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eISSN: 09748369

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1)

reverse transcriptase inhibitory activity
of Phyllanthus emblica plant extract

Biology and Medicine

Research Article

Volume 4, Issue 4, Pages 178–182, 2012

Research Article Biology and Medicine, 4 (4): 178–182, 2012

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV-1) reverse transcriptase

inhibitory activity of Phyllanthus emblica plant extract
M Estari1*, L Venkanna2, D Sripriya3, R Lalitha4
Infectious Diseases & Metabolic Disorders Research Lab, Department of Zoology,
Kakatiya University, Warangal-506009 (A.P.), India.
Department of Biotechnology, Dravidian University, Kuppam (A.P.), India.
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, SR College of Pharmacy,
Warangal-506371 (A.P.), India.

*Corresponding Author:

Accepted: 10th Nov 2012, Published: 23rd Nov 2012

Human Immunodeficiency Virus type-1 (HIV-1) is the cause of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), a major
human viral disease with about 33.2 million people infected worldwide. The high cost of the HAART regimen has
impeded its delivery to over 90% of the HIV/AIDS population in the world. The aim of the present study was to
evaluate the in vitro anti-HIV activity of Phyllanthus emblica plant extracts. Extracts were prepared from dried fruit in
n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and n-butanol. Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs) isolated from healthy donors by
ficoll-hypaque density gradient centrifugation method. A toxicity study was performed on all crude extracts by MTT
assay using PBMCs isolated from whole blood. HIV-1 RT inhibition activity of the all solvent extracts of P. emblica was
determined. AQF and HXF fractions show highest inhibition of recombinant HIV-RT (91% and 89% respectively) at
1 mg/ml concentration. CFF fraction shows highest inhibition of HIV-RT at 0.5 mg/ml and CTF fraction at 0.12 mg­/ml
concentration. Experimental results thus suggested that the P. emblica plant extracts which have been tested in the
present study exert their anti-HIV activity via inhibition of HIV reverse transcriptase activity. Thus the present study
seems to justify the traditional use of plant for the treatment of infectious disease of viral origin. However, in order to
assess the usefulness of this herb, it is necessary to isolate the active principle(s) from the crude and fractions, identify
them and study their mechanism of action.

Keywords: HIV; Phyllanthus emblica; PBMCs; HIV-1 RT; cytotoxicity; HIV-1.

Introduction (Chang  et  al.,  1995), Linocera japonica (Joshi,

2002; Harris et al., 2001), Rhus chinensis (Wang
Since the discovery of the Human Immuno­ et al., 2008; Vermani and Garg, 2002) and
deficiency Virus as the causative agent of AIDS Jatropha curcas (Chinsembu and Hedimbi, 2010)
New chemical entities with such activity may be as potential sources of new active agents not
identified through a variety of approaches, one only combine the advantage of being relatively
of them being the screening of natural prod- non-toxic and hence more tolerable than ration-
ucts. Plant substances are especially explored ally designed drugs, but also represent an afford-
due to their amazing structural diversity and able and valuable source of pharmacologically
their broad range of biological activities. Several active substances that can be made sufficiently
plant extracts have been shown to possess available through cultivation.
activity against HIV by inhibiting various viral With the rapid explosion of new molec-
enzymes (Vermani and Garg, 2002). Various ular targets available for drug discovery and
resource-poor settings, government-sponsored advances in high throughput screening technol-
ART programmes discourage the use of tra- ogy, there has been a dramatic increase in inter-
ditional medicines, fearing that the efficacy of est from the pharmaceutical and biotechnology
antiretroviral drugs may be inhibited by such industries in the huge molecular diversity present
natural products, or that their pharmacologi- in plant sources. In this study the medicinal plant
cal interactions could lead to toxicity (Husain extracts used in tribal areas of Warangal districts
et al., 1992). Medicinal plants like Osimum sanc- exhibits significant potency against various bac-
tum (Anuya et al., 2010), Phyllanthus myrtifolium terial and fungal pathogens, as well as potent

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Research Article Biology and Medicine, 4 (4): 178–182, 2012

antioxidant activity. It was therefore decided to (iii) Cell viability by MTT assay
analyse the anti-HIV activity of these potential Cell viability was determined by the MTT 3-(4,5
medicinal plant and also evaluate its cytotoxicity dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium
in PBMC cell cultures. bromide) test method (Mosmann, 1983). Briefly,
MTT (5 mg/ml) was dissolved in PBS. PBMC
Cells were cultured in 96-well plates (1.0 3 104
cells/well) containing 100 μl medium prior to
Materials and Methods
treatment with four fractions of selected plants
at 37C for 24 h. After that, 100 μl fresh medium
(i) Preparation of plant extracts
containing various concentrations (0.02, 0.04,
P. emblica fruits are collected from Parvatagiri
0.09, 0.18, 0.37, 0.75, and 1.5 mg/ml) of frac-
Village of Torrur Mandal, Warangal district,
tional extracts were added to each well, and
Andhra Pradesh. Voucher specimens were pre-
incubated for another 48 h. Diluted fractional
pared and identified at the Department of Botany,
extracts solutions were freshly prepared in
Kakatiya University, Warangal. The P. emblica
DMSO. The metabolic activity of each well was
fruits were ­collected and left at room tempera-
determined by the MTT assay and compared
ture for two weeks to dry, then ground into pow-
to those of untreated cells. After removal of
der and extracted with Soxhlet techniques with
100 μl medium, MTT dye solution was added
methanol. Obtaining methanolic crude extracts
(15 μl/100 μl medium) and the plates were incu-
of P. emblica were then fractionated succes-
bated at 37C for 4 h. After that, 100 μl of DMSO
sively using sol­vents of increasing polarity, such
were added to each well, and mixed thoroughly.
as,  n-hexane (HX), carbon tetrachloride (CT),
The absorbance was measured at 570 nm with
chloroform (CF), and aqueous fractions (AQ). All
a reference wavelength of 630 nm. High opti-
the four fractions (HXF, CTF, CFF, and AQF) were
cal density readings corresponded to a high
evaporated to dryness by using rotary evaporator
intensity of dye color that is to a high number
at low ­temperature (39C).
of viable cells able to metabolize MTT salts. The
fractional absorbance was calculated by the
(ii) Isolation of PBMCs
­following formula
Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs)
were collected from the blood of healthy vol-
unteers, by ficoll-hypaque density gradient % Cell viability =
centrifugation method (Indiveri et al., 1980) by
Mean absorbance in test wells
venipuncture and transferred into 15 ml heparin  3 100.
coated test tubes. The samples were diluted at Mean absorbance in control wells
1:1 ratio with PBS, layered onto HISEP media
(Himedia, Mumbai) at a volume ratio of 3:1 (iv) HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibition assay
and centrifuged at 1000 3 g for 30 min. During The HIV reverse transcriptase enzyme inhibition
the centrifugation the PBMCs moved from the due to each fraction was determined using HIV-RT
plasma and were suspended in the density inhibition assay (Xingwu et al., 1996; Ekstrand
gradient, the PBMCs layer was removed and et al., 1996) by using of Retro Sys HIV-1 RT activity
then washed twice with PBS. The supernatant kit (Innovagen, Sweden). When determining IC50
was then removed and the cells were resus- values the substances that are to be analysed are
pended in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented serially diluted. The diluted substances are then
with 1 mM l-glutamine, 100 units/ml penicillin added to a plate with reaction mixture. After 30 min
and 100 μg/ml streptomycin, 10% inactivated of pre incubation at 33C, the reaction is started
FBS, and adjusted to pH 7.2 by the addition of by the addition of a standardised amount of RT.
15 mM HEPES. The PBMC cell density used in The RT will now incorporate BrdUMP depending
the cytotoxicity study was 1 3 105 cells/well of on the level of inhibition. The reaction is stopped
the 96-well tissue culture plate. Dose-response by washing the plate. The product is quantified
curves between percentage of cell viability and by the addition of the RT Product Tracer which
concentrations of the extracts were constructed. binds to the incorporated BrdUMP. After remov-
The IC50 value was determined from the plotted ing excess tracer the amount of bound tracer is
curve. determined by an alkaline phosphatase/pNPP

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Research Article Biology and Medicine, 4 (4): 178–182, 2012

color reaction. After correction for background fractions of the methanolic extract of P. emblica
signal, the measured residual RT activity for each were showed in the Table 1. The CTF fractions
substance dilution is calculated as a percentage obtained highest yield (2.9%) when compared
of the measured RT activity in absence of inhib- to other fractions. 0.8% yield obtained in AQF
iting substances. Plot the percentage of residual which is lowest.
RT activity against the concentrations of the
substance dilutions for each of the tested sub- Table 1: The percentage of yield obtained
stances. AZT (Azidothymidine/Zidovudine) was from crude methanol extract.
used as positive control. The inhibitory effect of
each substance is expressed as an IC50 value i.e. S. No. Fractions Yield (%)
the concentration at which 50% of the RT activ- 1 HXF 1.8
ity is inhibited or the IC50 value is the substance 2 CTF 2.9
­concentration giving a 50% inhibition of the RT 3 CFF 1.6
activity and is determined with the aid of  the
4 AQF 0.8
obtained graph. The percentage inhibition of
HIV-1 RT was calculated as,
(b) Cytotoxicity of extract on PBMC cell
Inhibition (%) 5 [(A control2A sample)/
After cells were treated with different fractions
A control] 3 100.
of P. emblica at various concentrations for 48 h,
(v) Statistical analysis the cytotoxic effects were investigated using the
For statistical analysis, the results of anti-HIV-1 MTT assay. Cytotoxicity of each extract frac-
RT activity were expressed as means  SD of tion was determined by an inhibitory concentra-
three determinations. The IC50 values were calcu- tion at 50% growth (IC50). All the four fractions
lated using the Microsoft Excel program. Results of P. emblica were non-cytotoxic till 0.75 mg/ml
were considered significant if the p-values were concentration in PBMC cells. AQF fraction is
less than 0.05. non-cytotoxic even at 1.5 mg/ml (51% cell via-
bility). The highest non-cytotoxic concentration
at which more than 95% cells were viable was
Results and Discussion calculated for each of the fraction in PBMC cells.
The results are showed in Figure 1. The highest
(a) Percentage yield non-cytotoxic concentration (.95% cell viability)
The yield of methanol crude extract of P. emblica of HXF, CTF, CFF, and AQF fractions are 0.02,
was 75 g (15%). The percentage yield of these 0.04, 0.02, and 0.02 mg/ml respectively.

% of cell viability

80 CTF
40 CFF
0.02 0.04 0.09 0.18 0.37 0.75 1.5
Concentration (mg/ml)

Figure 1: Effects of P. emblica extract fractions on PBMC cells.

(HXF 5 n-hexane fraction, CTF 5 carbon tetrachloride fraction, CFF 5 chloroform fraction, AQF 5 aqueous fraction,
and AZT 5 zidovudine).

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Research Article Biology and Medicine, 4 (4): 178–182, 2012

(c) Anti-HIV activity showed that this plants contained anti-HIV

Inhibition of HIV-RT by P. emblica plant extract properties, which was in accordance with
fractions were presented in Figure 2. AQF and previous reports in which the different plants
HXF fractions show highest inhibition of recom- A. calamus L. and P. indica L. exhibited potent
binant HIV-RT (91% and 89% respectively) at antiviral activity against the Herpes simplex
1 mg/ml concentration. CFF fraction shows high- viruses HSV-1 and HSV-2 (Elaya et al., 2009;
est inhibition of HIV-RT at 0.5 mg/ml and CTF Akanitapichat et  al., 2002). A. sativum was
fraction at 0.12 mg/ml concentration. The IC50 of reported to be effective against HIV infection by
the CFF and AQF fractions are more than 100. At inhibiting virus replication (Harris et al., 2001;
0.12 mg/ml and 0.5 concentrations 50% of the Wang et al., 2004) specifically by interfering with
HIV-RT activity is inhibited in HXF and CTF frac- viral reverse transcriptase activity. O. sanctum
tions respectively. L. was found to demonstrate antibacterial, anti-
Over the years, parts of the many medic- fungal, and antiviral activity (Gupta et al., 2005;
inal plants have been used for medicine includ- Mahmood et al., 1993). This report also showed
ing claims of its antiretroviral potential (Indiveri that the medicinal plants possessed an anti-
et al., 1980). Anti-HIV agent which could possibly HIV property through inhibition of viral reverse
inhibit the early stages of the HIV replicative cycle ­transcriptase activity.
would be very useful in treating HIV ­infection.
Our results demonstrate that compared to the
standard anti-HIV drug AZT, a CFF fraction of Conclusion
P. emblica shows highest inhibition of HIV-RT
at 0.5 mg/ml and CTF fraction at 0.12 mg/ml Experimental results thus suggested that the
concentration (Figure 2). These data were in good P. emblica plant extracts which have been tested
agreement with the results of one previous study in the present study exert their anti-HIV activity
on the inhibition of HIV infection by medicinal via inhibition of HIV reverse transcriptase activ-
plant extracts (Mahmood et al., 1993; Chinsembu ity. Thus the present study down seems to jus-
and Hedimbi, 2010). Our previous investigations tify the traditional use of plant for the treatment
established that different medicinal plant extracts of infectious disease of viral origin. However, in
inhibit HIV reverse transcriptase in a non-specific order to assess the usefulness of this herb, it is
manner (Venkanna and Estari, 2012). necessary to isolate the active principle(s) from
The strongest inhibitory action against the crude and fractions, identify them and study
HIV-1 RT was found in P. emblica. The results their mechanism of action.

Reverse transcriptase (RT)

inhibition (%)

60 CTF

40 CFF

20 AQF
0.02 0.04 0.09 0.18 0.37 0.75 1.5

Extract concentration (mg/ml)

Figure 2: Inhibition of HIV-RT by P. emblica plant different fractions at different concentrations.

(HXF 5 n-hexane fraction, CTF 5 carbon tetrachloride fraction, CFF 5 chloroform fraction, AQF 5 aqueous fraction,
and AZT 5 zidovudine).

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