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Deafnes A  Language  Aging.

In the Hearing-
s individual and other Over time, United impaired
has sounds the inner States, children
hearing muffled. ear around struggle in all
loss if they compone 2% to 3% aspects of
 Difficulty
cannot nts of infants scholastic
perceive as degenerat are born accomplishme
ng speech,
well as an e. with nt, particularly
individual noticeable trying to read
in the  Loud
without hearing and arithmetic
presence of noise. The
hearing impairme abilities. Until
ambient cells of
impairmen nt in one adequate care
noise or in a the inner
t, defined or both is
gathering. ear may
as noise ears. And implemented,
levels of  Difficulty over 90% children with
20 dB or hearing of moderate to
above in sounds children severe hearing
both ears. with loss accomplish
 Requesting to loud
It might be hearing one to four
people to noises.
moderate, loss are grade stages
high, fairly talk more delivered below than
 Inheritanc
severe, calmly, to hearing their
serious, or carefully, and parents. counterparts
profound, forcefully on  Industrial Almost without
and impact a regular noises. 15% of hearing
either ear basis. American problems.
 Leisure
or both.  Requiring an noises. individual
increase in s aged 18
 Certain and over
television or
drugs. (37.5
loudness. million)
 Certain
 Absence hearing
from talks. difficulties

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