Singasari King Dom

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Primary 4 and 5

IPS Module
“Singasari Kingdom”
Candi Singasari
The Fall of Kediri Kingdom.

In the year 1254, a war broke out between Kertajaya the king
of the Kadiri kingdom and the brahmana, who were the respected
people of the time.
They soon joined forces with Ken Arok, who also wanted to
defeat Kertajaya. Because of this unity, and the upcoming battle
against Kertajaya, Ken Arok raised himself as the self declared
king of Tumapel.
He started a new dynasty of kings, and was called Sri Rajasa
Sang Amurwabhumi. When Kertajaya's kingdom was finally
attacked, the battle raged in the town of Ganter, which was under
Kadiri rule. In the same battle the Singhasari troops succesfully
killed Kertajaya, and was able to expand the kingdom.

1. What year was a war broke out between Kertajaya

the king of the Kadiri kingdom and the brahmana?
2. Ken Arok started a new dynasty of kings, who was
he called as?
3. Where was the battle raged in?
4. Who was killed at the battle?
The Rise of Singosari Kingdom

The Singhasari Kingdom was built by Ken Arok in the year 1222, and only
lasted 70 years until 1292. It was formerly named the Tumapel Kingdom, but is
thought to have originated in Singosari, Malang.

At the time a kingdom called Kadiri was ruling. One of the officials of this
kingdom was Tunggul Ametung. Ken Arok was his own personal guard and soldier,
who happened to fall in love with his wife - Ken Dedes.Therefore, he killed Tunggul
Ametung and took his wife Ken Dedes as his own in the year 1222.

In the same year, he built and raised his own kingdom, the Singhasari
kingdom. Then, he started to plan on how to free Tumapel from the reign of
Kertajaya the king and expand his lands.
Ken Arok

Ken Dedes
Jago Temple and Dwarapala statue
Berdirinya Singasari

1. Who was build Singhasari Kingdom?

2. When it was built?
3. How long it lasted?
4. Where was the location? Currently name as?
Singasari king
Ken Arok was the first king, as well as the founder
of the Singhasari empire. He was the personal soldier of
Tunggul Ametung, an important official in the kingdom of
Kadiri. Additionally, Tunggul Ametung had given him the
task of being the personal bodyguard of his wife, Ken

He then remembered the belief, that a king with a

beautiful wife will build a great kingdom. Therefore, he
visited the sword maker Empu Gandring, and asked him
to forge Ken Arok a sword. At his job, he built and
friendship and fell in love with Ken Dedes - Tunggul
Ametung's wife, due to her words, went to Empu
Gandring and asked for his sword. But, it was not
finished. Outraged, Ken Arok killed Empu Gandring,
then went back to the palace to kill Tunggul Ametung.
With both of them dead, Ken Arok married Ken Dedes,
and built the Singhasari empire.

Anusapati was the step son of Ken Arok, whom Ken

Dedes was already pregnant with by the time Ken Arok killed
Tunggul Ametung.
Growing up, he had increasingly sour feelings for his step
father as his mother had always loved Tunggul Ametung, and
ordered his men to kill his father.
This therefore, raised him as new king of Singasari. He
was one of the kings with the least reforms in the kingdom,
due to his love of cock fighting and gambling. He was then
overthrown by his step brother, Tohjoyo the son of Ken Arok
and Ken Umang, another wife of Ken Arok.
Tohjaya invited him to come and gamble at his residency,
and it is said that while Anusapati was happily watching the
cock fighting, Tohjaya snuck up and killed him. He was killed
by the keris or sword which was predicted to kill seven of the
royal family - with himself being the third. He was buried in
Candi Kidal.
Singasari king ( Video)
Tohjayo was the shortest reigning king of the
Singhasari kingdom, overthrowing Anusapati his step
brother. Only ruling for a few months, he found out
during his reign that Ranggawuni the son of Anusapati
and Mahesa Cempaka was plotting against him,
planning to murder him. Therefore, they ran away,
causing Tohjaya to send Lembu Ampal and his army.
Yet, as Lembu Ampal chases down the two, he
realizes that Ranggawuni deserves to rule, being the
direct son of the king. Therefore, he turns against his
master and decides to help Ranggawuni and Mahesa
Cempaka overthrow him.
Wisnuwardhana Ranggawuni was the fourth king of the
Singhasari empire, who reigned with his queen Narasingha
Murti. He was known for bringing peace and unity to
Singhasari, ruling the kingdom wisely.
He was famed of raising the strongest and last king of
the Singhasari empire, Kertanegara. Ranggawuni raised his
son from a young age, making him a Yuvaraja, or a young
king. This was to train his son for his duties that would come
when he himself died.
Ranggawuni was the only king of the Singhasari
kingdom who was not killed by human hands and violence,
but instead died at a peaceful old age and chose who he
would entrust his Kingdom with.

1. In Paragon version (Name of a Prasasti) The transfer of

power is marked by?
2. Who was Anusapati?
3. Anusapati was killed by?
4. Who was rebelled to Tohjaya?
5. The peaceful transfer of power only occurred on?
Kertanegara was the son of Ranggawuni, and the
last and strongest king of the Singhasari empire. He was
famous for his reforms, such as replacing many officials
and reigning with peace. He supported the unity of
ancient Indonesia, and in his reigned unified and took
over Java, Melayu Kingdom, Pahang, Sunda, Bali,

Bakulapura (West Kalimantan) and Gurun in Maluku.

During his reign, a Mongol messenger visited his land and requested that he be under Mongol control as a vassal
state, with regular payments and shipments of supplies.
Kertanegara strongly denied, doing so by burning the face of Kublai Khan's messenger named Mengku and sending
his back. Because of this, Kertanegara then sent many of his troops and supplies out of Java to prepare for a Mongol
attack, Jayakatwang took the opportunity of rebel against Kertanegara, who was unprepared for an attack as he was found
partying with his officials.
During Jayakatwang's attack on the palace, Kertanegara was killed - marking the end of the Singhasari kingdom.
Peta Expedisi Palamayu

The Peak of Singasari Kingdom

Kertanegara was the first and last king to expand the Singhasari beyond Jaava. He first organized
the Palamayu expedition to Sumatra, which was also done to create a fort against the coming Mongol
invasion. During the process, he subdued Dharmasraya of the Malayu Kingdom, creating his own
empire and having good relations with the King. In the following years, Kertanegara and the Singhasari
empire also expanded to Bali in the year 1289, as well as Pahang, Gurun, and Bakulapura.
Peta invasi Mongol ke Singasari
The Fall of Singasari Kingdom

Kertanegara was the last and most powerful king of the Singhasari kingdom. The kingdom
came to an abrupt end during its peak, when it expanded to its largest and its king was most
beneficial for the kingdom. After Singhasari was expanded to great sizes, Kublai Khan of the
Mongol empire was doing his own expansions as well.
Indonesia's Singhasari Kingdom was ordered to be a vassal state under Mongol rule,
guaranteeing safety with yearly payments of products and shipments to Mongol. Refusing,
Kertanegara wounded the face of the messenger Mengki, aggravating Kublai Khan and causing
him to send his troops to Indonesia. Because of this, Kertanegara send many of his troops,
weapons, and supplies out to face the Mongols.
Yet, this was not the cause of Singhasari's fall, as this great empire caved in on itself, with its fall
originating from causes inside the empire itself.
Jayakatwang of the long lost Kediri Kingdom, cousin and brother in law of Kertanegara himself rebelled in
1292. He used the Mongol attack as a distraction, with which he could attack the capital city. Jayakatwang
separated his troops to attack from the north and south, with the south army being the best of the best, led by
Jayakatwang himself. This army succesfully infiltrated the palace, only to find Kertanegara hosting a great party
with the palace officials. All of the officials present, along with Kertanegara was killed in the attack. At last,
Jayakatwang declared himself as part of the Wangsa Rajasa dynasty, which was started by Ken Arok himself.
The end of the Singhasari Empire also marked the beginning of the Majapahit empire to come.
Tugas pemetaan pemahaman murid terhadap materi “Kerajaan Singasari”

1. Making comic of singasari kingdom or re-write about Singasari Kingdom

using your own words.

2. Tell and record the story of comic or writing, and send it to Ms Wiwin’s WA
number or School’s Wa Number.

If you need further information, just text Ms Wiwin.

Thank you my dearest students to love my lesson, and goodluck….

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