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Tornado - A violently rotating column of air touching the ground, usually attached to the base of
a thunderstorm. Tornadoes are nature"s most violent storms. Spawned from powerful thunderstorms,
tornadoes can cause fatalities and devastate a neighborhood in seconds. Winds of a tornado may reach
300 miles per hour.
How did they produce:when the warm and humid matches with cold and dry, usually producing
thunderstorms. The warm air rises through the colder air, causing an updraft. The updraft will begin to
rotate if winds vary sharply in speed or direction.
The first possible tornado report in the United States occurred in July 1643 in Lynn, Newbury, and Hampton,
Massachusetts, documented by author David Ludlam. The report was recorded by Massachusetts Governor and
weather enthusiast John Winthrop, who observed a sudden gust that whipped up dust, lifted his meeting house,
and killed a nearby observer with a fallen tree.

The 1896 St. Louis–East St. Louis tornado on May 27, incurred the most damages adjusted for
inflation, with an estimated $5.36 billion (2022 USD). In raw numbers, the Joplin tornado of May
22, 2011, is considered the costliest tornado in recent history, with damage totals at $3.71 billion
(2022 USD)
The 1896 St. Louis–East St. Louis tornado (great cyclone) was a historic tornado that caused severe
damage to downtown St. Louis, Missouri, East St. Louis, Illinois, and surrounding areas on Wednesday,
May 27, 1896 about 5:00 pm. One of the deadliest and most destructive tornadoes in U.S. history.

JOPLIN-The tornado devastated a large portion of the city of Joplin, damaging nearly 8,000 buildings, and
of those, destroying nearly 4,000. The damage—which included major facilities like one of Joplin's two
hospitals as well as much of its basic infrastructure—amounted to a total of $2.8 billion

Tornados can rang on fujita scale from F1 to F5,F6 is a mythological phenomena that happend a long long
time ago,but maybe it didnt happend,just because of that is a myth.

Tornado can start in every region,but they are very famouse in areas with great fields,like USA,E urope is
not a tornado-free region

Nowadays tornadoes happend

To deffend yoursel: Go to the basement or an inside room without windows on
the lowest floor (bathroom, closet, center hallway). If possible, avoid sheltering in any
room with windows

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