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Name: Tatiana Natasha Ruiz Medina Date: 03/04/2023

English III - Class # 1 Teacher: María Hellen Camacho


• Work at home and complete all the exercises below.

• Get ready for a mini-quiz next class.

PART A - Topic: Grammar_Unit 8A_Reported Speech

Exercise 1
a. Take a look at this interactive presentation in the platform of Cambridge:
Resources_Language Check_Unit 8: Information_Grammar: Reported Speech

b. Complete the activities on PAGE 5 , take a screenshot and paste it below.

Exercise 2
a. Go over the next explanation about Reported Speech
b. Complete the reported speech with the correct verb form. Change the tense where possible.


1. was going to be

2. didn’t want to go out

3. were waiting

4. couldn’t drive

5. had lost

6. might had

7. would help me

8. had bought

PART B - Topic: Grammar_Unit 8A_The News

Exercise 1
a. Take a look at this interactive presentation in the platform of Cambridge:
Resources_Language Check_Unit 8: Information_Vocabulary: The News
b. Complete the activities on PAGE 2 , take a screenshot and paste it below.

c. Complete the activities on PAGE 3 , take a screenshot and paste it below.

Exercise 2

a. Match the headlines 1-4 with the different kinds of news.

Exercise Answers

1. current affairs

2. business news

3. entertainment

4. celebrity news

b. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

Exercise Answers

1. presenters
2. bloggers
3. reporters
4. editors

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