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ESSENCE: Journal of Business Management, Vol. 21 No. 3 / 2018



Aulia Hasanah
Nusantara Business

Aqsiami Kirana
Nusantara Business Institute


The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the influence of customer service
quality of Bank DKI Sub-Branch Pondok Gede on customer satisfaction.
This study took a sample of 147 customers who made transactions at Bank DKI Pondok Gede Sub-
Branch. The results showed that the quality of customer service at Bank DKI Sub-Branch Pondok
Gede had an effect on customer satisfaction. This can be seen from the hypothesis test regarding the
effect of customer service quality on satisfaction. The hypothesis test is seen from the comparison
between t count and t table, where t count (4.427) > t table (1.655), then Ho is rejected and Ha is
accepted (there is an effect). This means that there is a significant influence between the quality of
customer service at Bank DKI Sub-Branch Pondok Gede on customer satisfaction. In addition, the
correlation coefficient value of 0.345 shows a sufficient relationship between the quality of customer
service at Bank DKI Pondok Gede Sub-Branch with customer satisfaction. Variable X (quality of
service) with variable Y (satisfaction) has a sufficient relationship. This is based on the data obtained
in the field that the value of the service quality variable and the satisfaction variable, both of which are
quite adequate, are 0.345. If the data is assessed from the correlation test of variable X and variable
Y, where r count is greater than r table, i.e. r count is 0.345 and r table is 0.162. These criteria exist in
sufficient correlation, namely (> 0.25 – 0.5).


The development of the banking world, which is currently moving very fast, is accompanied
by increasingly broad and complex challenges, this makes banks have to be fast and responsive
in carrying out their functions and responsibilities in serving the community.

Bank is one of the financial institutions engaged in services, must provide the best service
(service excellent) to be able to win the competition which is increasingly competitive. So to face
the increasingly fierce competition between banking institutions, various customer service concepts
have now been developed with the aim of retaining customers and reaching potential customers.

One of the frontliners in providing services to customers is the frontliner. Officers who can
be categorized as frontliners are security, teller and customer service. The three officers are the
spearhead of the banking business because they deal directly with customers. Frontliners are
expected to always give an attractive impression at all times, have the ability to be informative to
customers, have an attractive appearance, and be able to communicate well and clearly, so that
the services provided to customers will be of high value in accordance with Bank DKI's vision,
which is to become a modern and high-value regional bank that maintains balance between profit
and development in Jakarta.

Customer Service plays an important role in the banking world in serving the community.
The main task of customer service is to provide services and build relationships with the
community. Bank customer service in serving customers

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customers must always try to attract attention by persuading prospective customers to become bank customers and
use banking products in various ways and customer service must also keep old customers from becoming bank
customers. In connection with this role, every company tries to implement excellent service, namely an attitude or
way of providing comfort in serving customers satisfactorily for the use of banking services, customer satisfaction
will be more easily fulfilled if bank officers know the nature and character of customers. The services provided by
customer service in various bank services must reflect the complete approach of a bank employee to customers.
This is done with a helpful, friendly and professional attitude that satisfies customers to come back to the bank.

Based on the descriptions above, the authors are interested in conducting research with the title "The
Effect of Customer Service Quality of Bank DKI Sub-Branch Pondok Gede on Customer Satisfaction".

Formulation of the problem

Based on the background of the problem above, the problem is formulated as follows: "To what extent
does the quality of customer service at Bank DKI Sub-Branch Pondok Gede affect customer satisfaction?"

Research purposes
Based on the formulation of the problem above, the purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the
influence of customer service quality at Bank DKI Sub-Branch Pondok Gede on customer satisfaction.


Marketing is one of the main activities carried out by a company to improve its business and maintain its
existence in the business world and earn a profit. Marketing also applies an important factor in meeting consumer
needs. For this reason, marketing activities must be able to provide consumer satisfaction so that consumers have
a good view of the company and the company is able to increase sales of products marketed by the company.

According to Kotler and Keller, p. 5, [1], "Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups
obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value
with others". Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want to
create by creating, offering and freely exchanging products and services of value with others.

According to the AMA (American Marketing Association) quoted by Kotler and Keller, p. 5, [1], "Marketing
is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings
that have value for customers, clients. , partners, and society at large”. Marketing is an organizational function and
a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer
relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.

According to Djaslim Saladin, page 1, [2] "The term marketing can be interpreted as marketing is a total
system of business activities designed to plan, determine prices, promote and distribute goods that can satisfy wants
and achieve target markets and company goals" .

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the meaning of marketing is to know and understand
customers well so that products or services are in accordance with consumer needs, where marketing distributes
goods from producers to consumers and finally can meet the needs of these consumers.

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In essence, marketing aims to achieve goals by recognizing consumer needs and desires in
a more effective way, namely by designing, pricing, distributing, promoting and finally being
able to provide satisfaction for consumers.

In an effort to win competition in the business world, companies must pay attention
to the factors of marketing activities or better known as the marketing mix where according
to Theodore Levit, et.all in the book Marketing Classics pp. 302-303, [3], the elements of the
service marketing mix consist of 12 (twelve) things, namely:
1. Product planning – policies and procedures related to:
a. Product line offered – quality, design and so on. b. Markets to sell to –
to whom, where, when and in what amount. c. New product policy – writing and
development program.
2. Pricing – policies and procedures relating to: a. The price level taken
b. Special price taken – odd-even and so on c. Pricing policy – one
price or one variety, price maintenance, use of price lists, and so on.

3. Branding or stamping – policies and procedures relating to: a. Selection of stamp/

trademark. b. Private or family brands policy. c. Sales under private label or

4. Distribution channels – policies and procedures related to: a. The

channel used between the company and the consumer. b. The
degree of choice between traders and retailers. c. Attempts to get
merchant cooperation.
5. Personal selling – policies and procedures relating to the burden placed on personal
selling expenses and the methods used: a. Employer's organization. b. Wholesale
trade segment. c. Retail trade segment.

6. Advertising – policies and procedures relating to: a. Amount

issued – for example the load placed on
b. Plans to be targeted:
1) Image of the desired product.
2) The desired corporate image.
c. Advertising mix – on trade, through trade, on
7. Promotion – policies and procedures relating to:
a. Expenses placed on special sales plans or equipment directed at or through
trade. b. Means for consumer promotion, for trade promotion.

8. Packaging – policies and procedures relating to packaging and labeling procedures.

9. Exhibition – policies and procedures relating to:

a. Expenses placed on exhibitions to boost sales. b. Procedures taken to
ensure the smooth running of the exhibition.
10. Services – policies and procedures relating to the provision of required services or
11. Physical handling – policies and procedures related to: a.
Warehousing. c. Inventory. b. Transportation.

12. Fact finding and analysis – policies and procedures related to obtaining, analyzing
and using facts in marketing operations.

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Marketing Communication
According to Hermawan, pp. 52, [4], "Marketing communication is unifying planning,
action and coordination in all areas of marketing communication and also understanding
consumers regarding what consumer responses really are.
The emergence of various innovations in communication tools, messages and audiences
has forced companies to turn to integrated marketing communications (Integrated Marketing
Kotler and Keller, p. 512 [1], mention there are 8 (eight) kinds of mix
marketing communications, namely:
1. Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and
promotion of ideas, goods or services through an identified sponsor.
2. Sales promotions are short-term incentives to encourage
trial or purchase of a product or service.
3. Events and experiences are company-sponsored activities and programs designed to
create daily or brand-related interactions.

4. Public relations and publicity are various programs designed to promote or protect the
image of a company or its individual products.

5. Direct marketing is the use of mail, telephone, fax, email or internet to communicate
directly with or solicit response or dialogue from specific customers and prospects.

6. Interactive marketing are online activities and programs designed to engage customers
or prospects and directly or indirectly raise awareness, improve image or create
sales of products or services.

7. Word of mouth marketing is an oral, written and electronic communication between

people related to the advantages or experiences of buying or using products or
8. Personal selling is a face-to-face interaction with one or more prospective buyers for
the purpose of making presentations, answering questions, and ordering complaints.

Service quality
According to Crosby in Yamit, p. 7, [5] states 'Quality as perfection and conformity to
requirements. Quality and service play an important role in the marketing of all products and
are especially important in many industries as they are the most effective differentiators for
some products/services'.

"Quality is something that is decided by the customer, the measure of the extent to
which the product/service is in accordance with the needs, wants and expectations of the
customer", Wijaya p. 11, [6]. This means that quality is based on the actual experience of
the customer or consumer of the product or service which is measured based on these
According to Gronroos in Ratminto and Atik, page 2, [7] 'Service is an activity or
series of activities that are invisible (cannot be touched) that occur as a result of interactions
between consumers and employees or other things provided by the company. service
providers intended to solve consumer/customer problems'.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that service is an aspect that cannot
be separated and becomes the main thing in any business competition, because with service,
consumers will feel things that make them weigh to be used as an assessment of whether
consumers will feel satisfied and then they will be loyal to the company that provides them.
service, so that the company tries to maximize its services to attract as many consumers as
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Good service from a company to consumers produces good service quality as well.
'Quality must also start from customer needs and end with customer satisfaction and a
positive perception of service quality', Kotler and Keller in Fandy Tjiptono, p. 125, [8].

As stated by Parasuraman et.all, page 137, [8], in Fandy Tjiptono and Chandra's
book Service, Quality and Satisfaction, the 5 (five) main dimensions of service quality are
arranged according to their relative importance as follows':
1. Reliability , is related to the company's ability to provide accurate services from the
first time without making any mistakes and deliver its services in accordance with
the agreed time.
2. Responsiveness, regarding the willingness and ability of employees to help customers
and respond to their requests, and inform when services will be provided and then
provide services quickly.

3. Assurance, namely the behavior of employees is able to foster customer trust in the
company and the company can create a sense of security for its customers.
Assurance also means that employees are always courteous and have the
knowledge and skills required to deal with any customer questions and concerns.

4. Empathy , means that the company understands the problems of its customers and
acts in the interests of customers, and gives personal attention to customers and
has comfortable operating hours.

5. Tangibles, regarding the attractiveness of physical facilities, equipment and materials

used by the company, as well as the appearance of employees'.

According to Adam, page 14, [9], there are criteria for service quality
that is:
1. Reliability criteria
The reliability of a service provider company includes the following factors:
a. The ability of service providers to keep promises in accordance with certain promised
services. b. The desire of service providers to solve problems

deal with customers sincerely and earnestly.

c. The ability of service providers to provide appropriate and accurate services so that
the benefits can be felt immediately. d. There is a desire for service providers to
provide services in accordance with the wishes of customers e. The ability of the service
provider company to as much as possible avoid

errors that can occur in providing services.

2. Responsiveness criteria
The responsiveness of a service provider company includes the following factors: a.
The ability of service providers to provide correct explanations for the services provided
and questions raised by customers. b. The ability of service providers to provide
services quickly and responsively. c. The desire of the service provider company to be
able to help customers with their problems. d. The ability of service providers to
provide good service

3. Assurance criteria
Guarantees from a service provider company include the following factors: a. The
ability of service providers to foster trust and
confidence in their customers.

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b. The ability of service providers to provide guarantees or guarantees for their work. c.
The ability of service providers to provide services in a polite and friendly manner. d.
The ability of a service provider company to provide services and answer customer
questions properly and correctly based on the company's knowledge.

4. Empathy Criteria
Empathy from a service provider company includes the following factors: a.
Willingness of service provider companies to pay close attention
individually or individually to its customers.
b. Service provider companies to have appropriate or suitable working hours
with all its customers.
c. Willingness of the service provider company to provide explanations or personal
attention to customers regarding the services provided. d. The ability of service
providers to attract customers to
use the service.
e. The willingness of the service provider company to listen to specific complaints or
wishes regarding the services provided.
5. Criteria for tangibles
a. The equipment or machines used in carrying out the service are sufficient
modern and reliable.
b. The physical appearance of the building is attractive and able to support the process
service to customers.
c. The clothes worn by employees of service providers are quite neat, appropriate
and polite to use in providing services.
d. Locations that are quite easy to reach by customers and the location of equipment
that is able to support the service process.

With regard to service quality, the purpose of customer service, Rangkuti p. 254, [10],
1. Providing high quality services 2. Fostering
consumer confidence in the goods/services
3. Avoid unnecessary claims against the company
at a later time
4. Creating trust and customer satisfaction 5. Keeping
customers feeling cared for all their needs.

Customer satisfaction
"Consumer or customer satisfaction is the level of satisfaction of a person after
comparing the perceived (performance or results) compared to his expectations.
The level of satisfaction is a function of the difference between perceived performance and
expectations”, Sunyoto, p. 35, [11].
“Customer satisfaction is defined as a post-purchase evaluation, where the perception
of the performance of the selected alternative product or service meets or exceeds expectations
before purchase. If the perception of performance does not meet expectations, what happens is
dissatisfaction”, the Indonesian Bankers Association, p. 81, [12].
The statement identifies that customer satisfaction is seen as an element that
determines the success of an organization or company.
Companies can increase customer satisfaction where the company maximizes a pleasant
customer experience and minimizes or eliminates a less pleasant customer experience. In
the end, consumers can create customer loyalty to companies that provide satisfactory

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According to the Indonesian Bankers Association, page 81, [12], there are 6 (six) general concepts that
used to measure customer satisfaction, namely:
1. Overall customer satisfaction The
trick is to ask customers about the level of satisfaction or service in question
and assess and compare it with the overall level of customer satisfaction or the
services they receive from competitors.

2. Dimensions of customer
satisfaction The process goes through four steps, first identifying the key
dimensions of customer satisfaction. Second, asking customers to rate the company's
services based on specific items such as speed of service or friendliness of service
staff to customers. Third, ask customers to rate competitors' services based on the
same specific items. Fourth, ask customers to determine the dimensions they think
are important in assessing overall customer satisfaction.

3. Confirmation of Hope
In this way satisfaction is not measured directly, but is concluded based on the
suitability/mismatch between customer expectations and the actual performance of
the services sold by the company.
4. Repurchase intention
Customer satisfaction is measured by whether they will
re-purchase the same service.
2. Willingness to recommend This
method is an important measure, especially for services that
repurchase is relatively long, such as the highest education services.
3. Customer dissatisfaction In
the review, for example in terms of complaints, warranty costs, word of mouth
negative ones, as well as defects.


The method that will be used by the author in writing this time is a survey research
method with a quantitative approach. "Quantitative approach is research that describes or
explains a problem whose results can be generalized and aims to test theories or hypotheses",
Rachmat Kriyantono, pp. 55-56, [13].

Survey is a research method. According to Rachmat Kriyantono, p. 59, [13], defines

“Survey is a research method or quantitative research using a questionnaire as the data
collection instrument. In the survey the process of collecting and analyzing social data
is very structured and detailed through a questionnaire as the main instrument to obtain
information from a number of respondents who are assumed to represent a specific
The questionnaire contains questions that will be asked to respondents to measure the
variables, the relationship between existing variables or it could be the experience and
opinions of the respondents. The survey that has the keyword "measurement" focuses
on measuring behavior with a questionnaire measuring instrument in the form of closed
questions. Researchers will provide answer choices to be chosen by respondents
according to their behavior.

In general, survey writing methods consist of 2 (two) types, namely descriptive and
explanative. The type of research used by the author is writing an explanatory survey. Rachmat
Kriyantono, page 60 [13] explains:
“Explanative surveys are used by researchers who want to find out why certain situations
or conditions occur or what influences the occurrence of something

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something. In this study, researchers do not just describe the occurrence of phenomena
but researchers will try to explain why these phenomena occur and what their effects are.

Population, Sample and Sampling Technique

Sugiyono in Rachmat Kriyantono, p. 153 [13] mentions "Population as a generalization
area consisting of objects or subjects that have certain quantities and characteristics determined
by researchers to be studied, then a conclusion is drawn. The population can be people,
organizations, words and sentences, nonverbal symbols, newspapers, radio, television,
advertisements and others.
This study takes the population of Bank DKI customers who transact with Bank DKI
Customer Service Pondok Gede Branch. In general, these customers come from various circles
and various branches from Bank DKI and the number of transactions every day is different,
unpredictable and the amount is fixed. However, interactions and transactions carried out with
Customer Service of Bank DKI Sub-Branch Pondok Gede are recorded in the queue number
system, therefore to find out the daily population, the authors take the average transaction of
customers from data observations (observations) of Bank DKI Pondok Branch. Gede for 2 (two)
months of customer service. Based on data from Bank DKI's Pondok Gede Sub-Branch
documentation in August and September 2018. The number of customers who made transactions
at Bank DKI's Pondok Gede Sub-Branch (population) was 476 people.

According to Sugiyono, p. 116, [14] which explains that: "The sample is part of the number
and characteristics possessed by the population". In fact, researchers can study, predict and
explain the properties of an object or phenomenon only that will be observed is called a sample.

Based on finite population data or known numbers, according to Rachmat Kriyantono,

page 164, [13] determine the sample size of a known population using the Slovin formula with a
precision of 5%. So the number of samples in this study is 147 people / Bank DKI customers who
transact at Customer Service Bank DKI Pondok Gede Branch

Sampling Technique
To determine the sample used in the study, there are various sampling techniques used.
According to Sugiyono, pp. 92-93, [14], the sampling technique can basically be grouped into 2
(two), namely:
1. Probability Sampling is a sampling technique that provides equal opportunities for each
element (member) of the population to be selected as a member of the sample.

2. Nonprobability Sampling is a sampling technique that does not provide equal opportunities
or opportunities for each element or member of the population to be selected as a sample.

This study uses a non-probability sampling technique. The sampling technique used in
this study was Incidental Sampling.
According to Sugiyono p. 85, [14], "Incidental sampling is a sampling technique based on chance,
that is, anyone who coincidentally/incidentally meets a researcher can be used as a sample, if it
is deemed that the person who happened to be met is suitable as a resource".

Method of collecting data

The data was collected by distributing research instruments called questionnaires. The
measurement scale used by the author is the Likert Scale. The Likert scale is used to measure
attitudes, opinions and perceptions of a person or group of people about a person's phenomenon.
The answer to each instrument item using a Likert Scale has a gradation from very positive to
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negative, which can be in the form of words, including: Strongly Agree (SS) with a score of 4, Agree (S)
with a score of 3, Disagree (TS) with a score of 2, and Strongly Disagree (STS) with a score of 1.

Testing the Validity of Service Quality Instruments and Customer Satisfaction From the results of
the validity test with a precision of 5%, we get an r table of 0.444. For the Service Quality variable (X)
the statement is considered valid and has a value above 0.444 or all of them are valid.

Service Quality Instrument Reliability Testing

According to Uma quoted by Priyatno, page 30, [15], the decision making for the reliability test
is as follows: 1. Cronbach's alpha <0.6 2. Cronbach's alpha 0.6 – 0.79 3. Cronbach's alpha 0.8
= poor reliability. =
reliability is accepted. =
good reliability.

By using Cronbach's Alpha, it can be seen that the level of reliability of variable X is 0.961 and
the level of reliability of variable Y is 0.929. It can be concluded that the two statements of variable X and
variable Y have good reliability.

Correlation Test Analysis

This correlation test was conducted to determine whether there is an influence between the X
variable (quality of service) on the Y variable (customer satisfaction) and how strong the influence
between the two variables is.

Table 2
Correlation And Correlation Coefficient
Service Quality Towards Customer Satisfaction
TOTALKP TotalSatisfaction
TOTALKP Pearson 1 ,345**

Sig. (2-tailed) ,000

N 147 147
TotalSatisfaction Pearson ,345** 1

Sig. (2-tailed) ,000

N 147 147
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source: Processing Results of SPSS version 24.0

As in table 4.12 above, the result of the calculated r is 0.345 and when viewed from the table r
product moment at Sig.0.5 (two tails), the degree of fredom (N-2) is 147 – 2 = 145), then r table is 0.162.
This shows that r count is greater than r table.

r count > r table

0.345 > 0.162

This indicates that there is an influence between "the quality of customer service at Bank DKI
Sub-Branch Pondok Gede" on "customer satisfaction". Looking at the interpretation of correlation, the
number of correlation coefficients ranges from 0 (zero) to 1

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(one). The size of the correlation number determines the strength or weakness of the relationship between the
two variables. According to Sugiyono, page 26, [14] to interpret the results of correlation research is to use the
following criteria:
a. 0 : There is no correlation between the two
a. >0 – 0.25 b. variables : Very weak correlation
>0.25 – 0.5 c. : Sufficient
>0.5 – 0.75 d. correlation : Strong
>0.75 – 0.99 e. 1 correlation : Very strong
correlation : Perfect correlation

This section shows the large correlation coefficient relationship between the X variable "Service Quality
of Bank DKI Customer Service Pondok Gede Branch" and Y variable "customer satisfaction", then the correlation
coefficient of service quality and satisfaction which shows the r count 0.345 proves that there is a sufficient
correlation coefficient.

Regression Coefficient Analysis

The data below will show how strong the relationship between
two variables, namely the variable X (quality of service) with the variable Y (satisfaction).

Table 3
Regression Analysis Results
Model Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Beta Error
36,012 1,584 22,735 ,000
1 (Constant) ,096 ,022 ,345 4,427 ,000
a. Dependent Variable: Total Satisfaction
Source: Processing Results of SPSS version 24.0

Y = 36,012 + 0.096X
Where :
Y = Satisfaction
a = Constant
b = Regression Coefficient
X = Service Quality
The constant is 36,012 which means: if there is no service quality for Bank DKI Customer Service
Pondok Gede Sub-Branch, then customer satisfaction will be 36,012. The regression coefficient of +0.096
means that for every 1 time improving the service quality of Bank DKI Customer Service Pondok Gede Sub-
Branch, the value of customer satisfaction will increase by 0.096.

Analysis of the Coefficient of

Determination The coefficient of determination is used to calculate the relationship between variable
X (Quality of Service of Bank DKI Customer Service Pondok Gede Sub Branch) with variable Y (customer

Table 4
Coefficient of Determination
Model R R Adjusted R Std. Error of
Square Square the Estimate

1 ,345a ,119 ,113 1.348

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f. Predictors: (Constant), TOTALKP

Source: Processing Results of SPSS version 24.0

The coefficient of determination is calculated by squaring the correlation result then

multiplied by 100%, as follows:

Kd = r² x 100%
Information :
Kd = Coefficient of determination
r = correlation coefficient
Below is the calculation of the coefficient of determination using the formula above:

Kd = r² x 100%
= 0.345² x 100%
= 0.119 x 100%
= 11.9%
The R Square number (the correlation number squared or 0.345²) is 0.119. The R Square
number is also known as the Coefficient of Determination 0.119 or 11.9%.
This figure means that the contribution of customer service quality of Bank DKI Pondok Gede Sub-
Branch is 11.9% to customer satisfaction while the remaining 88.1% is the relationship of other
variables not examined.
Hypothesis Testing Analysis
The hypotheses used in this test are:
Ha: There is an influence between the service quality of Bank DKI's Customer Service Pondok
Gede Sub-Branch on customer satisfaction.
Ho: There is no influence between the quality of customer service at Bank DKI Sub-Branch Pondok
Gede on customer satisfaction.
According to Rachmat Kriyantono, page 194 [13] explains:
1. If the t value obtained from the writing value is more or equal to the limit value contained in
the t value distribution table, then there is a significant or significant relationship and the
hypothesis is accepted.
2. If the t value obtained from writing is smaller than the limit value contained in the t distribution
table, then there is no significant or insignificant relationship and the hypothesis is rejected.

With the calculation of significance, namely = 0.05, and DF (Degree of Freedom) = (n –

2) with the result 147 – 2 = 145, then the t table is 1.655. The following results if the data between
the variable X and variable Y to measure the value of the t statistic can be seen below:

Table 5
T Statistical Value
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) B 36,012 1,584 22,735 ,000
TOTALKP ,096 ,022 ,345 4,427 ,000

a. Dependent Variable: Total Satisfaction

Source: Processing Results of SPSS version 24.0

In the distribution table for the t value with the number of samples (n) 147 and the precision
in this writing is 5%, the t table value = 1.655, while the statistical calculation results t (t count) is
4.427 , meaning that the t value obtained from writing is more than the limit value contained in the t-
value distribution table, then there is a relationship which means Ho is rejected; It is accepted that
there is a relationship between the Customer Service Quality of Bank DKI Sub-Branch Pondok
Gede on Customer Satisfaction.

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Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that:
1. The quality of customer service at Bank DKI Sub-Branch Pondok Gede has an effect on
customer satisfaction, this can be seen from the hypothesis test regarding the effect of the
quality of customer service on satisfaction. The hypothesis test is seen from the comparison
between t count and t table, where t count (4.427) > t table (1.655), then Ho is rejected
and Ha is accepted (there is an effect). This means that there is a significant influence
between the quality of customer service at Bank DKI Sub-Branch Pondok Gede on
customer satisfaction. In addition, the correlation coefficient value of 0.345 shows a
sufficient relationship between the quality of customer service at Bank DKI Pondok Gede
Sub-Branch with customer satisfaction.

2. Seeing how big the service quality of Bank DKI's Customer Service Pondok Gede Sub-
Branch, it can be seen from the results of the regression calculation with the Constants
value of 36,012 which means: if there is no service quality the customer service will be
36,012. The regression coefficient of +0.096 means that every time the quality of customer
service increases, customer satisfaction will increase by 0.096.

3. After the authors get data on the coefficient of determination, where it is to calculate the
magnitude of the variable X (quality of service) to the variable Y (satisfaction), it was found
that the quality of customer service
has a contribution of 11.9% to customer satisfaction, while the remaining 88.1% is the
relationship of other variables that are not measured and studied.
4. Variable X (quality of service) with variable Y (satisfaction) has a sufficient relationship. This
is based on the data obtained in the field that the value of the service quality variable and
the satisfaction variable, both of which are quite adequate, are 0.345. If the data is
assessed from the correlation test of variable X and variable Y, where r count is greater
than r table, i.e. r count is 0.345 and r table is 0.162. These criteria exist in sufficient
correlation, namely (> 0.25 – 0.5).
5. Overall, the quality of service provided by Bank DKI Customer Service Pondok Gede Sub-
Branch is able to increase customer satisfaction.


From the results of writing that have been described in the discussion and conclusions,
some suggestions that can be submitted include the following:
1. To improve the quality of customer service at Bank DKI Pondok Gede Sub-Branch, it is
necessary to conduct an evaluation of service standards for customer service to improve
services in providing higher quality services to customers.

2. To improve the quality of customer service at Bank DKI Sub-Branch Pondok Gede, it is
necessary to hold training on product knowledge
aims to deepen knowledge to improve the quality of customer service and routinely do
roleplay to find out how much customer service is capable of providing services.

3. To improve customer assurance and integrity, Bank DKI needs to develop a more developed
banking technology and product system so as to support customer transactions that are
more secure and able to compete with other banks.

4. Bank DKI needs to build and maintain a positive image to customers to increase word of
mouth, this can be done by evaluating testimonials from customers.

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ESSENCE: Journal of Business Management, Vol. 21 No. 3 / 2018

5. Bank DKI in order to be better known to the wider community in Indonesia must improve the
clarity of information and promotions through print, electronic and online advertising media.
6. For further research to include other factors that can affect customer satisfaction such as
corporate image, product quality, communication, emotional factors, service standards and


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