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Name: Jhomar B, Dela Cruz Grade and Section: 11-Forritude

Strand: ABM Date:

Activity: Seeing Me Through You

Choose a partner, preferably someone close to you. Sit down facing each other. Ask him/her
“what can you say about me?”. The answers will be written down on the right column of the
table. You must be honest, sincere and objective in writing down what your partner says about

What I think of myself (my traits, abilities What others think of me (my traits, abilities
and strengths) and strengths)
Name of Person: Jecffe F. Cañete
Relationship with Them: Friends
Reliable Trusted
Passionated Focused
Agreeableness Kindness
Courageous Quality
Curious Interest
Patience Calmly
Intelligent Abilities

1. What did you feel while you were completing this table? Relieved and compliment of
other to made more fun to generate table resolution and understand what i willing to
attempt which forward a right improving myself awareness

2. Did you have a hard time thinking of answers for both columns? Genuinely having a
help trusted friend to guiding that indicated me is working together help each other out
and borrowing ideas or hints
3. Does your perception of yourself coincide with the perceptions of others on you? This
is how we see ourselves and how we think other people see us how others want to see
us self-esteem This is what we think, believe, and feel about ourselves

4. What are your realizations from this activity? Is to get know person how to describe the
type person you are to he/her. In short, we judge others based on what we see, but
ourselves based on what we think and feel.

II. Essay

1. Who are some of the significant individuals around you that you consider to have a
great influence on your attitude, values and behaviors? Explain how they influenced you
as an adolescent. A friend who is whole is always by my side and we both share
personal experiences that each other until further adulthood to make significant
changes in my own behavior and core value related to dramatic changes and more
positively reflect my false self

2. Why is others’ evaluation of yourself just as important as your self-evaluation? Be an

active participant in your evaluation. Your participation allows us to honestly assess
your strengths and areas for improvement. and This allows students to participate in
and take understand of their learning.

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