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NAMA : Qamarina safanit

Class : E

Respond these questions individually and submit to GCR.
1. What are some of the advantages of attending college online?
2. In your classes, how eager are you to participate on online class?
3. Is online education as effective as face-to-face instruction? Why?
4. What technical skills do online students need?
5. What has been the hardest part about completing your assignments (individually/

Answer :
1. the advantage of online lectures, students can get a better network, cost-effective and those
who are far from family can meet more often.

2. maybe not too big, but it all depends on the intention and desire to learn.

3. Effective online and face-to-face are not the same. because when offline students can
interact more easily with lecturers and some materials may be easier to understand, while online
sometimes is not very effective because some things become obstacles such as networks and
may not understand what the material is given.

4. ability to access the internet.

5. nothing is difficult, if the intention and want to do it.

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