The Power He Knows Not

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The Power He Knows Not

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F, F/M, Multi
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationship: Susan Bones/Harry Potter, Daphne Greengrass/Harry Potter, Gabrielle
Delacour/Harry Potter, Padma Patil/Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Ginny
Weasley, Harry/Multi, Luna Lovegood/Harry Potter
Character: Harry Potter, Susan Bones, Daphne Greengrass, Gabrielle Delacour,
Padma Patil, Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger, Amelia Bones, Sirius
Additional Tags: No character bashing, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Porn
With Plot, Porn with Feelings, Alternate Universe - Soulmates,
Hogwarts starts at fifteen, Wizarding Politics (Harry Potter), Wizarding
Culture (Harry Potter), Polyamory, BDSM, Explicit Sexual Content, Kink
Exploration, Adventure & Romance, Threesome - F/F/M, Threesome -
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-10-28 Updated: 2022-12-20 Chapters: 8/? Words:

The Power He Knows Not

by Magical_Worlds


James and Lily Potter were no fools. When they learn of the prophecy, they enact their own
plan to make sure Harry would eventually end up with his soulmate. A contingency to
ensure someone would always have their son's back in the fights to come, in case something
happened to them...

The only thing they couldn't plan for?

The possibility that he had more than one soulmate.


I didn't want to write a generic Harry/Multi story, where you could switch one partner for
another and it would make no difference to the scene. Harry's every partner has their own
unique dynamic with him and the others, different personalities, and sexual preferences.

There will be morally gray characters. There will be flawed characters. There will be no
The story starts with the Triwizard Tournament. I'm not a big fan of infodumps, so instead
of me just laying it all out in chapter 1, past histories (For example, Amelia's past with
Harry) and relationships will be organically explored as the story progresses and through
The Triwizard Tournament
Chapter Notes

Chapter Specific Warnings: Risky Sex, Semi-Public, Teasing.

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Worried sea-green eyes studied Harry as the dejected boy trudged through the library. Everyone
visibly recoiled when he passed their table. Their behavior disgusted Susan. All he’d done was
seemingly talk to a snake. A snake conjured by Draco Malfoy of all people.

Now everyone seemed to believe he was the one behind all the attacks in the castle.

“I’m just saying, only a wizard with truly dark powers could defeat You-Know-Who,” Justin
Finch-Fletchley proclaimed loudly as Harry passed their table. Susan frowned when she saw Harry
flinch visibly, and he skipped the table next to theirs in favor of the one in the very corner, as far
away from everyone as he could manage. Justin’s pompous know-it-all attitude irritated her on
most days, today, she found it downright disgusting.

“I suppose that means Professor Dumbledore is the greatest dark wizard of our time?!” Susan
snarled, angrily pushing her chair away from the desk and getting up. She ignored the reproachful
look Madame Pince shot in her direction and the confused looks of her own housemates.
“Hufflepuffs are supposed to be kind ,” she hissed, snatching her bag from the table.

She dug around in it as she slowly walked over to Harry, pulling out a crumpled photograph from
the bag. She paused and took a second to study the faded photograph, smiling at the red-headed
girl and the black-haired boy whizzing around on toy broomsticks while their parents watched and

He wasn’t evil. He couldn’t be evil.

She let out a sigh, trying to build up her courage. He was all alone. Hadn’t their parents activated
their bond for the very reason that they should be there for each other when needed?

He needs a friend right now.

She sighed again and looked at the photograph one last time, before walking over to Harry Potter
with a determined expression on her face.

“The Triwizard Tournament, Albus?” Amelia Bones’ hawkish gray eyes studied the wizened face
of the Headmaster.

“You made your views on the tournament quite clear in Wizengamot, Madame Bones,”
Dumbledore conceded, locking his fingers together and studying his late-night visitor’s furious
“I take poorly to an incompetent Minister putting our children in grave danger to distract the world
from a scandal of his making.” She paused, taking a deep breath to calm herself. “He needed the
papers to talk about something, anything other than the debacle at the World Cup. The
Wizengamot enabled him in his pursuit despite my objections. The matter is dead and buried
Albus. It’s not why I’m here.”

“You’re here about Harry.”

“Prescient, as always, Albus. He does not belong in the Tournament. He’s three years too young,
and there has never been a fourth champion.”

“His name emerged from the cup, Amelia. He is bound by law and the magic of the tournament to

“There is nothing you will do?” Her nostrils flared. She had gone along with her old friend’s
madness for far too long. Letting him take Harry from her all those years ago had perhaps been a
necessity, even if being forced to have no contact with a boy she was supposed to have raised, a
child she had once doted on had left a bad taste in her mouth. She had kept tabs on those Muggle
relatives of his as best she could given the constraints of the blood wards, and it amazed her to no
end that Harry had grown up to be the thoughtful and quiet young man Susan told him he was.
“I’ve always deferred to your better judgment when it comes to Harry, Albus. Not in this. You will
pull him out, or I shall start court proceedings to have my guardianship rights restored.” Their
world still worshipped Albus Dumbledore. She doubted she could actually get Wizengamot to rule
in her favor, but she hoped the threat of unwanted publicity would be enough to get him to soften
his stance.

“Amelia, you don’t understand. I can’t do anything,” Dumbledore explained, leaning back in his
chair with an exasperated sigh. “I asked Barty to postpone the first task so Alastor has the time to
examine the Goblet for signs of tampering. He flat-out refused. Both he and Bagman are
determined to make sure that Harry participates in the tournament. Barty went so far as to threaten
to have mine, Minvera’s, and Harry’s wands snapped and our magic suppressed by Unspeakables
when Minvera and I confronted him. You know just as well as I do that by law he is within his
rights to do so.”

“We change the law.” Even as the words left her lips, she knew that would be an exercise in

“The Weighing of Wands is tomorrow, Amelia. The weighing will seal the magic of the Goblet.
Changing the law won’t matter once that happens.”

Amelia snorted. Wizengamot would take a week just to decide if the matter merited consideration.
“We’re stuck, then.”

“Indeed. But claiming Harry isn’t ready for whatever the Tournament will throw at him is selling
him short Amelia.”

“I’ve heard the rumors,” Amelia said darkly. Susan had kept her distance from Harry at her
request, which in turn had been at Dumbledore’s urging. Having him live with blood relatives she
could understand. Blood magic, when used correctly, could provide powerful and lasting
protection. But she had never accepted his dubious reasons not to have Susan inform Harry of their

‘Harry needs to discover the power of love on his own.’ That’s what he always said when she
brought up the matter with him.
Pah! Amelia thought, a bitter taste in her mouth. She had agreed to Dumbledore’s every request
against her better judgment and without challenging the sometimes nonsensical reasons he had
provided. She was beginning to think having Susan steer clear of getting too close to Harry had
been a mistake. Wise men make mistakes too. The wiser the man, the more consequential his

“They’re all true. Even the more fantastical ones. As you can see, this will not be the first time
Harry will face mortal danger. He is more than equipped to take care of himself.”

“I will still be telling him about the bond. Susan knows all about it, and is quite fond of him

“That would be a mistake,” Dumbledore said calmly.


“Harry needs to-”

“-discover the power of love on his own,” Amelia interjected, cutting him off. “You’ve told me
that a thousand times already. The bond is already there, Albus. All that needs to be done is to light
the spark.”

“A lot can change in seventeen years, Amelia.”

“Really, Albus? I have Unspeakable friends too. I know how the bond works,” Amelia bluffed. “If
you want to stop me, you’re going to need to come up with a better excuse than that. They’re made
for each other, Albus, and the passage of time doesn’t alter that fact.”

“Why now?”

“Harry is being forced to participate in a dangerous tournament, his best friend won’t speak to him,
and half the school is bullying him with no intervention by you or any of the other teachers. He
needs someone in his corner. He needs his soulmate.”

“If you will give me-”

“Time? No. You’ve had three years to sort out whatever it is you refuse to tell me. Now, I can
accept that you have no power to pull Harry from the tournament, but I refuse to accept that you
can’t make one of your own teachers get his students in line,” Amelia said sharply. “Rather than
trying to stop it, Severus seemingly enjoys the bullying, even rewards it.”

“I can’t act without proof or an official complaint, Amelia. Harry hasn’t come to me,” Albus said,
and Amelia realized that even he knew his excuse sounded completely unreasonable.

“As the top prosecutor for the Ministry, I think there’s plenty of proof. You’re just blind when it
comes to Severus’ shortcomings. Now, I won’t tell you how to run your school, and you don’t tell
me how to take care of my family.”


“Is family,” Amelia cut him off with a tone that suggested that her opinion wasn’t up for

“He will not take kindly to having someone’s will imposed on him. He has lived with that all his
life. Now you plan to tell him he has no say in who he spends the remainder of his life with. His
entire future, chosen by people other than himself.”

“His horrible childhood is your fault, Albus. That he grew up to be the person he is… it’s a minor
miracle in itself.”

Amelia smiled grimly at the slight expression of shock on the usually impassive headmaster’s face
as he realized she had been keeping tabs on both Harry’s living situation and the events of the
school itself as best she could. There were things she did not know, things she only suspected. The
Blood Wards prevented her from getting too close to Harry. But if what she suspected turned out to
be true…

The world’s most celebrated wizard or not, Albus Dumbledore would have to answer for his

“My respect and patience for you are wearing thin, Albus. Be careful that you don’t keep abusing
them, because if you think I’ll hesitate to start an official DMLE inquiry into the unsafe conditions
of this school… I won’t.”

With that she stood, having said everything she had come to say. He could take it in whatever way
he wanted to. A request. A warning. A threat.

She simply did not care anymore.

“What I did was a necessary evil,” Dumbledore said quietly. “Do not punish Harry for mistakes
you think I have made.”

“Sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees, Albus. I have no desire to punish or control him,
and I’m not going to trigger the bond for them.” I don’t even know how to trigger it. “I’m simply
going to inform Harry of its existence, and suggest he and Susan date. They can decide if and when
they want to trigger it themselves.”

“Very well.” He wasn’t happy about her decision. The tone of his voice and the lack of the usual
mirth in his eyes told her as much.

As long as he accepts that he has no power to stop it, I simply don’t care anymore.

She had two promises to keep. Harry was her responsibility, just as much as Susan was. She owed
it to both their parents to keep them safe and happy.

“What if he’s given his heart to another, Amelia?” Amelia paused, her hand resting on the
doorknob. She had no answer to his question. That was her one big fear. She had hoped the bond
would prevent any serious romantic attachments, but in all honesty, she had no clue how the bond
worked. Her brother had been an Unspeakable and had invoked arcane magic the likes of which
had not been used for centuries. His secrets had died with him, and the Unspeakables she talked to
were unable or unwilling to give her the answers she wanted.

Inscrutable bastards, the whole lot of them.

“Has he?” she asked without turning to look at him.

“He and Miss Granger are known to be quite close. It is possible. What shall you do then?”
Dumbledore asked.

“I won’t know until I ask. But if that’s the case, I shall respect his decision.” With that, she left.
She had already asked Professor Sprout to summon Susan to her office so she could talk to her
niece, but she also resolved to sit both Harry and Susan down and talk to them together as soon as

I just hope I’m not too late.

She let the spiral staircase carry her down to the hallway below, deep in thought. She allowed
muscle memory to take over, her feet carrying her to the herbology greenhouses while her mind
was entirely focused on how she could go about talking to Harry.

The way she saw it, she had no good options other than telling him the truth. All of it.

“How do I even explain it?” Amelia murmured, nimbly stepping from one staircase to another as
they carried her down to the atrium of the castle.

I don’t even understand all of it myself.

She stepped out into the chilly air of the courtyard, drawing her cloak tighter around herself as she
walked through the silent and deserted grounds of the castle. The greenhouses had once been her
place of tranquility, her refuge from the chaos and grimness of the First Wizarding War. Now,
every step she took filled her with dread.

Susan had lived her entire life with the knowledge that she was meant for Harry, and Harry was
meant for her.

I need a tactful way to let her know that might not be the case.

Dumbledore had seemed certain that time and distance had probably erased whatever bond the two
might have had once upon a time. How much of it was the truth, and how much an attempt to
regain control of the situation, she did not know.

For now, she simply had to place her trust in the knowledge that her brother and James Potter were
very accomplished wizards who knew exactly what they were doing.

She walked through the quiet greenhouse, smiling at the sight of row after row of snoozing
mandrakes. She stepped quietly towards Pomona’s office so as not to disturb them, pausing in
surprise at the sound of hushed voices. One was Susan’s, the other… was decidedly a man.

Amelia frowned, pressing her ear against the shut door, her curiosity getting the better of her usual
instincts to treat Susan as a grown, mature woman and give her her space.

“You need to stop!” Susan giggled. “My Auntie will be here any minute!”

“You called me!”

“Yes, well, we never get to spend any time together ever since that blasted Goblet spat out your
name as the Hogwarts champion!”

Merlin’s balls.

She had been worrying about the wrong person. Amelia steeled herself and pushed open the door,
fully expecting to come face to face with Cedric Diggory snogging her niece.

Someone was snogging her, but it wasn’t Diggory. In her stress, she had forgotten that Hogwarts
had two champions that year. She grinned.

Guess we were both wrong, Albus. Magic always finds a way.

She cleared her throat, chuckling quietly as the young couple jumped apart, Harry tumbling down
to the floor in his haste to pull away from Susan.

“A-auntie!” Susan gasped. Amelia studied her niece, trying to hide her joy and appear angry.
They’d evidently been snogging for some time as evidenced by her long red hair messily spilling
out of the customary braid it was usually secured in. Her red cheeks, swollen lips, and half-
unbuttoned blouse only confirmed her suspicions.

“Susan Natalie Bones!” Amelia growled, although her voice lacked its usual bite.

“Susan Natalie Bones!”

Harry didn’t bother getting up from the floor. He’d heard enough about Susan’s aunt to know he
was minutes away from being turned into a toad or something equally hideous for his crimes. Not
only had she caught him snogging her niece, he was also breaking about half a dozen school rules
to do so.

“I-I thought your meeting with the Headmaster would take longer,” Susan mumbled, her fingers
scrambling to button up her blouse.

“So you decided to turn your Head of House’s office into a love shack?” Amelia asked, stepping
around Harry. She walked over to the chair behind the desk, pulled it away from the table and sat
down on it.

“H-Harry and I rarely get to meet these days. He just dropped by to say hi, that’s all,” Susan
squeaked, blushing harder at the incredulous gaze her aunt leveled in her direction. “In fact, he was
just leaving!” Susan turned to him and nodded at the half-ajar door. He knew his safety lay in a
hasty retreat.

“Yes, I was. It was a pleasure to meet you, Madame Bones!” Harry said, quickly clambering to his
feet. He stumbled towards the door, trying his best to discreetly do up the fly of his trousers.

“Potter. Wait,” the older woman ordered, and Harry froze. He turned once his fly was secured,
preparing himself for the worst. “Sit,” she added quietly, gesturing to the chair he had recently
vacated. “You too, Susie.”

“Yes, Auntie.”

“Yes, Miss Bones,” Harry repeated, slowly moving to sit on the chair. He tried to appear contrite,
but it was made harder by the fact that he did not regret his actions one bit. It had been nearly two
weeks since he had managed to get any alone time with Susan. He’d never spent this long away
from her since the day she had walked up to him in the library, and it had honestly been torturous.
The only thing he regretted was being greedy and sticking around long enough to get caught and
land them both in hot water.

“You can call me Madame Bones, or even Amelia if you feel comfortable with it, Harry.”

“Yes, Madame Bones,” Harry nodded, finally looking up at the older witch. She had a small smile
on her face that was in complete contrast to her stern tone.

Why is she smiling?

“Now, I want to talk to the two of you about a different matter, but before I proceed…” Amelia
clasped her hands together, leaning back into the chair. “I’ve had the talk with Susan before the
start of her second year. Now, I knew your parents, and had they been alive, they’d have done the
same with you. However, I do not know how things work in the Muggle World, so I think it is best
if I share some pertinent information and lay down important ground rules.”

“The talk?” Harry asked, confused. He turned to Susan, but she refused to meet his eyes, simply
sinking lower into her chair.

“There will be no red-haired, green-eyed little children running around in my house before the two
of you graduate,” Amelia said bluntly.

“Auntie!” Susan squeaked, mortified.

It took him a minute, but he finally understood the meaning of Madame Bones’ words, his cheeks
turning the color of his girlfriend’s hair. “Yes, Madame Bones,” he said quickly. “I-if we end

“I’m on the potion,” Susan cut in, saving him from having to assure her aunt that he wouldn’t
knock her up. “And we were just snogging, I swear.”

His hand instinctively traveled to his right pocket to make sure that no part of the bunched-up
panties he had pushed in it was poking out. Technically speaking, she wasn’t lying.

Snogging covers a wide variety of activities, doesn’t it?

“There was something else you wanted to talk to me about, Madame Bones?” Harry asked, clearing
his throat after a minute of uncomfortable silence.

“Well, that depends on how much my niece has told you, Mr. Potter.”

“Are we talking about the soulmate bond?” Harry asked, resting his hand on Susan’s knee
reassuringly. She didn’t have a disobedient bone in her body, and he knew she was still worried
about her decision to flout her aunt’s and Dumbledore’s instructions to steer clear of him.

“So, everything.”

“Yes,” Susan said, on the verge of tears. She knew her aunt would be disappointed in her, but
Harry still didn’t understand why they were supposed to stay apart.

They hadn’t found a single mention of soulbonds in the entire library, so sometimes he wondered if
they’d done it to keep him and Susan safe. But they’d been together for nearly a year now and
nothing bad had happened, so surely whatever it was couldn’t be too bad.

“Just that we have a bond between us. She doesn’t know anything more,” Harry murmured, gently
squeezing Susan’s leg.

“Neither do I. Her father and yours did the initial bit of magic. All they told me is that the two of
you are destined to be together.”

“I’m sorry,” Susan whispered, hiccuping quietly.

“Don’t be darling. I’m glad you disobeyed me,” Amelia murmured, reaching out to take Susan’s

“Really?” Susan asked, sounding equal parts confused and hopeful.

“Really,” Amelia murmured, patting her hand. “Call it a gut feeling, but I see a darkness on the
horizon. The two of you will need each other if you are to survive it.”

“The tournament? I didn’t put my name in the Goblet, Madame Bones,” Harry said.

“He didn’t! I’ve been wanting to tell everyone that we were-” Susan said, blushing and pausing
mid-sentence. “That I trust him. He was nowhere near the Goblet the night people were supposed
to submit their names.” She gave her aunt a nervous smile, before adding quickly, “Besides,
nobody is better at breaking the rules than Fred and George. If they couldn’t figure out how to get
past the age line, Harry had no chance,” she added quickly.

“I believe you. There is treachery afoot, and combined with the fiasco at the World Cup, I am
convinced something bad is about to happen. Someone wants you in danger, Harry. Who, I do not

“I have a very good guess,” Harry mumbled darkly. Nothing would make Snape quite as happy as
his gruesome death.

“Guesses don’t help us. I am starting an investigation on my end, and the presence of Alastor in the
school assures me that if there is anything going on, he will sniff it out. He was the best Auror I’ve
ever had. But till we find something, I want the two of you to maintain constant vigilance.

Both of them nodded.

“Good. That’s all.”

Harry and Susan both got up, knowing they were dismissed.

“Oh, and Harry?” Harry looked back at Madame Bones.

“Yes, Madame Bones?”

“No more sneaking around on the grounds at night. It’s dangerous. If the two of you want a safe
place to meet, might I suggest the kitchens?”

“Thank you, Auntie,” Susan murmured, her cheeks flushed.

Harry gave the stern woman one last smile before he grabbed Susan’s hand, pulling her out of the
office. They stayed silent until they exited the greenhouse. Harry sighed in relief as they walked
out onto the silent grounds, enjoying the slight bite of the chilly night air against his face.

“Well,” he teased, trying to set Susan at ease, “That’s our breeding kink ruined for a good month.”

“T-that’s what you took from the entire conversation?” Susan growled, elbowing him in the chest.

“That’s the most important thing, yes,” Harry chuckled. “What did you take away from it?”

“You’re impossible,” Susan groused playfully. She leaned into his side as they walked through the
courtyard. She spoke up again as they were climbing up the steps to the castle, her voice quiet, “I
hate it when you’re in danger.”

“Just isn’t a school year if I’m not in some mortal peril,” Harry whispered, squeezing the hand he
was holding. “Don’t worry. I’ll probably flop miserably in the first task, and they’ll kick me out.”

“Fat chance. You fought a basilisk.”

“I had help,” he murmured, walking past the dark and deserted Great Hall. He led her down the
steps that led to the basement, the two slowly walking down the hallways that led to her Common

“Still,” she murmured, squealing in surprise when he pulled her into the snug alcove hidden behind
the tapestry of Merlin fighting a dragon.

“Harry!” she whispered, groaning quietly as he buried his face in the crook of her neck, his lips
attacking her creamy skin.

“Yes?” he asked, leaving a trail of hickeys down her neck.

“Is that a wand in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?” she moaned breathily as he
sucked on her pulse point. His teeth sank into her skin and she twitched, welcoming the slight
twinge of pain intermixed with the pleasure flooding her body. Her hands moved to his trousers,
hastily unbuttoning them and pulling them down his legs.

“You tell me,” Harry growled, his hands ghosting over her large breasts. She preferred loose shirts
and skirts to obscure her curvy features, but unless she was wearing a tent, there was no concealing
the fact that she had been blessed with the perfect hourglass-shaped body.

“Nine inches.” Harry hissed as her hand disappeared into his boxers, her fingers wrapping around
his thick shaft. Her other hand grabbed the waistband of his underwear, pulling it down his legs
and freeing the massive erection he had been trying to conceal the entire time they were in the
office. “Stiff. A core powerful enough to drive any witch crazy.”

“I think it’s made to breed one particular witch,” Harry whispered, his hands moving to her
shoulders. He flipped her, pushing her flat against the rough stone wall of the alcove.

“You said… no breeding,” she teased, her eyes fluttering shut as she gave in and surrendered to his

“On second thought, I quite like the idea of doing something I’m forbidden from doing. Didn’t you
hear what they’re all saying? Rules don’t apply to me.” His hands ghosted over her broad hips
before he grabbed her large, round, perfectly-shaped ass. She groaned quietly as his fingers sank
into the soft flesh, leaving their mark on her unblemished skin. “Besides, what are you if not
breeding bait, Miss Bones?”

“And yet my cunt remains empty, to say nothing of my womb, sir,” Susan teased back, adopting
her most innocent voice. “How do I fulfill my purpose without your seed?”

She had never been shy about expressing her desires or asking him to take care of them, but it
drove him crazy every time she pretended to be the shy innocent virgin to his big bad wolf.

She arched her back, pushing her ass into his hands.

“Am I not suitable for your seed, Mr. Potter?” she asked, feigning to be on the verge of tears.

“You’re more than suitable, Miss Bones.”

“Then why won’t you fuck me?” She leaned back into his chest, gently grinding her ass against his
rock-hard cock.

His hands moved to her shirt, nimble fingers quickly unbuttoning the white garment and pulling
them down her shoulders. Her rosy peaks poked through the black lace of her bra, begging for his

“Ask me properly,” Harry ordered, pushing her flat against the wall once more, a hand on her
shoulder keeping her pinned in place. She groaned in complaint at the loss of friction from the
grinding, continuing to wiggle her ass as a way to entice him to abandon his games and just give
her what she wanted.

A rough, primal fucking that left her legs weak and head empty.

“Sir, can you please shove your thick, veiny wand into my tight cunt and fill me up with your
seed?” Susan breathed, her words petering out into a desperate whine as he stepped forward, his
cock pushing between her thick thighs and rubbing against her dripping cunt.

Harry chuckled. He made no effort to move or give her what she wanted. Instead, his free hand
moved to unclasp her bra while she squirmed and mewled.

“Please, sir! I’ve been a good girl! It’s been weeks,” she begged, groaning in satisfaction when he
pushed her legs apart. He wrapped his hand around his shaft, guiding his tip inside her pussy before
he used the hand on her shoulder to pull her away from the wall and into his chest. The movement
caused her to be impaled on inch after inch of his huge cock, her eyes rolling into the back of her
head as her tight cunt was stretched by his massive girth.

“I… oh, Merlin!” Her shrill moan resonated around the tiny space, and Harry prayed that none of
the Prefects on patrolling duty that night were anywhere near them. He paused once he had
bottomed out in her, giving the panting girl a minute to steady herself. “Green,” she whispered.

Harry grunted. He shifted his hands to her heavy breasts, fingers sinking into the creamy flesh. Her
rosy nipples had turned into hardened and crinkled nubs in obvious arousal. “I missed you,” he
whispered, pulling out before ramming back into the warm embrace of her velvet walls.

“I…. unghhhh,” Susan bit her lip to suppress her loud groan, her hips moving back in time with his
thrusts. Their weeks of separation had left them both frustrated, on edge, and desperate for release.

She placed a palm flat against the rough stone wall of the tiny cubby to steady herself, her other
hand traveling down to her cunt. He groaned when her hand found his balls, fondling the sensitive
orbs for a minute before she shifted her attention to her clit, desperate to finish in tune with him.

Her fingers could never match the sheer overwhelming sensation of getting fucked by her lover.

Harry forced himself to keep his eyes open as he hammered in and out of her moist core, every
thrust of his causing her body to jerk forward before his hands pulled her back into position. Her
magnificent bosom swayed pendulously with every thrust.

Two weeks of frustration, stress, and no sex for both of them meant that their little impromptu
quickie was over within minutes.

Susan’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as the powerful orgasm rocked her body, her thumb
still continuing to rub her clit. She collapsed into his chest, her legs losing all strength. Harry
himself was fighting a losing battle as her walls clamped down around him, milking him for his
seed. He came with a loud groan, keeping himself buried inside her, his cock twitching as he filled
her up with load after load of cum.

A wave of tiredness washed over him as the adrenaline of the orgasm slowly wore off, and he
gently pulled out of the limp girl, letting her turn and cuddle into his chest. She pressed her thighs
together, wanting to keep his seed from spilling out for as long as possible.
“I’m going to tell Cedric and the others that you were with me that night. They need to lay off you
because there was no way you could put your name in the Goblet.”

“What about-”

“No more hiding. We don’t have to date in secret anymore. The only people I was worried about
were Auntie and Professor Dumbledore, and they both know now,” Susan said quietly. She leaned
into him for support as he helped her get dressed, her legs too weak to support her on their own.
“Besides, Cedric’s girlfriend is helping him prepare for the tournament. I want to do the same for
you. And I refuse to spend weeks apart, even if it leads to explosive sex.”

“Okay,” he murmured, pulling up his own trousers.

“Okay,” she said shyly, pecking his cheek. Dating in secret had been easy. Going public… it
almost felt like they were making it official. “My panties?” she asked sheepishly.

“Tomorrow. I’ll slip them in my girlfriend’s bag.” He winked, patting her butt one last time before
slipping out into the hallway. He whistled as he made his way up to Gryffindor tower, happier than
he had been in weeks.

Chapter End Notes

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Certain events will play out very differently than
in Canon.
The Perfect Dream
Chapter Notes

Chapter Specific Warnings: BJ, Semi-Public, Multiple Orgasms.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Enter,” Harry said, without looking up from the parchment on his desk. Being the Head of DMLE
was no simple job, despite how easy Amelia Bones had made it look during her tenure. Filling his
predecessor’s big boots and making her proud… that had been the hardest task of them all. Amelia
did not cut anyone slack. Even the man she considered to be her own son.

“Busy?” Harry grinned at the soft voice of his wife, finally looking away from the proposed law
and up at the woman.

“For you? Never.”

“Good,” she replied, slipping into the office and shutting the door behind her. She was still in the
lime-green robes that marked someone as a healer employed by St. Mungo’s, and had evidently
popped down for a quick lunch with him. “Because I just had my appointment with Madame

Harry’s eyes widened. Madame Deverioux was the most celebrated healer specializing in fertility
in all of Europe. They had been trying to get an appointment with her for weeks.

“And?” Harry asked, his throat suddenly dry.

“She made me a potion… and told me to find my husband and have him ride me like… ze
stallioun,” Susan said, trying her best to sound like the French witch.

“Right now?” Harry asked, his breath hitching.

“She said to do it within the hour for best results,” Susan murmured. She unclasped her robe,
letting it drop to the ground.

Harry took his job seriously. Far too seriously in her opinion. She knew it would be a fight to get
him to play hokey, and she had not come unarmed. She was completely naked underneath her
robes. Well… not completely naked. She had on black stockings, a garter belt, and a set of see-
through black lacy lingerie that struggled to cover much, if anything. In all honesty, her choice of
attire and the subtle mascara and lipstick she had used to complete her look made her seem ten
times hotter than if she had simply turned up naked.

He had never seen her wear that particular set before, and he had a sneaking suspicion she had
been saving it for a special occasion.

Like today…

“Well, who am I to argue with two of the smartest healers in all of Europe?” Harry murmured, his
emerald orbs darkening with lust. Susan grinned. There was a click as she engaged the lock of his
office, automatically turning on the soundproofing and privacy wards.
She sauntered over to his desk, her broad hips swaying as she made her way to him. Her large,
tear-drop-shaped breasts bounced with every step she took, her magnificent bosom straining
against the small bra. He could see the slight sheen on the inside of her creamy thighs that let him
know she was already as aroused as he was by the thought of what they were about to do.

He pushed his chair further away from the desk, giving her ample space to squeeze in between his
legs and the table.

“My, Mr. Potter,” Susan whispered, licking her lips as she studied the large tent in his robes. He
had long ago taken up wearing the baggiest trousers he could lay his hands on. Hermione teased
him that he still wore Dudley’s pants, but it seemed like a prudent policy when one was married to
someone as hot as Susan Bones. “Is that a wand in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”
she teased, cocking her head to one side. Her red hair cascaded down her shoulder, and his fingers
itched to grab and pull on the fiery locks.

“You tell me,” Harry whispered, letting her take the initiative. It was rare for him to want to give
up any control, but there were occasions when all he wanted to do was bury his face in the most
perfect pair of tits on the planet while she rode him.

“I think it’s a problem. One that’s distracting you from work. I’ll be happy to take care of it,”
Susan said, sinking to her knees. She plucked her wand from behind her ear, vanishing his robes
with a quiet incantation.

Harry raised his eyebrows.

“Sorry… I’m a little impatient. You can punish me tonight, sir.” Susan bit her lower lip between
her teeth, looking up at him with eyes full of sinful innocence.

Harry grinned, his fingers burying in her hair. Years of being together meant that he didn’t need to
speak to convey what he wanted her to do, that one simple action was enough. Susan smiled,
unbuttoning his trousers and pulling them and his boxers down to his ankles together.

“Ten years of being together, and I still haven’t gotten used to this,” she whispered, giggling as his
huge cock sprang free and slapped her cheek.

“Well, I hope you never get bored of it, because I’m pretty sure it’s the only reason you married
me,” Harry teased. He spread his legs lazily, allowing her to crawl in between them.

“Absolutely,” she teased back. She stuck her tongue out, swirling it around his sensitive tip and
greedily lapping up the trickle of precum leaking from his engorged cockhead. She looked up at
him with playful eyes as she brought her plump lips to the tip, giving it a chaste kiss.

“I…. fuuuuck,” Harry whispered, groaning softly at the way she was toying with him. He decided
playtime was over, burying both his hands in her hair and guiding her lips back down to his cock.
Inch after inch of his shaft disappeared into her warm and welcoming mouth, their moans
intermingling as his tip hit her throat. She gagged and drooled around his shaft but made no effort
to stop him as he pushed her down on it further. Her hand gripped his thigh for leverage, the other
moving to fondle and massage his cum-engorged balls, coaxing them to give up their precious

Harry groaned as she made herself swallow his entire length, her tongue swirling around his
veined cock, massaging every sensitive point she had discovered with practiced ease. He held her
in place, her nose buried in his crotch as she squirmed and gagged, coating his entire length with
her drool. It ran down the corner of her lips and chin, dripping down to her thighs.
Messy sex was the best kind of sex.

He released his hold on her after a minute of gagging and struggling, and she lunged away from
him, his cock springing free of her lips with an audible POP!

She gasped for breath, trying to wipe the drool off her face with the back of her hand, but only
succeeded in smearing it further on her cheeks. He tried to guide her back to his cock but she
resisted, slowly climbing up to her feet and pulling her panties down her legs. She stepped out of
them, moving closer to him.

“I promise I’ll drop by again for lunch and you can finish ruining my face, sir,” she said, climbing
onto his lap. Her hand wrapped around his shaft, guiding his tip to her wet slit as she mounted
him. “But we have a mission today.”

“And what mission is that?” Harry groaned as his tip sank into her warm core. Her hands gripped
his shoulders for leverage as she lowered herself, slowly impaling her pussy with inch after inch of
his cock.

“Well, sir…” She moaned, the familiar dull ache returning to her core as her walls were stretched
by his impressive girth. “I was once told I am perfect breeding bait,” she whispered. She gasped
when he grabbed the strap of her bra, pulling it down her shoulder and freeing a beautifully
formed breast.

“Are you saying you deserve my seed?”

“Y-yes,” Susan mumbled, her eyes fluttering shut. He captured her pebbled pink nub between his
lips and began to suckle. “I-Unghn… Merhlin,” she rambled incoherently, as her breast released
its treasure, squirting a trickle of sweet milk into his mouth.

“I didn’t quite get that,” Harry said, his words muffled by her breast. He tugged the swollen teat
with his teeth, drawing it deeper into his mouth before he began to suckle in earnest.

Susan threw her head back, moaning loudly. She began to ride him, grunting as she pushed herself
up, only for him to buck his hips and ram his cock back into her glistening pussy. She sank back
down with him, before repeating the cycle. Again and again, all while he lapped up every drop of
milk leaking out of her sensitive nub.

“I am a very… very good breedslut,” Susan gasped, the position they were in causing her to feel
him much deeper than she normally did. It was almost like he was pushing into her belly, making
sure there was no other outcome than her getting pregnant. “I deserve your seed!” She keened.
The potion had made her much more sensitive than normal, and she collapsed against his chest as
she orgasmed.

Her walls clamped around his shaft but trying to milk it was a futile effort. He wasn’t close, and
while trying to deny her his cum was a futile fight, he would win this round.

He got to his feet, carrying his limp wife the short distance to his desk. He laid her down on her
back, bending her legs at the waist and pushing them up against her chest. He grabbed her ankles
to pin her legs in place, continuing to fuck her through her orgasm.

“Look at me,” he ordered as he hammered in and out of her, the sound of skin slapping against
skin filling the room. His balls thudded against her gorgeous ass with every thrust, a reminder of
what her reward for obedience was.

Her eyes fluttered open and she keened, her hand snaking between her legs. Her fingers pinched
and massaged her clit, her panting and moans growing louder as her impending orgasm drew

“What do you want?”

“Your seed. Every. Last. Drop. Of. It.” she whispered. “Harry, I-” Susan let loose a strangled
scream as the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced rocked her body. Her eyes rolled
into the back of her head and she collapsed on the desk, blacking out.

It was futile to resist. Harry came within seconds of her orgasm, shuddering and groaning as he
shot his load inside her.

Harry Potter woke up on Sunday morning with a smile on his face, happier than he had been in
months. He pulled his blanket away from his body, taking a second to glance at his ruined boxers
and bedsheets. As far as wet dreams went… that one had been bloody amazing.

He climbed out of bed, wondering how Professor Trelawney would interpret this particular dream
of his should he share it with her. Death by orgasm?

As far as deaths go, that’s right up there with dying in bed of old age, surrounded by my loved

He quickly stripped off his boxers, tossing them and the sheets into the laundry basket and
changing into a different pair of shorts before pulling his curtains apart. His good mood soured
somewhat at the sight of Ron’s empty bed. His best friend still refused to speak to him, and now
seemed to be going to extreme lengths to avoid him.

It doesn’t matter. I have Susan, he thought, giddy with excitement at the prospect of no longer
having to hide in the shadows. They could eat meals together, partner up in classes, the possibilities
were endless…

He grabbed a clean set of clothes, made his way to the empty bathroom and quickly got ready for
the day. He ignored the scattered hollering and applause in the Common Room, instead walking as
quickly as he could to the portrait hole to avoid the Creevey brothers. He pushed it open and
climbed out, nearly colliding with a surprised Hermione.

“Ron’s down in the Great Hall and I presume you want to avoid drama so… I brought you this!”
She held up the sandwich she was carrying. “It’s a beautiful day for a walk.”

“Sounds perfect.” Harry grabbed the sandwich from her hands, biting into it. He had no desire to
ruin what had been a perfect start to the day. “I just need a second to take someone with us,” Harry
added as they walked down to the atrium, intending to nip into the Great Hall for a quick minute to
ask Susan to join them.

“Who?” Hermione asked curiously.

Harry didn’t answer. He walked into the Great Hall, but he didn’t have to go far. Susan was
striding in his direction with a resolute expression on her face. In full view of the entire school, she
dramatically paused in front of him, leaned up on her toes, and kissed him.

“I- What was that for?” Harry whispered, ignoring the excited hooting and catcalls from Fred and

“Just proving a point to someone,” Susan whispered, pecking his cheek again. “It’s not important.”
Harry locked eyes with Ron, his heart sinking at the look of utter fury on the boy’s face.
“Hermione suggested a walk. Do you want to join us?”

“I’d love to.” Susan slipped into his side, grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers together.
They walked out of the Great Hall together, a bemused Hermione trailing behind them.

“Do you two want to explain to me what just happened?” she asked, sounding equal parts confused
and amused.

“You’re not upset?” Harry asked, slowing down to let her catch up to them.

“Why would I be upset? Because you’re regularly snogging someone by the looks of it? Oh, grow
up. Since when?”

“It’s been nearly a year now,” Susan answered, blushing at the casual way Hermione was treating
their disclosure. Harry simply munched on his sandwich, glad that his best friend and girlfriend
had no problem with each other. Things would have become much more complicated if that had
been the case.

“Why hide it? You didn’t even tell me or Ron,” Hermione asked as they walked towards the Great
Lake. The Giant Squid lay on the banks, basking in the sun and twirling its tentacles to splash a trio
of girls who had taken advantage of the rare warmth to go for a swim.

“It’s complicated.”

“Is there anything in your life that isn’t, Harry?” Hermione asked, before sighing. “This is just
going to infuriate Ron more, you know that, right?”

“What’s his problem? He can’t really think I entered my name?! There’s no way I could have, I
was with-”

“Me,” Susan finished, blushing furiously. “All night. He sneaked back into his dorms at dawn.
None of it makes any sense.”

“The green-eyed monster never makes sense,” Hermione said. When the two of them looked at her
blankly, she sighed. “Jealousy. He’s jealous, Harry.”

“Of what? The potential for grievous bodily harm and death?” Harry asked incredulously. Despite
the warmth, Susan shuddered and tightened her hold on his hand.

“You don’t have to give exams and get a thousand galleons if you win. The attention! The fame,”
Hermione explained patiently. When Harry opened his mouth to argue, she added quickly, “Look,
I’m not saying it’s right. I know you didn’t ask for any of this, and will happily trade it in for a
quiet year of Hogsmeade dates with Susan. But he’s spent his life in a house with five older
brothers. He’s always been overlooked. In school, his best friend is the most famous wizard of our
generation! The spotlight is always on you, Harry, and now you go and become the school
champion and get a gorgeous girlfriend to boot… I suppose it’s all a bit too much for him to bear.”

“I suppose he’ll be satisfied when I’m lying somewhere, my neck broken,” Harry said darkly. He
yelped at the sharp slap to his shoulder, turning to look at Susan’s furious face.

“Don’t you ever, and I mean ever, say that again Harry Potter,” she growled.

“It’s not funny, Harry. I’ve tried to research the Triwizard Tournament, and after the Weighing of
the Wands tonight, there’s no way for you to back out.”
“My Auntie tried to get him pulled too. If the Head of the DMLE can’t manage it, there’s nothing
we can do,” Susan said, sounding morose.

“I think I know someone who might have an idea. A habitual rule breaker,” Hermione said,
shooting Harry a meaningful glance. When he didn’t catch the hint, she added, “Padfoot. He needs
to know what’s going on.”

“You haven’t even told Sirius yet?” Susan asked, poking Harry in the shoulder. She ignored his
yelp of protest, continuing to poke him, “Why?”

“I was a bit preoccupied! And I didn’t want to worry him!”

“He told you to keep him updated on everything! Especially after your scar hurt!”

“Susie, he came back to the country because of a minor twinge! If I tell him someone entered me
into the tournament against my will, he’ll probably turn up in the Great Hall demanding blood.”

“Do you think he wouldn’t find out?!”

“How would he even find out?”

“Rita Skeeter arrived while I was eating breakfast, Harry. She’s going to publish a piece on the
tournament and all the champions in the Daily Prophet. You’ll probably be front and center on
tomorrow’s edition,” Susan said, rolling her eyes. She loved her boyfriend, but the man could be
bloody obtuse and stubborn at times. “I think he’d rather know about it from his godson than the
bloody papers.”

“Fine. Fine. I’ll write to him,” Harry muttered, gently squeezing her hand. She let loose an annoyed
huff, but squeezed his hand back, giving him a small smile.

“Oi! Lovebirds!” Hermione shouted, smacking Harry’s other shoulder.

“What?! And for the love of Merlin, can you two stop assaulting me?” Harry growled, frowning at

“She knows about Sirius?”

“Don’t worry, I know he’s innocent. My lips are sealed.”

“They met when he came to visit me before I traveled to the Burrow,” Harry explained.

“He likes me. Calls me Shorty,” Susan giggled.

“Alright then. Let’s go write him a letter and see if he has any good ideas,” Hermione said.

The three of them returned to the castle, climbing up the stairs that led to the Owlery. Susan let go
of Harry’s hand and walked over to Hedwig, petting the majestic owl. She hooted quietly,
obviously enjoying the attention.

Harry took the parchment, quill, and bottle of ink Hermione had pulled out of her satchel, quickly
penning a letter to his godfather.

Dear Padfoot,
You told me to keep you updated about everything that’s going on at Hogwarts, so here goes - The
Triwizard Tournament is taking place this year. The Goblet chose Cedric Diggory as the Hogwarts
Champion, but then inexplicably, also chose me as a fourth champion. I did not put my name in the
Goblet, and I do not know who did. Hermione sends her love and asks if you have a way out of this
predicament. I hope you and Buckbeak are faring well.

He glanced up at Susan.

Shorty sends her love too. We went public. Hope I can take her on proper dates now. Any
suggestions for those would be welcome too.

He quickly rolled up the parchment and attached it to Hedwig’s leg, watching as she flew out of the
window, gliding in the air toward a destination unknown to him.

“What now?” Harry asked. He had been told to report to the Charms Classroom at Five, but till
then, his day was wide open.

“Well,” Hermione said, “if they’re going to be assessing your wand, it might be a good idea to
clean and polish it.”

Chapter End Notes

I think it would be poetic for the endgame to be 7 characters with Harry. As I've said, I
don't want to write generic characters so this will be contingent on me being able to
create 7 fleshed out characters. If you're curious about who I'm basing Susan's
appearance on, I've posted a photo of her FC on my blog!

If you'd like to see Art, get in touch with me and read more of my work, check out my
Weighing Of Wands
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Do you know how long they’ll take?”

Harry shook his head. He had an inexplicable feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach, a
premonition that walking through the door would end poorly for him. But he had no choice in the
matter, as he had been repeatedly told by everyone from Professor Dumbledore to Madame Bones.

“It’ll be alright. They’re probably just checking your wand for signs of tampering and to make sure
it’s working perfectly. Shouldn’t take too long,” Susan whispered, leaning up to peck his cheek. “If
you finish early, I’ll be in the library working on that stupid Potions essay. If it takes too long, I’ll
go to the Great Hall with Hermione for dinner and you can join us, alright?” Susan gave his hand a
gentle squeeze, leaning up to kiss his cheek again before she left.

“Okay,” Harry murmured, staying in place until he saw her round the corner and disappear from
sight. He took a deep breath, knocked on the door, and entered. The classroom was completely
bare, with all of the desks and cupboards having been removed. The only exception was three
tables arranged end-to-end in front of the blackboard and covered with a bright green cloth.

He was the last champion to arrive. Viktor was standing by the small window all alone, moodily
staring out at the lake and ignoring everyone else in the room. Cedric and Fleur were in another
corner having a conversation, and from the few snippets Harry could overhear, Fleur seemed to be
boasting about her sister’s skill in flying.

Harry turned back to the chairs arranged behind the desks, groaning internally at the sight of Ludo
Bagman sitting in one, talking to a blonde witch wearing the ugliest and most garish magenta robes
he had ever laid his eyes on. She seemed familiar, but he couldn’t quite place where he had seen
her before. The other chairs were still empty. A thickset man carrying a camera stood behind the
unknown witch, shooting furtive glances in Fleur’s direction.

Bagman lunged out of his chair the minute he spotted Harry, scrambling around the tables to greet
him. Harry suspected that if his physique had allowed him to, he’d have jumped over the table.

Why is he so obsessed with me?

“Harry! Our prodigal champion arrives! Well, come on in Harry, don’t be shy!” He boomed, his
belly jiggling slightly as he spread his arms in welcome. “No need to be worried, it’s only the
Wand Weighing Ceremony. We are just waiting for the rest of the judges and the expert to arrive.”

“What… What exactly is Wand Weighing?”

“Oh, don’t be nervous!” Bagman waved his hand dismissively. “Your wand is going to be the most
important tool in the tasks ahead, well, other than your wit of course.” Bagman paused to shoot him
a completely unnecessary wink. “The expert is just going to check your wands to make sure they’re
fully functional and have no defects. Then we have a little photoshoot, and that’s it, and maybe a
small interview…” He turned to look at the blonde witch, giving her a smile. “That’s Rita Skeeter.
She’s doing a small piece on the tournament and its champions for the Daily Prophet.”

Skeeter. Skeeter. Where had he heard the name before?


Susan had mentioned her arrival. And he had noticed the witch staring at them in the Great Hall
that morning.

“Oh, Ludo,” Rita said, her tone polite but reproachful. “It isn’t going to be that small. I mean… the
return of the Triwizard Tournament?! Four champions for the first time in history? It’s the story of
the year.” Although she was talking to Bagman, her eyes remained fixed on him.

The woman left a bad taste in his mouth, even though he had no good reason to dislike her.

“Do you mind if I have a quick chat with Harry before the ceremony, Ludo?” she asked, eyeing
Harry like he was a fresh piece of meat. “After all, he is the Fourth Champion. The Youngest
Champion. The rebel. It will add a bit of spice to the article.”

“Absolutely!” Bagman replied before Harry could even open his mouth to object.

“Lovely. See you in a bit, Ludo. I can’t wait to hear all about those… Firebolt knockoffs.” She
rolled her eyes when Bagman turned away from her. Before Harry could process what was going
on, she grabbed his upper arm and was dragging him out of the classroom with surprising strength.
He winced, her long nails digging into his skin with enough force to leave bruises. “Interviews are
best held in private, don’t you think?” she asked, hauling him into the broom cupboard closest to
the classroom. “A little tight, but it should be alright.”

She sat down on a box, opened her handbag, and pulled out a pad of parchment and a long acid-
green quill. “Well, Harry? It will be really uncomfortable for you to give the entire interview
standing,” she raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow and pointed at the upturned bucket in front of

“Right,” Harry mumbled, slightly unnerved by her predatory gaze.

The pad and the quill floated in the air next to her, awaiting her command.


“Oh, don’t mind that. It’s my Quick Notes Quill. They take notes on their own, and have an in-
built source of ink! It makes Interviews so much more comfortable,” Rita explained, following his
gaze and correctly surmising he was concerned about the unfamiliar quill.

Well, one of those would make writing exams a breeze.

He reluctantly sat down on the bucket, continuing to stare at the parchment and quill in an effort to
avoid looking at the reporter.

“Right. Testing. Testing. Begin.” He watched as the quill began to scribble the words at her

“Don’t worry about the quill, Harry. It’s just taking notes. I will go through those notes and write
the final article. This is a safe space.” She waved her arms dramatically.

“Okay,” Harry said, turning to Skeeter with a sigh. He was trapped, and the only way he could see
out of the situation was to give the woman the interview she wanted so badly.

“Well, let’s start with a simple question, shall we, Harry? Why did you enter the Triwizard
“I didn’t,” Harry said flatly. He was tired of repeating the same assertion a million times.
Hopefully, now that they didn’t have to hide their relationship anymore, Susan could serve as his
alibi. “I was with Susan… Susan Bones that night. She can vouch that I was nowhere near the
Goblet on the night in question.”

“Interesting.” Rita glanced at the furiously scribbling quill to make sure it was getting everything.
“For the record, Susan Bones is Amelia Bones’ niece and heir. The same Amelia Bones who is a
member of Wizengamot, the Matriarch of the Bones family, and the Head of the Department of
Magical Law Enforcement. You are dating her, aren’t you Harry?”

“I am, yes.” He had no idea what that had to do with the tournament, but she (and the rest of the
school) had seen them kiss, so it wasn’t like there was any point denying it.

“And what about a-” She tapped her chin, pretending to be deep in thought. “Hermione Granger? A
very bright muggle-born witch in your class. I hear the two of you are very close.”

“She is my best friend.”

“My sources say the two of you are inseparable.”

“As I said, she’s my best friend,” Harry growled, unable to help his irritation. Her questions had
nothing to do with the tournament.

Why is she rooting around in my personal life?

“And how do they feel about your participation in the tournament? Are they worried? Upset?
Maybe they’re proud? Perhaps they wanted you to take part?”


“Hermione and Susan.”

Harry glared at her. What was she insinuating? “They’re both extremely worried, and they share
my opinion that the best thing for me would be to withdraw from a championship I do not want to
participate in and have a quiet, normal year.”

“Oh come now, Harry. You don’t have to pretend. Our readers love a rebel.” She gave him a
simpering fake smile.

“I told you. I didn’t put my name in the Goblet. I was with Susan that night,” Harry bit out, trying
to control his anger.

“Are you worried about the tasks?” Rita asked, changing track. “People have died in the past, you

“We were all assured that robust safety measures have been put in place this year, and the
champions have nothing to worry about.”

“I doubt you’d have to worry even if that wasn’t the case. After all, you have support from the
highest levels of government, not to mention the Headmaster of this school. I hear he’s very fond of

“What’re you trying to say?”

He knew exactly what she was trying to imply.

As if Madame Bones and Professor Dumbledore are the types of people who’d help anyone cheat.

“Just that you’re not alone in this fight! Such a poor, tragic fate, but you must be brave,” Skeeter
said insincerely, reaching out to grasp his hand. She let go after a harsh squeeze.

He grabbed his thigh, his nails sinking into his skin as he tried to avoid cursing at the woman.

Before he could say anything he’d immediately regret, the door of the broom cupboard was pulled
open. Harry turned towards the sudden influx of light, happy to leave with whoever had interrupted
them, even if it was Ludo Bagman. He instead gazed up at the serene face and long white beard of
the Headmaster, who stood quietly at the entrance, looking down at the two of them.

“Dumbledore!” Skeeter sported a huge smile on her face, but the nervousness in her voice was
unmistakable. She grabbed her quill and pad, shoving them in her bag before either Harry or
Professor Dumbledore could take a look at what the quill had written. “How are you?” she asked,
getting up and extending her hand. Professor Dumbledore shook it quietly. “Did you enjoy my last
article on you?”

“What man doesn’t enjoy being called a senile obsolete dingbat, Rita?” Professor Dumbledore
responded with a quiet chuckle.

Skeeter looked completely unperturbed by the barb.

“I just report the truth, Dumbledore. Your ideas have no place in our new world, and my readers
have a right to know what their Supreme Mugwump gets up to.”

“I would love to talk and debate your reasons for penning that delightfully horrible article, Rita but
I’m afraid it will have to be some other time.” Professor Dumbledore extended a hand toward
Harry. “The Weighing of the Wands is about to start, and the ceremony cannot begin if one of the
champions is missing.”

Harry eagerly grasped the Headmaster’s hand, pulling himself to his feet. He practically ran back
into the classroom, not bothering to look back or wait for the Headmaster or Skeeter to join him.
The other Champions were now waiting in a line by the door and Harry quickly squeezed in the
space between Cedric and the wall, before turning to look at the large table. He watched Professor
Dumbledore stride across the room to sit on the only remaining empty chair. All five of the judges
were now seated; Professor Dumbledore, Madame Maxime, Ludo Bagman, Mr. Crouch, and
Professor Karkaroff. Harry tried not to wince when his scar twinged as he looked at Professor

What the hell was that? He thought, trying not to panic.

He looked around the room to see if anything or anyone else would cause the same reaction. Rita
Skeeter had slipped back into the room and settled into the corner opposite him. She was staring at
him and he stared right back, wondering if his scar was some sort of universal detector for
dangerous or evil people. She smiled, pulled out her pad and that blasted quill from her bag, and
began to write.

He had a gut feeling that Skeeter was dangerous, he just didn’t know how, yet.

His scar did not hurt.

Why did it hurt when I looked at Professor Karkaroff then?

“May I introduce you all to Mr. Ollivander?” Harry turned to Professor Dumbledore when he
realized the man was addressing the champions. “He will assess your wands to make sure they’re
ready for the tasks.”

Harry watched the old wizard hobble to the lectern placed in the middle of the room for him,
looking at all the champions with his large, pale gray eyes. Harry shuddered. He knew the wizard’s
wand-making skills were second to none, but something about the man had always unsettled him.

“Miss Delacour?” He extended a shriveled hand. Fleur stepped forward, placing her wand in his

He looked at the wand for a minute, running his finger along its length, “Nine and a half inches.
Rosewood. Rather inflexible and temperamental. I presume that is because of its rather unique

“Veela hair,” Fleur confirmed. “My grandmother’s. She gave a strand for the core of my wand, and
my sister’s,” Fleur declared proudly.

Ollivander nodded, appearing pleased that his suspicions were correct. He summoned a bouquet of
flowers, handing both the flowers and the wand back to Fleur.

“Mr. Diggory?” Harry raised an eyebrow at the smiles the two champions exchanged when they
crossed paths. Cedric handed his wand to Ollivander, awaiting judgment.

“Ah! One of mine!” Ollivander suddenly sounded much more animated. “Twelve inches. Ash.
Unicorn core. Springy and well-tuned. It’s in fine condition.”

“I polish it every night,” Cedric replied proudly. Harry was suddenly glad Hermione had made him
clean his wand before the ceremony.

This time Ollivander conjured up a jet of water, handing the wand back to Cedric with an
approving nod.

“Mr. Krum?” Viktor Krum stalked over to the wandmaker, silently pushing his wand into the
awaiting palm.

“Ahh. I recognize this style. This is a Gregorovitch wand. Never quite agreed with him on anything
but…” Ollivander mumbled, studying the wand. It was thicker than theirs, with symbols etched
into the hilt. “Rigid. Too rigid. A curious combination, hornbeam and dragon heartstring,” he
mumbled. “Avis!” The wand let out a bang as a group of twittering birds shot out of it, and
Ollivander handed it back, satisfied.

“That leaves… Mr. Potter.”

Harry sighed and got to his feet, reluctantly handing over his wand to the man.

“Oh yes. Oh yes. This one, I remember. How could I ever forget?” Ollivander mumbled, caressing
the wand, his eyes gleaming with suppressed excitement. “Eleven inches. Holly. A feather from the
tail of a rather remarkable phoenix.”

Harry crossed his fingers, praying that the man had enough sense not to share all the details about
his wand, especially the connection between it and Voldemort’s wand in front of everyone.

That would make the front page of tomorrow’s paper for sure.

“But… this shouldn’t be possible. It has changed since I last saw it… There is a new… light to it.
A very subtle thing, but unmistakable just the same. Something has changed… this is not the wand
it once was,” Ollivander mumbled, spending the next few minutes studying the wand in deep
concentration. “Curious. Most curious.”

After what seemed like forever, Ollivander conjured up rings of smoke from the tip of his wand,
reluctantly handing it back to him. Harry had a feeling that he would have happily spent all night
studying his wand if given the chance.

“They’re all in perfect working condition,” he announced to the judges.

“Thank you,” Dumbledore stood, smiling at the champions. “It is getting to be rather late, so I
suggest we all leave for dinner.”

Harry was halfway to the door before Bagman stopped them all with a demand for photos.

“We need a photo of all the champions and the judges together Dumbledore! For posterity’s sake!”
Bagman declared, beckoning the photographer over with a wave of his hand.

“And the papers,” Skeeter said, finally looking up from her pad. She tucked it and the quill back
into her handbag and ambled over to stand by Harry’s side.

“And the papers,” Bagman agreed.

Harry reluctantly turned, hoping they would be done quickly. He was famished, and he had been
looking forward to his first meal sitting together with Susan.

The photos took a long time. Skeeter demanded individual shots of all the champions. Bagman
wanted one of just the judges.

When the time came for the group photo, a fight nearly broke out between Skeeter and the
photographer. The man wanted Fleur front and center, while Skeeter was determined it be Harry.
In the end, they compromised, with both he and Fleur standing in the middle. At last, after the final
shot of the champions and judges together, they were free to go.

Harry sprinted out of the classroom as fast as he could to make sure Skeeter didn’t have a chance to
corner him again. He only paused once he reached the entrance of the Great Hall. It was nearly
empty, most students had already finished their dinner. He ignored the couple of Slytherins who
flashed their ‘POTTER STINKS’ badges at him when he passed their table. What did make him
happy was the fact that there were noticeably fewer badges on the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff
tables. Hannah Abbot even gave him a smile when he walked past her.

He ignored Ron’s glare, even though he was half tempted to smack the git straight. Susan and
Hermione had both asked him to let the matter be for the time being, and he was already too
emotionally drained by the events of the day to get into yet another shouting match with him. He
walked to the very end of the table where Susan and Hermione were sitting. They had already
finished eating, but he was glad they had decided to wait for him. The prospect of eating alone,
with only Ron’s glare for company was not appealing.

“That took long.”

“Tell me about it,” Harry grunted, slipping in next to Susan. He raised his hand when Hermione
tried to speak. “Save your questions for later Mione, I’m famished.”

“I saved you a plate,” Susan whispered, pulling the covering plate away from the food she had
saved for him. He kissed her cheek appreciatively before turning his attention to the food. She
smiled and leaned her head on his shoulder, clasping the hand he wasn’t using to eat.

“Call it a night? You must be tired,” she asked once he had finished, and Harry nodded.

“Goodnight, boyfriend,” she whispered, a hand on his cheek turning him towards her. She leaned
forward and brushed her lips against his. He leaned into her and was just about to deepen the kiss
when Hermione’s discreet cough broke the spell.

“Goodnight, girlfriend,” he mumbled. She blushed and wordlessly slipped out of the bench.

“Hey, Susie?” Harry called as she was walking away, holding out his own satchel. “You took my
bag by mistake.”

Susan looked at him in confusion. She walked towards him and exchanged bags, thankfully taking
the hint.

“That was your bag,” Hermione pointed out, getting to her feet.

“No, it wasn’t.” Harry followed her, stuffing a muffin in his mouth to prevent any further
questions. Hermione simply rolled her eyes at the transparent lie.

Susan opened the bag the minute she was out of the Great Hall, smiling at the sight of the panties
he had confiscated the day before, his invisibility cloak, and a note telling her to wait by the
entrance to the Gryffindor Tower at midnight. She shivered at the thought of her first night sharing
a bed with her boyfriend.

Shit. Do I have something cute to wear?

“Not a minute to waste,” she mumbled, holding the bag to her chest as she ran all the way to her

Chapter End Notes

The tentative final pairing number is 7 based on feedback from my readers. (The
challenge of giving everyone distinct and unique personalities is something I want to
try.) Right now, only 3 are set in stone. (I have their character and personality sheets
ready to go.)

If you'd like to see Art, support me and read more of my work, check out my blog.
Enter, Rita Skeeter
Chapter Notes

Chapter Specific Warnings: Spanking, Bondage, Crying, Roleplay, Discipline,


See the end of the chapter for more notes

Susan let loose a breath she hadn't realized she was holding when the portrait of the Fat Lady
swung out, revealing the entrance to the Gryffindor Common Room. It was a few minutes past
midnight, and she had begun to fear that Harry had been caught up in something, or worse, had
simply forgotten about her.

Harry stepped out of the hole in the wall, looking back at someone she couldn’t see. “I’m
famished. I didn’t even have dinner properly, so I’ll nip down to the kitchens for a quick bite!”

Someone from inside shouted back something she didn’t catch, and Harry nodded. “Sure thing.”

He paused and waited for the painting to swing back on its hinges before looking around, searching
for the barely present shimmer that was the only thing that gave away his invisibility cloak. It was
too dark and he gave up, opting instead to call her. “Susie?” he asked softly, looking around the

She pulled the cloak down from her head, grinning at her boyfriend. “Surprise!” she whispered,
and Harry whipped around in the direction of her voice, his face sporting an equally big smile.

“Sorry, I’m late. Fred and George wouldn’t let me leave until I finished our game of exploding
snap.” He pulled her towards him, wrapping his strong arms around her invisible body.

“It’s okay,” she mumbled, nuzzling into his firm chest.

I’d forgive you for just about anything if you hold me like this.

“Where are we going?” While his arms around her were heavenly, there was always the small
chance of someone walking out of the common room. She didn’t want his housemates to come
across him hugging air and think he had gone off his rocker.

“Well, bed.”

Susan blushed. Her suspicions had been corrected. She was indeed about to share a bed for the
very first time with her boyfriend.

“Won’t Fred and George be suspicious if you return so soon? You told them you were going to the
kitchens for a bite to eat.”

“That was mostly for Hermione’s benefit. I’ll just tell her that I ran into Peeves on the sixth floor
and didn’t want to deal with the menace, so I came back. Fred and George already know. Or, well,
suspect,” Harry explained, the tips of his ears turning red.

“That I’m sneaking up to your bed?” Susan squeaked, blushing hard. She had spent most of her
time in Hogwarts as a good, obedient, and quiet student. She tried her best not to break any school
rules and had ended up in detention only once in all four years of schooling. She was pretty sure
she was about to toss the entire rulebook into the fire if she went up to his bed and the idea that
people other than Harry knew about their plan scared her.

“I had to ask them for a silencing ward. I told them it was because of Ron’s snoring, but they didn’t
look convinced.” He frowned when she shivered. “Hey, relax, it’s Fred and George. ” He brushed
his lips against her forehead.

Well, he has a point, Susan thought, nuzzling deeper into his chest. What I’m about to do is
probably tame by their standards.


Susan gave him a nervous nod. She pulled away, pulling the invisibility cloak back over her head.

Harry turned back to the Fat Lady, who gave him an exasperated look, “Well, lad, make up your
mind! In, or, out?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t be going anywhere till morning,” Harry reassured the woman, “Nox.”

“Alright then.” She gave him another glare before swinging out, revealing the entrance to the
Gryffindor Common Room once more.

Susan couldn’t help but wonder about all the secrets the paintings of the castle had gleaned in their
time hanging on the walls. She carefully stepped through the hole behind Harry, taking great care
to make sure she didn’t stumble and accidentally reveal her presence to anyone. She smiled as she
looked around the cozy common room. It wasn’t that different from theirs, with the exception of
the view. The Gryffindor Tower looked out at the grounds and the Great Lake, and the view was
absolutely stunning. She stepped towards the large windows, entranced, nearly colliding with an
excitable boy who had run up to Harry.

“Colin, I’m really tired,” Harry said before the boy could open his mouth. “I promise I’ll tell you
all about the Ceremony tomorrow, okay?”

The mousy-haired boy nodded, reluctantly trudging back to his group of friends.

She looked around the room nervously for Hermione, but her new friend had evidently gone up to
bed. Fred and George were occupying a couch in one corner of the room and appeared to be
engrossed in a serious conversation, not even noticing that Harry had returned.

“Come on,” Harry whispered, turning and climbing up the steps that led to the Boys' Dormitories
before anyone else had the chance to corner him. Susan followed, her heart hammering in her
chest. The thumping was so loud that was sure the entire tower could hear it.

Harry passed the first two doors, pushing open the third to reveal his large dormitory. She looked
around the room, surprised by what she saw. She had expected to come across a messy room,
similar to what she had seen the one time she had gone up to Justin’s dormitory.

Harry’s was… a bit more varied. Two beds and the areas around them were rather chaotic, one
even worse than Justin’s space had been. The other three, however, were spotless. All were empty,
but she could hear the sound of running water and someone singing very badly in the bathroom
attached to the room. She followed Harry to the bed closest to the window, silently standing in
front of his nightstand while he pulled all the curtains around his bed, securing them with rope to
ensure their privacy. He picked up a piece of parchment from the nightstand with an arcane
symbol, sticking it to one of the curtains.

“There. All set,” he said, moving to the edge of the bed. She pulled the cloak away from her head
but didn’t drop it entirely.

“Home Sweet Home,” he added, patting the space on the bed next to his. Susan moved to sit beside
him, still clutching the invisibility cloak tightly around her body. “Is that the silencing ward?” she
asked, looking at the piece of parchment.

“Yep. The ropes are a Fred and George invention too. They can only be undone by the person who
tied them, so there is no chance of us being disturbed till morning.”

“When they start to sell these, they’re going to make a killing,” Susan murmured, resting her head
on his shoulder.

“They probably will. You can take the cloak off now.”

Susan blushed. “Uhm… Alright. Can you close your eyes?” she asked, getting to her feet and
turning to face him.


“I-I just tried something, okay? And… Please just close your eyes?” Susan begged.

Harry smiled and nodded, closing his eyes. Susan took a deep breath. If someone was to describe
her and her nature, they’d probably characterize her as the sweet, cute girl next door. She didn’t do
‘sexy’. She owned exactly two sets of lingerie (both of which she’d bought after they’d started
sleeping together) and zero dresses that could be considered sexy or provocative. Her quest to find
something for the night had hit a dead end until she had settled on an idea. She just wasn’t sure
how Harry would react to it.

She dropped the cloak and stepped forward until she was standing right in front of him. “I’ve been
a bad student, Professor Potter. How will you punish me tonight?” she whispered, biting her lower
lip between her teeth and trying her best to sound sultry.

Harry opened his eyes, studying the sight in front of him with a mixture of shock and arousal.
Susan had secured her long red hair into two pigtails, completing the ‘innocent’ look with no make-
up except for a thin coat of muted red lipstick and mascara. She’d worn the school shirt from her
first year that she had never gotten around to discarding. She had hit her final growth spurt in her
second year, which meant the shirt barely fit her anymore. It left her midriff exposed, and she
hadn’t even been able to button it up entirely, leaving ample amounts of her generous cleavage on
display. Her large breasts strained against the thin white fabric, their outline clearly visible through
the blouse. The shirt had been so tight that she had no choice but to forgo a bra and her burgeoning
bosom swayed and bounced with even the slightest of movements.

His eyes traveled lower, down to her skirt. It ended well above her knees, hugging her curves and

It had taken her nearly fifteen minutes to squeeze into the skirt and it was tight enough that a clear
outline of the thong she wore was visible through the dark cloth.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, taking his silence as a sign of disapproval. “This was the only thing in
my closet that could remotely be considered ‘sexy’.”

“Miss Bones. Come here,” Harry growled, his deep voice laced with lust. Susan shivered. It did
things to her, that voice.

She stepped closer, nervously twiddling her thumbs as she waited for him to continue.

“A student, Miss Bones?” Harry asked, leaning towards the nightstand.

Susan frowned. She supposed she looked more like a stripper than a ‘student’, but she had thought
the school’s standard shirt and skirt would make guessing what she had dressed up as easy.

Shit, I should have worn my Hufflepuff tie.

Harry’s fingers dug around in the packet of candy rings Fred and George had given him to test,
pulling out a ruby ring. “That’s not what you are, are you?”

Susan remained confused until he took her hand, pushing the joke ring onto her ring finger. It was
only then she understood what he meant, and her face turned a dark red at the realization that they
were about to play out her most secret fantasy. A fantasy she had only revealed to Harry because
she had misjudged the amount of firewhiskey she could handle (she was a lightweight, she knew
that now), gotten drunk as a skunk, and had rambled all about the life she wanted with Harry while
he tried to get her safely back to her common room.

Susan suddenly found herself unable to speak, and simply shook her head in answer.

“What are you?” Harry asked softly. He hadn’t let go of her hand, and the sight of their clasped
hands and the new ring on her finger gave her the courage to speak up.

One day, I’ll make sure this is more than just a fantasy.

All she’d wanted as far as she could remember was to marry Harry and live a happy life in a small
cottage with a big garden where she could grow her plants, study Herbology, and heal people.

“I’m your naughty wife, sir,” Susan mumbled, shivering with anticipation. She blamed the fantasy
on the ‘His Housemate’ series the popular writer C. Wainwritch had written. She had the entire
series in her trunk, but she wasn’t the only one. She was pretty sure every witch in the castle had in
their possession at least one book penned by the author.

Her biggest kink had always been roleplaying as Harry’s wife and all the amazing fantasies that
came with it.

Well… after breeding , the voice in her head reminded her.

“You disappoint me, Susan,” Harry whispered, pulling her into his lap. “I come home after a hard
day of work to charred food.”

“I was distracted, sir,” Susan answered. She squealed quietly when he pulled her down over his
knees. She flushed at his chuckle. He had clearly discovered the damp spot staining her dark skirt.

‘One day, we’ll be married, and I’ll be naughty, and you’ll have to come home and discipline your
wife.’ her drunk self had once told him.

Maybe I need to get drunk more often, Susan mused.

“Ah!” Harry had grabbed her wrists, roughly pulling her arms behind her back. He wrapped his
own arm around her body to keep her safely on his lap as he leaned forward, grabbing a piece of
rope from the nightstand. It was similar to the ones he had used to secure the curtains, and Susan
knew she wouldn’t be going anywhere unless Harry wanted her to.

Her wrists secured, Harry pushed one of his own legs over Susan’s, trapping them in place.

“What were you distracted by, darling?” Harry asked, his hand pushing underneath her tight skirt.
He grabbed the edge of her thong, pulling the flimsy underwear down to her knees.

“I kept trying on different dresses, sir, for our special night. I completely lost track of time and
forgot about the casserole in the oven, I’M SORRY!” She screamed the last part, her eyes going
wide with a mixture of shock and pain at the hard slap delivered to her firm ass.

“Do you think wives who make their husbands go to bed hungry deserve special nights?” Her skirt
was too tight to push up to her waist, so he unbuttoned it and pulled it down her legs.

“No, sir,” Susan mumbled, her pigtails whipping around as she shook her head.

“What do they deserve?”

“They deserve to be spanked with their hairbrush and sent straight to bed,” Susan whispered,
moaning as another trickle of arousal seeped out of her glistening slit.

“This is your first spanking, darling. Let’s start with my hand, yes?” Harry asked, breaking the
immersion for a second.

Susan nodded, her chest filled with a sudden swell of affection for her boyfriend. Even in their
current state, his first concern was her safety and comfort. She wriggled on his lap, arching her
back slightly to raise her pert ass in the air and towards his hand.

“You disappoint me, Susan,” Harry growled again, studying the perfect curve of her pale, freckled
globes. “It will be ten spanks, then straight to bed. You will count them out.”

“Yes, sir.” Susan spread her legs slightly to give him an unobstructed view of her slick cunt.


Her cheekiness was rewarded by a gentle slap to her pussy. She lurched forward, groaning softly.
“O-one,” she whispered, suddenly glad for the silencing ward. There was no way she could be
quiet with the way he was treating her.


The next spank was harder and landed squarely in the middle of her left cheek.

“T-two!” She shrieked as a bright red handprint bloomed on her freckled skin.


He switched to her other cheek. She buried her face in his lap, muffling her moan and the soft,

He paused, his fingers sinking into her creamy skin. He started to massage her stinging rump. “Are
you okay?”

Susan nodded, a lone tear leaking out of the corner of her eyes and tracing its way down her cheek.

“Do you want me to stop?”

Susan shook her head. Her ass was stinging, her face was red at the humiliation of being put across
her ‘husband’s’ knee and… and she was having the time of her life.

She wondered if she could convince him to make it a nightly ritual. She shuddered at the thought
of being disciplined every time they were lucky enough to have an opportunity to sleep in the same


He brought his hand down to her cheeks without warning, spanking her with enough force to make
her ass jiggle. She groaned into his trousers, her legs kicking in a futile effort to free themselves.
Tears pricked her eyes as a sharp sting bloomed at the points of impact. Her cheeks were now a
light pink.

Harry paused, bending to place tender kisses on her abused globes as the stinging slowly subsided
to a dull ache.

“F-four… Five.” She hiccuped, tears now freely streaming down her face. “Six… s-s-seven.”

“Nearly done. Have you learned your lesson?” His gentle massage contrasted perfectly with the
deep ache she now felt in her core, making the entire experience heavenly.

“I-I don’t think so, sir. Maybe you need to spank me every night for a week to make sure I do,” she
answered cheekily.


A shrill shriek escaped her lips as his attention (and his palm) returned to her pussy. The blow had
landed directly on her throbbing core and she thrashed on his lap. “E…eight,” she sobbed, staining
his pants with her tears. Her mascara flowed freely down her cheeks along with her tears, leaving
gorgeous black trails against her pale skin.

“Two more.”

Susan nodded, her mind singularly focused on the dull throbbing between her legs and making sure
she didn’t get the count wrong. He finished with two light smacks to her ass, before spending the
next several minutes massaging her bright red ass. “I’ll make sure to order some pain and bruising
cream… If you want to do this again, that is,” he murmured. He removed his leg, grabbing her
bound wrists to pull her up into a sitting position on his lap.

She whined, the dull ache in her ass turning into a persistent throbbing at the sudden increase in
pressure. “Did I bruise?” she asked, a huge grin plastered on her tear and mascara-stained face.

“Lightly.” Harry raised a questioning eyebrow at the sight of her grin.

“It was humiliating, my ass stings to high heaven, and I’m pretty sure I’m going to regret every
step I take tomorrow…” She paused, before continuing shyly. “But I loved every second of it. I… I
wouldn’t mind making it a thing we do regularly.”

“Then I’ll order the creams. But for now,” She giggled as he wagged a finger sternly in front of her
face, clearly intent on playing out the last part of her fantasy. “Bed.”

Susan nodded, gently climbing off his lap once she was sure she had the strength to stand.

“Come here darling, let me clean your face,” Harry said, looking up at her ruined makeup. Susan
shook her head, taking a step away from him.

“Leave it be. I want you to wake up and remember what you did to your poor girlfriend,” she teased
with a bashful smile.

“Let me at least undo the rope and take off that shirt so you can sleep comfortably.” Harry didn’t
bother waiting for her answer. He got to his feet and walked over to her, a hand looping around her
waist to her bound wrists. The rope fell off at his touch and she rotated her numb wrists. The shirt
was off before she knew it. She trembled as his lust-filled eyes moved up and down her bare body.
She had a feeling she would be sneaking out of the dormitory in the morning with his cum leaking
out of her.

“I… I can’t sleep naked,” she admitted. “ And I forgot to bring any other clothes with me.”

“Don’t worry.” He popped open his trunk, pulling out his own nightshirt and pajamas, before
handing her a spare shirt. “I don’t think my pants will fit you, sorry.”

“That’s alright,” she said with a giggle, holding the shirt against her body. “This goes down to my

He yawned. “I-I’m sorry. It’s been a long day and-”

“Harry.” She quickly pulled the shirt over her head, then closed the distance, brushing her lips
against his. “Take me to bed.”

He smiled and nodded. She climbed into the warm bed, watching him change before he too joined
her. She let him pull her against his chest, happily becoming the little spoon to his big one.

“Goodnight,” she whispered as he pulled the blanket over their bodies. She passed out within
seconds of her head hitting the pillow, having been more tired than she had realized.

Susan awoke to the loud rattling of curtains, and the conspicuous absence of Harry’s warmth next
to her.

She opened her eyes, reluctantly pushing her sore body into a sitting position. She watched blearily
as Harry undid the ropes in one corner of the bed, allowing Hermione to slip inside.

“Harry, today isn’t the day to sleep in, you need to take a look at this,” Hermione growled the
minute she had slipped inside, shoving a paper against his chest.

“Whas going on?” Susan asked with a yawn, raising her arms above her head in an effort to

“I-Susan?!” Hermione turned to the other girl in surprise.

“You can scold us for breaking the rules later,” Harry said, his voice suddenly serious. “Susie, you
need to see this.” He turned to the paper in her direction, pointing at the large headline printed at
the top of the front page.

~Rita Skeeter

Chapter End Notes

Skeeter is about to go through some things. If you're curious who I'm basing Susan's
appearance on, I have a photo on my blog! I feel like this FC is that perfect mixture of
innocence and sultriness that is central to Susan's character.

If you'd like to see Art, support me and read more of my work, check out my blog:
Enter, Daphne Greengrass
Chapter Notes

Chapter Specific Warnings: Fingering, Squirting, Face Fucking, Deep Throating, Cum
Play, Teasing.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry handed the copy of the Daily Prophet to Susan before moving to redo the rope he had untied
to allow Hermione to slip inside. He could spy shut curtains on Seamus’ and Ron’s beds and he
had no desire for either of them to overhear the conversation they were about to have. Ron was still
being a spiteful git and Seamus, well, Seamus had the spectacular gift of not knowing when to
keep his mouth shut. The last thing he needed was for Skeeter to write a follow-up article about the
‘threesomes’ he hosted in his dormitory.

“What’re you doing here Susan?” Hermione asked. She moved to perch herself on the stool in front
of Harry’s dressing vanity, deciding that was a safer bet than the bed given the crinkled bedsheets
and Susan’s rather obvious state of undress.

“I-I spent the night,” Susan admitted shyly. Harry had climbed onto the bed behind her, and she
hissed in pain when he wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her into his lap. Her ass screamed
in protest, the soreness she had woken up with turning into a dull, persistent throbbing.

“Still sore?” Harry asked, watching Susan unfold the paper so they could study the article in its

“A little.”

“Why does Susan look like she’s been crying?” Hermione asked, raising an eyebrow. Susan
blushed furiously, ducking her head behind the newspaper to hide her face.


How the hell do I explain why I spanked my girlfriend?

“I-It was a sex thing. We…uh… we tried something new. Don’t worry, I liked it,” Susan squeaked
from behind the paper.

“What kind of-”

“Hermione, do you really want to know the details of my sex life?” Harry countered, cutting her

“Well, according to this article, she is very interested in it, Harry. You’re star-crossed lovers after
all,” Susan giggled, reading through the bile that Skeeter had printed.

Hermione made a sound of protest. “T-that disgusting woman! She made us sound like… Romeo
and Juliet! Everyone in my dorms thinks I’m some sad damsel in distress! Lavender and Parvati
even offered to help me break up the two of you so I could be with my ‘soulmate’,” Hermione
Susan leaned up, looking at Harry quizzically.

“Romeo and Juliet are characters from a muggle story, darling. They wanted to be together but
their families wouldn’t allow it so they killed themselves,” Harry explained. “But there’s nothing
going on between Hermione and me, I swear,” he added, almost as an afterthought.

“We are best friends. Nothing more,” Hermione added firmly. “Will never be anything more.”

“Oh, I know,” Susan said, sounding far more unbothered about the entire thing than Harry and
Hermione. “It will be a cold day in Hell before I believe anything Skeeter prints. You should see
the filth she writes about Auntie.”

“Half the school believes it,” Hermione said darkly. “You should have seen the stares I got in the
Great Hall.”

“Half the school lives for sensationalism and drama. A cute, homely Hufflepuff dating the Boy-
Who-Lived doesn’t exactly make for great gossip material. Now, this…” She skimmed through the
article. “Apparently I used dark and unknown magic to ensnare you, Harry,” Susan snorted. “Not
that unknown, Rita. They’re called boobs, and I am happy to report I have a fantastic pair of them,
thank you very much.”

“Nothing about this article bothers you?” Harry asked, confused.

“Well…” Susan paused for dramatic effect, “She did get Cedric’s name wrong,” Susan said,
pointing to the small paragraph devoted to the other champions at the very end of the article.
“That’s an affront to my house that I will not tolerate.”


“Harry,” Susan responded with an impish smile, clearly in a playful mood now that she had gotten
over the embarrassment of Hermione discovering them together. She shifted slightly, and he hissed
as her sore butt brushed against his morning wood. “She did get a fantastic photo of you,” Susan
murmured, her fingers tracing the large photograph that dominated the front page. Photos of none
of the other champions, nor the group photo they had taken had been included. “I wonder if she’ll
give me a copy so I can frame it and put it on my nightstand. Maybe I can use my dark and evil
ways to convince her,” Susan chuckled, folding and tossing the paper to the floor.

“How are you so casual about this?” Hermione hissed, acting like her life was over.

“Why are you so worked up about this?” Susan leaned into Harry’s chest, turning to look at
Hermione. Her cheeks were still a faint pink at being caught by the other girl. “If I were in your

“You’d what?”

“I’d tell anyone who asked that Skeeter had gotten it wrong-”

“That’s what I’ve been doing! Nobody is ready to believe me,” Hermione replied, sounding

“Let me finish,” Susan said patiently. “You tell them Skeeter got it wrong. You don’t need their
help because you’re already dating Harry and me.”

Harry’s mouth fell open. He watched his girlfriend with wide eyes, too shocked to say anything.
“I-I how… how can we… I mean…”

“Seriously Hermione, from what Harry’s told me about his friends, I thought Ron was the one who
had antiquated notions of love and sex,” Susan said briskly. “Look, denying this story won’t work.
People believe what they want to believe, and what they want to believe is a scandalous story.
That-” she pointed to the paper, “is one hell of a scandal. It makes you sound like a damsel in
distress, me a dirty, scheming whore, and Harry a clueless boy who is wholly unready for the
responsibility and power he is destined for. You don’t beat Skeeter with a lame denial. You beat
her by turning the tables. By crafting your own scandalous story. A story that makes us appear
powerful instead of pathetic.”

Harry’s expression changed from shock to amazement.

“What?” Susan whispered, blushing furiously at the look of pure adoration on her boyfriend’s face.

“You never fail to surprise me, my devious little mastermind,” Harry whispered, bending to
capture her lips. He forgot for a minute that they had company, his hand gently pushing underneath
the large shirt she wore.


“Right, right.” Harry hastily withdrew his hand.

“I was raised by Amelia Bones,” Susan said quickly, trying to deflect attention from the fact that
she had been seconds away from being undressed and fucked silly in front of Hermione. “Just
because the thought of getting into politics when I grow up makes me break out in hives doesn’t
mean I’m not good at it.”

“I don’t see how bragging that I’m dating Harry is going to help us. People are still going to talk
about us. No matter what we do, Skeeter wins,” Hermione muttered, frowning.

“We win by refusing to let Skeeter set the narrative. You see, now when people talk about you,
you’ll be the ambitious muggleborn who snagged herself a Triwizard Champion and heir to the
Potter fortune, I’ll be the girl who saved her family, and Harry will be the political savant who
ensured that the power, prestige, and wealth of the Bones and Potter families is protected. When
people gossip, they’ll do it with admiration and jealousy, not pity. The exact opposite of what
Skeeter wants.”

“Okay, who are you and what have you done with my sweet Hufflepuff girlfriend?” Harry asked
teasingly, gently tickling her.

“Haaaary!” Susan squealed, squirming in his lap.

“Are the two of you always this disgustingly romantic?” Hermione asked, sounding faintly

“Most of the time. In our defense, we are soulmates,” Harry chuckled, kissing Susan’s forehead.

“Funny for her to call Hermione your ‘real’ soulmate in the article. Almost like she has information
we don’t, and she’s taunting us with it,” Susan murmured with a frown.

“You mean that in the metaphorical sense of the term, right?”

“No, I’m being literal Hermione. We are soulmates. Destined to be together,” Harry explained,
running a thumb down Susan’s spine. She shivered, deciding they needed to wrap the conversation
up. She had some very important business to attend to. “Susie, can you explain what you meant by
protecting the Bones and Potter families?”

“Remind me to write to Auntie to ask if you can stay with us during the summer so she can teach
you the intricacies of Wizengamot politics,” Susan said, biting her lip to stifle a moan as his thumb
traveled ever closer to her aching bum. “But for now, a crash course?”

Harry nodded. Hermione leaned forward in her stool, eager as always to learn something new.

“After the fall of You-Know-Who Malfoy and a few of his cronies came really close to being
tossed into Azkaban for their crimes. If Mr. Crouch’s ministerial campaign hadn’t been tanked by
the scandal surrounding his son, it might even have happened. Who knows,” Susan said, taking a
deep breath before continuing. “But his campaign did tank, and Malfoy saw an opening. He bribed
Fudge’s way into the office to protect himself, but then he thought, why stop there? Why not make
sure he never had to worry about Azkaban ever again? The Death Eaters had butchered entire
families, and nearly one-fifth of the Wizengamot seats were empty.” She looked at Harry and
Hermione to make sure they were following her explanation.

Both of them were hanging onto every word, completely engrossed by the tale she was spinning.
Harry mused that History of Magic would be much more interesting if Susan was the one to teach
it instead of Professor Binns.

“Right. So, he got Fudge to pass a law that declared that the Wizengamot seat and family wealth of
any family that died without an official blood heir would revert back to the Ministry, and the
Minister of Magic could give them out to whoever he wanted.”

“That whoever being the person Malfoy wanted, of course.” Hermione snorted.

“Yep. Malfoy kept the wealth and gave the seats in Wizengamot to people whose loyalty he could
rely on. People like Crabbe and Goyle. Auntie and I are the only surviving Bones family members.
After us… Well, I refuse to think about it because I’d rather chop off an arm than let mum and
dad’s belongings be given to the very people who killed them,” Susan growled in a very
uncharacteristic display of anger.

“Our child can inherit them. Malfoy won’t get to lay his thieving, grubby hands on anything that
belongs to your parents,” Harry said firmly.

“That means giving up the Potter seat and fortune to someone like Vincent Crabbe, my love,”
Susan pointed out sadly.

“You can have two children. One will be a Potter, the other can carry the Bones name,” Hermione

“That’s what was common before the war. Malfoy thought of a way around it. They added a clause
to the law to ‘prevent destructive family feuds and protect the Wizarding World by preventing any
one person from accumulating too much power’,” Susan explained with a shake of her head. “All
our children can either carry the Potter or the Bones name. We can’t divide it between them.”

“So we have to make a choice. Give one up.”

“Well… not really. You see, Auntie studies laws for a living, and Malfoy forgot to close one
loophole,” Susan pointed out with a grin. “There’s no law stopping Harry from marrying me and
someone else. It has happened on occasion in the past.”

“Someone else can be Mrs. Potter,” Hermione said, as everything finally clicked in place. She
gasped as she understood the simple brilliance of Susan’s plan. “Harry, Malfoy’s father has had it
out for you since your second year. This explains all his actions. He wants you dead for reasons
that are very obvious now.”

“This way we kill two pixies with one spell. Get one up on Skeeter, and give ourselves time to find
the actual Mrs. Potter.”

“Susie… I… How? We’re soulmates,” Harry frowned. How could they add a third person to their

“Harry, in a perfect world, it’d just be the two of us living a happy life away from all this madness.
But we don’t live in a perfect world. And I’d rather share your love than have to choose between it
and living my life with the knowledge that when I die, the last memories I have of my parents will
pass to the children of their murderers. I selfishly wanted to enjoy as much time as I could with you
before I brought it up, but Skeeter seems to have it out for my love life…” When he didn’t look
convinced, she continued. “I’m not sure how everything will work out, Harry. What I do know for
certain is that your heart is big enough to love more than one person. As long as I’m one of those
people, I don’t mind sharing it. And we have years to figure it out,” she whispered, kissing his
chest. “Besides, Professor Dumbledore always says love is the only thing that increases the more
you share it, doesn’t he?”

“I… I don’t like it at all, but it’s a solid plan,” Hermione confirmed, getting to her feet. “You guys
get breathing space to figure out how to safeguard yourselves and your families, and people will
stop looking at me like I’m the sad, wet sock they found at the bottom of their trunk.”

“So, you’re okay with being in a fake relationship with us?” Harry asked, turning to his best friend.

“Till the gossip dies down, yes. See you two in the Great Hall for breakfast? We need to come up
with a plan to make sure this harebrained idea actually works.”

“I don’t think so,” Harry murmured. Susan shuddered at the wolfish look in his eyes.

“Seriously? The two of you just spent the entire night together.”

“It’s not that! I just want to make sure the dormitory is empty so Susan can shower and sneak out
without being caught,” Harry protested weakly.

“Yeah, right,” Hermione said with a knowing smile. She waited by the curtains for Harry to undo
the rope. Harry reluctantly pushed Susan off his lap and onto the bed, quickly letting Hermione out
before securing the curtain once more.

“So,” he said, turning to Susan, his emerald eyes dark with lust.

“So,” Susan whispered. She spread her legs, revealing her tight, wet womanhood. She licked her
lips, her eyes fixed on the rapidly growing tent in his pajamas. All thought of politics and dynasties
was forgotten as he grabbed her ankles, pulling her towards him.

“Does it hurt?” Harry had pushed his palm against her cunt, his index finger gently tracing the
puffy lips that guarded her pulsating core.

“N-no,” Susan whispered, her breath hitching. “Not like my ass.”

“Good.” Harry pulled his hand away, and Susan groaned needily.

“I… AH!” She screamed, kicking her legs as the now familiar sting spread through her needy core.
“P-please,” she begged, bucking her hips, trying her best to grind against his palm.

“Please what?” Harry asked, lazily rubbing her pussy.

“Pleasehavesexwithme,” Susan mumbled.

“What was that?” Harry pushed the tip of his finger inside her tight, wet cunt. Her velvet walls
immediately clamped down around the digit, trying to draw it ever deeper inside her.

“S-sir… can you… please… sex with me?” Susan wheezed.

“Why should I? You’ve been very naughty. Maybe a day spent going to class needy and frustrated
is exactly what you need to learn your lesson.”

He was making her beg, she realized, her pale blue eyes fluttering open and looking up at her lover
beseechingly. He had discovered she enjoyed this kind of gentle humiliation, and Harry had never
been shy about playing into what his partner liked.

“I…I promise.”

“You promise what?” Harry asked, adding a second finger inside her. His thumb traveled to her clit
and began to gently massage the sensitive nub, causing a gush of arousal to leak out of her and stain
his hand.

“T-to be good,” Susan said, her pigtails flying around as she nodded vigorously.

“What’re you going to do about your clothes?” Harry asked.

“I’ll take it off!” Her hands flew to the shirt that had already ridden up to her breasts, pulling it up
her head and tossing it away.

Harry chuckled. “I meant the clothes you’ll have to wear after you shower, my silly cum-crazed

Susan flushed. The casual way in which he teased and degraded her had caused another gush of
wetness to escape her cunt, coating his fingers and hand with her cum.

“Charm… old uniform… to fit,” Susan mumbled, having no more strength for words.

“Okay.” Susan groaned pitifully when he pulled his fingers out of her. He bent and picked up her
thong, taking a second to study his girlfriend. She was panting like she was in heat, her lips parted
as a trickle of drool traced its way down her chin. He made a show of wiping his fingers clean with
her thong before gagging her mouth with it.

“Phleaseeeeee,” Susan whined, shuddering at the taste of her own tangy arousal. She groaned
around her makeshift gag as he roughly stuffed his fingers back inside her cunt. He placed his free
hand on her stomach, keeping her pinned in place.

“Please what?” Harry continued his teasing, gently caressing the soft skin of her belly. His fingers
stayed inside her, immobile, causing her to whine and kick her legs in a futile effort to get him to
do something. Anything.

“I… cuhm?” she asked hopefully, her mind completely blank.

“Maybe.” He loomed over her, and her needy eyes roved over the hint of the taut muscles of his
firm chest visible through the neck-hole of his baggy nightshirt. He winked at her, the nail of his
thumb gently grazing against her clit. She whined pitifully around her makeshift gag, a tear leaking
out of the corner of her eye.

Her pussy was positively gushing and his entire hand up to his wrist was stained by her arousal. It
dripped down to the stone floor from his arm, forming a small puddle by their feet.

Harry began to pump his fingers in and out of her, slowly at first, but quickly speeding up. Susan
moaned around her drool and cum stained panties, her hands moving to grip Harry’s shoulders to
keep her in place as every savage thrust of his hand rocked her up and down on the bed.

“I… love…” She came with a shrill scream, squirting her orgasm all over Harry’s hand. Her cum
sprayed all over his arm, drenching it and dripping down to the floor in rivulets. Harry continued to
finger her as she rode out her orgasm, grunting softly at the effort it took to push into her clenching

“Love you too, darling,” he whispered, bending over to kiss her sweaty forehead. She was
completely limp, feeling as though every bone had disappeared from her body. “Even when you
ruin my shirts,” he teased, looking at the cum-stained sleeve of his nightshirt.

She gave him a lazy smile, happy to stay in bed in her post-orgasmic bliss and stare at her sexy
boyfriend all day.

Harry, however, had other plans. He pulled his hand out of her, holding it in front of her face so she
could see its condition. It was soaked with her cum, glistening in the dim sunlight that poked
through the shut curtains. She leaned forward, pushing her tongue around the gag in a futile effort
to lick it clean.

Harry chuckled and moved his hand higher, burying it in her hair. He used his hold on her to pull
her down to the floor on her knees, making her kneel in her own puddle of cum.

“We’re not done yet, Miss Bones.” The cold, authoritative tone he used made her shiver. She
pulled the panties from her mouth when she realized he was pulling his pants down his legs, letting
them drop into her lap. She obediently kept her mouth open for him as he grabbed her pigtails,
using them as handles to guide her swollen, parted lips to his cock.

She looked up at him, her tired eyes gleaming playfully as her tongue darted out to capture the
trickle of precum leaking out of his tip. Harry groaned quietly as she wrapped her lips around his
massive cockhead, hollowing out her cheeks to draw more and more of his thick shaft into the
warm embrace of her mouth.

“Remember your non-verbal safeword?”

Susan arched her right index and middle fingers into a ‘V’, her eyes flying up to his face
questioningly. Her question was answered once he didn’t stop when his tip hit the back of her
throat, instead using his grip in her hair to push deeper. Susan’s eyes grew wider, her face burying
in his crotch as she was made to swallow his imposing length. He was going to fuck her face… for
the very first time.

Now, do you understand why I asked if you remembered the sign, sweet pea?

He’d have asked the question out loud, but Susan was in no state to answer. Her nails sunk into his
thighs as she gripped them for support, all while gagging and drooling around his shaft. Harry held
her there until she had to use the safeword, pulling her away to give her a minute to breathe before
pushing her back down on his cock. Again and again, he repeated it, Susan unable to do much
more than moan, choke, and drool around his impressive girth as he pushed and pulled on her
pigtails to fuck her face.

His cock glistened, covered with a generous coat of her saliva. It leaked out of the corners of her
mouth in a steady stream, dripping down her chin, coating her breasts and intermingling with the
cum on her thighs and the floor.

The thought of him using her so casually as his personal cumdump caused another gush of arousal
to seep out of her aching pussy.

She lost all track of time as he pistoned in and out of her mouth, simply closing her eyes as she let
her lover use her body for his pleasure. She whined quietly when he pulled out of her mouth with a
loud ‘PLOP’, her eyes flying open in surprise as a rope of his hot, sticky seed flew out of his cock
and splashed across her face.

“N-no,” she gasped, angling her face and keeping her mouth wide open. She poked out her tongue,
desperate to catch as much of his cum as she could. His seed belonged in her belly, not wasted in
her hair or on the floor.

“I- MERLIN!” Harry came with a shout, grasping his twitching cock as he shot load after load of
his cum on her face and into her mouth. Susan wasn’t quite as successful as she would have liked
in her endeavor. While she happily swallowed every drop shot into her mouth, most of it ended up
on her face and tits and in her hair, leaving her covered from head to toe in cum, drool, and tears.

She didn’t move even when he pulled away, the sudden lack of pressure in her hair a woeful
disappointment. She kneeled in the mess they had made, leaning back against the bed and
watching Harry as he pulled his pants back up and bustled about his bed, gathering his uniform.


“Mhm?” she asked, absentmindedly gathering some of his cum off her tit onto her finger, before
popping it into her mouth. She slowly sucked it clean, her mind gloriously blank.

“Are you alright?”

“I’m happy,” she replied, grinning when he bent to kiss the small part of her forehead that was still
miraculously clean.

“Good,” he whispered. He undid a rope and slipped out, leaving her in that state. It was the last part
of their little roleplay, and she spent the next several minutes gathering his cum into her mouth
with her finger, imagining a life where what they’d done wasn’t a special occurrence but just an
everyday part of their mornings before he left for work.

Soon, she thought, reluctantly forcing herself to get up. She grabbed her wand, quickly cleaning his
bed and the space around it before modifying the uniform to make it larger so it actually fit her.
She stuffed her ruined panties and Harry’s shirt that she’d worn to bed into her bag, before
grabbing his invisibility cloak. She peeked out into the now empty room, scampering across it to
the bathroom for a quick shower.

Not soon enough, she thought when she emerged from the bathroom, looking longingly at Harry’s
empty and cold bed before she wrapped the invisibility cloak around her and slipped out of the
“That was weird, even by Hagrid’s standards,” Harry murmured as they walked to the
Greenhouses. He and Hermione were attracting far more attention than usual, but so far they had
stuck to their fake dating story with splendid results. The looks they garnered had shifted from
insincere pity and mocking to jealousy and downright admiration as the day progressed. Malfoy in
particular had seemed in a rather huffy mood throughout Care of Magical Creatures and had settled
on crude insults about Harry’s virility which he had happily ignored.

“What’s weird?” Susan asked, running up to slip into Harry’s side. She grabbed his hand,
intertwining their fingers and giving him a radiant smile. “Are you talking about those strange
creatures in the pen behind Professor Hagrid’s hut? What even are those?”

“Blast-Ended Skrewts,” Harry answered, slowing down to enjoy the sunny day and the trek up to
the Herbology greenhouses.

“I’ve never heard of them before.”

“You’re not the only one,” Hermione said wryly.

Harry took a second to glance at his girlfriend. Her long red hair was back in its customary braid,
and her subtle makeup and uniform were immaculate. A stark contrast from how he had left her
that morning. He grinned at the memory of her kneeling, covered in a mixture of cum, drool, and

“You know, people are going to suspect something is wrong if you only grin like an idiot when
you look at Susan, Harry. You’re supposed to be dating both of us,” Hermione teased, playfully
elbowing her friend in the chest. Both Harry and Susan blushed at the teasing.

“So,” Susan said, clearing her throat, “If it's not those strange creatures, what’s the weird thing you
were talking about?”

“Skeeter was poking around, talking to Hagrid,” Harry muttered, spotting the blonde exit the castle
in the distance. He scowled in her direction, although he doubted she could see his expression from
such a distance.

“That’s not weird. She probably talked to everyone you’re close to in the castle and twisted
everything they told her.”

“Every single word,” Hermione confirmed. “He told us she only wanted to know about me and
Harry… what our ‘relationship’ was like. Hagrid innocently told her we had a ‘beautiful and
special friendship’.”

“You are star-crossed lovers after all,” Susan teased, hopping over the exposed root of a tree.

Hermione snorted indignantly. “ANYWAYS, that’s not the weird thing. Hagrid asked Harry to
accompany him into the Forbidden Forest tonight because he wants to show Harry something
important about the tournament.”

“Not surprising. They might have announced that teachers can’t intervene or help champions
officially, but I know for a fact Professor Sprout has taken to tutoring Cedric every evening,”
Susan replied as they passed various greenhouses, trying to find the one that would host their
lesson for the day. “The fact that it’s Professor Hagrid does make me wonder though…” she trailed
off, deep in thought.

“Wonder what?”
“Well, what do you get when you combine Professor Hagrid and the Forbidden Forest?”

Harry groaned. “Large, vicious creatures who will happily murder me the first chance they get. If
the first task has anything to do with Acromantulas, I’m just going to lie down and accept my fate.”

“We should start reading up about dangerous magical creatures,” Hermione whispered urgently.
Harry suddenly regretted not taking Care of Magical Creatures as seriously as he should have. He
had just picked the class to support his friend, not because he had any particular interest in the

“We don’t have that much time to spare. The First Task is in two weeks. We need the help of
someone who has a lot of knowledge about magical creatures but also…” Susan paused, trying to
figure out the best way to frame Hagrid’s irrational love for dangerous magical creatures
delicately. “You know, understands the dangers they pose. Someone who will teach Harry how to
get past the creature, not the safe way to pet its belly.”

They walked to an empty station. Harry ignored Ron glaring at them, instead waving Neville over.
He beamed at the invitation, happily running up to join them.

“You know anyone who fits that description?” Harry asked, looking at Hermione. She shook her

“I do,” Susan said softly, “Daphne Greengrass.”

Chapter End Notes

I kinda dislike how Malfoy is sometimes turned into the laughing stock of a story. I
really want to make him a savvy political opponent. An utter coward, craven, but with
impeccable political and survival instincts.

If you'd like to see Art, support me and read more of my work, check out my blog:
The Proposal
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Susan took a deep breath, taking a second to steel her nerves before she walked up to the Slytherin
sitting alone in the far corner of the library. Given the traditional animosity between Gryffindors
and Slytherins, she had thought it best if she approached the girl alone. The fact that she had never
worn the hideous badge that many of her housemates now sported gave her some hope that she’d
agree to help them out.

“Daphne?” she called out softly, trying to fight the blush on her cheeks. The curse of being a
redhead was that she was as pale as a vampire and blushed at the smallest provocations. And
Daphne Greengrass was nothing if not a huge reason to blush. The blonde was intimidating, suave,
and unapproachable, not to mention drop-dead gorgeous.

“What?” Daphne snapped, her scowl softening somewhat when she realized who had interrupted
her reading. She removed her reading glasses, setting them down on her book before gesturing to
the chair opposite her. “Sorry,” she said, her tone still guarded. “I thought you were that idiot from
Drumstrang who keeps asking me out.”

“No problem,” Susan murmured, pulling the chair and sitting down on it. “I’m sorry to interrupt
your reading, but I need your help with something important.”

Daphne raised an eyebrow.

“I know we’re not exactly friends-”

“You’re tolerable, Bones. Which is more than I can say for most of the castle,” Daphne said
briskly, cutting Susan off mid-sentence.

“Right. Well, I wouldn’t even be asking if my boyfriend wasn’t under imminent risk of being
ripped from limb to limb-”

“This is about Harry Potter?” Daphne asked, cutting her off again. Susan frowned at the slightly
amused tone.


Daphne picked up her glasses, fogging them up before starting to clean them with the edge of her
sweater. “Alright. I’m in.”

“You don’t even know what we need help with.”

“Considering this is Potter we’re talking about, I presume it will be something that breaks a lot of
school rules and carries with it a risk of severe bodily injury?”

“Quite possibly.” Susan smiled, the grin on her face matching Daphne’s.

Who knew the Ice Queen had a sense of humor?

“As I said, I’m in. I do have a price,” Daphne added, setting her glasses down.

“What’s your price?” Susan asked warily. The Greengrasses were fabulously wealthy, so it wasn’t
like she needed money. Fabian Greengrass had made a fortune trading potions, and the family had
never looked back.

“A date.”

“With me?” Susan squeaked.

“With Harry,” Daphne replied, her tone crisp.

“W-why do you want a date with Harry?”

Daphne pushed aside the book to reveal the day’s copy of the Daily Prophet. “If I’m putting my
life and my reputation on the line, not to mention taking the risk of getting ostracized by the
majority of my house, I’d like to have some skin in the game. He clearly has no problem dating
more than one person, and the rumor mill says you not only encourage it but that you’re a happy
participant as well.”

Susan rolled her eyes. “Really? You’re going to believe the Hogwarts rumor mill and an article
Skeeter wrote?”

“Normally I wouldn’t give either a single shred of my attention, but Potter and Granger have been
inseparable for years now. One wonders.” Daphne shrugged. “Especially when Granger all but
confirmed everything to Tracey during Care of Magical Creatures.”

“It’s a lie.”

“So… she’s not dating Potter?” Daphne asked, raising a perfectly manicured eyebrow.

“No. We just made it up so people would stop looking at Hermione like she’s a charity case and at
me like I’m a two-timing bitch. Not to mention making sure the whole sad clueless little boy angle
she’s using for Harry doesn’t find any traction.”

“Turning the tables on Skeeter by completely wrecking her agenda. Impressive.” There was
genuine admiration in her voice. “It can’t have been those two. You thought it up, didn’t you?
There’s a Slytherin hidden in you, Bones.”

“The hat almost put me in Slytherin. Said it recognized my determination to protect those I loved,
no matter the cost.”

“That is a very Slytherin quality.” Daphne tilted her head. “Did you come to me to protect someone
you love?”

“Yes,” Susan said without hesitation.

“Interesting. I thought you were faking it and this was a marriage of convenience.”

Susan flushed. “Harry isn’t a tool you use for your own purposes or barter with, Daphne.”

“Relax. I mean no offense. I was just slightly astonished that you love him. People like us don’t
usually have the luxury of choosing to be with the people we love, after all.”

“Why do you want to go on a date with him if you don’t believe in love?” Susan asked, repeating
her question.

“Guess why?”
“The Greengrass line,” Susan murmured, her eyes going wide.

“My sister is besotted with Malfoy,” Daphne said with a scowl. “What she sees in the arse…” She
took a deep breath, steadying herself. “Thus, it falls to me to make sure the ferret doesn’t get his
grubby hands all over my family’s power and wealth.”

“Why Harry?” When Daphne didn’t respond, Susan continued. “I’m not entirely opposed to the
idea, but if you don’t tell me why you want to go on a date with him, I’m not going to say yes. I’m
not going to let you use Harry as a bargaining chip. We’ll find someone else to help us with what
we need.”

Daphne took a deep breath, leaning back to make sure no one else could overhear their
conversation. Satisfied, she leaned closer, her eyes narrowing, “If you breathe a word of what I’m
about to say-”

“You’ll freeze my ass off and hand it to me on a plate,” Susan muttered, finishing the girl’s
trademark threat.

With how much my ass is aching sitting on this hard chair, I might just welcome it.



“My family has always straddled a rather perilous fence of neutrality. I fear that may not be
possible in the coming years. It’s time to pick a side, and I know which one I’m going with.”

Susan took advantage of the pause to mull over Daphne’s words. A Greengrass had always been
the head of the neutral faction in Wizengamot since the times of Gellert Grindlewald. For Daphne
to publicly date Harry… The news of it would send shockwaves through the Ministry and the
corridors of power.

Something had to have changed. The Greengrass’ determination to abandon their long-held beliefs,
combined with Harry’s forcible entry into the tournament and the events of the World Cup all
added up to something. She didn’t know what that was yet, but she had an ominous feeling
something horrible was on the horizon. Something none of them were prepared for.

“No,” Susan said, despite the obvious advantages to the proposition and her own undeniable
attraction for the girl.


“As I’ve said, I have no desire to see my boyfriend used as a pawn in your political machinations,
Daphne. I doubt he’ll be any warmer to the idea than I am,” Susan said coldly, moving to get up.
She raised an eyebrow when Daphne grasped her wrist, pulling her back down into the chair.

“Let me finish.”

“What else is there to say?”

Daphne sighed. “You’re really going to make me say it, aren’t you?”

Susan simply crossed her arms over her chest and waited for her to continue.

“The thought of laying on my back, pretending to moan while some random idiot paws at my
breasts and shoves his tiny dick in me for two minutes just so I can birth his unimpressive spawn
and give it my name makes me want to claw my eyes out. The thought of spending my entire life in
a loveless marriage with said idiot makes me want to fling myself off the Astronomy Tower.”
Daphne paused, taking a deep breath before she continued. “Potter is head over heels in love with
you. It took me all of ten minutes of hearing him talk about you to Professor Hagrid during Care of
Magical Creatures to gauge the depth of his affection for you. He loves you, you love him. It’s all
fairly nauseating,” she teased, a small smile on her face. “I… I want someone who looks at me like
that. Call me selfish, if you want to. I want to protect my family but I also want… a happy life. I
feel like I’d have one with you and Potter. You’re people I think I can be myself around, a safe
harbor where I can abandon the stony facade that has become my life. And-” She paused, a wicked
smirk on her face. “I’ve lived with Tracey long enough to know the ‘well-fucked limp’ when I see
it,” she finished with a smirk.

Susan turned the shade of a beetroot at the observation.

Is it that obvious?

“He didn’t… uh… I wasn’t uhm… well-fucked today,” Susan mumbled, not sure why she felt the
need to clarify that in the first place. She sighed at the disbelieving look on Daphne’s face. “T-
there might have been some sexual activity,” she confessed shyly.

“You’re adorable,” Daphne chuckled, picking up her reading glasses and perching them on top of
her head.

“You’ll treat him right?”

Why am I even considering this?

She felt a strange draw to the girl. It wasn’t as simple as them needing her help. In some
inexplicable way, this encounter felt like it was meant to happen. She convinced herself it was just
her brain working out Daphne’s usefulness in the background. Not only was she important to
making sure Harry got through the First Task unhurt and alive, having the Greengrass heir in their
corner pretty much guaranteed the neutral votes in Wizengamot. With her support, they had
enough votes to ensure Malfoy couldn’t force through another change of the damned law. Their
little tale about Hermione ‘dating’ Harry might have taken the wind out of Skeeter’s article, but she
had belatedly realized it also had the effect of warning Malfoy that they were onto his designs for
the endangered Wizengamot seats. Not to mention the fact that once she had peeled back the layers
to reveal the real reasons Daphne wanted a date with Harry, she found them to be equal parts sad
and adorable. To think a desire for love was something shameful that had to be hidden…

Susan groaned.

This is why I stay far away from politics and making decisions more consequential than choosing
between muffins and cupcakes for picnics.

“Why don’t you come along?” Daphne asked, clearly interpreting her groan in a different light.

“With you two? On the date?” That was… unexpected.

“I don’t mind. If Harry and I hit it off, we will end up spending a lot of time together after all. You
can be our chaperone,” Daphne said, shutting her book and slipping it into her bag. “That way you
won’t have to worry I’m this generation’s Alicia Zabini.”

“That’s… fair. I’ll ask Harry,” Susan said, watching her get up.
“Let me know by dinner.” With that, she left, leaving a dazed and confused Susan in her wake.

“Let me guess, she laughed in your face and told you to go drown yourself in the Great Lake when
you asked her to help us,” Harry murmured, frowning. Susan silently walked up to where he and
Hermione sat under their favorite oak tree next to the Great Lake, silently plopping down into his

“Unfortunate, but not unexpected. The way I see it, we have two options. We either keep
questioning Hagrid until he gives us sensible, useful advice, or we start pouring through every
book on magical creatures we can get our hands on.”

“We don’t know what magical creature I have to fight yet,” Harry pointed out. “I doubt they’ll use
the Acromantulas considering the colony in the forest is very illegal and shouldn’t actually be

Susan stayed silent, nuzzling into Harry’s chest as she mulled over her interaction with Daphne.
Daphne and Harry getting together… made a lot of sense. She wasn’t even as opposed to the idea
as might be expected. She had already made peace with having to share Harry with someone else.
Having to share him with one more person wouldn’t be all that different. For that person to be
impossibly beautiful… She felt a strange combination of desire and jealousy. She had fantasized
about watching him with his other partner, and Daphne had hinted she wasn’t averse to the idea of
sharing instead of keeping their lives entirely separate… The only thing that held her back was her
fear. Her fear that she wouldn’t be enough anymore. That he wouldn’t want her when he had
someone like Daphne Greengrass.

That’s never going to happen. We are soulmates, the rational part of her brain reminded her.
Daphne could be his girlfriend, perhaps even his wife, but she was and would always be his

“She uh… she said she’d help,” Susan said quietly, interrupting the discussion between Harry and

“What’d you do, learn the Imperius curse from Professor Moody and use it on her?” Hermione
teased, her tone full of disbelief.

“Nope. She said she’d do it for a price,” Susan replied, sighing softly. Here goes nothing.

“Is that why you’re so glum, sugar plum?” Harry asked, kissing her forehead. “What does our
potential Slytherin benefactor want?”

“You,” Susan murmured, blushing.

“What, she wants Harry to do something for her?” Hermione asked, raising an eyebrow.

“N-no… Yes? Kinda?” Susan murmured, trying to figure out how best to phrase Daphne’s
demand. It was turning out to be much harder than she had expected.

I should have just had her ask Harry out directly.

“She’s lonely and she wants a date with you,” Susan said after a minute’s pause, deciding to get
directly to the point instead of dilly-dallying further. “Well… us. She wants a date with us in
exchange for her help.”

Hermione snorted incredulously, but Harry stayed silent. Which somehow worried her much more
than Hermione’s obvious anger at the demand.


“Yes, darling?” His voice sounded distant. He absentmindedly traced patterns on her back with his
finger, deep in thought.

“What’re you thinking about?”

“Her angle.”

“I told you,” Susan murmured, trying not to roll her eyes. This enmity between Gryffindors and
Slytherins is so utterly pointless.

Susan took a deep breath, trying to control the maelstrom of emotions swirling in her. It was futile.

“I told you,” she muttered again. “She gave a lot of reasons that made sense, but the main reason is
that she’s bloody lonely and wants someone in her life whose name isn’t Tracey Davis,” Susan
said, poking her boyfriend’s chest. “There is no angle. There is no agenda. I swear this stupid
rivalry between your houses is going to get you eaten by some big, dangerous monster, and then
what?! What then?!” she growled, everything she had kept suppressed since the day his name had
popped out of the Goblet spilling over in the aftermath of the stressful day she’d had. “You can die
happy knowing that you didn’t fall for the devious Slytherin and Daphne can go back to happily
believing she has to live her life without love and where does it all leave me? Alone for the rest of
my life, because my soulmate thought his stupid prejudice against someone slightly different than
him was more important than giving said person a chance!” Tears were streaming down her cheeks
as she continued poking his chest ineffectually.

“I’m not going to leave you, love,” Harry whispered, pulling her into a tight hug. She hiccuped into
his shirt, her tears staining the white fabric. “I promise.”

“But you also won’t say yes to her offer,” she mumbled, her anger slowly seeping out of her. She
was tired. So very tired.

“I didn’t say that either,” Harry said, ignoring the grunts of indignation from Hermione. “I just
wanted to know why, because the last time I trusted something a Slytherin said, I was nearly eaten
by a three-headed dog. I just need to know her motives are genuine,” Harry murmured, rubbing her

“Well, part of it is politics-”

“Politics,” Harry groaned, cutting her off. “You know, I liked it better when our life was less
politics and more snogging.”

Susan giggled through her tears. “It’s not even been a day. You have to do this for the rest of your
life,” she teased, rubbing her face against his shirt to wipe off the tears.

“And you won’t help?”

“Oh, no. I plan to live a happy life in our house, tend to my garden, and stay as far away from this
stuff as possible. You know someone who can help though?”

“Daphne,” Hermione interjected, her voice wary. “I’m not saying this because of some inherent
bias against Slytherins, but can we trust her? What benefit does this date get you other than
information about magical creatures that we can get from other sources?”
Susan turned to look at her new friends, “There’s no one more knowledgeable about magical
creatures in the entire castle than her save Professor Hagrid. And her knowledge is more…
practical. The kind we need. As for the politics, do you think Malfoy won’t catch wind of our fake
dating scheme? Except he won’t think it’s fake dating. He’ll think it’s real dating and push through
a change to the law.”

“Let me guess,” Harry said, leaning back against the tree. “They have a seat in Wizengamot and
we need their vote.”

“Oh,” Susan chuckled, “They have much more than a seat. Daphne’s father controls an entire
faction. If we have his support, we ensure Malfoy can never change the law. The best way to
ensure his support is to make sure any change to the law directly harms his eldest daughter’s
future. ”

“Why not just get his support and repeal the law?” Hermione asked.

“Won’t survive the Minister’s veto even if we did find the votes to do it.”

“All of this is very astute reasoning, but that’s not why you want us to say yes, is it?” Harry asked

“How did you know?”

“Because I know you.” Harry chuckled. “And because that’s not the reason you gave originally.
How do you know she’s lonely?”

“She implied as much. I can’t explain it Harry, but for the entire time I was with her, I felt this
strange draw towards her. When we were talking about us… it felt like this was meant to be,”
Susan mumbled, resting her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes. She was physically and
emotionally tapped out, and all she wanted was to sleep in his arms till it was time for dinner and
their excursion into the Forbidden Forest. “She needs us.”

“Alright,” Harry said simply.


“Hermione, it’s one date. If she’s as bad as we fear, I’ll grab Susan and hightail it out of there.”

“And if she isn’t?”

“I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.”

“So, what, you’ll date three people?”

“We’re not actually dating, remember?”

“The school thinks we are.”

“You two can have a dramatic break-up for their benefit,” Susan mumbled, yawning. “We’ll say
you were thoroughly unimpressed by Harry’s performance in bed.” She giggled, remembering
Daphne’s ‘well-fucked’ comment.

“I’m horrible in bed, am I?” Harry asked, amused at the teasing.

Harry chuckled. His hands rubbed her back as she slowly fell asleep, only half aware of the
discussion that was still going on.

“How did we get here?”

“I have no clue, Mione,” Harry answered, shifting a half-asleep Susan to a more comfortable
position on his lap. “But since events are so obviously out of my control, I simply plan to strap in
and enjoy the ride.”

“What do I call him?” Daphne asked as she walked out into the nearly deserted courtyard with
Susan. Susan had walked over at the tail-end of dinner with the news that she and Harry had agreed
to her condition, which had come as no small surprise to her.

“What do you mean?”

“Do I call him Potter? Mr. Potter? Lord Potter? Sir? What’s the protocol? I’ve never had a man
court me before,” Daphne said, trying and failing not to sound nervous. She tugged on the edges of
her sweater, suddenly wishing she had worn something a little more stylish than her mother’s
tattered old school sweater. “What do you call him?”

“When I’m not calling him Harry, I teasingly call him husband,” Susan giggled. “But I think your
use of it may be coming on a bit too strong. Just stick with Harry, yeah?”

Daphne turned to study the girl next to her as they walked through the dark castle grounds. The
moon was scarcely visible through the heavy clouds in the sky, but there was enough light to barely
make out her partner’s features. It wasn’t her looks that worried Daphne. She knew she could more
than hold her own in that department. Susan Bones was chipper, open, and the human embodiment
of a bright ray of sunshine.

My exact opposite.

Daphne wasn’t good girlfriend material, and she was well aware of how difficult it was for
someone to love her. Not that she expected love from either of the two. Her expectations stopped at
a happy and respectful domestic life.

This is a simple business transaction. That’s all.

She shook herself free from her thoughts as they walked up to the messy-haired man leaning
against a tree close to Professor Hagrid’s hut.

“Husband,” Susan grinned, winking at her before she ran up to Harry, leaning up to kiss his cheek.

“Wifey,” Harry responded with a grin of his own, returning the favor with a quick kiss to Susan’s
lips. “Daphne,” he added, giving her a nod.

“Po-Harry,” Daphne said, taking a hesitant step towards the couple. Her nails dug into her palms
with enough force to draw blood, the pain the only thing that was staving off an impending panic

“You ready?”

Merlin, no. I have no idea what possessed me to agree to all of this.

She nodded.

Chapter End Notes

Am I alone in thinking Haphne should be as popular as Dramione? By giving her a

hidden side and backstory, I'm hoping to make her something more than a monotone
Ice Queen and thus make both her and their relationship more interesting! If you're
curious who I'm basing Daphne's appearance on, I've posted a photo of her FC on my

If you'd like to see Art, support me and read more of my work, check out my blog.
An Unpleasant Surprise
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“He’s… singing,” Harry whispered, frowning slightly at the sound of the off-key tune wafting out
into the still air of the night from the open window of the hut. “Why is Hagrid singing?”

“Professor Hagrid sounds really happy about something,” Daphne said wryly. She ran a hand
through her messy blonde hair, quickly taming her curls and securing them into a high ponytail
with the hairband around her wrist.

“That’s never good news,” Harry groaned, vacillating between knocking on the door or simply
calling it a night. The combination of an excited Hagrid and the Forbidden Forest did not bode well
for them. “The last time he was this happy, he’d just decided to raise a baby dragon.”

“A baby dragon?” The hint of giddy excitement in Daphne’s voice was slightly concerning.

Susan shook her head, bounded up the steps of the hut, and hammered on the door. “We can talk
about Norbert when we’re back in the safety and warmth of the castle. Remember what Auntie
said, Harry? It’s not safe for you to be out in the grounds at night.”

“Professor Hagrid named the dragon Norbert?” Daphne asked, the smile on her face widening.

“Norberta. Turns out, Norbert was a girl,” Harry answered, grinning when the door was pulled
open, revealing the large figure of the very first friend he had made in the Wizarding World.

“Harry! Yer late! I thought you weren’t coming,” Hagrid said gruffly, pulling him into a hug. Harry
coughed, trying not to choke.

“H-hagrid, what’s that smell?” Susan asked, pinching her nose with her fingers. She ran to the
small window of the hut, the fingers of her free hand scrambling to undo the latch and let in some
fresh air.

“Perfume! I got some from Hogsmeade. Ya like it?”

“I-” Susan and Harry exchanged looks, but before either of them could speak up, Daphne stepped
in to rescue them.

“It’s a very memorable scent, professor,” she said diplomatically, slipping around the still-hugging
Hagrid and Harry. She knelt in the middle of the hut, smiling as Fang bounded up to her and
nuzzled his face in her lap. “And how are you? Who’s a good boy?” she whispered, petting the
excited dog. She bent and kissed his head, completely ignoring all the slobber dripping down to her
skirt. “You look very dapper.”

“Ya think?” Hagrid finally let Harry go, and he dropped to his feet with a quiet grunt. Harry took a
second to study Hagrid. He was wearing what could only be described as a bearskin coat, his wild
hair was tamed with copious amounts of gel, and he had curled his beard and parted it into small

Harry exchanged another look with Susan, who shot him an amused smile and a small shrug.

“Hermione’s not coming?” Hagrid asked, whistling happily as he walked up to the kettle on the
stove. He turned up the heat, letting the water boil while he arranged three cups and dropped tea
bags in them.

“She has an overdue Arithmancy essay. And you told me to bring my invisibility cloak, and if we
need to wear it, there’s no way four of us fit under it. Not anymore.”

There was a time when he, Hermione, and Ron could all easily fit underneath the cloak. Ron would
probably call him mental for what he was about to do, especially given who he was about to do it

He shook his head, trying his best not to pre-emptively ruin the night by focusing on his best
friend. Thinking about Ron would only bring up memories of his dickish actions since the blasted
Goblet spat out his name, and there was no quicker way to spoil his mood.

“And there was no way we were about to let Harry go alone,” Susan said, plopping down on the
couch beside Harry.

“Either of us,” Daphne added, quickly moving to sit on the other side of him. Fang whined, but
accepted the change, ambling over to rest his head on Daphne’s knee.

“Ah,” Hagrid beamed. “Must be difficult, what with all three of ya. But I tell ya, Harry, nothing
better than a lil love and a lady in yer life to keep yerself happy,” he said, before resuming his
whistling as he made them tea.

“What’s going on?” Harry whispered, looking at Susan in confusion.

“I think Hagrid’s in love,” Susan replied with a quiet giggle.

“I-” Harry started, blushing furiously when he realized Hagrid was standing in front of him,
holding out a cup of steaming tea. He quickly changed tracks. “I’m not dating Hermione,
remember Hagrid? We’re just pretending to date so that vile reporter leaves us alone,” Harry said,
accepting the cup from Hagrid.

“Right. Right. So yer just dating-”

“Susan,” Harry confirmed, before turning to Daphne with a reassuring smile. “And Daphne.”

A hint of pink appeared in her alabaster cheeks, and she ducked her head, focusing her attention on
a sleepy Fang.

Daphne Greengrass had been nothing like what he had expected. He had anticipated veiled hostility
and barely disguised contempt combined with an insincere attempt to be a part of his life. Not too
dissimilar to what Draco had done during their first few meetings. She instead appeared equal parts
anxious and excited, and he got a distinct feeling that she was trying very hard not to feel left out of
his close-knit social circle.

If a simple reassurance that she was a part of their life for now, especially given how hard she was
trying to fit in was what she needed to relax, he saw no harm in giving that to her.

Besides, we are technically dating, he reminded himself. He and Susan had, after all, agreed to go
on a date with her.

“Who do you think he’s in love with?” Harry asked, watching as Hagrid walked to stand in front of
the large mirror and began to spray himself with even more perfume while singing quietly.
“No clue,” Susan whispered, trying her best not to grin.

“I have a guess,” Daphne murmured. Hagrid had jumped in place at the sound of a door slamming
shut. He quickly buttoned up his coat, then ran his fingers through his bushy beard nervously.
“Right. Ye three follow me. Wear the cloak Harry and don’t make a sound,” he warned, striding
out of the hut to meet the tall figure that had exited the Beauxbatons carriage.

“Madame Maxime?” Harry asked, an amused smile on his face once he realized who it was as the
two stepped closer to the light.

“It’s cute,” Susan chuckled, getting to her feet. “I do feel bad that we’re crashing their date.”

“They won’t even know we’re there,” Harry promised. He got to his feet and grabbed his bag,
pulling the invisibility cloak out of it. “Come on.”

“I just think he should be more careful,” Daphne murmured, stepping closer to Harry to let him
wrap the cloak around her. She seemed surprised by the quality of the cloak, but didn’t comment
on it.

“Koala?” Susan asked.

“Koala,” Harry confirmed. Nearly a year of sneaking together under the cloak had made it easy for
the two of them to operate as a team. Susan stepped in front of Harry and let him pull her as close
to his body as possible. His arm snaked around her waist to make sure she didn’t stumble. “This is
the only way all three of us will fit,” Harry whispered.

Daphne nodded, the pink in her cheeks growing darker as she pressed into his side, grasping his
free hand for support. Harry dropped the part of the cloak he had been holding up, obscuring all
three of them from sight.

“Why did you say Hagrid needed to be careful?” Harry asked as they slowly climbed down the
steps of the hut. The trio followed Hagrid and Madame Maxime into the forest at a safe distance.
Even with their closeness, it was impossible to eliminate the occasional flash of an arm or leg
poking out from under the cloak. Harry just hoped the combination of darkness and the fact that the
two were engrossed in an animated conversation was enough to make sure Madame Maxime did
not notice she and Hagrid were being followed.

“Well, you’ve surely noticed how smitten Professor Hagrid is with her, right?” Daphne asked,
leaning into Harry for support as they stepped over the large, exposed root of a tree.


“Oh, please.” Susan snorted. “He’s blind as a bat when it comes to things like this. It took him six
months to realize I had a crush on him, and another two before he understood I was waiting for him
to make the first move,” Susan teased. “So, no, he had no idea that his friend had a crush on

Daphne grinned. “ Men. ”


Harry sighed. “Are we going to talk about Hagrid, or do you two just plan to while away the time
making jokes at my expense?”

“I can’t see why we can’t do both, Harry dearest,” Susan whispered, gently wiggling her bum
against him, a playful glint in her eyes.

“We can definitely do both,” Daphne teased, sounding much more at ease than she had been in the
hut. “Especially since Professor Hagrid is just as blind as Harry.”

Harry sighed again.

Is this going to be my life now?

“You seem to have forgotten last night’s… lesson,” he whispered, tightening his hold around
Susan’s waist.

“I think it has… faded … from memory, sir,” Susan murmured, arching her back slightly to press
her ass into his crotch.

Daphne coughed quietly.

“I… Right.”

“Anyways,” Daphne said, the pink of her cheeks now dark enough to be clearly discernible, even in
the darkness. “Don’t you think it’s odd that she agreed to go out with him right before the First
Task? And has asked him to take her to wherever the magical creatures for the First Task are being
kept for their date? I know cheating is part of the Triwizard Tournament’s tradition, but I also feel
like she is just using him for information.”

Harry and Susan exchanged silent looks. Daphne Greengrass, had so far, been entirely unlike what
they had been expecting.

“You’re worried about him,” Harry said softly.

“He’s one of the few people in this castle who treats me like a human being, Potter,” Daphne said,
some of her customary coldness returning to her voice. “I just don’t want to see him get his heart

“Of course,” Susan whispered, reaching out to pat Daphne’s hand.

“They’ve paused.”

The two girls turned to where Harry was looking. Hagrid and Madame Maxine had stopped behind
a tall thicket of bushes.

“Why here? There’s nothing here. Is there?” Susan asked.

Her question was answered when the stillness of the night was pierced by a loud, blood-curling

“There’s definitely something here,” Harry whispered, wincing as Susan grabbed his arm, her nails
digging into his skin.

“The question is… what?” Daphne interjected.

“Let’s circle around.” All three of them quietly moved away from the couple. Harry spotted an
opening in the thicket and slipped in between the bushes, silently questioning the wisdom of
moving in the direction of the roars instead of walking away. Whatever the creature was, there was
certainly more than one. He could count four distinct sounds.
I need to know what to prepare for, he reminded himself, steeling his nerves before walking the
last few steps.

“Well… shit,” Daphne murmured as the large clearing came into view.

“Is it too late to ask for the Acromantulas?” Harry joked, trying to comfort a visibly trembling
Susan. He wrapped both arms around the redhead, turning her face so she was nuzzling into his
chest rather than looking out at the dragons rampaging around the enormous clearing.

Harry turned to look at a rather familiar-looking redhead talking to Hagrid and Madame Maxime.
He seemed to be the one in charge, and Harry was sure he had seen him somewhere before. The
rest of the people under him, some twenty to thirty witches and wizards, danced around the
dragons, herding them back into the cages arranged in the four corners of the clearing. Harry
discreetly shifted his arm to make sure Susan didn’t see the mountains of animal bones arranged in
four different spots.

“That’s a Welsh Green,” Daphne whispered. She sounded exhilarated. Harry reached out with a
hand, stopping the entranced girl from walking toward the green-scaled creature. She blushed.

“R-right. Sorry. I just… they’re dragons! Real, live, dragons!” She whispered, delirious with

“They are. And I have to fight one in less than fifteen days, Daphne,” Harry pointed out wryly.
Susan clutched his arm harder and hiccuped quietly.

“I… yeah. Sorry.”

“No problem,” Harry said with a smile. He had a growing suspicion their new friend was a
younger, smaller, much more beautiful version of Hagrid.

“Well, you shouldn’t have too much of a problem if you get the Welsh Green. They’re very docile,
and usually only eat sheep, avoiding human contact as much as possible. In fact, I’ve read that they
even let their handlers pet them after prolonged exposure.”

Harry would have asked Daphne if she wanted to pet a dragon if he wasn’t already certain that the
answer was a resounding yes.

“That one’s a Swedish Short-Snout,” Daphne said, pointing to the dragon with the iridescent blue
scales. “Absolute beast. Their flame is-” Almost as if on cue, the dragon let loose a large jet of fire
bright enough to light up the entire clearing. It was so hot that Harry felt his skin prickle, even
though they were several feet away from the dragon. “You get the point.”


“But they’re comical klutzes on the ground. Can barely walk because of the lack of forelimbs.
Definitely can’t run or chase someone. You can use that to your advantage.”

Daphne turned to the smallest dragon in the clearing. “That’s a Chinese Fireball. It can’t fly very
high. Unlike the Short-Snout, if you get it, you definitely want to take your fight to the air.”

“And the last one?” Harry asked, watching the brown dragon uproot several large trees with a
single swipe of its spiked tail.“Hungarian Horntail,” Daphne answered, her voice laced with a
mixture of dread and admiration. “I have no advice for that one because it has no obvious
weaknesses. The entire creature is built like a weapon from head to tail. It has a bite strong enough
to tear a body into two halves with one snap and breathes fire hot enough to melt the flesh off your
bones. The last account of one that I read was of a dragon handler who had to have an arm
amputated because the poisoned spikes on the tail of a Hungarian Horntail had torn out large
chunks of flesh and the wounds simply wouldn’t heal.” A strangled sob escaped Susan’s throat.

“I’m sure I won’t get the Horntail,” Harry whispered, kissing her head. “I think we’ve seen enough.
Let’s go.”

He turned to leave, but Daphne grabbed his arm. “Wait.”

“Daphne, the longer we stay, the greater the risk of getting caught,” Harry said as way of a reason.
But he also nodded to a clearly distraught Susan, hoping she’d catch the hint.

“Every cage has a nest with eggs in it,” Daphne murmured, taking a step closer to the clearing.
“But that’s not all it has. Look.”

Harry turned again, squinting to make out the dully glinting structure in the nest. “Is that an egg? A
golden egg.”

“What if the task isn’t to fight and defeat a dragon? Which, let's face it, is impossible even if you
get the Welsh Green. Maybe it’s just to steal a treasure the dragon is guarding?” Daphne opined.

“A test of our bravery and our wit,” Harry whispered, the frown on his face easing somewhat.

“Exactly. A much more doable task, especially now that we know what it is and can prepare for
it,” Daphne said, finally turning around and following Harry and Susan away from the clearing.

The three slowly retraced their steps, trekking out of the Forbidden Forest at a leisurely pace. Harry
had stuffed the invisibility cloak back in his bag, allowing all of them much greater freedom of

“You know, you’re far more relaxed about this than I thought you’d be,” Daphne pointed out, her
voice tinged with respect.

“I have time to prepare. I have you, Susan, and Hermione to help me. This isn’t the first time I’ve
faced a dangerous creature, and honestly, I don’t think this will be the most dangerous one I’ve
fought either.”

“You keep mentioning Acromantulas. Did you really encounter one?”

“Not just one. There’s an entire colony of them in the Forbidden Forest,” Harry answered. He
chuckled at the expression on Daphne’s face at that particular titbit of information.

She’s definitely a mini-Hagrid.

“You also fought and defeated a Basilisk,” Susan finally spoke, still sounding close to tears.

“Exactly. And unlike the basilisk, I won’t have to fight the dragon with my eyes closed, nor will I
be completely unprepared. I just have to get past the dragon, not kill it,” Harry pointed out, gently
squeezing Susan’s hand. “Not to mention the fact that Voldemort won’t be around this time. I feel
good about my chances.” He ignored the shudders from the two girls when he uttered the name of
the Dark Lord.

“If you can escape a basilisk unscathed, you can surely do the same with a dragon. Especially in a
controlled environment where there are people to step in if things go wrong,” Susan reasoned,
slowly calming down.
“Exactly.” Harry glanced down at his arm, the small mark left by the basilisk tooth hidden by his
sweater’s sleeve. He had nearly died that day and would have if not for Fawke’s intervention. A
fact he hadn’t shared with anyone. Some burdens were his to bear alone.

He glanced at Daphne. She was bursting to ask him about the Basilisk, that much was more than
evident from her face.

“Later,” Harry said with a chuckle. They were close to the edge of the forest, the moonlit grounds
and Hagrid’s still-lit hut now visible through the trees.

“Oka-” Daphne was cut off as she rounded the last tree, colliding with someone. “Pro… Professor
Karkaroff,” Daphne whispered, her face as white as a sheet. She stood frozen in place, her nails
digging into her palms again as all the ease and happiness of the last hour fled her.

“Miss Greengrass.” His voice was as slick and swarmy as ever, and he was eyeing Daphne with a
look that made Harry want to punch him hard enough to break his nose. “What are you doing out
so late? In the company of a known womanizer, and without a chaperone to boot,” he sneered,
shooting Harry and Susan a distasteful glare.

“Why does she need a chaperone?” Harry growled. He might well be blind when it came to
gauging a woman’s interest in him, but years of living with the Dursleys meant that being good at
reading body language had been nothing less than a necessity to survive.

And everything about Daphne screamed that the man’s presence terrified her.

“I wouldn’t expect someone as uncouth as you to understand, but I am sure her purity is something
the man courting her values highly. Draco will not like you gallivanting around the castle with
Potter like a common whore, Miss Greengrass.”

“Malfoy isn’t courting Daphne. Harry is,” Susan growled, shooting daggers at Karkaroff. She was
barely restraining herself from slapping the utter bastard.

‘She’s as sweet as sugar, but be careful. Only an idiot pisses off a honey badger.’ Harry grinned
when he remembered Sirius’ words.

Susan would chuck the asshole into the lake to protect her new friend, consequences be damned,
because that was just who she was as a person. And she wouldn’t be alone in protecting Daphne.

“And we were in the forest because there’s this amazing clearing where you can stargaze, have a
picnic and make love,” Harry lied, taking Daphne’s hand. He gently pulled her into his side, the
trembling girl quietly burrowing into the safety of his chest.

Take care of Daphne. Protect Hagrid, he reminded himself.

“So much sex. Oh, we fucked Harry like absolute sluts. I know how upsetting the thought of that
can be, especially for a man who hasn’t felt the touch of a woman without paying her in forever,
but have you tried hooking up with a banshee, professor? I hear they aren’t too fussed about looks,
size, or ability,” Susan said, her hand disappearing into the pocket of her jeans to grab her wand.

“How dare-” Karkaroff had turned purple with rage, a vein angrily pulsating on his forehead. “You
do not speak to a-”

“You’re not our teacher,” Harry interjected coldly. “We don’t owe you anything. But the next time
you speak to my girlfriend like this, you will be sorry, Professor Karkaroff.”
“Does your father know what you’ve been up to?” Karkaroff growled, extending his hand. Harry
twisted, deftly keeping Daphne out of his reach. Karkaroff’s eyes went wide at the feel of a wand
poking against his throat.

“Y-you…” He stammered, taking a step backward.

“Will cause a major international incident? I don’t really care,” Susan said cheerfully. “Break the
law? One of the many advantages of my Aunt being the Head of the Department of Magical Law
Enforcement is that I know my laws. You reached for her first. That’s assault. Me blowing your
head off might be disproportionate, but it will still be considered self-defense.” There was a
suppressed rage in her voice that confused Harry. It wasn’t just because of his behavior towards
Daphne, as reprehensible as that had been. This was something far deeper.

Karkaroff glared at the three of them with impotent rage, before swirling around and wordlessly
tramping down to where the Durmstrang ship was anchored.

“My father does know about it,” Daphne said, her voice hoarse. She hadn’t realized the man had
left, and could no longer hear them. “And there’s no one more relieved than he at the thought that
Malfoy might never have the opportunity to touch me.”

Harry glanced at Susan, who gave him a slight nod.

“He never will,” Harry promised, his voice laced with conviction. He picked Daphne up, making
sure her arms and legs were locked around him before carrying the emotionally exhausted girl back
to the castle.

When Daphne opened her eyes, they were someplace noisy and warm, and she was still safe and
sound on Harry’s lap. A house elf in a tea cosy laying a tray with tea and scones on the table in
front of them made her realize they were in the kitchens.

“It’s okay. You passed out. Go back to sleep,” Harry whispered, gently guiding her head back to
his shoulder. His hand was massaging her back, lulling her back to the peace and quiet of her
dreams. The one place where she was without fear or worry about her future. She tried to fight it, to
get the night back on track after it had been so spectacularly derailed by Igor ‘Sleazeball’
Karkaroff, but it was futile. The room was just too warm, and her human bed was far too
comfortable. She was already slipping out of consciousness when he said, “You’re safe now.”

“I believe you,” she whispered, as the world around her went dark.

Chapter End Notes

I had a lot of fun writing out Daphne's past and backstory. More of it will be revealed
in the next chapter and I feel it really meshes well with her personality and her facade
as the Ice Queen. I also found some awesome new art of her which is up on my blog,
check it out!

If you'd like to see Art, support me and read more of my work, check out my blog.
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“What?” Harry asked defensively, looking at the small smile on Susan’s face. Daphne was curled
up in his lap, fast asleep.

Her little snores are adorable.

“Stop,” Harry mumbled to himself, his cheeks turning pink.

“You know,” Susan said, trying her best to mimic Professor Dumbledore’s deep voice, “talking to
yourself is a sign of madness. So is proclaiming your intense dislike for someone, only to have her
curled up in your lap clutching you like a koala within hours,” Susan teased. She picked up her cup
of steaming tea, a perfect antidote to the chill permeating through the grounds and the castle.

“I never said I disliked her,” Harry said defensively. He cradled Daphne’s head carefully in one
arm, reaching out for a cup with his free hand. He turned slightly to face the fire, to warm both his
cold feet and the shivering blonde. He looked down at her in concern. Her lips were pursed, and
she had a frown on her face.

Why did that creep affect her so badly?

He pulled Daphne deeper into the warmth and protection of his chest, smiling as he felt some of
the tension leave her muscles.

“You thought she was going to backstab you,” Susan said, grinning at the way he was treating their
new girlfriend. They hadn’t made anything official, but she could already see the beginnings of a
bond that hinted at being just as strong as the one she and Harry shared. “Now, you’ll probably
fight the castle to protect her if you have to.”

“She needed our help.”

“Aye,” Susan said, bringing the cup up to her lips. “That she did.”

“Do you want to tell me what’s the deal with Karkaroff?”

“Creeps like him only understand one language, Harry,” Susan said, her voice growing guarded.

“There’s no denying that he’s a massive creep, but there was more to it. I don’t know what he’s
done to Daphne, but you were ready to blow his head off even if he hadn’t tried to grab her,” Harry
pointed out. When she stayed silent, he sighed, “You don’t have to tell me Susie, but he’s going to
be around us all year considering that I’m a champion and he’s a judge. I can’t help if I don’t know
what’s wrong. I didn’t even know the two of you knew each other.”

“I’ve seen him just once before, in my life. I… I don’t know how I even remember it. I was six
years old. I guess it is one of those trauma things. My brain won’t let me forget, because the
knowledge just might save my life,” Susan mumbled, fighting back tears.

“Susie. Darling. Come here,” Harry ordered, patting his thighs. Susan nodded silently, slipping out
of the chair and sitting cross-legged on the rug in front of the fireplace, leaning against Harry’s
legs. She closed her eyes when he began to pull her hair free from its braid, knowing he was going
to do something they rarely got to do, but was also something she really enjoyed. “Dobby?” Harry
called out, smiling as the happy house elf bounded up to them.

“Yes sir Harry Potter sir?”

“Can I get some warm hair oil? Lavender scented, if possible,” Harry requested. He chuckled as he
watched the elf bounce away. Dobby returned within seconds, holding a warm porcelain bowl full
of oil.

“Thank you Dobby,” Harry murmured. Throughout it all, Susan had stayed silent and unmoving,
trying to fight the demons of her past that threatened to overwhelm her. Harry gently slipped down
to the rug himself, Daphne carefully wrapped in his arms to ensure she did not fall. He laid her
down on the thick rug, letting her lean into his side, her legs resting against his and Susan’s, who
he had now pulled into his lap.

“Did he… when you…” Harry asked, dreading the answer.

“No. Auntie was overseeing a trial. His trial,” Susan murmured, her voice quaking. The gentle
dribble of the warm oil into her hair and the subsequent pressure of his fingers as he massaged her
scalp were the only things that kept her from spiralling.

“What was he on trial for, darling?” Harry asked. He had an inkling where this was going, and if
his hunch was right, he was going to murder the bastard once he found a secluded enough space.

“I could spend all day listing his crimes.” Susan laughed bitterly. She had spent entire days pouring
over the court transcripts of each and every one of her parents’ murderers who got away,
desperately trying to search for anything the Aurors or prosecutors might have missed that could be
used to put them away. It was an exercise in futility, but hope springs eternal. “The parchment was
three feet long. Among the listed crimes… the murder of Terence and Cornelia Bones,” Susan
mumbled tearily. She angrily wiped her freckled cheeks.

“How did he get away?”

“Guess how?” Susan growled.

“He’s close friends with Malfoy. Very close friends,” a soft voice spoke up. Daphne pulled away
from Harry, her cheeks a dark red. “I apologize. I don’t know what came over me. I can understand
if you don’t-”

She was cut off by Harry wrapping an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a group hug with
him and Susan. “You alright?”

“I will be,” Daphne whispered, her eyes wide in surprise. So far, no part of the whole ‘courting’
thing had gone to plan. “He’s an utter scumbag, but I can usually keep myself under check.
Running into him today, of all days… it was just a bit too much.”

“What’s today?” Susan asked softly. Focusing on helping someone else helped. It was a
distraction, an escape from her own grief.

“I… I don’t think it’s appropriate. I’ve already been far too improper with both of you,” Daphne
said, adopting a formal tone.

“I threatened to blow a man’s head off for you, Daphne. I think ‘proper’ has long since been tossed
out the window.”.
Daphne turned to Harry, her worried eyes searching his face for signs of anger or disapproval. He
was her one chance. Her only chance.

“My entire life in one big contradiction, Daphne,” Harry replied with a shrug. “I honestly don’t care
what’s supposed to be appropriate, and what isn’t.”

“It’s true. He just makes up the rules as he goes along. It’s honestly a nightmare, being his
girlfriend,” Susan teased, reaching out to gently squeeze Daphne’s hand.

“Uhm…” Daphne grabbed the edge of her tattered sweater, rubbing the soft wool between her
thumb and index finger for comfort. “Yesterday was… Yesterday was the three-month anniversary
of my mother’s death,” Daphne said softly, her eyes fixed on the rug they were sitting on.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t…” Susan whispered, her eyes welling up with tears. All three of them had lost
at least one parent. Perhaps this was what had drawn her to Daphne, a subconscious feeling of
shared grief. She slipped off Harry’s lap, gently elbowing her boyfriend and nodding at the quietly
sobbing Daphne.

Harry wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his chest as she finally broke down. He rubbed
her back reassuringly as she cried into his cardigan, gently rocking her.

“H-he was there. So was… Malfoy,” Daphne got out in-between sobs. “Insincere pricks, the whole
lot of them. My mother wasn’t even in… in the ground,” she hiccuped, burrowing deeper into
Harry’s chest. “Malfoy had the gall to offer to take me and my sister off my father’s hands as we
buried our mother.”

“I’m so sorry, love,” Harry whispered, cradling the inconsolable girl. What else could he do? He
and Susan at least had the slight mercy of losing their parents when they were young. He
remembered nothing about his mother, a fact which had blunted the loss somewhat. He couldn’t
even imagine what Daphne had been going through.

“K-Karkaroff called my mother a bloody disappointment. Couldn’t even give the Greengrass
family a male heir before dying.” She was shaking violently, every bad memory from that horrible
day flashing through her mind. “H-he told me to be a good girl and spread my legs for Draco and
give him a child before the curse took me. They didn’t even let me say goodbye to my mother in
peace,” Daphne snarled, pulling away from Harry and angrily wiping the tears from her cheeks.
Displays of weakness got you killed. If nothing else, she had learned that much in Slytherin.

And Harry Potter didn’t want a sniveling girl who was of no use to him. She had demonstrated her
value, but if she expected to stay by his side, she’d need to keep being useful. She was well aware
of that fact.

Her eyes widened in surprise when Harry gently pushed her hands away, his thumbs running over
her alabaster cheeks, capturing tears that did not seem to want to stop. Susan had taken her hand
and was tracing circles on her palm with her finger, all with the aim of letting her know she wasn’t
alone. Not anymore.

“Curse?” Harry asked gently.

“The Greengrass family curse. It’s a blood curse that affects some of the females of the family. We
don’t know until we have our first child,” Daphne explained quietly. She wasn’t sure why she was
spilling family secrets to two people who were little more than strangers, but the emotional toll of
the past two days, of what Draco was doing to her, of looking at Karkaroff every damned day had
broken her. She was tired. All she wanted was to lay her head down somewhere and not wake up
for a very long time. “But if we have it, we start wasting away. Ten years… Twenty years, it varies
from person to person. But there is no cure, and the curse takes our life in the end.”

“Your mother had it?” Susan asked, dreading the answer.

“Cyrus Weber met Irelia Greengrass while they were both in Hogwarts. They married for love,
which was bloody unheard in Pureblood circles at the time. He took her name, they managed her
family business together and would have lived happily ever after if her daughter hadn’t killed her,”
Daphne said bitterly.

“It wasn’t your fault,” Harry said firmly.

“I triggered the curse, Harry. I’m the firstborn,” Daphne said flatly. “I killed my mother. I’m sorry
for wasting your time by acting like I’m suitable for you. I’ll write up an essay on the dragons for
you. Thank you for being open-minded enough to consider courting me,” Daphne said, wiping her
eyes with the back of her hand. She pulled her hand free from Susan’s grasp and climbed off
Harry’s lap, getting up on unsteady feet.

“Miss Greengrass,” Harry called out, his voice low and full of authority.

Daphne froze. “Yes, sir?” she asked, slowly turning in place to face the couple. She blushed at the
small smile on Susan’s face. She wondered if he used that voice with her in the bedroom, then
immediately stopped her mind from diving deeper into the gutter. They already looked at her like
she was a broken little girl, she didn’t need them to think of her as a nutcase by accidentally sharing
her perverted desires with them.

But if there ever was someone who was the perfect ‘Daddy’ material… she mused, looking at
Harry. The intensity in his sparkling green eyes made her heart skip a beat.

It’s just hormones , she reminded herself. The maelstrom of emotions, from grief, to anger, to
unbridled lust was giving her a headache. I need to stop acting like I’ve met my soulmate.

“You weren’t dismissed,” Harry said shortly, slipping into his dominant persona subconsciously. It
was what Daphne needed. He didn’t know how he knew that, but he was certain of it. “Sit.”

“Sorry, sir,” Daphne mumbled, wiping away a stray tear before kneeling next to him.

“I decide who is suitable for me, and who isn’t. Do you understand?”

Daphne nodded, trying to ignore her heartbeat speeding up. She squeaked when Harry grabbed her
arm, pulling her into his lap once more.

“And neither Malfoy nor Karkaroff will ever have power over you,” Susan whispered, leaning up
to peck Daphne’s cheek. She wondered why her father hadn’t simply told Malfoy to get fucked. By
the looks of it, he had presumably told Daphne to find a suitable partner before he rejected
Malfoy’s offer. Grief often makes people irrational , she reminded herself.

“But I’m broken,” Daphne mumbled, not sure why they were so accepting of her, even after
knowing everything. Her icy persona had been crafted by her for a singular purpose. To protect her
secrets, and to survive in the nest of vipers that was her House. “I’m weak.”

“Join the club,” Harry whispered, cupping her cheeks. He pulled her closer, pressing a kiss to her
forehead. “And no girl who willingly walks towards a dragon is weak. The jury is still out on if
you’re utterly mad, but you’re not weak, Daph,” Harry murmured, drawing her into his chest for a
“It’s getting late,” Daphne said after what felt like an eternity. She didn’t want to leave the warm
cocoon of Harry’s embrace, but she hadn’t slept for thirty-six hours and could feel her eyelids
getting heavy again. “After midnight there’s a high probability of running into Malfoy fucking
Parkinson on one of the couches, and that’s not a sight I ever want to see again,” Daphne said,
reluctantly pulling away.

“He… Why?” Susan asked, gagging. “They’re in the same House, why not just use his bed?”

“I don’t know, and I’m not going to ask.”

“Fair,” Harry chuckled, grabbing Daphne’s wrist and preventing her from getting up. “But you’re
not going back to your dormitory tonight.” He was worried about her.

It will be better if she sleeps with us tonight, he decided.

“I need sleep, Da...Dharry,” Daphne said, turning crimson as she corrected herself. She coughed,
hoping he’d peg her botching his name to an itchy throat. If he kept looking at her like he was, she
was going to accidentally call him Daddy and then all hell would break loose. Better to beat a hasty

“We all do. And we will get some,” Harry said calmly.

“Harry, even if you make two trips to smuggle both of us to your dormitory, there’s no way all
three of us fit in your bed,” Susan pointed out.

“We could sleep here?”

“I don’t think I can sleep with five hundred sets of eyes on me,” Susan said, looking around at the
house elves bustling around in the kitchen.

“The Astronomy Tower?”

“With our luck, it's already been occupied by an amorous couple for the night.”

Daphne stayed silent throughout the exchange, extremely aware of Harry’s thumb slowly pushing
between her lips. She was spending all her energy and willpower in stopping herself from drawing
the digit into her mouth and sucking on it.

“I is sorry, Harry Potter sir. I is standing arounds, waiting if you need somethings, and I hears you
talk!” Dobby said, bounding back towards them. “I knows a place where you and mistresses can
sleep, Harry Potter sir! The Come and Go Room!”

“The what and what room?” Susan asked.

Harry shrugged. “I have no idea where that is, Dobby.”

“Dobby will take you! It has bed! Big, nice comfy bed. And anything else Harry Potter sir and
mistresses want!” Dobby said, extending his bony hands towards Susan and Harry.

Harry looked at Susan, who nodded after a minute. “Alright, Dobby. We’ll take a look at this…
Come and Go Room,” Harry said. Both he and Susan grasped one of Dobby’s hands, and he
clutched Daphne tighter as he felt a tug in his navel.

They landed on the rough stone floor of the seventh-floor corridor. Daphne’s fall was cushioned by
Harry, but Susan wasn’t as lucky. She groaned as she landed on her already sore butt.
“A little warning next time, please, Dobby?” Harry mumbled, trying his best not to retch. Dobby
vanishing in thin air didn’t feel quite as impressive now that he knew how uncomfortable the
process was.

“I is sorry, Harry Potter sir,” Dobby said, rushing to slam his head into a wall, only to be pinned in
place by Harry grabbing his tea cosy.

“It’s fine, Dobby. You don’t have to punish yourself.”

“Harry Potter sir is as kind as he is powerful. He is truly a great wizard!” Dobby exclaimed, his
eyes brimming with tears. Harry was saved from being praised further by Daphne getting to her feet
and slowly walking to the end of the deserted corridor.

“I’ve been here a hundred times. There’s nothing here except a really cool tapestry of Barnabas,
Dobby,” Daphne murmured, running her hand along the smooth stone wall.

“There is! There is!” Dobby ran up to the wall. Harry and Susan followed him dubiously. Harry
knew Dobby always had the best of intentions, but his particular brand of aid wasn’t always the
most… helpful. “You has to think for what you wants three times!”

“I-” Harry looked at Susan, then at Daphne, both of whom shrugged in confusion.

“We wants a nice bedroom for Harry Potter sir. We wants a nice bedroom for Harry Potter sir. We
wants a nice bedroom for Harry Potter sir,” Dobby chanted.

Harry’s eyes grew wider as a wooden door appeared on the wall. Dobby grasped the doorknob,
pushed it open, and walked into a room that was indeed a nice bedroom. It was a large room,
dominated by an enormous bed in its very center. There were two nightstands arranged on either
side of the bed. A vanity and dressing table were set against one wall, complete with a floor-to-
ceiling mirror. The room was dimly illuminated by candles floating in the air, and by the fire
roaring merrily in the ornate fireplace, flooding the place with light and warmth.

“Thank you, Dobby,” Harry said, giving the diminutive elf a grateful smile.

“I’m glad to be of help, Harry Potter sir!” Dobby bowed, then with a crack of his fingers,
disappeared once more.

“So, uhm… How are we doing this?” Daphne asked awkwardly. There was only one bed, which,
while it was large enough to accommodate them all, did mean there was the distinct possibility of
parts bumping and brushing against each other.

“I’ll take the middle,” Susan answered with a shrug. She pulled the hoodie up her head, neatly
folding it and keeping it on one of the nightstands. She removed her shoes and socks, stacking
them in a corner of the room before jumping onto the bed and sinking into the soft mattress. “You
know, I might just move out of my dormitory and move in here,” she teased, watching Harry and
Daphne mimic her actions. Once they were as suitably dressed for bed as they could be, Harry
climbed in from her right, and Daphne slowly followed suit, slipping into the empty space on her

“Goodnight, darling,” Harry whispered, kissing Susan softly, his arm wrapping around her and
coming to rest on Daphne. “Goodnight, Daphne.”

“Goodnight dearest,” Susan whispered, snuggling into him. She pulled Daphne closer until all
three of them were basically cuddling. She smiled as Harry pulled the thick blanket up to cover
Despite the night they’d had, life, she decided, was on the up and up.

Daphne Greengrass was having a very pleasant dream.

She and Daddy had decided to sleep in, and he had woken her up by pressing his rather impressive
morning wood against her firm bum.

“Do you sleep with your wand, or are you just happy to see me?” she teased sleepily. She gasped
and giggled when he groggily clambered on top of her, his hands moving to grab her wrists and pin
them against the soft black satin sheets of their bed.

“What do you think?” Harry growled, burying his face in the crook of her neck.

“I think you are very happy to see me,” Daphne mumbled, spreading her legs to allow the hand he
had pushed underneath her skirt entry between her thighs. “Although-” Her words died in her
throat when his lips wrapped around the pulse point of her neck, his teeth sinking into her
unblemished creamy skin. She cried out, her back arching as a dull ache spread through her neck,
her lover leaving a massive hickey on her skin before moving lower.

Harry’s fingers were now pushing her knickers to one side, the tips ghosting over her wet slit.
“Mine,” he growled, gently pushing a finger into her tight, virgin cunt.

Daphne wholeheartedly agreed. Harry Potter would be her first. And her last.

And every time in between, she thought giddily.

“Y-yes daddy,” Daphne whispered, moaning softly as his thumb ghosted over her clit.

“Daddy? That’s a new one Susie,” Harry murmured.

It was at that moment that Daphne realized two things.

She wasn’t dreaming.

Harry was half-asleep, didn’t have his glasses, and thought she was Susan.

She shot up, the blanket falling off them. Harry, only half-conscious, was taken by surprise by her
action and rolled off her, sliding down the silky sheets and falling to the floor with a quiet groan.

Daphne looked around the room wildly, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of Susan sitting in an
armchair by the fireplace, nibbling on a muffin and watching them.

“I… Susan… I-I swear I thought I was dreaming. Harry thought I was you. I promise I didn’t
mean…” The words died out in her throat as her drowsy brain registered the amused expression on
the redhead’s face. “You’re not upset?”

“Well, I bloody am now!” Susan growled playfully. “You two were just getting to the good part!”
She turned to look at Harry, splayed out on the floor beside the bed, quietly massaging his temples.
“But now that princess and her daddy have finally decided it’s time to get out of bed, both of you
should shower.” She pointed to a door beside the vanity that had not been there when they’d gone
to bed. “We’re already running late for class, so I went down to the Great Hall and grabbed us all
some food. I even asked Dobby to fetch our uniforms. Muffin?” She asked, her eyes twinkling
playfully as she extended the box towards Harry.
Chapter End Notes

As someone pointed out, Karkaroff often gets a pass. Not in my story. He's going to be
written as a slimy, evil ass who never reformed or repented. I have a ton of amazing
Daphne art and even her FC on my blog, check it out!

If you'd like to see Art, support me and read more of my work, check out my blog:

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