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Seatwork #1

*Arrange the following from greater comprehension to lesser extension

1. Man, Filipino, Pedro, Asian, Brown Race

2. Figure, Shape, Plane, Square, Rectangle, Parallelogram, polygon

3. School, Tertiary, SUC, College, Business

4. Bunawan, San Teodoro, Province, Agusan del Sur, Mindanao

5. School, Supplies, Writing Materials, Ink-filled, ball pen, pilot

Seatwork #2

*Underlined each simple subject and classify its quantity: S for Singular, P for particular and U for

1. I am a violinist’s daughter. = P – particular

2. All the children are musicians. = P – particular

3. Six of them are a string ensemble. = U – universal

4. A brother is a trombone player. = S – singular

5. Some bands are their competitors during the town fiesta. = P – particular

6. A square is a geometric figure with four equal sides. = U – universal

7. Two parallel lines will not meet. = P - particular

8. You should practice what you preach. = S – singular

9. That girl beside is wearing a red dress. = S – singular

10. All men are not soft – hearted. = P -particular


Seatwork #3

* Classify the underlined terms – write U for Univocal, E for Equivocal, A for Analogy.

1. I am reading Rizal. Rizal is our National Hero. = E – Equivocal

2. Gold is a precious metal. Lydia de Vega received a gold for 100m dash. = E – Equivocal

3. Politicians speaks of leveling the Smokey Mountain. Geneva Cruz is a member of the Smokey
Mountain. = A – Analogy

4. Gonzaga is tenor. Cabahug is a tenor. = E – Equivocal

5. I am the foot of the mountain. = U – universal

6. Father Sales and my father are friends. = E – Equivocal

7. The smiling sun is so brilliant = U – univocal

8. The mouth of the river is clean. = U – univocal

9. We pass by Bridal’s Viel along kennon road = U – univocal

10. Hitler is a man. Pedro is a man. = E- equivocal

Seatwork #4

* Complete the logical Propositions of the following propositions

1. All girls wear Prada.

Not all girls wear Prada.
Some girls wear Prada.

2. Not all men are intelligent

Some men are intelligent
Some men are not intelligent

3. Some animals are man’s friends

All animals are man’s friend
All animals are not man’s friend

4. Several cops are specially – trained

Some several cops are specially – trained
Some cops are not specially – trained

5. All artists are weird

Some artists are weird
All artists are not weird

6. Every child is special

No child is special
Some child is not special

Seatwork #5

* The given propositions are provided below. Complete the logical propositions of the given proposition
and identify its truth value with reference to the truth value of the given.

1. Some hearts are diamonds – False

All hearts are diamonds – False
All hearts are not diamonds – true

2. All skies are blue – true

Some skies are blue – False
Some skies are not blue – True

3. Some stars are not shining – False

No stars are not shining – True
Some stars are shining – True

4. Teachers are not liars – True

All teachers are not liars – true
Some teacher are not liars – true

5. All flowers are beautiful – true

Some flowers are beautiful – true
Some flowers are not beautiful – false

6. All equipment are powered by electricity – False

Some equipment are powered by electricity – true
Some equipment are not powered by electricity – false

7. Many Filipino are poor – false

All Filipino are poor – False
All Filipino are not poor – true

8. Some guys are kindhearted – true

All guys are kindhearted – true
All guys are not kindhearted – true

9. Leaders are followers – false

All leaders are not followers – false
Some leader are not followers – true

10. All virus are deadly – False

Some virus are deadly – true
Some men are not deadly – False

Seatwork #6

* Identify which is the major and the minor promises and the conclusion.
Identify which is the major term (P), the minor Term (S) and the Middle Term (M)

Major Term All mammals (P) have lungs (S)

Middle Term All whales (M) have lungs (S)
Minor Term therefore, all whales (P) are mammals (S)

Seatwork #7
*Give at least three examples of the following.

1. All men are mortal

Socrates is a man
Therefore, Socrates is mortal

2. There are only two types of action international and non – international action. [premise]
Non – international action requires prior action. [premise]
There was non – international action not caused by human international action [premise].

3. Every panda is an animal

But every hippo is an animal
Therefore, every panda is a hippo

4. Penguins are black and white some old TV shows are black and white
Therefore, some penguins are old TV shows.

5. All physicists are mammals

All mammals are animals
Therefore, all animals are physicists

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