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Version PREVIEW e21 210 9 Opyrchal (41101) This print-out should have 34 questions.

ns. Multiple-choice questions may continue on the next column or page nd all choices before answering. Rod in an Electric Field 001 10.0 points An insulating rod having linear charge density 38 C/m and linear mass density 0.2 kg/m is released from rest in a uniform electric eld 257 V/m directed perpendicular to the rod. = 2 (0.019532 m kg/s2 ) (0.2 kg/m)

= 0.44195 m/s , Note: The answer is independent of the length of the rod. Change in Potential e2 002 10.0 points A uniform electric eld of magnitude 327 V/m is directed in the positive x-direction. Suppose a 15 C charge moves from the origin to point A at the coordinates, (34 cm, 53 cm). y 327 V/m (34 cm, 53 cm) A O x

257 V/m

257 V/m

Determine the speed of the rod after it has traveled 2 m. Correct answer: 0.44195 m/s. Explanation: Let : = 38 C/m = 3.8 105 C/m , = 0.2 kg/m , E = 257 V/m , and d = 2 m. For simplicity, let V = 0 at the initial point. Note that Uf = q V = ( L) (E d), where L is the length of the rod. The mass of the rod is given by m = L. By conservation of energy (K + U )i = (K + U )f 1 0 + 0 = L v2 L E d 2 Since E d = (3.8 105 C/m) (257 V/m) (2 m) = 0.019532 m kg/s2 , v= 2Ed

What is the absolute value of the change in potential from the origin to point A? Correct answer: 111.18 V. Explanation: Let : x = 34 cm , y = 53 cm ,


E = 327 V/m . The potential dierence from O to A is dened as


V = VA VO =

E ds .

We know that E = (327 V/m) . We need to choose a path to integrate along. Because the electric force is conservative, it doesnt matter which path we take; they all give the same answer. There are two choices of path for which the math is simple (see the gure below.) y E (x, y) A I B x

Version PREVIEW e21 210 9 Opyrchal (41101) Path I: VA VO = (VA VB ) + (VB VO ), From O to B, E and ds are both along the x-axis, so E ds = E dx. From B to A, E and ds are perpendicular, so E ds = 0.

Find the charge Q . 2 1. Q = 2 Q1 Q2 2

2. Q = Q1 + Q2 correct 2 3. Q = 2 Q1 + Q2 2

VA VO = =

O x 0

E ds E dx
x 0

B y

E ds

0 dy

4. Q = Q1 Q2 2 5. Q = 2 (Q1 + Q2 ) 2 6. Q = 2 (Q1 Q2 ) 2 7. Q = 2 Q2 Q1 2

= E

dx = E x

The absolute value is

= (327 V/m) (0.34 m) = 111.18 V .

|V | = 111.18 V . Path II: In this case, E ds = E cos ds . x where cos = x = l cos . l


8. Q = Q2 Q1 2 9. Q = 2 (Q2 Q1 ) 2 Explanation: Basic Concepts: Gauss Law Sketch a concentric Gaussian surface S (dashed line) within the shell. r

VA VO = E cos = E l cos = E x .


which is the same as the result for the other path. Concentric Conductors 01 003 (part 1 of 3) 10.0 points Consider a solid conducting sphere with a radius a and charge Q1 on it. There is a conducting spherical shell concentric to the sphere. The shell has an inner radius b (with b > a) and outer radius c and a net charge Q2 on the shell. Denote the charge on the inner surface of the shell by Q and that on 2 the outer surface of the shell by Q . 2 Q1 , a P b , Q 2

Since the electrostatic eld in a conducting medium is zero, according to Gausss Law, Q1 + Q 2 S = =0 0 Q = Q1 2 But the net charge on the shell is Q2 = Q + Q , 2 2


so the charge on the outer surface of the shell is Q = Q2 Q 2 2 = Q2 + Q1 .

Q , c 2


Version PREVIEW e21 210 9 Opyrchal (41101) 004 (part 2 of 3) 10.0 points Find the magnitude of the electric eld at point P EP EP , where the distance a+b . from P to the center is r = 2 4 ke Q 2 1. EP = (a + b)2 2 ke (Q1 Q2 ) 2. EP = (a + b)2 2 ke Q 1 3. EP = (a + b)2 4 ke (Q1 + Q2 ) 4. EP = (a + b)2 4 ke Q 1 5. EP = correct (a + b)2 2 ke Q 2 6. EP = (a + b)2 4 ke (Q1 Q2 ) 7. EP = (a + b)2 2 ke (Q1 + Q2 ) 8. EP = (a + b)2 9. EP = 0 Explanation: Choose as your Gaussian surface concentric with the spherical surface S, which passes through P . Here, E A = 4 r 2 EP = EP = = = Q1 0 Q1 4 0 r 2 ke Q 1 r2 4 ke Q 1 . (a + b)2 2. VP = 2 ke Q 1 ke Q 2 + a+b c

3. VP = 0 2 ke Q1 ke Q1 ke (Q1 Q2 ) + a+b b c 2 ke Q 1 5. VP = a+b 2 ke (Q1 Q2 ) 6. VP = a+b 2 ke Q1 ke Q1 ke (Q1 + Q2 ) 7. VP = + cora+b b c rect 4. VP = 2 ke Q 1 ke Q 2 a+b c ke Q 1 ke Q 2 9. VP = a+b b Explanation: Using the superposition principle, adding the 3 concentric charge distributions; i.e., Q1 at a, Q1 at b and Q1 + Q2 at c, gives 8. VP = VP = = = = Er dr , Er dr
c c b (a+b)/2

by symmetry,

Er dr

0 dr

Er dr

k (Q1 + Q2 ) dr r2
b (a+b)/2 c

0 dr

k (Q1 + Q2 ) dr r2

= k (Q1 + Q2 )

1 r

0 k (Q1 + Q2 ) =

1 r

(a+b)/2 b

2 ke Q1 ke Q1 ke (Q1 + Q2 ) + . a+b b c

005 (part 3 of 3) 10.0 points Assume: The potential at r = is zero. Find the potential VP at point P . 1. VP = 2 ke Q 1 2 ke Q 2 a+b b

Holt SF 18Rev 12 006 10.0 points The magnitude of a uniform electric eld between the two plates is about 2 105 N/C.

Version PREVIEW e21 210 9 Opyrchal (41101) If the distance between these plates is 0.1 cm, nd the potential dierence between the plates. Correct answer: 200 V. Explanation: Let : E = 2 105 N/C and d = 0.1 cm = 0.001 m . The magnitude of the potential dierence is V = E d = (2 105 N/C) (0.001 m) = 200 V . 7. W =

8 ke q 2 a2 4 ke q 2 8. W = a 4 ke q 2 9. W = a2 4 ke q 2 10. W = a Explanation: Based on the superposition principle, the potential at the center due to the charges at the corners is V = V1 + V2 + V3 + V4 q = ke (1 1 + 1 + 1) r = 0, 1 so r = is the common distance from the 2 center to the corners. The work required is then W = q V = 0. 008 (part 2 of 4) 10.0 points The magnitude of the electric force F on the charge q when it is placed at the center of the square is ke q 2 1. F = 2 2 . a ke q 2 2. F = 2 2 . a ke q 2 3. F = 4 2 . a ke q 2 4. F = 2 2 2 . a 2 ke q 5. F = 2 . a ke q 2 6. F = 4 2 . a ke q 2 7. F = 8 2 . a ke q 2 8. F = 4 2 2 . correct a ke q 2 9. F = 2 . a

Add a Charge to Four 007 (part 1 of 4) 10.0 points Four charges are placed at the corners of a square, where q is positive (q > 0). Initially there is no charge in the center of the square. Q1 = q Q2 = +q Qi = 0 Qf = +q a Q4 = q Q3 = +q Find the work W required to bring the charge Qf = +q from innity and place it at the center of the square. 2 ke q 2 a2 2 ke q 2 2. W = a 2 ke q 2 3. W = a 2 ke q 2 4. W = a2 1. W = 5. W = 0 correct 4 ke q 2 6. W = a2

Version PREVIEW e21 210 9 Opyrchal (41101) ke q 2 . a Explanation: 10. F = 4 8. U = 4



ke q 2 . a2 ke q 2 9. U = 2 2 2 . a ke q 2 10. U = 4 2 2 . a Explanation: We found in part 1 that there is no work done in bringing in the fth charge and placing it at the center. The total electrostatic energy is then U = U12 + U13 + U14 + U23 + U24 + U34 1 ke q 2 1 +1 1 1 + 1 = a 2 2 ke q 2 = 2 a ke q 2 |U | = 2 . a 010 (part 4 of 4) 10.0 points The sign of the total energy associated with the ve point charges is 1. negative correct 2. 0 3. positive Explanation: ke q 2 U = 2 a Charge on a Capacitor 011 10.0 points A 15 pF capacitor is connected across a 74 V source. What charge is stored on it? Correct answer: 1.11 109 C. Explanation: Let : C = 15 pF = 1.5 1011 F V = 74 V .

Due to the symmetry of the charge distribution, the electric eld is directed along the negative x-axis. Furthermore, the eld generated by each charge contributes an equal amount, so F = 4 F1 cos 45 2 ke q 2 =4 2 2 a 2 ke q 2 =4 2 2 . a 009 (part 3 of 4) 10.0 points The magnitude of the total electrostatic energy of the system is given by 1. U 2. U 3. U 4. U 5. U 6. U 7. U ke q 2 =4 2 . a ke q 2 . =4 a ke q 2 =2 . a ke q 2 = 2 2 . a ke q 2 =8 2 . a ke q 2 =2 2 . a ke q 2 = 2 . correct a


, E2 E4


Version PREVIEW e21 210 9 Opyrchal (41101) The capacitance is q C= V q =CV = (1.5 1011 F) (74 V) = 1.11 109 C


AP B 1998 MC 64 012 10.0 points Two parallel conducting plates separated by a distance d are connected to a battery of emf E. Which of the following is correct if the plate separation is doubled while the battery remains connected? 1. The potential dierence between the plates is halved. 2. The electric charge on the plates is doubled. 3. The electric charge on the plates is halved. correct 4. The capacitance is unchanged. 5. The potential dierence between the plates is doubled. Explanation: The capacitance of the two parallel conducting plates is given by 0 A C= , d so when the separation d is doubled, the capacitance is halved. The battery remains connected during the whole process, so the potential dierence remains the same as the emf of the battery: V = E. Q = C V, so the electric charge on the plates is also halved. Capacitance Comparison 02 013 10.0 points A parallel plate capacitor is connected to a battery.


If we double the plate separation, 1. the potential dierence is halved. 2. the charge on each plate is halved. correct 3. the capacitance is doubled. 4. the electric eld is doubled. 5. None of these. Explanation: The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is A C = 0 . d Hence doubling d halves the capacitance, and Q = C V is also halved C = 0 A 1 A 1 = 0 = C 2d 2 d 2 .

Holt SF 18Rev 30 014 10.0 points A circular parallel-plate capacitor with a spacing of 3.7 mm is charged to produce a uniform electric eld with a strength of 2.6 106 N/C. The permittivity of vacuum is 8.85 1012 C2 /N m2 . What plate radius is required if the stored charge is 0.93 C? Correct answer: 0.113425 m. Explanation:

Version PREVIEW e21 210 9 Opyrchal (41101) Let : d = d = 3.7 mm , E = 2.6 106 N/C , Q = 0.93 C = 9.3 107 C , 0 = 8.85 1012 C2 /N m2 . The capacitance is A Q C = 0 = d V Q 0 r 2 = d E d Q r= 0 E = 9.3 107 C (8.85 1012 C2 /N m2 ) 1 2.6 106 N/C d = 0 E R = 8.85419 1012 C2 /N m2 and (5137 N/C) = 2.71468 107 0.193 m 0.079 m C/m2
2 2

= 0.271468 C/m2 .

016 (part 2 of 2) 10.0 points What is its capacitance? Correct answer: 8.78994 pF. Explanation: R ke = 4 0 R = 4 8.85419 1012 C2 /N m2 (0.079 m) = 8.78994 1012 F = 8.78994 pF .


= 0.113425 m . Isolated Charged Sphere 015 (part 1 of 2) 10.0 points An isolated charged conducting sphere of radius 7.9 cm creates an electric eld of 5137 N/C at a distance 19.3 cm from its center. The permittivity of a vacuum is 8.85419 1012 C2 /N m2 . What is its surface charge density? Correct answer: 0.271468 C/m2 . Explanation: Let : E = 5137 N/C , d = 19.3 cm = 0.193 m , R = 7.9 cm = 0.079 m , and 0 = 8.85419 1012 C2 /N m2 ,

AP B 1993 MC 15 16 017 (part 1 of 2) 10.0 points Consider the circuit 2 F 3 F c a 5 F 4 F 100 V

What is the equivalent capacitance for this network? 1. Cequivalent = 2. Cequivalent 10 F 7 7 = F 3

The electric eld at a distance d is given ke Q by E = , where Q is the charge of the d2 sphere. The surface charge density is = Q 4 R2

3. Cequivalent = 7 F correct

Version PREVIEW e21 210 9 Opyrchal (41101) 4. Cequivalent = 14 F 5. Cequivalent = Explanation: C1 c a C2 EB C4 C3 b Let : C4 = 5 F and EB = 100 V . 3 F 2 3. Q1 = 1, 100 C 4. Q1 = 360 C 5. Q1 = 1, 800 C Explanation:

The charge stored in a capacitor is given by Q = C V , so, Let : C1 C2 C3 C4 EB = 2 F , = 4 F , = 3 F , = 5 F , and = 100 V . Q4 = C4 V = (5 F) (100 V) = 500 C .

The equivalent capacitance of capacitors C1 and C2 (parallel) is C12 = C1 + C2 = 6 F . C12 and C3 are in series, so 1 1 C3 + C12 1 = + = C123 C12 C3 C12 C3 C12 C3 C123 = C3 + C12 (6 F) (3 F) = 6 F + 3 F = 2 F . C123 and C4 are parallel, so C = C4 + C123 = 7 F .

Capacitor Circuit 04 019 (part 1 of 5) 10.0 points Consider the group of capacitors shown in the gure. 4.75 F 7.72 F 8.53 F 12.4 V 8.83 F

Find the equivalent capacitance of the circuit. Correct answer: 3.14381 F. Explanation:

018 (part 2 of 2) 10.0 points What is the charge stored in the 5-F lowerright capacitor? 1. Q1 = 500 C correct 2. Q1 = 710 C

Let :

C1 C2 C3 C4 EB

= 7.72 F , = 4.75 F , = 8.53 F , = 8.83 F , = 12.4 V .


Version PREVIEW e21 210 9 Opyrchal (41101) C2 a EB C1 b C3 c C4 d

021 (part 3 of 5) 10.0 points Determine the charge on 4.75 F capacitor on the top. Correct answer: 13.9436 C. Explanation: The voltage drops across C1 and C4 are then

For capacitors in series, 1 Cseries = 1 Ci Vi , V1 = and V4 = 38.9833 C Q4 = = 4.41487 V . C4 8.83 F Q1 38.9833 C = = 5.04965 V C1 7.72 F

Vseries =

and the individual charges are the same. For parallel capacitors, Cparallel = Qparallel = Ci Qi ,

The remaining voltage is Vremain = Vtotal V1 V4 = 12.4 V 5.04965 V 4.41487 V = 2.93549 V , and is the same across the parallel capacitors, so Q2 = C2 Vremain = (4.75 F) (2.93549 V) = 13.9436 C .

and the individual voltages are the same. In the given circuit C2 and C3 are parallel, so C23 = C2 + C3 = 4.75 F + 8.53 F = 13.28 F . C1 , C23 , and C4 are in series, so Cda = = 1 1 1 + + C1 C23 C4

1 1 1 + + 7.72 F 13.28 F 8.83 F

= 3.14381 F . 020 (part 2 of 5) 10.0 points Determine the charge on 7.72 F capacitor on the left. Correct answer: 38.9833 C. Explanation: Capacitors in series have the same charge. Using this together with the denition of capacitance, we see that Q1 = Q4 = Cda Vtotal = (3.14381 F) (12.4 V) = 38.9833 C .

022 (part 4 of 5) 10.0 points Determine the charge on 8.53 F capacitor on the bottom. Correct answer: 25.0397 C. Explanation:

Q3 = C3 Vremain = (8.53 F) (2.93549 V) = 25.0397 C .

023 (part 5 of 5) 10.0 points Determine the charge on 8.83 F capacitor on the left. Correct answer: 38.9833 C.

Version PREVIEW e21 210 9 Opyrchal (41101) Explanation: Q4 = Q1 = 38.9833 C . V = Parallel Capacitor Energy 024 (part 1 of 2) 10.0 points Two capacitors of 24 F and 4.2 F are connected parallel and charged with a 60 V power supply. Calculate the total energy stored in the two capacitors. Correct answer: 0.05076 J. Explanation: = Since U = Ceq V 2 , we have 2 2U Ceq 2 (0.05076 J) 106 F 3.57447 F 1F


= 168.527 V . Copper Wire 02 026 (part 1 of 5) 10.0 points The mass density of Cu is m , its molar mass is M , and Avogadros number is NA . The electron mass is me , and the resistivity of copper is . Assume an average speed of vavg for the electrons in the free electron model of conductivity, and each atom of copper has one electron in the conduction band. A current of I exists in a copper (Cu) wire which has a diameter of d. What is the current density? 2I 1. J = d2 I 2. J = d2 I 3. J = 4 d2 I d2 4 I 5. J = 2 d2 4. J = 6. J = I d2 2

Let :

C1 = 24 F and C2 = 4.2 F . CV2 U= 2

Cparallel = C1 + C2 . Each capacitor has voltage V, so U= 1 (C1 + C2 ) V 2 2 1 = (24 F + 4.2 F) (60 V)2 2 = 0.05076 J .

025 (part 2 of 2) 10.0 points What potential dierence would be required across the same two capacitors connected in series in order for the combination to store the same energy as in the rst part? Correct answer: 168.527 V. Explanation: When in series the equivalent capacitance is Cseries C1 C2 = C1 + C2 (24 F) (4.2 F) = = 3.57447 F . 24 F + 4.2 F

7. J = I d2 4I correct d2 Explanation: The current density is 8. J = J= I I = = A r2 I d 2


4I . d2

027 (part 2 of 5) 10.0 points

Version PREVIEW e21 210 9 Opyrchal (41101) What is the density of valence electrons in the conduction band of copper? 1. ne = 2. ne = 3. ne = 4. ne = 5. ne = 6. ne = m NA M NA M m NA m correct M NA M m M m NA M NA m Current density is J I ne qe vd A J vd = . ne qe


029 (part 4 of 5) 10.0 points What is the average time between collisions of the drifting electrons with the lattice ions? me vd J qe me vd 2. = correct qe J 1. = 3. = 4. = vd J me qe me J qe vd

Explanation: The density of the valence electrons is ne = (# of valence electrons) m3 # of kg # of moles # of atoms x= m3 kg mole 1 valence electron atom NA m = . M

5. =

qe vd J me me vd 6. = qe J

Explanation: F = ma = qE qE a= m The acceleration of the electron in the free vd electron model of conductivity is a = , so = vd = a vd qe E me = me vd . qe E

028 (part 3 of 5) 10.0 points What is the drift velocity of the electrons? qe J ne ne J 2. vd = qe J 3. vd = correct ne qe 1. vd = 4. vd = ne J qe qe J ne ne 6. vd = J qe ne qe 7. vd = J Explanation: 5. vd =

Since E = J and J ne qe vd , = me vd me . = 2 qe J ne qe

030 (part 5 of 5) 10.0 points What is the mean free path of the drifting electrons in this wire? 1. = me vavg qe vd J

Version PREVIEW e21 210 9 Opyrchal (41101) 2. = vd vavg me qe J me qe vavg 3. = vd J me vd 4. = qe vavg J qe vd 5. = me vavg J 6. = me vd vavg J qe qe me vd 7. = vavg J me vd vavg 8. = correct qe J vd,2 1 = vd,1 3 vd,2 1 4. = vd,1 2 vd,2 3 5. = vd,1 64 vd,2 =2 6. vd,1 vd,2 7. =3 vd,1 vd,2 4 8. = correct vd,1 3 vd,2 3 = 9. vd,1 16 vd,2 3 10. = vd,1 4 Explanation: 3.


Explanation: The mean free path is the average distance traveled by an electron before suering a collision. If is the average time between collisions then = vavg = me vd vavg me vavg . = 2 qe J ne qe

Two Conductors and Ohm Law 01 031 (part 1 of 2) 10.0 points Consider two cylindrical conductors made out of the same material (i.e. they have the same density of charge carriers and the same resistivity).


I1 V1


I2 V2


If 2 = 3 1 , r2 = 2 r1 , V2 = 4 V1 , and 2 = vd,2 1 , what is the ratio of the magnitudes vd,1 of the drift velocities? 1. vd,2 16 = vd,1 3 vd,2 64 = 2. vd,1 3

J = n q vd Since the conductors are made out of the same material, the density of charge carriers must be the same (n1 = n2 ), so J2 vd,2 n q = 2 J1 vd,1 n1 q J2 = J1 V2 1 = V1 2 4 V1 1 = 3 V1 1 4 , = 3 E V since J = = and the two conductors l have the same resistivity. 032 (part 2 of 2) 10.0 points R2 of the resistances? What is the ratio R1 16 R2 = 1. R1 3 R2 3 2. = R1 16

Version PREVIEW e21 210 9 Opyrchal (41101) R2 1 3. = R1 2 1 R2 4. = R1 3 R2 3 5. = correct R1 4 64 R2 = 6. R1 3 3 R2 7. = R1 64 R2 8. =3 R1 R2 9. =2 R1 R2 4 10. = R1 3 Explanation: R = , so A R2 = R1 2 A2 1 A1 2 2 r2 = 1 2 r1 = = = r1 r2 r1 2 r1 3 . 4



ment when it is hot. Assume that , the temperature coecient of resistivity of tungsten, is 0.0045 ( C)1 and that the temperature of the cold lament is 37 C. Correct answer: 1592.56 C. Explanation: Let : R0 = 18 , R = 144 , T0 = 37 C , and = 0.0045 ( C)1 . Resistance is R = R0 [1 + T ] = R0 + R0 (Tf T0 ) R R0 Tf T0 = R0 R R0 Tf = + T0 R0 144 18 + 37 C = C)1 ] (18 ) [0.0045 ( = 1592.56 C . Generator in a Power Plant 034 10.0 points In a hydroelectric installation, a turbine delivers 1890 hp to a generator, which in turn converts 38.5% of the mechanical energy into electrical energy. Under these conditions, what current will the generator deliver at a terminal potential dierence of 1140 V? Correct answer: 476.164 A. Explanation: Let : Pin = 1890 hp , e = 38.5% , and V = 1140 V . Power is P =IV P I= V

2 1

3 1 1

Serway CP 17 20 033 10.0 points A certain lightbulb has a tungsten lament with a resistance of 18 when cold and 144 when hot. If the equation R = R0 [1 + T ] can be used over the large temperature range involved here, nd the temperature of the la-

Version PREVIEW e21 210 9 Opyrchal (41101) = 0.385 (1890 hp) 1140 V 746 W hp


= 476.164 A .

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