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Dialog 4

Nazrul: Excuse me!

Darwish: May I help you?

Nazrul: We would like to make a reservation for an event in this café. Is that possible?

Darwish: Sure, it is. When and what would you like the reservation for?

Fatah: We would like it for a birthday party on April 14th. Will it be available on that day?

Darwish: We are very sorry, but that day the cafe is already booked.

Nazrul: Is there any day around April 14th available?

Darwish: How about April 15th?

Fatah: That sounds good.

Nazrul: Yup, April 15th is it.

Darwish: Very well, then. We have the café on April 15th for a birthday party, if you would just give us your name.

Nazrul: It's Nazrul Zainal.

Darwish: All right, for the package, decorations, and so on, you could discuss them with our manager Ms.
Anne. She will arrive soon.

Fatah: Okay. Thank you so much.

Darwish: You are welcome.

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