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B1 lessons


Unit 1
Affirmative and negative:

 She is 20 years old. (Affirmative)

 We are good in English. (Affirmative)
 My brother is not a doctor. (Negative)
 You are not nice. (Negative)
 I am not Spanish. (Negative)
 It is a table. (Affirmative)
 Susan and Clara are not sisters. (Negative)
 They are singers. (Affirmative)
 My dog is cute. (Affirmative)
 He is his cousin. (Affirmative)
 The t-shirt is not blue. (Negative)
 My watch is new. (Affirmative)
 She is my favorite actor. (Affirmative)
 Are you doctors? Yes, we are
 Is he an Arabic teacher? No, he is not
 Is it good? Yes, it is
 Are they angry? No, they are not
 Is it your cat? No, it is not
 Are you at home? Yes, I am
 Is he short? No, he is not
 Is the new dress orange? Yes, it is
 Is the meeting today? No, it is not
 Are the parents at work? No, they are not
 Is the chicken delicious? No, it is not
 Is it cold today? Yes, it is
 Is he Spanish? No, he is not
Unit 2

Three sentences with:

Has: he/ she/ it



A/ An
An  a/ e/ u/ I/ o 
an orange/ an egg
A  consonants 
A book/ a pineapple


A hand an image

A rabbit An orange

A cat

A banana An egg

An Arabic book A question

A house An old book

An island

An ugly t-shirt
An architect A necklace

I am/ you are/ she- he- it is/ we are/ you are/ they are

Affirmative form:

He is a teacher.

I am sick.

Negative form:

They are not at school.

You are not nice.


Are you tall? Yes, I am no, I am not

Is she your friend? Yes, she is no, she is not

New Unit

Rule #1 - Specific identity not known: A/ An  singular count

Example: I think an animal is in the garage.

I have a cat and two dogs.

Rule #2 - Specific identity known: The  singular or plural/ count

or noncount.

Example: The boy sitting next to me raised his hand.

I ate an apple yesterday. The apple was juicy and delicious.

Rule #3 - All things or things in general: No article with plural

count nouns or any noncount nouns used to mean all or in general.

Example: Trees are beautiful in the fall. (All trees are beautiful in the

I do not like coffee. (I do not like all coffee in general.)

 A/ An/ The:
1. Kate has been talking to the customer who has just come into the shop.

2. John uses the Internet a lot.

3. She went to the zoo, but she didn't see monkeys there. She hates monkeys.

4. You won't like that restaurant. The food isn't very good there.

5. People don't write letters nowadays. They write emails. But I haven't written
an email for ages.

6. In England you must go to school until you're 16.

7. Well Mary, here's the first question and it's an easy one.

8. Jerry works in an office in the center of London.

9. He lives in an apartment in the middle of Bronx.

10. Statistics say that women live longer than men.

11. Can you describe the wristwatch that Amy found? – Well, I only know that
it had a metal band.

12. Jamaica is an island in Caribbean Sea.

13. He chose the school that has the best teachers.

14. I saw an interesting documentary on the TV the other day.

15. I don't like museums. I never go to any when I'm in London.

16. My dad thinks Italian food is better than Spanish food.

17. I like coffee, but I don't like the coffee they make at the office.

18. She has a job in the shop in Oxford Street.

19. My friend Zoe went to the hospital to see her father.

20. Larry went to the bed very late last night.

Complete the sentences with the definite article “THE” if necessary,

otherwise leave blank.

1. Money doesn’t always lead to happiness.

2. The finals will be played in O2 arena.

3. The more you eat, the fatter you’ll get.

4. Aluminum is made from bauxite.

5. The old woman was not afraid of death.

6. Fruits and vegetables have got a lot of vitamins.

7. The moon travels around the earth.

8. The ship was seen off the coast of Florida.

9. We are going to Netherlands next summer.

10. Do your parents ever go to the church?

11. He wrote a book about the lives of former presidents.

12. My sister kissed me on the cheek.

13. Mount Everest is the highest peak on earth.

14. Liverpool will probably win the Champions League this year.

15. The Mississippi River is the largest in North America.

16. As a tourist you have to visit the Tower of London and the Piccadilly Circus.

17. He will not have a chance to compete at the 2020 Olympics.

18. Cancer is a very serious disease.

19. People say that British are very polite people.

20. Public transport is an effective way of travel.

Unit 2

Can’t/ can’t have/ could/ don’t need to/ might/ might

not/ must/ must have/ must not/ should/ should not.
1. That pizza was gigantic. I'm sure Mary can’t have eaten it all.
2. Nobody was able to tell the police who that man was, so he should/ must be someone from
3. Be careful when you walk across that old wooden bridge. It must not be very safe.
4. I see you haven't finished your homework yet. It must be very difficult, then.
5. You can’t touch the oven. It's very hot and you can’t/ should not hurt yourself.
6. They are putting the suspect into the police car. The police must have arrested him.
7. I don't know where he is. Take a look in the garage. He can be there.
8. You must not do any more training today. You look so tried. Take a break!
9. I can't see very well but that must be Claire over there. At least, she looks like Claire.
10. Everyone scored over 95% in the first test, so it must not/ should not been so difficult.
11. You can’t drive me to the airport. I can take the bus.
12. You must always wear suitable clothes when you go skiing.
13. Pupils must not go out between the various parts of the exam. It's against the school rules.
14. Danny could swim when he was four. Now he's part of the town's swimming team.
15. You must not/ should not buy any food. The fridge is full.
16. John must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. Otherwise, he'd be here by now.
17. There are signs all over the area, so you can’t/ should not have any trouble getting there.
18. This can’t be the house they advertised in the newspaper. It's much too big.
19. Mike must not have left the house. His cell phone is still here, and he never leaves without
20. Leaving the house today without an umbrella can’t/ must not/ should not be such a good
idea. It looks like it's going to rain in the after.

Present simple:
Exercise 1:

1. The principal wants to speak to Raj. (want)

2. The baby cries all day. (cry)
3. The flight leaves at 8 o’clock in the morning. (leave)
4. What smells so good? (smell)
5. Hema plays badminton every evening. (play)
6. Tony goes to guitar lessons every Sunday. (go)
7. If it rains today, we will get stuck. (rain)
8. The nurse takes care of my grandfather. (Take care)
9. I get up at 7:00 a.m. every day. (get)
10.Amy rarely leaves her room. (leave)
11.Cows give us milk. (give)
12.My grandmother cooks delicious lasagna. (cook)
13.The boys study hard to get good grades. (study)
14.The teacher meets the parents. (meet)
15.The movie finishes within few minutes. (finish)
16.The fluffy clouds fly around. (fly)
17.The dogs bark at night. (bark)

Exercise 2:

1. I usually   (go) to school.


2. They   (visit) us often.


3. You   (play) basketball once a week.

w orks

4. Tom   (work) every day.


5. He always   (tell) us funny stories.


6. She never   (help) me with that!

sw im

7. Martha and Kevin   (swim) twice a week.


8. In this club people usually   (dance) a lot.

takes care

9. Linda   (take care) of her sister.


10. John rarely   (leave) the country.


11. We   (live) in the city most of the year.


12. Lorie   (travel) to Paris every Sunday.


13. I   (bake) cookies twice a month.


14. You always   (teach) me new things.


15. She   (help) the kids of the neighborhood.

Exercise 3:

1. Angelina Joli is American.   isn't French.


2. Brad Pitt is American, too.   isn't German.


3. Brad and Angelina are not French.   are American.


4. My friend and I are high school students.   aren't primary school


5. The Statue of Liberty is in New York.   isn't in Washington.

Exercise 4: the verb to be in present simple

is not

1. Is Julia Roberts French? No, she   French.

2. What about Robert de Niro? Is he an American actor? Yes,

he   .
are not

3. Are New York and Los Angeles Spanish Cities? No, they   
Spanish cities.
is not

4. Is Big Ben in Paris? No, it   in Paris.

is not

5. Is Mount Everest in Africa? No, it   in Africa. It is in Asia.

Present simple:


I / you/ we/ they live

He/ she/ it lives

I / you/ we/ they cry

He/ she/ it cries


I / you/ we/ they possess

He/ she/ it possesses


I / you/ we/ they finish

He/ she/ it finishes


I / you/ we/ they do

He/ she/ it does


I / you/ we/ they go

He/ she/ it goes

Make 3 sentences with:

 Busy:
 People:
 Family:

 I (play) play tennis.
 We (drink) drink tea every day.
 Frank (study) studies biology.
 This duck (have) has beautiful colors.
 Many shops (close) close at seven o'clock.
 A woman never (say) says her age.
 The gardener (cut) cuts the grass.
 Storks (fly) fly south in winter.
 She (go) goes to the beach in summer.
 My father (travel) travels to Spain twice a year.
 A penguin (can) can swim very well.
 The cat (catch) catches the mouse.
 This girl (cry) cries out in fear.
 This woman (drive) drives a lorry.
 I (brush) brush my teeth three times a day.

New lesson:
An adjective often comes BEFORE a noun:

• A green car.

• A dark sky.

• An interesting story.

And sometimes an adjective comes AFTER a verb:

• My car is green.
• The sky became dark.

• His story seemed interesting.

Note that we can often use two or more adjectives together:

 A beautiful young French lady.

 It is black and white.

Exercise: Present continuous

 I (study) am studying at the moment.

 I (not / sleep) am not sleeping.
 You (play) are playing badminton tonight.

 We (watch) are watching TV.

 She (not / work) is not working in Spain.
 He (not / wait) is not waiting for the bus.
 They (read) are reading.
 We (not/ go) are not going to the cinema tonight.
 You (not/ read) are not reading the newspaper.
 She (eat) is eating chocolate.
 I (not/ live) am not living in Paris.
 We (study) are studying French.
 They (not/ leave) are not leaving now.
 They (live) are living in London.
 He (work) is working in a restaurant now.
 I (not/ meet) am not meeting my father at 4:00.
 She (not/ drink) is not drinking tea now.
 She (play) is playing the guitar.
 We (cook) are cooking right now.
 He (walk) is walking to school now.

Is it time to go?

Is he …?

Is she

Like: Do you/ I/ we/ they like chocolate?

Does he/she/ it like chocolate?

Exercise 1: present simple:

 I am (be) in a café.
 Does she play (she/ play) tennis every weekend?
 They go (go) to the cinema every Wednesday.
 Is she (she / be) a singer?
 You find (find) the weather here cold.
 Are they (they/ be) in the bus?
 Lucy (she) rides (ride) her bicycle to work.
 Why is he (he/ be) in France?
 I don’t play (not/ play) the piano very often.
 It is not (not/ be) cold today.
 We are (be) from Portugal.
 Do we make (we/ make) too much noise at night?
 Where does hurry study (hurry/ study)?
 Is it (it/ be) foggy today?
 We are not (not/ be) late.
 They don’t like (not/ like) animals.
 Where are you (you/ be)?
 He is not (not be) an accountant.
 Does the dog eat (the dog/ eat) chicken?
 She is (be) my sister.

Exercise 2: present continuous: pronoun+ verb+ ing

To eat: you are eating (eat) right now.

He is playing (play) football.

Is he playing football?

 She is going (go) home now.

 I am reading (read) a great book.
 She is not washing (not wash) her hair.
 The cat is chasing (chase) mice.
 Is she crying (cry)?
 He is not studying (not study) Latin.
 We are driving (drive) to London.
 They are watching (watch) tv.
 Where is she going (go) now?
 I am not leaving (not leave) now.
 You are not running (not run).
 Why is he leaving (leave)?
 How am I traveling (travel)?
 It is not raining (not rain).
 When are we arriving (arrive)?
 Where are they staying (stay)?
 It is raining (rain).
 She is coming (come) at six.
 He is watching (watch) a film at the moment.
 We are not sleeping (not sleep).

Fill in the blanks with the present continuous form of the given verbs.

1. I am going to watch a movie at the cinema. (go)

2. We are playing in the nearby park. (play)
3. The boys are swimming in the pond. (swim)
4. Rita (she) is singing at the function. (sing)
5. The child is playing baseball. (play)
6. The chef is cooking his famous ravioli. (cook)
7. The teacher is teaching the students. (teach)
8. I am reading Aladdin and the Magic Lamp. (read)
9. The man is riding a Royal Enfield. (ride)
10. Sheema is practicing for her dance performance. (practice)
11. The boys are annoying everyone present at the party. (annoy)
12. My mother is knitting a sweater for my sister. (knit)
13. The man is begging on the streets. (beg)
14. The baby is giggling with her mother. (giggle)
15. Ronaldo is training his team. (train)


Read the sentences in different tenses and change them into present continuous tense.

1. He goes to play in the park.  he is going ….

2. COVID affects our lungs. covid is affecting …
3. I eat a cheeseburger.  I am eating …
4. The Minister visits the school.  the minister is visiting …
5. Ram walks to school.  ram is walking …
6. The mason builds this tower.  the mason (he) is building…
7. Riya speak at the inter-school competition.  riya is speaking …
8. They fight hard.  they are fighting…
9. The singer sings beautifully. the singer is singing…
10. I clean my room.  I am cleaning…
11. We buy a new car.  we are buying…
12. He plays the guitar.  he is playing …
13. I do a new project.  I am doing
14. 1See you  on  Friday.
15. 2I brush my teeth  in  the morning.
16. 3The match is   4 o'clock.
17. 4We have lunch  at  midday.
18. 5I'm busy   the moment.
19. 6My parents always visit me  on  my birthday.
20. 7He was born   the 19th century.
21. 8He usually goes on holiday  in  July.
22. 9They always get together  on  Christmas.
23. 10You can come   the weekend.
Exercise: future simple: will:
w ill buy
1. I  (buy) a new game.

w ill travel
2. She  (travel) for the summer holiday.

w ill come
3. They  (come) next Monday.

w ill change
4. Alain  (change) job next week.

w ill send
5. If I get the address, I  (send) her a letter.

w ill eat
6. We  (eat) soup for dinner.

w ill do
7. You  (do) your homework.

w ill pay
8. Take whatever you want, she  (pay).

w ill see
9. Read the text, then you   (see) the mistake.

w ill get
10. If she does all the exercises, she  (get) a good English.
w ill go
1. I  (go) to the supermarket.
w ill cook
2. After my shopping, I   (cook) dinner.
w ill call
3. After cooking diner, I   (call) my friends.
w ill w e dance
4.   (we /dance) with them?
w ill talk
5. After dancing we  (talk) together.
w on't read
6. Then we  (not/read) books.
w ill go
7. We   (go) outside.
w ill meet
8. We  (meet) our friends soon.
w ill get
9. After that we   (get) back home.

Exercise: going to:

I am going to watch (watch) avatar 2 in the cinema.
 I'm so tired. I am going to sleep (sleep) until 12 o'clock
 Hurry up! You are going to be (be) late for class.
 My father is going to teach (teach) me how to play golf.
 We are going to watch (watch) a video in ESL class today.

 They are going to get (get) a new computer.

 Paul's sister is going to have (have) a baby.
 Marvin is going to throw (throw) a party next week.
 We are going to fly (fly) to Venice in June.
 Look at the clouds! It is going to rain (rain) soon.

3 sentences with:
 Pen:
 Play:
 Sing:
Exercise 1:

Put in 'will' or 'be going to'.

1. A: We don't have any bread.

B: I know. I am going to get some from the shop.

2. A: We don't have any bread.

B: Really? I will get some from the shop then.

3. A: Why do you need to borrow my suitcase?

B: I am going to visit my mother in Scotland next month.

4. A: I'm really cold.

B: I am going to turn the heating on.

5. A: Are you going to John's party tonight?

B: Yes. Are you going too? I will give you a lift.

6. A: What are your plans after you leave university?

B: I am going to work in a hospital in Africa. I leave on the 28th

7. (The phone rings)

A: I will get it!

8. A: Are you ready to order?

B: I can't decide … Okay, I will have the steak, please.

9. A: Are you busy tonight? Would you like to have coffee?

B: Sorry. I am going to go to the library. I've been planning to
study all day.

10. A: Why are you carrying a hammer?

B: I am going to put up some pictures.

Exercise 2:

1. 'I haven't got my phone.' 'That's OK. you mine.'

2. It's Julia's birthday next week, so her some flowers.
3. Will you lend me £10? I promise  it back to you tomorrow.

4. a barbecue tomorrow. It's all planned, so I hope it won't

5. 'Jim's starting university tomorrow.' 'What study?'
6. You that film. It's very frightening. Let's choose another
7. Do you think they the presents we got for them?
8. Look! The coach ! Run or we'll miss it.

Make sentences with:

 House:
 Watch:
 Bedroom:
Exercise 1: Fill in the correct form of the verb (was/were). 
w ere
1. You   at the party.
w as
2. She   in the classroom.
w ere
3. The boys   in the park.
w as
4. It   his birthday last week.
w ere
5. Mum and Dad   happy about the present.
w ere
6. The books (they)   on the shelf.
w as
7. The weather   really nice.
w as
8. I   at school yesterday.
w ere
9. We   at Grandma`s in the summer holidays.
w ere
10. They   interesting people.

Exercice 2 :
w as
 at school.
w ere
w as
w as
 in bed.
w as
w ere
w ere
w ere

My sister was in her room.

Verb to be in the past simple:

I was not  I wasn’t.
You were not  you weren’t.
He/ she/ it was not  he/ she/ it wasn’t.
We were not we weren’t.
They were not  they weren’t.

Regular verb:
Play  affirmative: I / you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they
Negative: I / you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they didn’t (did not)
Interrogative: Did you play? / Did she play?
To do: did
Jump  affirmative: I / you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they
Negative: I / you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they didn’t jump.
Interrogative: Did you jump?
Irregular verbs:
Drink: affirmative: I / you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they
Negative: I / you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they didn’t drink.
Interrogative: Did you drink?
Teach: affirmative: I / you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they
Negative: I / you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they didn’t teach.
Interrogative: Did you teach?

Make the past simple: positive, negative or question.

1. I didn’t drink (not / drink) any juice last night.
A: drank
I: Did you drink…?
2. She got on (get on) the bus in the center of the
N: she didn’t get on
I: did she get on…?
3. What time did he get up (he / get up) yesterday?
A: he got up
N: he didn’t get up
4. Where did you get off (you / get off) the train?
A: you got off
N: you didn’t get off
5. I didn’t change (not / change) trains at Victoria.
A: I changed
I: did you change…?
6. We woke up (wake up) very late.
N: we didn’t wake up
I: did we wake up…?
7. What did he give (he / give) his mother for
A: he gave
N: he didn’t give
8. I received (receive) £300 when my uncle died
N: I didn’t receive/ my uncle didn’t die.
I: did I receive? / Did my uncle die?
9. We didn’t use (not / use) the computer last
A: we used
I: did we use?
10. Did she make (she / make) good coffee?
A: she made.
N: she didn’t make.
11. They lived (live) in Paris.
N: they didn’t live.
I: did they live?
12. She read (read) the newspaper yesterday.
N: she didn’t read
I: did she read?
13. I didn’t watch (not / watch) TV.
A: I watched.
I: did I watch?
14. He didn’t study (not / study) for the exam.
A: he studied.
I: did he study?
15. Did he call (he / call) you?
A: he called.
N: he didn’t call.
16. Did I forget (I / forget) something?
A: I forgot.
N: I didn’t forget.
17. What time did the film start (the film /
A: the film started.
N: the film didn’t start.
18. He had (have) a shower.
N: he didn’t have.
I: did he have?
19. Why did you come (you / come)?
A: you came.
N: you didn’t come.
20. Did he go (he / go) to the party?
A: he went.
N: he didn’t go.

Fill in the gaps with the comparative form of the adjectives


1.  A rock is heavier   than a leaf. (heavy)

2. Our house is  bigger than yours. (big)
3. The princess is  more beautiful than the witch. (beautiful)
4. Tom is a  better student than Mary. (good)
5. Bicycles are  more safe
than motorbikes. (safe)
6. July is  hotter than January. (hot)
7. A lion is  more dangerousthan a cat. (dangerous)
8. Helen is happier  than Mary. (happy)
9. Computers are more expensive than telephones. (expensive)
10. I think golf is  more boring than football. (boring)

Fill in the gaps with the superlative form of the adjectives

1. It is the  largest shop in town. (large)
2. Monday is the  w orst day of the week. (bad)
3. Ben was the  noisiest person in his family. (noisy)
4. Sam is the  most popular in the class. (popular)
5. Which is the  most difficult subject at school? (difficult)
6. Jim is the  best player in the football team. (good)
7. Elephants are the  heaviest animals. (heavy)
8. Let's pick the  biggest apple of the tree. (big)
9. Mary is the  thinnest girl in the class. (thin)
10. That is the  most comfortable sofa in our house. (comfortable)

Than  comparative form (more or er)

The  superlative form (most or est)
Fill in the gaps with the comparative or the superlative form
of the adjectives given.
1. This armchair is  more comfortablethan the old one. (comfortable)
2. Trains are  slow er than airplanes. (slow)
3. I bought the most expensive souvenir I could afford. (expensive)
4. In this classroom there are  more manymore many girls than
boys. (many)
5. Ann is the  youngestchild in the family. (young)
6. That TV set is the  cheapest of all. (cheap)
7. You are  safer here than there. (safe)
8. Fifi is  prettier than Kate. (pretty)
9. This is the  most exciting film I have ever seen. (exciting)
10. Tim is  more talented  than Peter. (talented)

w ere
1. Mammoths   big animals, bigger than elephants. (be)
didn't live
2. Mammoths   100 years ago. (Not live)
3. Mammoths   a long time ago. (live)
didn't eat ate
4. Mammoths   meat. They   grass. (Not eat / eat)
5. They   two large tusks about three meters long. (have)
paid didn't pay
6. I   by credit card. I   cash. (pay / not pay)
drank didn't drink
7. He   some milk. He   any water. (drink / not drink)
spent didn't spend
8. She only   a pound. She   3 pounds. (spend / not spend)
saw didn't see
9. I   some elephants. I   any lions. (see / not see)
sw am didn't sw im
10. They   in the sea, but they   in the lake. (swim / not swim)

Complete the questions with the past simple:

Example: I asked Tim. - Who did you ask?

did you meet

1. I met somebody. Who   ?
did Harry arrive
2. Harry arrived. What time   ?
did Bob see
3. I saw Bob yesterday. Who   yesterday?
did they w ant
4. They wanted something. What   ?
did the meeting end
5. The meeting ended. What time   ?
did pat go
6. Pat went home early. Why   home early?
did you have
7. We had fish for dinner. What   for dinner?
did it cost
8. It costed a lot of money. How much   ?
did he buy
9. He bought a T - shirt. What   ?
did you eat
10. We ate ham and eggs. What   ?

Exercise 1:
 1He  is saving  (save) money because he wants to buy a car.
 2You  are not listening
 are not listening (not listen) to me.
 3My parents  are looking  (look) for a new apartment.
 4The victim  is not  is not cooperating (not cooperate) with
the police.
 5We  are planning (plan) a trip to Japan.
am cooking
 6I   (cook) fish for dinner.
 7The water  is boiling  (boil). You can put the pasta now.
 8He   is not training(not train) because he has health
 9I   am not working (not work) at present. I'm
 10It  is not raining (not rain) now. We can go to the

Exercise 2:
1A:   (you/cry)? B: No, I  .
Are you crying? No, I am not crying.
2A:   (your father/recover) well after the operation? B: Yes,
he  .
Is your father recovering? Yes, he is recovering.
3A:   (they/try) to find a solution? B: Yes, they  .
Are they trying? Yes, they are.
4A:   (the baby/sleep)? B: No, she  .
Is the baby sleeping? No, she is not.
5A:   (we/do) the right thing? B: Yes, we  .
Are we doing? Yes, we are.
6A:   (he/study) for his exams? B: No, he  .
Is he studying? No, he is not.
7A:   (you eat) my pizza? B: Yes, I  .
Are you eating? Yes, I am.
8A:   (you/pay) by credit card? B: No, I  .
Are you paying? No, I am not.
9A:   (they/win) the match? B: Yes, they  .
Are they winning? Yes, they are.
10A:   (Tom/run) in the race? B: No, he  . He's here with
Is Tom running? No, he is not.

Present continuous:
Subject + verb to be in the present simple + verb +
Present simple: https://www.really-learn-
Past simple: https://www.perfect-english-

Future: will:

Present continuous:

Past continuous:

Verbs in present simple:

Go/ play/ do/ meet/ take/ fly/ finish/ take/ try/ pay/
close/ receive/ use/
Verbs in simple past:
Ask/ arrive/ come/ buy/ take/ decide/ teach/ start/
understand/ leave/ participate/ do/ be/
Verbs in present continuous:
Read/ go/ celebrate/ eat/ study/ look/ play/ swim/
talk/ sleep/ enjoy/ do/ write/ travel/
Verbs in past continuous:
Sleep/ work/ listen/ plan/ wait/ hear/ have/ smell/
demand/ think/ hope/ prefer/ remember/ have
Verbs in simple future:
Give/ go/ reach/ do/ assist/ arrange/ take care/
prepare/ watch/ cook/ travel/ sing/ speak

1) The best trip.

2) Best dialogue.
3) The thing that scares you the most.
4) If a genie comes to you and tells you that you just have
3 wishes. What would they be?

Game: X/O
1 2 3

4 5 6
7 8 9

Game: hangman

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