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(abioclad The world's first antimicrobial PVC wall cladding with silver ion technology BioClad FDA Certification Document (Nov 2014) The FDA requires materials for the construction and repair in all Physical Facilities to have the following characteristics (Chapter 6) "6-201.11" _(A) Except as specified in 4(8) of this section, materials for indoor ‘loor, wall and ceiling surfaces under conditions of normal use shall be: (1) Smooth, DURABLE and EASILY CLEANABLE for areas where FOOD ESTABLISHMENT operations are conducted; "6201.13" Floor and Wall Junctures, Coved and Enclosed or Sealed (A) In FOOD ESTABLISHMENTS in which cleaning methods other than water flushing are used for cleaning floors, the floor and wall junctures shall be coved and closed to not larger than 1 mm. In 2014 the Federal Regulations Code for Warehousing Distribution requirements, the FDA states that: “Original Date: 2014-04-01 Title: Section 110.93 ~ Warehousing and distribution, Context: Title 21 ~ Food and Drugs. CHAPTER I~ FOOD AND DRUG ADMINSITRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED). SUBCHAPTER B - FOODS FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION. PART 110-CURRRENT GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE IN MANUFACTURING, PACKING, OR HOLDING HUMAN FOOD. Subpart E ~ Production and process Controls. § 110.93 Warehousing and distribution. Storage and transportation of finished food sall be under conditions that will protect food against physical, chemical, and microbial contamination as well as against deterioration of the food and the container. BioClad wall panels fully satisfy all requirements listed above and certifies to be 100% compliant. T: +44 (0) 330 1000 313 F: +44 (0) 330 1000 313 €: sal ee SER

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