CAN - CAN'T Exercises - GrammarBank Worksheet

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Can or Can't Exercise

1. I can only speak English. I don't know any other languages.

2. What sports can you play the best?

3. A dog can be man's best friend, but it can't help with the chores.

4. Narrow-minded people can't see the future very well.

5. Fish can't breathe outside the water.

6. Can you cook?

7. Denis doesn't want to go swimming with us because he can't swim.

8. It's really dark here, I can't see anything

9. You can't park your car here, it's forbidden.

10. I am very hungry I can eat everything right now.

11. A cheetah can run very fast.

12. Can you help me?

13. I can't do my homework, it's too difficult.

14. A baby can't drive a car.

15. The letters are very small. I can't read anything.

Correctness =
15 / 15

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