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Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Outline

(Sales Pitch Presentation)

Topic: product or service you are selling
Audience: who you’re selling to – be specific – CH 10
Specific Purpose: the goal for presentation – To Convince/Persuade the audience to buy – CH10

Attention Step/Introduction

A. Attention-arousal material – Get attention, don’t introduce yourself

B. Focus attention on problem/need – do NOT mention the produce

C. Introduce yourself/Speaker credibility-enhancing material – tell us WHY we should listen to you –


D. State your main points or Preview: Preps your audience on what you’ll talk about – “today we will
discuss ..need… and ways to meet this need. This is a transition from the introduction to the main
body of the presentation – CH13&14


Need Step - Statement of generic need - what is missing from the audience’s life – look at Principles of
Persuasion in CH14 – DO NOT state the product or suggest we need the product – focusing on
connecting to the audience – CH10&14

A. Include a clear description of overall need, stated as a claim statement – CH14 Toulmin

B. Explain and define the need - WHY is it a problem – CH14 - Evidence

a. Provide specific examples and details - logos

b. include both logical and emotional appeals - pathos
c. Signs, symptoms, effects of the need - logos
d. Evidence to verify existence of the need

C. Importance of the need – why your audience cares

a. Extent of the need
b. Evidence to verify scope/ magnitude of need - logos
c. Negative effects the need in the life of the audience – connect yourself for ethos
d. Who is affected
e. Evidence to verify who is affected
f. How they are affected – connect yourself for ethos
g. Why does the audience care?? – add some pathos

D. Discuss consequences – what happens to the audience if this need remains – CH14 - Warrant
a. What will happen if we don’t meet the need - give specific reasons - logos
b. emotional appeals to justify the need must be met - pathos
c. Evidence to verify consequences/predicted outcome
Transition: CH 12

Satisfaction Step – Present two products/services that satisfy the need – this is where you finally
introduce the product by offering 2 options and stating WHY your product is the best choice

A. Statement of the overall solutions; include both logical and emotional appeals -CH14 – Toulmin

B. Description of product/service – CH 14 Evidence – use ethos, pathos, & logos

a. Why your product/service is the best choice to meet the need
b. Give a details of what product/service includes
c. Explain how the product/service will meet the need

C. Benefits of using the product/service – CH 14 Evidence – use ethos, pathos, & logos
a. Describe expected benefits
b. Evidence product/service will create benefits regarding the problem
c. How will benefits fix the consequences described above

D. Benefits for those affected by the need – state how the product/service satisfies the need - – CH
14 Evidence – focus on pathos and connection to audience
a. Evidence to verify that product/service will create benefits for those affected by the
b. Relate this to the audience
c. Other benefits

Transition: CH12

Visualization Step – Help the audience imagine how their life will change with the product/service – the
goal is to show the audience exactly how the product will make their lives BETTER

A. How does the product/service fits the need and why it is the best product/service – CH14 –
Toulmin claim
a. Fit - Evidence to verify product/service is related to the need
b. Satisfaction - Evidence to verify product/service will help the audience who is affected
by the need
c. Workability - Evidence to verify product/service will address the need and is workable or

B. Visualization Story – Tell a success story of how the product/service will change the life of the
audience – PATHOS – this must be a detailed story showing someone using the product to
solve the need and having this product meet their need and change their lives

C. Reinforce the benefits of the product/service to prove it is the best choice – review main points
but don’t add new information – CH 13&14

Action/Conclusion Step – Ask for audience to buy the product or service NOW – CH14
A. Ask audience to ACT on your solution
a. Remind the audience WHY the action is needed (Summary of your presentation)
b. Be straightforward and direct when demanding they buy
B. Give the audience a plan of action
a. Tell us exactly how the solutions will work
b. Give us a detailed plan of action – spell out the steps for us of how to buy the
product/service now -focus on example in the Monroe’s video
i. Step 1
ii. Step 2
iii. Step 3
iv. Step 4
c. Make sure request is something the audience can do
C. End with a memorable concluding statement

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