Pre-Job Hazard Analysis

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JHA No. Site Name New Analysis By:

Date: Site Location Revised Revised By:
Project No. Contractor Proj. Mgr. Approved By:
Job Description:

Hazards Hazards (body) Personal Protective Equipment General Requirements Environmental

Airborne Particulates Fall Potential Gloves/Types Relocate Flammable Materials Chemical and MSDS Sheet
Chemicals (Acids & Bases) Pinch Points Respirator/Type Post Warning Signs Spill Kit
Electrical Shock Electrical Shock Hearing Protection Barricades Permits
Falls Housekeeping Safety Glasses, Goggles, etc. Use Ventilation/Exhaust Procedure
Heat Stress Slip/Trip (Cords, Pipe, etc) Protective Clothing/Footwear Other Labels for Chemical Storage
Hot/Cold Surfaces Flying Particles Hardhat/head protection Special Operations Hazards (Environmental)
Noise Thermal Burns Electrical LockOut/TagOut (LOTO) Airborne Particulate (Fumes, Mists)
Operating Machinery Sharp Objects Fall Protection Confined Space Entry Other Heat Stress (Hot/Cold Surfaces)
Other Heavy Equipment Hazards Other Construction Activities Materials
Oxygen Deficiency Hygiene Training Hot Tap Adequate Lighting
Restricted Access/Egress Chemical Burns Confined Space Entry Procedures Crane Suspended Work Platform Noise
Rotating Equipment Water Skin/Eyes LockOut/TagOut (LOTO) Working on Energized Electrical Circuit Access/Egress
Hazard Flammable Respiratory Protection Scaffolding (Green, Yellow and Red Card) Radiation from Radiography
Other Inhalation Other Radiation from Other Source
Skin Contamination

Sequence of Job Potential Hazards Recommended Action, Procedure, and/or Equipment

Job Preparation Miss coordination and miss Plan the work involving personnel responsible for preparation (removal of joint coupling,
Persiapan Pekerjaan communication electrical work, measurement of motor parameters)
kesalahan koordinasi dan Rencanakan kegiatan termasuk tanggung jawab tiap personnel untuk persiapan
(memasang jont coupling, pekerjaan elektrik,
kesalahan komunikasi

Ensure communication devices are adequate for the job coordination

Memastikan ketersediaan alat komunikasi mencukupi untuk pekerjaan yang akan
PTW Violation Job description details and location of work to be confirmed
Pelanggaran PTW Rincian uraian pekerjaan dan lokasi pekerjaan harus dikonfirmasi
Use multilock & tag for isolation carried out
Menggunakan kunci-kunci dan tag pada poin-poin isolasi

Pre-job Hazard Analysis Form Rev-0 Page 1 of 5

Sequence of Job Potential Hazards Recommended Action, Procedure, and/or Equipment

No risk kontrol Make sure job hazard analysis has been made and socialized to the worker and signed
Pastikan job hazard analysis sudah dibuat dan disosialisasikan kepekerja san sudah

Unauthorized personnel entry Install Barricade in the system affected by the testing of the equipment
Orang yang tidak Memasang barikade pada system yang terpengaruh oleh pengetesan peralatan
berkepentingan memasuki area
Predicted high vibration factor Ensure the motor are grouted as per requirement of manual book from vendor
Vibrasi tinggi yang dapat Memastikan motor sudah di grouting secara benar sesuai dengan manual book dari
dipersiapkan vendor

Motor not connected to the Ensure joint coupling from motor to coupler/ pump already assembled
pump Memastikan joint couple dari bagian motor ke coupler/ pompa sudah terlepas
Motor masih belum tersambung
dengan pompa

Motor unable to stop Ensure emergency push button already position tested
Motor tidak bisa di stop Memastikan Emergency Push Button sudah di tes posisi

Unmonitored Data Ensure equipment to measure motor parameter are ready (vibration, temperature, speed)
Data test tidak termonitor Mempersiapkan alat ukur vibrasi, temperature dan tachometer

Filling up the system line Unmonitored Leakage Ensure adequate personnel is ready for the system and got a proper communication tool
Pengisian air ke pipa sistem Kebocoran tidak termonitor Memastikan ketersediaan personel cukup untuk sistemnya dan semua membawa alat
komunikasi yang berfungsi dengan baik

Ensure every personnel is continuously monitoring in each position

Memastikan setiap personel memonitor secara kontinu pada posisi masing-masing
Fall during operation of venting Use proper scaffolding (already green tagged)
valve Menggunakan scaffolding yang sudah ber tag hijau (aman)
Jatuh ketika pengoperasian
Use full body harness with double lanyard
Menggunakan full body harness dengan hook ganda
Equipment/ material fall Use watchmen to warn people below venting points, install barricade when necessary
Barang terjatuh Menggunakan watchmen untuk memperingatkan orang di bawah titik venting, memasang
barikade jika diperlukan

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Sequence of Job Potential Hazards Recommended Action, Procedure, and/or Equipment
Water spray, slippage Use temporary hose from vent points to drain pit
Basah, terpeleset Menggunakan selang temporer dari titik venting ke tempat pembuangan air

Flushing dirty water from the system line when needed Leakage/ flood Operate drain points one by one, monitor each drain line, immediately close the drain
Membuang air kotor dari system ketika dibutuhkan Bocor/ banjir valve whe leakage is found
Mengoperasikan drain valve satu demi satu sambil memonitor kebocoran pada pipa drain

Monitor drain pit which filled by the drain line, close the valve when the drain pit is full
Memonitor drain pit yang diisi oleh drain yg dibuka valve nya, tutup valve jika drain pit

Ensure drain pump are ready and operating when needed

Memastikan pompa drain pit siap dan beroperasi ketika dibutuhkan

Starting the pump Uncontrollable Leakage Close unneeded isolation valves

Menyalakan pompa Kebocoran yang tidak terkontrol Menutup isolation valve yang tidak terpakai

Ensure no opening in the system (all gasket are installed, all bolt nuts are tightened, are
uninstalled instruments are plugged)
Memastikan tidak ada pipa yang terbuka pada system (semua gasket terpasang, semua
baut terpasang erat, dan instrument yang belum terpasang sudah di plug)
Electrical shock Use proper PPE
Sengatan listrik menggunakan PPE

Ensure insulation resistance test prior to motor solo run is good

Memastikan hasi tes insulation resistance pada motor yang akan di tes sudah sesuai
Ensure earthing installation is proper
Memastikan pemasangan earthing pada motor sudah sesuai

Overpressure Fluid Ensure minimum flow line is full open

Tekanan berlebih Memastikan jalur minimum flow dalam keadaan terbuka

Pump Cavitation Ensure pump is primed

Kavitasi pompa Memastikan jalur fluida pada pompa terisi air

Ensure strainer at the system is not blocked

Memastikan saringan tidak buntu

Monitoring Pump and Motor Parameter Rotating equipment Maintain safe distance to the rotating parts of the equipment
Memonitor parameter pompa dan motor Peralatan yang berputar Menjaga jarak aman dari peralatan yang berputar
Electrical Induction Maintain safe distance to the motor winding area
Induksi elektrik Menjaga jarak aman dari winding motor yang beroperasi

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Sequence of Job Potential Hazards Recommended Action, Procedure, and/or Equipment
Abnormal Vibration Continue monitoring vibration, stop the motor if necessary
Vibrasi yang tidak normal Terus memonitor vibrasi motor dan pompa, mematikan motor jika diperlukan
Abnormal Bearing Temperature Ensure adequate lubricants are supplied to the bearings, add if neccessary, stop motor if
Bearing motor panas necessary
Memastikan pelumasan yang diberikan pada bearing motor dan pompa sudah cukup,
tambahkan bila diperlukan , jika masih naik matikan motor
Stumble/ Fall Ensure adequate illumination/ install additional lighting if neccessary
Tersandung / terjatuh Memastikan penerangan cukup/ memasang lampu tambahan jika dibutuhkan
Unrecorded Parameter Ensure record of the parameter are monitored thoroughly
Parameter tidak terdata Memastikan pencatatan parameter pompa dilakukan dengan benar
Stopping the pump Motor unable to stop Ensure emergency push button already position tested
Mematikan pompa Motor tidak bisa di stop Memastikan Emergency Push Button sudah di tes posisi
House keeping Foreign material left Ensure there is no tool, equipment, rags or other material left
Kebersihan tempat kerja Benda tertinggal Memastikan tidak ada peralatan ataupun material yang tertinggal

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JHA Employee Signatures
JHA No. Site Name New Analysis By:
Date: Site Revised Revised By:
Project No. Contractor Proj. Mgr. Approved By:
Job Description:

Employee Name (Print) Employee Number Employee Signature

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