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Net Profit as per P&L 345,584

Less: Non business income
Dividend (45000)
Rental (28,000) (73,000)
Add: Non allowable expenses
Depreciation 50,000
Donation 7,000
Entertainment (50% x 18000) 9,000
General bad debts 2,000
Partnership expenses:
Salaries -
Adam (3500 x12) 42,000
Bazli (4000 x 12) 48,000
Chong (4000 x 12) 48,000 138,000
Interest on capital -
Adam (50000 x10%) 5,000
Bazli (30000 x 10%) 3,000
Chong (30000 x 10%) 3,000 11,000
Adam (3500 x12 x 12%) 5,040
Bazli (4000 x 12 x 12%) 5,760
Chong (4000 x 12 x 12%) 5,760 16,560
Partner’s drawing / Personal expenses:
Catering cost 21,600
Leave passage 5,600
Van running expenses
(20% x 6400) - Bazli 1,280
Computer- Adam’s daughter 4,000 266,040
Less: Double deduction
Salary of disabled clerk (800 x 12) (9,600)
Provisional adjusted income 529,024
Less: Partnership expenses
Salaries 138,000
Interest on Capital 11,000
EPF 16,560
Partner’s drawing/ Personal expenses 32,480 (198,040)
Divisible income 330,984

Adam Bazli Chong
Ratio 50% 25% 25%
Allocation of business:
Divisible income *W1 165,492 82,746 82,746
Salaries 42,000 48,000 48,000
Interest on capital 5,000 3,000 3,000
EPF 5,040 5,760 5,760
Partner’s Personal expenses:
Catering cost – Adam’s dinner 21,600 - -
Leave passage- Chong - - 5,600
Van running expenses – Bazli
(20% x 6400) - 1,280 -
Computer- Adam’s daughter 4,000 - -
Adjusted business income 243,132 140,786 145,106
Add: Balancing charge (W1) 750 375 375
Less: Capital allowance (W1) (2,500) (1,250) (1,250)
Business statutory Income 241,382 139,911 144,231
Add: Other Income:
Dividend exempted exempted exempted
Rental 14,000 7,000 7,000
Aggregate Income 255,382 146,911 151,231
Less: Approved Donation (3,500) (1,750) (1,750)
TOTAL INCOME 251,882 145,161 149,481


Adam Bazli Chong

50% 25% 25%
Divisible income - 330,984 165,492 82,746 82,746
Balancing charge – 1500 750 375 375
Capital Allowance – 5000 2,500 1,250 1,250
Approved Donation -7000 3,500 1,750 1,750
Rental - 28000 14,000 7,000 7,000

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