Anthel Loren

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The wind blew across the ancient forest of Anthel Loren.

With it came a strange scent, the scent of an intruder. Noel snapped open her eyes, and slowly started to make her way to the source of the odor. She nimbly jumped from tree top to tree top, never making a sound the gentle breeze could not disguise. She was a Waywatcher, a guardian of the Forest. She forsake her soft home and easy living in the elven cities, buried deep within the Forest, in order to guard Anthel Loren from danger. Sadly, most elves do not socialize with the Waywatchers as most claim that a Waywatcher becomes more forest then elf in their service. This claim was true: if Noel were ever to appear into a reflecting pool, she would find her delicate feature more twig like in appearance. Her ears textured as leaves and her stance swaying gently with the wind. It is also true that Anthel Loren does not accept every guard which tries to protect her borders. A Waywatcher must always be on the lookout for danger. When Noel first took up her Waywatcher oath and plunged into the depths of Anthel Loren, she was met by a strange creature. It was an enchantress dressed in a robe of the purest white and walked with her feet never quite touching the ground. The enchantress gazed upon Noel and held her look for a long moment. Noel knew who she was. It was a Dryad. Dyads are the spirit of Anthel Loren incarnate. They appear in a mocking form of beautiful elf maidens, gently pulsating with their ethereal essence. They were quick to anger and if they cam across an elf they did not approve of, they would quickly alter shape. Their long fingers suddenly became thin branches, hard as steel and sharpened to a point, their flesh become bark and their face resembled a roaring tree if a tree could grow such a face. Death soon followed to those unfortunate enough to invoke the fury of a dryad. The dryad finished her appraisal of Noel and nodded slightly. In a shower of twirling flower petals, the dryad vanished: Noel had been accepted. Ever since then the Forest tested her in every aspect of her life. She knew that she had to live off the land, but she had no idea the Forest would try to live off her. Soon she became an adept hunter and could travel as silently as the wind, never leaving a trace. In Anthel Loren, it was learn fast or perish. If this knew scent proved to be an intruder, it would be Noel's first time protecting the forest. She hurriedly skipped from tree to tree until she came to an small clearing. It was a pasture which she had seen exotic and beautiful creatures of the forest eating and playing long ago. Now it would become a kill zone. On the far side of the pasture, she saw flowers slowly float from the trees and take form of a elven maiden. It seemed as if Noel would have some help. Noel waited long minutes for the intruders. She spent this time stringing her oak bow and laying out her mud toad poisoned arrows. She had spent many days perfecting her archery skills, It was time to put them to the test. Soon there was a crashing sound and the tree tops started to move on the right side of the forest: The Intruders had come. Five drunken dwarves stumbled out from the brambles joking and merrily walking along. They carried axes and wore thick steel armor. Noel knew not why they were

here, but knew that the axes were not permitted in Anthel Loren. Cutting a living tree of Anthel Loren was signing your own death certificate. Something the peaceful villagers on the outskirts of the forest learned long ago. Noel quickly knocked an arrow and took careful aim. She would aim for the middle man. The front dwarves would have to turn, exposing their less armored backsides, and the last dwarves would hopefully bend down to help their fallen comrade. Noel released her arrow. Her aim was true and it struck the dwarf on the helmet, knocking him out. As he fell to the ground the two dwarves behind him started laughing. Apparently they had a bit too much dwarven ale this day. The front two dwarves turned to see what was so funny and when they saw their companion sprawled amongst the ground, they too realized what was so funny: the unfortunate dwarf had landed face down in animal dung. They too started laughing. Their humor was cut short as Noel released two more arrows at the back dwarves, each striking their open mouths. They were dead before they hit the ground. Now the front two dwarves were on guard and spun and drew their shields. Noel was a good shot, but it doesn't matter how great your marksmanship is it your arrows can penetrate a dwarf's shield and frontal armor. However, it mattered not. The Dryad emerged from the forest and gently walked towards the on edge dwarves. Noel Knew better then to watch the final gruesome act and quickly ducked back into the forest. She started making her way back to her tree top home when she heard a single dwarven cry of surprise, cut short by the Dryad. Noel would sleep calmly tonight: the Forest was not ungrateful and would grant a Waywatcher safe travel and rest as thanks for protecting its borders. However, Noel knew that that gratitude was short lived and tomorrow may come yet another test from the unrelenting forest of Anthel Loren.

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