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Name: Han Hyeon Seok

Student number: 22000793

Class and section: EAP-Humanities (01)
Assignment: Summary1

Honoring its Core Amidst Cultural Diversity

According to Lloyd (2014), Christianity is a diverse and cross-cultural religion without a

single dominant expression, and the fundamental core of Christianity centers around the story of

the relationship between God and the world, which is conveyed through Jesus Christ. The study

of world Christianity aims to navigate the diverse nature of the religion, facilitate conversations

about differences, and establish common ground among Christians of various cultural

backgrounds (Lloyd, 2014).

I agree that Christianity is a religion that is diverse and cross-cultural, without a single

dominant expression, and that Christians react to their cultural settings in different ways. This

leads to discussions on ethics and practices, but the fundamental core of Christianity centers

around the story of the relationship between God and the world, which is conveyed through Jesus

Christ. The study of world Christianity intends to navigate the diverse nature of the religion,

facilitate conversations about differences, and ultimately establish common ground among

Christians of various cultural backgrounds. I believe that the fundamental core of Christianity

mentioned in the article should be maintained, without being interpreted differently culturally.

For example, Christianity and Islam both believe in God, but the fundamental core of these two

religions is different, so they can be distinguished from each other. That is, the concept of the

relationship between God and the world, conveyed through Jesus Christ, which is the
fundamental core of Christianity, should not be interpreted differently culturally and is the basis

that cannot be changed.

Lloyd, S. (2014). Christianity and the World of Cultures. Center for Global Christianity &


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