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Need/Satisfaction/Visualization Assignment

In this quiz, you will complete a Rough Draft of the Need, Satisfaction, and Visualization Steps
using the Monroe's Motivated Sequence Outline and turn it in for feedback from me. You will
lose points if you do NOT fully complete the outline or follow the directions.
Please follow these directions:
1.  Remind me the product or service you plan to pitch at the top of your document before you
complete the outline. This statement is NOT part of the outline but a reminder for me as I
2.  Complete the Need Step

 Please remember, the need cannot be related to the product or service and

you cannot state or suggest we need the product or service.
 The first statement in the Need Step asks you to state your need directly. 
 The rest of the outline helps your prove this need exists and what will happen if the need is
not met. 
 DO NOT mention the product/service or anything similar to your product/service.

3.  Complete the Satisfaction Step

 Remember, you must offer 2 options directly at the beginning of satisfaction, then prove
why your product/service is the best choice. 

4.  Complete the Visualization Step 

 Visualization must include a story of someone using the product and it changing their lives.
It's a success story.

The portion of the outline you will complete is listed below. You must complete it point by
point and use outline form. Use of paragraphs will lose points.
Need Step - Statement of generic need - what is missing from the audience’s life
A.      Include a clear description of overall need, stated as a claim statement
B.       Explain and define the need - WHY is it a problem
a.       Provide specific examples and details
b.       include both logical and emotional appeals
c.       Signs, symptoms, effects of the need
d.       Evidence to verify existence of the need
C.       Importance of the need – why your audience cares
a.       Extent of the need
b.       Evidence to verify scope/ magnitude of need
c.       Negative effects the need in the life of the audience
d.       Who is affected
e.       Evidence to verify who is affected
f.        How they are affected
g.       Why does the audience care??
D.      Discuss consequences – what happens to the audience if this need remains
a.       What will happen if we don’t meet the need - give specific reasons
b.       Use logical and emotional appeals to justify the need must be met
c.       Evidence to verify consequences/predicted outcome
Satisfaction Step – Present two products/services that satisfy the need
A.      Statement of the overall solutions; include both logical and emotional appeals
B.       Description of product/service
a.       Why your product/service is the best choice to meet the need
b.       Give a details of what product/service includes
c.       Explain how the product/service will meet the need
C.       Benefits of using the product/service
a.       Describe expected benefits
b.       Evidence product/service will create benefits regarding the problem
c.       How will benefits fix the consequences described above
D.      Benefits for those affected by the need – state how the product/service satisfies the need
a.       Evidence to verify that product/service will create benefits for those affected by the need
b.       Relate this to the audience
c.       Other benefits
Visualization Step – Help the audience imagine how their life will change with the
A.      How does the product/service fits the need and why it is the best product/service
a.       Fit - Evidence to verify product/service is related to the need
b.       Satisfaction - Evidence to verify product/service will help the audience who is affected by
the need
c.       Workability - Evidence to verify product/service will address the need and is workable or
B.       Visualization Story – Tell a success story of how the product/service will change the life
of the audience
C.       Reinforce the benefits of the product/service to prove it is the best choice

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