Talking About Personality

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Talking about personality

How would you

describe yourself
to someone you
just met?

Story One
I guess the most important or the most obvious thing about me is I’m a bit of
an introvert. I mean, I’m always the wallflower. But that doesn’t mean I don’t like
being around people. I actually love it. I thrive on deep conversations where I feel a
strong connection with someone. And I’d like to think I’m a good listener and a
good conversationalist. Maybe it’s because I don’t like to talk about myself so I’m
always asking others questions about themselves.
Story Two
Oh, that’s easy. I’m super loyal, determined, and goal-driven. I’ll do almost anything
to get what I want. I suppose a lot of people would say I’m stubborn, but I prefer to
see the positive – I’ll always find a way or a solution. That’s not only true for me but
for my friends and family as well. I’ll do anything to help them out.
Story Three
I’d say I’m pretty easy-going and social. I love to crack jokes, to make people laugh.
At work, I’m the guy that gets along with everyone. And I feel good knowing other
people are comfortable around me. The downside of being that guy – the life of the
party guy – is that people think I can’t be serious. I’m afraid my boss might think
that actually. But when I need to, I can be very focused.
Story Four
I think others would say I’m very reliable, which I like. I do like to take care of
problems and help others. And I’d also say I’m hardworking and diligent. I feel great
when I complete a project at work and I know I’ve done it well. Sometimes I wish I
were more of an ideas person but I guess I’m the person who will get things done.

General English Vol.2 1

Vocabulary In Use:
1. Introvert , an introvert (n) : orang yang tertutup
2. Extrovert, an extrovert (n) : orang yang terbuka
3. Ambivert, an ambivert (n) : orang yang kadang tertutup kadang terbuka
4. Wallflower, a wallflower (n) : orang yang malu dan suka menyendiri
5. Thrive (v): berkembang, berhasil
6. Conversationalist, a conversationalist (n) : orang yang pandai bercakap-cakap
7. Determined (adj) : teguh, yang bertekad, kekeh
8. Goal-driven/goal-oriented (adj) : yang fokus pada hasil
9. Stubborn (adj) : teguh, yang bertekad, kekeh, keras kepala (negative
10. Help someone out (v) : membantu orang lain
11. Easy-going (adj) : santai
12. Crack jokes (v) : suka bercanda
13. Get along (v) : bergaul dengan baik
14. Life of the party (adj, idiom) : lincah, yang tidak bisa diam
15. Reliable (adj) : yang dapat dipercaya/diandalkan
16. Diligent (adj) : giat, rajin
17. An ideas person/ a good thinker (n) : orang yang dapat berfikir dengan baik,
punya banyak ide
18. Obnoxious (adj) : menyebalkan

Follow-Up Questions
1. How do you describe yourself in 5 words?
2. Who do you think know you best?
3. What would your friends say about you?
4. What is the question people ask you most often?
5. What is the thing you’d never say to another person?
6. What is the thing you are most proud of?
7. If your friend breaks your thing, what is the first thing you do?
8. What would you like to change about yourself?
9. How do you calm yourself?
10. What was the happiest period of your life?

General English Vol.2 2

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