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Portfolio feedback

Portfolio is an alternative type of test, which can engage students. Moreover, portfolio can help students to
make self-assessment, see their own progress by collecting finished works. Before, portfolio was used in
visual arts, however these days I is applicable in any field. Today I got one amazing portfolio into my hands.

First of all, I can precisely say that all the requirements of portfolio have been done attentively. About the
positive, I pleased the design and structure, especially Ethical Principles, which was easily readable and
comprehensible. Another thing that I want to mention here is Project Information Checklist and Style Sheet,
even though this information says nothing to me, it was delightful just looking at it.

Next, I would like to move to the most important part, known as Explanatory Note. It is clear that the first
graded experience of editing was quite difficult for you, only by looking to the structure of your editing. I
can notice that there were lots of footnotes on the original text, and it was quite uncomfortable to read.
Moreover, the reference list was empty. Of course, it was your first editorial work, however, I have to say
that on the Style Sheet there were necessary information, on which you should have to pay more attention.
You also should keep in mind that context as well important as form. As you resumed by your own, the
problem was either the time limit or focusing. But I should praise you at least you understood your
mistakes and will avoid them further.

Following this, the next Explanatory Note was on Project 2. Here, I want to start that you said Project
Information Checklist seemed not so necessary. However, the main mistake was because, you kept in mind
previous structure and level of required work, and did not pay attention that in this Project you had to
cover different purpose (explaining in Project 1 it was Editorial proofreading, and here it is Line editing). I
appreciate your attempt to rearrange paragraphs and dividing some ideas. Moreover, I appreciate that you
kept time management and planned your further steps.

And Project 3 was, as I can see, your favorite one. I am glad that you found it engaging. However, I have
some comments. For example, you should not change the expressions of an author, because otherwise it
will lose stylistic peculiarity of an author. Second, you again did not pay attention to Style sheet and
Information Checklist but these two things are very important for editing, it is basics, so always start editing
only after carefully reading the info. But I am proud of you, because you met the deadline and had extra
time to polish everything once more.

Finally, your reflection was touchable to read, because you added small piece of your playlist (which I
consider so personal, and you shared it to me:3). And I am glad that you found this work theurapeuting and
with less pressure. I need to say that I understand your struggles, because 15 weeks are so limited for such
broad amount of materials to cover. Nevertheless, you did a great job, and put your effort and intention to
do your best, and this is the most valuable thing for me as a teacher. In addition, thank you for being
honest with me and saying that you are still doubting about some aspects, hope I will improve some details

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