Dynamics (Newton's Laws)

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Dynamics Force: ‘tis the externa influence that changes or te ‘object It sa vector quantity. ++ Any force in the same direction of motion is positive. Any force in the opposite direction of motion is negative. is to change the state of rest or motion of an “+ The unit of force is ‘a) Newton (N) for MKS system b) Dyne for egs system (1 N= 10" Dyne} Newton's first law: Any object wil remain in a state of rest or motion with a uniform velocity (constant speed and in the same direction) unless acted upon by an external force. + Any object ina state of rest or motion with a constant velocity, doesn’t mean there are no Hsin gvniarfaytnaanierntoenyratipoane aid zero. {F=0} Foe Fat eee a hy ie Theo Iho Inertia: Its the tendency of material objects to remain ina state of rest or motion with a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force, Inertia i directly proportional to the mass of the object. ++ Newton's fist law is called the aw of Inertia, G.R.E. 2) Wearing seatbelts. _b) Itis dificult to stop a loaded car than an empty one. Q:1f you are in a train that is moving with speed 400 km/h and did jump up, where wil you land? Momentum: "tis a physical quantity equal to the mass of the object multiplied by its velocity. It isa vector ‘quantity. (momentum gives indication to the effect of motion) ‘Momentum=mx¥ kg.m/s or Ns Change of momentum myj-my Rate of change of momentm = $$$ nn mvt Time ' ‘The rate of change of momentum =mxa Newton’s second law: ‘The net force (the sum of forces) acting on an object is directly propertional tothe rate of change of momentum, and the direction ofthe change of momentum is the same as the net force Since trate of change of momentum, and since the rate of change of momentum = mx a Therefore, Fags LM Xa —* Fygi= constant xm xa ‘The unit of force: it is the force that accelerate an object of a unit Fre=mxa or SF=mxa + Change of momentum = xt + Momentum depends upon the mass of the object, however the change of momentum does not. Newton: {tls the net force that accelerates an object of mass 1 ke by an acceleration of 1 m/s". ‘What dots it mean by saying that the net force equals 20 N? Example: ‘An object of mass 2 kg is affected by a net force of 120 N for 5 seconds. What is the change of ‘momentum? the same force is acting for the same time in an object of mass 10 ke, find the change of momentum in that case, Solut For the 2 For the 10 kg Foe = mxa Fog =mxa 120=2xa 120=10xa a= 60 m/s a=i2zm/s* 60 = (vi—vi/5 12=(ve-wI/5 (vs—w) = 60x 5 =300 m/s (vj— uw) = 12 x5 = 60 m/s ‘Change of mom. = m x(vi~v) Change of mom. = mx{v;— vi) =2.x 300 = 600 kg.m/s = 10x 60 = 600 kg.m/s ‘OR The change of momentum = fx t = 120 x 5 = 600 N.s Draw the relationship between acceleration and net force, mass of an object and applied force. Newton’s third law For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Fy “+ Action and reatlon are not acting on the same objet hey at acting on two diterentabects

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