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Subject : Science
Curriculum : Cambridge (Al Azhar’s Global Contents)
Time Allocation : 90 Minutes
Number of Questions : 35 (15 Multiple Choices, 10 Complex Multiple Choices, 5 Fill in the Blanks, 5 Essay
AKM Questions (*) : 40%

Cambridge Curriculum Learning

No. Indicators
Framework Materials
1 Use scientific names for some Human Body Given a picture of bones, students are able to choose the major organs that are
major organs of body systems protected by the bones correctly.
Given a diagram of human’s skeleton, students are able to choose the name of
bones being pointed correctly.
Given a short descriptive text about a major organ, students are able to choose the
correct scientific name.
Given a picture of a major organ, students are able to write the correct scientific
Given a specific system in a human body, students are able to list down the organs
belong to it correctly.
2 Identify the position of major Human Body Given a human’s body outline, students are able to choose the correct position of
organs in the body System a certain major organ.
Given a human’s skeleton diagram, students are able to choose the correct
position of a certain bone.

Cambridge Curriculum Learning
No. Indicators
Framework Materials
3 Describe the main functions of Human Body Given a short text describing main function of major organ, students are able to
the major organs of the body System choose the correct organ being described.
Given a picture of a major organ, students are able to choose the correct main
Given a picture of a major organ, students are able to complete a statement to
describe the function the major organ correctly.
Given a picture of bones, students are able to choose the correct functions of the
4 Explain how the functions of Human Body Given several statements about major organs, students are able to choose
the major organs are essential System the correct one.
5 Distinguish between reversible Changes in Given several pictures of changes, students are able to choose examples of
and irreversible changes Matter reversible change correctly.
Given several pictures of changes, students are able to choose examples of
irreversible change correctly.
6 Explore how solids can be Changes in Given a mixture of a solid and water, students are able to choose the correct
mixed and how it is often Matter method of separating mixtures.
possible to separate them
Given a mixture of a solid and water, students are able to choose the correct
equipment to separate the mixture.
Given a mixture of some solids and water, students are able to choose the correct
Given random steps of separating methods, students are able to choose the

Cambridge Curriculum Learning
No. Indicators
Framework Materials
correct order.
Given a picture of separating method, students are able to choose the process
Given examples of solids, students are able to write a correct word to describe the
solids in terms of how these react to water.
7 Observe, describe, record and Changes in Given a certain kind of solubility, students are able to write the correct materials.
begin to explain changes that Matter
occur when some solids are
added to water
8 Explore how, when solids do Changes in Given a mixture of an insoluble solid and water, students are able to choose the
not dissolve or react with Matter correct equipment to separate the mixture.
water, they can be separated
by filtering, which is similar to
9 Explore how some solids Changes in Given a table of observation, students are able to choose the solids that dissolve in
dissolve in water to form Matter water correctly.
solutions and, although the
solid cannot be seen, the
substance is still

10 Know how food chains can be Food Chains Given several food chains, students are able to choose the correct one.

Cambridge Curriculum Learning
No. Indicators
Framework Materials
used to represent feeding Given a diagram, students are able to choose the meaning of a specific symbol in a
relationships in a habitat and food chain correctly.
present these in text and
11 Know that food chains begin Food Chains Given a food chain, students are able to write the source of energy of a specific
with a plant (the producer), living thing in the food chain correctly.
which uses energy from the sun
Given a food chain, students are able to write a word to describe a specific living
thing in the food chain correctly.
12 Understand the terms Food Chains Given a food chain, students are able to choose the consumers correctly.
producer, consumer, predator
Given random living things in a habitat, students are able to choose the producer
and prey
Given a food chain, students are able to choose a predator of a certain living thing
in the food chain correctly.
Given a food chain, students are able to choose a prey of a certain living thing in
the food chain correctly.
Given several statements about producers, students are able to choose the correct
Given several living things, students are able to choose the most-likely to be the
top consumer in a food chain correctly.
13 Explore and construct food Food Chains Given several living things in a habitat, students are able to create the correct food
chains in a particular habitat chain diagram.

Cambridge Curriculum Learning
No. Indicators
Framework Materials
Given several statements of food-chain explorations, students are able to choose
the correct one.

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