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Restoring Image using Clonezilla

1. Plug in a USB keyboard and the USB TCS John Huxley supplied into the display
2. Turn on the display and repeatedly press the DELETE button
3. A blue screen will appear (this is the BIOS) Press the left arrow to get to the SAVE AND EXIT tab
4. Press the down arrow until you get near the bottom, you are looking for your USB, it will be the one above the
UEFI option i.e. Generic USB, Kingston, Sony USB
5. Once highlighted, press ENTER and the display will reboot
6. Press “Enter” for Clonezilla Live.

7. Select Language of your choice.

8. Choose “Don’t touch keymap”.

9. Choose “Start Clonezilla”.

10. Choose “device-image”.

11. Choose “skip”.

12. Press “Enter” to continue. ***You may not be able to see press “ENTER” to continue due to screen size, go
ahead and press enter after a few seconds of inactivity.***

13. Choose “Beginner Mode” and press “Enter”.

14. Choose “restoredisk” to restore the image and press “Enter”.

15. Choose the image file to restore and press “Enter”. ***Your files will differ from what is seen here, this is a
generic image.***
16. Choose the target drive where the image is to be restored to. And, press “Enter”.

17. Press “Enter” to continue. ***You may not be able to see press “ENTER” to continue due to screen size, go
ahead and press enter after a few seconds of inactivity.***

18. “y” to continue and press “Enter”. ***You may not be able to see Are you sure you want to continue? due to
screen size, go ahead and press ‘y’ and enter after a few seconds of inactivity.***

19. “y” to continue and press “Enter”. ***You may not be able to see Are you sure you want to continue? due to
screen size, go ahead and press ‘y’ and enter after a few seconds of inactivity.***
20. Wait for disk restoring process to complete.

21. Press “Enter” to complete the disk restore process. ***You may not be able to see press “ENTER” to continue
due to screen size, go ahead and press enter after a few seconds of inactivity.***

22. Choose “Poweroff” and press “Enter” to shutdown the PC.

23. Remove the USB thumb drive and start the PC as normal operation.

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