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Higher tier candidates start at question 17 and answer questions 17 to 40.

Questions 17 to 24 must be answered by all candidates: Foundation tier and Higher tier. Food chain The diagram shows a food chain. wheat rat flea

B1A JUNE 2007


Which row of the table gives the correct names for the organisms in this food chain? wheat A B C D producer herbivore producer herbivore rat herbivore carnivore carnivore producer flea carnivore producer herbivore carnivore


Each rat in this food chain has many fleas feeding on its blood. Which is the pyramid of biomass for this food chain? A B C D


A pyramid of biomass shows the amount of A B C D dry mass of organisms at one level dry mass of organisms at each level wet mass of organisms at one level wet mass of organisms at each level


It is more efficient to produce wheat as food than meat as food. This is because A B C D wheat contains less energy meat contains more energy less energy is wasted wheat grows faster


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Peppered moth The peppered moth, Biston betularia, can have light wings or dark wings. moths on a tree trunk in polluted woodland light winged moth

dark winged moth

moths on a tree trunk in unpolluted woodland light winged moth

dark winged moth

The moths are eaten by birds. A scientist wanted to find out which type of moth was better adapted in each type of woodland. He released light and dark winged moths into a polluted and an unpolluted woodland. After a period of time he counted how many were left. His results are in the table. polluted woodland light winged moths released recaptured dark winged moths released recaptured 250 150 200 50 250 25 200 150 unpolluted woodland



The scientist calculated the percentage of moths recaptured from the polluted and unpolluted woodlands. Which row of this table shows the largest percentage of moths recaptured? woodland A B C D polluted polluted unpolluted unpolluted colour of wing dark light dark light


The recaptured moths had survived better. This is most likely because the birds could not A B C D smell the moths see the moths taste the moths touch the moths


The scientist concluded that natural selection had happened. The conclusion is only valid if the moths A B C D were eaten by birds flew away from the woodland died from disease died from starvation


The peppered moths belong to A B C D the same kingdom and species a different kingdom but the same species a different kingdom and species the same kingdom but a different species TOTAL FOR FOUNDATION TIER PAPER: 24 MARKS Foundation tier candidates do not answer any more questions after question 24.


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Questions 25 to 40 must be answered by Higher tier candidates only. Foundation tier candidates do not answer questions 25 to 40. Sexual reproduction Mammals such as lions reproduce sexually. The offspring are often similar but not genetically identical.


Sometimes twins are born. They can be genetically identical. Genetically identical organisms are called A B C D gametes transgenic alleles clones


The cubs born to the lions will inherit A B C D all their genes from their mother all their genes from their father an equal number of genes from each parent no genes from either parent


Some of the features of the lions are caused by environmental factors. Which is most likely to be an environmental effect? A B C D eye colour fur colour sex weight


The male lion carries the chromosomes XY. The female lioness carries the chromosomes XX. If a first cub is male, what is the chance of a second cub being female? A B C D 25% 50% 75% 100%



Charles Darwin wrote The Origin of Species. Charles Darwin


This cartoon of Charles Darwin appeared in a national newspaper. This is because his book stated that A B C D monkeys were an endangered species monkeys and humans had a common ancestor humans evolved from monkeys the DNA of humans and monkeys is identical


Darwins theory was about evolution through A B C D natural selection artificial selection selective breeding genetic modification


The Origin of Species was published in 1859. At the time, most of the scientific community A B C D agreed with Darwins observations and his interpretations agreed with Darwins observations but not his interpretations agreed with Darwins interpretations but not his observations disagreed with Darwins observations and interpretations


Which of these processes was not known about at the time when Darwin published his theory? A B C D variation competition adaptation mutation


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GM cotton Some cotton plants have been genetically modified to contain a gene for making pesticide.



Which row of the table shows how the plant is genetically modified? gene artificially inserted A B C D yes yes no no pollination yes no yes no


The gene put into the cotton plant is from A B C D the same plant the same species a GM species a different species




The graph shows the change in the area of land used to grow GM crops in the world from 1996 to 2002. millions of acres 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 year Which statement is supported by the data in the graph? A B C D There has been a constant increase in the amount of land used to grow each GM crop since 1996 People consumed more soybean in 2002 than they did in 1996 There has been a 50% increase in the area of land used to grow GM corn between 1998 and 2002 There has been a 33% increase in the area of land used to grow GM corn between 1998 and 2002

GM crops soybean corn cotton


These statements are about GM crops. 1 2 GM crops are also called transgenic crops. Transgenic breeding is used to increase the population of GM crops.

Which are true? A B C D 1 only 2 only both 1 and 2 neither



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Who is the father? It is possible to identify the parents of a child by analysing the blood groups of the children. Scientists investigated two possible fathers of a child whose mother had the alleles A and i. The Punnett squares below show the gametes and possible offspring. father 1 A A mother i AA Ai i Ai ii mother A i father 2 A AA Ai B AB Bi

Blood groups can be


= = = =

Ai or AA Bi or BB AB only ii only


Which is the possible father for a child with blood group A? A B C D father 1 only father 2 only father 1 or father 2 neither father 1 nor father 2


Which of the alleles is most likely to be recessive? A B C D allele A allele B allele i none


Which blood group would not appear in any child from father 2? A B C D A B AB O




These two statements are about genetic inheritance. 1 2 Dominant alleles are always passed on to offspring. Recessive alleles are never shown in the phenotype of the offspring.

Which are true? A B C D 1 only 2 only both 1 and 2 neither TOTAL FOR HIGHER TIER PAPER: 24 MARKS END



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