatic systems; for example, the mean residence time calculated gauze of 5 cm2 for substrate, and was supplied with aeration. The bakers were
in Lake Michigan is of 4–10 years (USEPA, 2007). In addition, covered to prevent evaporation. The acceptability criterion of the assays was a
cadmium is one of the recommended substances as reference survival Z 90 percent in the control.
toxicant (USEPA, 1993).
The quality criteria for the protection of freshwater aquatic life 2.2.2. Sediment bioassays
allows concentrations in shallow waters between 0.2 and 4 mg Cd/L The sediment used in spiked sediment toxicity testing was dredged from the
for water hardness from 0 to 60 and above 180 mg CaCO3/L, bottom (up to a depth of 10 cm) of Las Flores Stream (591 070 W and 341 290 S),
a non polluted water body which is used as control sediment (Giusto and Ferrari,
respectively (National Law No. 24051 of Hazardous Wastes, 1991).
2008; Peluso et al., 2011). Heavy metal content in the sediment was undetectable
Regarding freshwater sediment quality values, different guideline or below SQGs and presence of sulfites, cianides or hidrocarbures was not found.
categories (SQGs) have been established. In general terms there are Determinations of organochlorine, organophosphate and pyrethoid pesticides
two threshold levels, one below which effects on the biota rarely reached values lower than detection levels (2 mg/Kg) (Ronco et al., 2008).
At the laboratory, the sediment was homogenized manually, left to dry,
occur [e.g. the lowest effect level (LEL), threshold effect level (TEL),
crushed, sieved (1000 mm), homogenized once more and then stocked dry at
minimal effects threshold (MET), effects range low (ERL) with a room temperature until use.
value of consensus level (TEC)], and one above which effects are For the spiked assays, the stocked dry sediment was rehydrated (1 L
likely to occur [e.g. the toxic effect threshold (TET), severe effect MHW:1 Kg sediment) and allowed to settle for 24 h. After removal of the super-
level (SEL), probable effect level (PEL), effect range median (ERM) natant, subsamples from the sediment were taken to calculate dry weight/wet
weight (dw/ww) ratio (Pasteris et al., 2003), organic matter content and granulo-
with a value of consensus level (PEC)]. For cadmium, TEC is
metric composition (with previous organic matter removal) through Robinson
0.99 mg Cd/Kg ds and PEC is 4.98 mg Cd/Kg ds (Burton, 2002; pipette method (Depetris, 1995).
MacDonald et al., 2000). Cadmium concentration in the polluted Two 10-day static assays were performed following the protocol of USEPA
water bodies of peri-urban areas of Argentina may reach values as (2000) with minor modifications. The concentration nominals tested in the first
assay were 0 (control), 1 and 4 mg Cd/Kg ds. The second assay also included a
high as 700–1700 mg Cd/L (Salibián, 2006) in aqueous media, and
concentration of 8 mg Cd/Kg ds. The range of concentrations was selected accord-
between 2.4–3.2 mg Cd/Kg ds in sediments (Ronco et al., 2008). ing to values of TEC, PEC and SEL for cadmium of 0.99, 4.98 and 10 mg/Kg
The sensitivity of H. curvispina to cadmium in function of age (MacDonald et al., 2000), and cadmium levels measured in freshwater contami-
and exposure time was recently published by Garcı́a et al. (2010). nated sediments of the region ranged between 1 and 3.2 mg/Kg (Ronco et al.,
They conclude that H. curvispina has a high sensitivity to water- 2008). The different concentrations were prepared from the cadmium stock
solution used for water only assays. Spiking was performed according to Giusto
borne Cd, with LC50 values close to the guideline levels for aquatic
and Ferrari (2008), by mixing the required weight of wet sediment (corresponding
biota protection and they suggest that guidelines for cadmium in approximately to 1.5 L), with 2 L of MHW and the required volume of Cd stock
surface water should be reconsidered. Therefore, further studies solution in a 4-L jar. The contents of each jar were manually stirred for 5 min, using
are of major importance. a stainless steel spoon. Jars were then placed in a refrigerator at 4 1C for 14 day.
Stirring was repeated every 3 day. Afterwards, the supernatants from the control
The aim of the present work was to increase the knowledge on
and treatments were discarded and the remaining material was divided into five
the sensitivity of H. curvispina juveniles to cadmium concentrations replicates, each one with 100 ml of treated sediment and 175 ml of MHW (over-
expected in the water bodies of the distribution area of the specie. lying water). The replicates were placed in the experimental chamber under
Survival, growth and cadmium body burden were evaluated in controlled conditions as described above, covered with glass plates to minimize
aqueous and solid matrices under fixed experimental conditions. evaporation and were supplied with aeration. The assay bakers were allowed to
equilibrate for a week before the beginning of the experiment.
Four replicates were performed per treatment, each of which contained 10
animals, and a fifth replicate was also prepared without animals (abiotic control)
2. Material and methods that was used for measured water and sediment cadmium concentrations. The
acceptability criterion of the assays was a survival Z 80 percent in the control.

2.1. Tests organisms

2.2.3. Common experimental procedure for water-only and sediment bioassays
For each assay, juveniles of H. curvispina (3–4.5 mm in length) were sorted At the initial time of the assays, individuals randomly selected from the pool
by sieving from lab cultures maintained in dechlorinated tap water (hardness subjected to acclimation were added to each replicate. The average length and dry
80–90 mg CaCO3/L). They were placed in a plastic container with moderately hard weight were determined from randomly selected individuals of the acclimation
reconstituted water (MHW) (NaHCO3, 96 mg/L; CaSO4  2H2O, 60 mg/L; MgSO4, group just before the beginning of each assay (initial group).
60 mg/L; KCl, 4 mg/L; pH, 7.4–7.8; hardness, 80–100 mg CO3Ca/L) (USEPA, 1993) Each replicate was supplied with 2.5 mg of crushed fish food on days 4 and
into an experimental chamber with programmed temperature and photoperiod 8 of the experiment. The administered amount of food is based on previous
(237 1 1C, 16/8 h Light/Dark). Animals were fed crushed fish food (TetraFins) ad experiences.
libitum and went through this acclimation process during the four days prior to At the end of the assays all surviving individuals in each replicate were put
the assay. All assays were conducted in this chamber under the same temperature 24 h in EDTA 50 mM prepared in clean media for purging the gut (Borgmann et al.,
and photoperiod regime, using MHW as dilution medium. 1991). Then they were fixed by freezing at  20 1C and stored until further
The endpoints of effect considered at the end of the bioassays were survival,
growth (biomass and length) relative to those in the control and initial groups and
2.2. Assays Cd tissue accumulation. For water-only bioassays the survival was checked at 1, 2,
4, 7 and 10 day; in the sediments assays survival was checked at final time.
Two series of experiments were carried out: water only and spiked sediment The length of survivors, defined as the distance from the base of the first pair
assays. of antennae to the tip of the telson, was measured with a digital caliper (to the
A. Giusto et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 79 (2012) 163–169 165

nearest 0.01 mm) under a stereoscopic microscope, holding the animal in a related to its adsorption onto the substrate and/or particulate
stretched position (Doyle and Momo, 2009). Surviving animals were individually
matter and also as precipitation of otavite (CdCO3) (Mastrangelo
dried at 60 1C for at least 48 h and weighed in a Mettler Analytical Balance
(accuracy Z0.01 mg). The biomass was expressed as dry weight. These dried et al., 2011). Based on this, the exposure values were estimated as
samples were used for determination of body cadmium content, according to the the average of the mean effective concentrations between the
protocol of Borgmann et al. (1991), with modifications. Pooled individuals of the initial and final times. Accordingly, henceforward the nominal
same replicate (approximately 4 mg of mass) were placed in 100 ml HNO3 for a concentrations, 5, 10 and 20 mg Cd/L, are referred as 2.5, 5.25 and
week, followed by the addition of 65.5 ml of H2O2; after 24 h, the solution was
brought up to volume 5 ml with Milli-Q water and destined for analytical
11.25 mg Cd/L, respectively.
procedure. Under experimental conditions, a significant decrease of the
survival was observed only at the highest concentration tested
2.3. Analytical procedure (11.25 mg Cd/L) from seven days exposure onward (Fig. 1A).
Animals increased their length and biomass in all treatments,
The following variables were measured in the matrices assays: dissolved but increase was smaller in the highest Cd exposure group, of
oxygen, pH and conductivity with sensors (oxymeter Hanna [ 7 0.1 mg/L], which length and biomass differ significantly from the other
pH meter Mettler [ 7 0.01 mg/L], conductimeter Consort C532 [ 70.1 mS/cm]
groups (Fig. 1B and C). At final exposure time the length and
respectively); ammonia concentration using a Spectroquant test kit (Merck) with
a measuring range 0.03–3 mg/L NH4þ ; and water hardness, estimated by the
biomass of surviving animals from 2.5 and 5.25 mg Cd/L treated
volumetric method, with the Aquamerck test kit (Merck, sensitivity of 1 mg/L groups did not show a significant decrease with respect to those
CaCO3). of the control group (Fig. 1B and C).
For determining cadmium concentrations in aqueous matrix and overlying
water, a sample from each concentration was preserved with 0.15 percent nitric
acid and refrigerated until processing. For sediment assays, a sample of each
3.2. Sediment bioassays
treatment was subjected to digestion by multi-acid attack prior to the determina-
tion of the analytical cadmium concentration. All cadmium determinations were
done using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICPES, The grain size distribution analysis showed: Sand (61 percent),
Perkin-ElmerOptima-3100 Icp-XL) with a method detection limit o 1 mg Cd/L Clay (12 percent) and Silt (27 percent) with 6.9 percent of organic
(APHA, 1995) in water and 0.25 mg/kg in sediment. matter.
The measured concentrations of cadmium in the sediment
2.4. Statistical analysis
(Table 2) remained stable during the assay period but were from
15 to 30 percent lower than the nominal values. On this basis, the
The statistical significance of differences between treatments for survival and
exposure values corresponding to the nominal concentrations
growth was evaluated. The Shapiro–Wilk test and the Levene test were used to
assess normality and homoscedasticity, respectively. Only weight data in sedi- 1, 4 and 8 mg Cd/Kg ds were estimated as the average of the mean
ment fulfilled the normality and homoscedasticity assumptions and were ana- analytical concentrations between the initial and final times, so
lyzed through one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test. Remaining data were the exposure concentrations are referred as 0.85, 2.8 and 5.6 mg
analyzed with the Kruskal–Wallis test followed by multiple comparisons
Cd/Kg ds.
(Zar, 1999). Statistical analyses were performed with Infostat Program. Signifi-
cance was set at p o0.05. The physico-chemical parameters at initial and final times of
the overlying water are shown in Table 2. In all cases, these
parameters were within the range expected under standard
3. Results bioassay conditions and within the acceptable values according
to the standard guide for determination of the bioaccumulation of
3.1. Water-only bioassays sediment-associated contaminants by benthic invertebrates
(Van Geest et al., 2010). The concentrations of cadmium of the
Physico-chemical parameters and measured concentrations of overlying water at initial and final exposure times were not
cadmium at initial and final times of the assays media are shown detectable in all treatments (Table 2).
in Table 1. Since there is no significant variation between treat- The group treated with 5.6 mg Cd/Kg ds showed a tendency to
ment and exposure time for any of the registered parameters decrease survival, but it did not differ significantly from the
except for cadmium concentration, it is reasonable to assume that control (Fig. 2A). The control and the three treated groups showed
the results obtained were due to cadmium. The measures of a significant increase in length compared to the initial group. No
cadmium from lowest to highest concentration were, 60, 70 and significant differences in length were found between treatments
80 percent of the nominal values at initial experimental time and (Fig. 2B). In relation to biomass the animals exposed to the
show a decrease of 1.5, 2 and 2.5 times, respectively, at exposure highest concentration were affected: their weight was signifi-
final time (Table 1). Besides the Cd uptake by animals, this ‘‘loss’’ cantly lower to that of control group and of animals exposed to
of cadmium is expected in a water static system and is probably 0.85 and 2.8, but did not differ from the initial group (Fig. 2C).

Table 1
Water-only bioassays. Cadmium concentrations measured in solution, physicochemical parameters and cadmium body burden measured in the survival animals.

Mean measured concentration 0 lg Cd/L (Control) 2.5 lg Cd/L 5.25 lg Cd/L 11.25 lg Cd/L

Parameters registered Ti Tf Ti Tf Ti Tf Ti Tf

Measured Cd (mgCd/L) o 1.07 0.0 (2) o 1.07 0.0 (2) 3.07 0.2 (2) 2.07 0.1 (2) 7.0 71.0 (2) 3.5 70.7 (2) 16.0 71.0 (2) 6.57 0.7 (2)
pH 8.27 0.0 (2) 8.07 0.3 (8) 8.1 70.0 (2) 8.1 70.3 (6) 8.1 7 0.0 (2) 8.1 70.2 (6) 8.1 70.0 (2) 8.07 0.3 (6)
OD (mg/L) 8.37 0.5 (2) 6.67 1.2 (8) 8.3 70.4 (2) 6.7 71.3 (6) 8.2 7 0.4 (2) 6.9 70.9 (6) 8.3 70.3 (2) 6.77 1.3 (6)
Hardness (mmol/L) 0.97 0.1 (2) 1.07 0.1 (3) 1.07 0.1 (2) 1.07 0.1 (3) 1.0 70.1 (2) 1.07 0.1 (3) 1.07 0.1 (2) 1.07 0.1 (3)
Conductivity (mS/cm) 5087 15 (2) 538 730 (8) 506 715 (2) 530 736 (6) 500 79 (2) 535 732 (6) 501 79 (2) 5407 29 (6)
NH4þ (mg/L) 0.0 (2) 0.27 0.1 (3) 0.0 (2) 0.27 0.1 (3) 0.0 (2) 0.27 0.1 (3) 0.0 (2) 0.37 0.0 (3)

Cadmium body burden

Body burden (mgCd/g dry weight) ND (6) 80 7 20 (6) 140 740 (6) 219 740 (3)

Values are expressed as mean 7 SD both assays; n between brackets. Ti: initial time; Tf: final time; ND: not detected.
166 A. Giusto et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 79 (2012) 163–169

body burden (  220 mg Cd/g dry weight) represents the Cd body

120 burden of 55 percent of the surviving animals (see Fig. 1A). Thus,
under the experimental conditions assayed, it could be equated to
100 the expected Cd load for the LC50 of this species at this age. As for
assayed concentrations, in spiked-sediment assays body cadmium
80 concentration was one order of magnitude lower than in water
Survival (%)

only assays and shows the same tendency to increase with the
60 exposure concentration. It should also be noted that cadmium
∗ body burden of 20 mg Cd/g dry weight is associated to a survival
40 a rate similar to control. (Table 2 and Fig. 2A).

Control 2.5μgCd/L 5.25μgCd/L 11.25μgCd/L
4. Discussion
0 1 2 4 7 10
In order to establish guide levels for cadmium for the protec-
tion of aquatic life, the sensitivity of 21 genera of aquatic
organisms to chronic exposure was determined and Hyalella
6 ranked within the four most sensitive genera (Mebane, 2006).
The toxicity of cadmium depends on the free Cd ion concentration
a a a a,b
5 (i.e., bioavailable Cd), which varies according to the composition
of the exposure media. In this sense, a complex variety of abiotic
4 and biotic processes affect the cadmium speciation and its
environmental distribution, including adsorption onto and deso-
Lenght (mm)

rption from mineral surfaces, incorporation in precipitates or

coprecipitates, release through the dissolution of minerals, and
interaction with plants and microorganisms. Some of these
processes can effectively isolate heavy metals from the media,
whereas others can release them or transform into different
1 species that may be more or less bioavailable, thus affecting their
toxicity to organisms (Sorensen et al., 1985; Brown et al., 1999;
0 Onyatta and Huang, 1999). Consequently, the dilution media,
Initial group Control 2.5 5.25 11.25 assay conditions tested (e.g. water hardness, pH, temperature,
Treatments (μgCd/L) feeding), and also, the species, life stage of the organisms, health
status, etc. result in a great variability of the toxic effects of
0.8 cadmium. For freshwater invertebrates, if the LC50 is considered
as endpoint, the most sensitive species seems to be Hyalella
0.7 a a a a,b curvispina at the neonate stage, (LC50 96 h of 0.00171 mg/L), while
0.6 the most resistant seems to be Artemia salina (LC50 96 h of
Dry Weight (mg/ind)

160 mg/L) (Achiorno et al., 2010). So, the wide variability in the
0.5 LC50 values reported in the literature is related not only to the
interspecific variability, but also to the differences in assay
conditions, not always reported correctly. This background of
0.3 variability and uncertainty makes comparisons more difficult.
Garcı́a et al. (2010) reported the differential sensitivity to Cd in
0.2 aqueous matrix for neonates, juveniles and adults of H. curvispina
0.1 at identical exposure conditions. They suggest juveniles are the
most appropriate stage for their use in environmental monitoring
0 with LC50 of 29.99 mg Cd/L (96 h) and 14.52 mg Cd/L (10 day). It is
Initial group Control 2.5 5.25 11.25
important to note that quantifiable effects on survival and growth
Treatments (μgCd/L)
were found only at cadmium concentration levels near those of
Fig. 1. Values mean 7 SEM of survival (A), length (B) and dry weight (C) of H. LC50 10 day for this species at this stage in a comparable dilution
curvispina exposed to different concentrations of cadmium in MHW. ‘‘n’’ indicates medium. Therefore in aqueous-phase under these experimental
significant difference of group exposed at 11.25 mg Cd/L respects to the control and the conditions, survival and growth will be similarly sensitive indi-
others group; ‘‘a’’ indicates significant difference from the initial group and ‘‘b’’ cators of cadmium toxicity for H. curvispina (Fig. 1).
indicates significant difference from the control group and 2.5 mg Cd/L.
The process of metal accumulation by an invertebrate depends
on a variety of intrinsic and extrinsic factors, but the functional
3.3. Cadmium body burden anatomy of digestive organs and gill epithelia, as well as the
physiology of an organism, play dominant roles in controlling
The body cadmium content for water only and spiked-sedi- accumulation processes (Dallinger, 1994). In invertebrates such as
ment assays are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Results of Eisenia fetida, Nereis virens, Gammarus zaddachi and G. salinus and
cadmium body burden in animals revealed that the exposure H. azteca, cadmium in aqueous phase showed a rapid uptake,
period was long enough to accumulate cadmium in the tissue of which increased with time and exposure concentration
animals exposed to contaminated water and sediment in detect- (Shuhaimi-Othman and Pascoe, 2007; Shuhaimi-Othman et al.,
able concentrations. In water only assays, cadmium uptake 2002). H. azteca adults (CL50-312 h:5.8 mg Cd/L) exposed for
increased significantly with the exposure concentration. It is 120 h to 4.4 mg Cd/L in hard water showed a cadmium body
important to note that at 11.25 mg Cd/L exposure, the registered burden near 50 mg Cd/g dw (Shuhaimi-Othmann and Pascoe,
A. Giusto et al. / Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 79 (2012) 163–169 167

Table 2
Sediment bioassays. Cadmium concentrations measured in the sediment. Physicochemical parameters and analytical cadmium concentration in the overlying water.
Cadmium body burden measured in the survival animals.

Mean measured concentration 0 mgCd/Kg (Control) 0.85 mgCd/Kg 2.8 mgCd/Kg 5.6 mgCd/Kg

Parameters registered Ti Tf Ti Tf Ti Tf Ti Tf

Measured Cd (mgCd/Kg) o0.25 (2) o0.25 (2) 0.957 0.07 (2) 0.757 0.07 (2) 2.99 70.01 (2) 2.547 0.09 (2) 5.5 (1) 5.7 (1)

Overlying water
Measured Cd (mgCd/L) o1.0 70.0 (2) o1.0 7 0.0 (2) o 1.07 0.0 (2) o 1.07 0.0 (2) o 1.07 0.0 (2) o 1.07 0.0 (2) o1.0 70.0 (1) o1.0 7 0.0 (1)
pH 8.5 7 0.0 (8) 8.4 7 0.0 (8) 8.47 0.1 (8) 8.47 0.0 (8) 8.57 0.0 (8) 8.37 0.1 (8) 8.5 7 0.0 (8) 8.3 7 0.1 (8)
OD (mg/L) 7.4 7 0.9 (8) 6.7 7 0.4 (8) 7.07 1.0 (8) 6.77 0.3 (8) 7.57 0.5 (8) 6.27 0.5 (8) 7.2 7 0.1 (8) 6.6 7 0.0 (8)
Hardness (mmol/L) 1.8 7 0.2 (6) 1.6 7 0.0 (3) 1.97 0.2 (6) 1.87 0.1 (3) 1.87 0.1 (6) 1.97 0.0 (3) 2.1 7 0.2 (3) 2.1 7 0.2 (2)
Conductivity (mS/cm) 917 7 41 (8) 788 7 15 (8) 9787 11 (8) 817 729 (8) 9507 28 (8) 8377 35 (8) 968 7 49 (8) 905 7 35 (8)
NH4þ (mg/L) 5.9 7 0.3 (4) 0.2 7 0.0 (2) 5.67 0.3 (4) 0.17 0.0 (2) 5.97 0.5 (4) 0.27 0.0 (2) 4.3 7 0.8 (2) 0.2 (1)

Cadmium body burden

(mgCd/g dry weight) ND (2) ND (2) 10 7 2 (2) 21 7 4 (2)

Values are expressed as mean 7 SD both assays; n between brackets. Ti: initial time; Tf: final time; ND: not detected.

2007). The accumulated body burden of cadmium registered in H. parameters relevant to the equilibrium partitioning and potential
curvispina juveniles was two to three times greater than those toxicity of metals in sediments. In this sense, it should be
seen for H. azteca exposed to comparable concentrations (80 and considered that the granulometric composition used by Milani
140 mg Cd/g dw for 2.5 and 5.25 mg Cd/L, respectively). Despite et al. (2003) contained a lower proportion of sand than the one
the high bioaccumulation found at these concentrations, the used in this study, thus possibly reducing the metal availability
mean Cd body burdens in H. curvispina (219 mg Cd/g dw) asso- for the animals.
ciated with survival diminution was observed only at a higher Cadmium uptake by H. curvispina was concentration-depen-
mean concentration exposure of 11.25 mg Cd/L. So, in function of dant and quantitatively lower in the whole sediment assay
the results obtained, it could be assumed that in H. curvispina compared to the water-only assay. Taking into account that there
juveniles body burden values Z200 mg Cd/g dw may be related to was no cadmium uptake from the overlying water (see Table 2),
high mortality (Table 1, Fig. 1). it must be considered that the uptake route of the metal is from
This is the first report of bioaccumulation of cadmium in the sediment and significantly lower than that from the aqueous
H. curvispina and it can be inferred from this study that matrix. In those animals exposed to the lowest assay concentra-
H. curvispina posses the ability to concentrate large amounts of tion in water (2.5 mg Cd/L), body burden was higher than all the
cadmium in their tissues. concentrations assayed in sediment. Therefore, the lower increase
Sediments are ecologically important because they mediate in biomass registered in animals exposed to 5.6 mg Cd/Kg ds
chemical exchange among the particulate, dissolved and biological (Fig. 2C) would be a consequence of other factors such as a
phases. They provide a valuable indication of overall environmental reduction in the intake and/or a metabolism increase and not of
contamination (Borgmann et al., 2005). In the last decades, impor- the metal uptake. As higher levels of enzymes are synonymous
tant efforts to determine sediment ecotoxicity have been made by with higher detoxification capability, higher levels of metals can
scientists and authorities. Thus, many bioassays have been devel- be stored inside organisms without deleterious effects (Pastorinho
oped with benthic species, being amphipods usually chosen as test et al., 2009). It is worthwhile to study whether the large amounts of
organism (ASTM, 1995; USEPA, 2000). Most of the numerous cadmium accumulated in the tissues of H. curvispina would be
sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) were developed to assist reg- transferred through the food chain to higher trophic levels, posing a
ulators in dealing with contaminated sediments based on data potential ecotoxicological risk.
obtained from North America (Burton, 2002). The specific applic-
ability of the SQGs to a particular geographical region is uncertain
due to differences in geography (e.g. temperature, salinity, geological 5. Conclusion
formation). This study presents the first results of sediment Cd
exposure effects in a freshwater amphipod species of the Southern Under the experimental conditions juveniles of H. curvispina
Hemisphere. proved to be sensitive to ecologically relevant Cd concentrations,
H. curvispina exposed to the metal for 10 day were not affected in both the solid and aqueous matrix. In sediment assays,
for survival nor length; only animals exposed to the highest response was quantifiable in values close to guidelines, thus
assayed concentration (5.6 mg Cd/Kg ds) showed a reduction of possibly validating the interim use in this region of the consen-
approximately 20 percent of their biomass, and it is important to sus-based SQGs for Cd developed in the Northern Hemisphere.
note that this response was obtained at concentrations close to Animals showed a significant capacity of Cd accumulation in their
the consensus based PEC of 4.98 mg Cd/kg (Burton, 2002). These tissue. These results reassert the importance of juveniles of
results could be useful for the validation of the use of these H. curvispina as a species suitable for assays of ecotoxicity assess-
guidelines at a regional level. Milani et al. (2003) studied the ment in water bodies within the distribution area of the species.
effect of cadmium on H. azteca individuals exposed to contami-
nated sediments for 28 day and found that 10 mg Cd/Kg sediment
caused a growth inhibition of 25 percent while the LC50 was of Acknowledgments
33 mg Cd/Kg. Comparison of metal toxicity in contaminated
sediments is difficult because of differences between the sedi- This work was supported by grants from the National
ments used, i.e., granulometry, TOC and AVS, among other University of Lujan, CIC-BsAs. Argentina and MINCyT/SPU/PPUA
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