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A machine:
It is any device which enables us to move things more easily.

It is a wheel with a grooved rim in which a rope or cable can run,

Lever :
A rigid bar that can rotate freely around a fulcrum.


A support around which a lever can rotate or pivot.

Effort force:
A force applied to one part of a lever to move a load at another part;
symbol FE.

Load force:
The force exerted by the load on a lever; symbol FL.

Effort arm: the perpendicular distance from the fulcrum to the effort
force; symbol dE .

Load arm:
The perpendicular distance from the fulcrum to the load force; symbol
dL .
First- class lever: In a first – class lever the fulcrum is between the
load and the effort force.

Second- class lever:

In a second- class lever the load is between the fulcrum and the effort
Third- class lever:
In a third - class lever the effort force is exerted between the fulcrum
and the load.

Mechanical Advantage:
Actual Mechanical Advantage (AMA)= Load ÷Effort = FL ÷FE

+ For fixed pulley …………..MA = 1

+ For movable pulley……….MA = 2

+ For system of pulleys….. MA = the number of strands

+ For levers……………………MA = Load ÷ Effort = FL ÷FE = dE÷ dL

Torque and Levers:

Torque: It is the turning effect on a rigid object around a fulcrum.

Torque = Force x perpendicular distance (newton. meter)

T = F x d (N . m)

Torques on Levers at equilibrium:

Torque by effort = Torque by load


FE x dE = FL x dL


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