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Facultv of Arts & Sciences
Department of Phl'sics

Octobcr 17 .2022

Mrs. Yasmine Bouldiab

Department of Materials Process Engineering,
Faculty of Science and Technology
Univcrsity of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis
27000 Belhacel Road Mostaganem, Algeria

Invitation Letter

Dear Mrs. Yasmine Bouldiab,

It is our pleasure to invite you for a visit to the Department of Physics at Yildiz Technical
University in lstanbul for a period of one months in 2022.

During your visit, we expect that you will contribute to the ongoing research on first principle
calculations in my research group and discuss sonre lesearch projects Ielated to lotlr l)h[)
work. secifically ab-initio sirnulations ol' thcrmoelectric materials bascd on serni-l Icuslcr
compounds. We would like to mention that at this moment due to some official reasons we
could not offer you financial support, however we will provide you working space and access
to our u'orkslations for your simulations. I hope that your university will provide financial
support for your v isit.

'l'he invitation has been approved by the Depa(ment of Physics and is valid for 30 days -
November 28,2022 -December 28.2022. We would like to explore the possibility of luture
common research projects and collaborations. We look forward to your time here at Yrldtz
Technical University.

OZDOGAN Head of Department of Physics

212 383 4282 Prof. Dr. Ahmet ALTINDAL
Ps; +(90) 212 383 4106
Email :

Darutpata Yerlegirn Birinri,34220 Esenlcr/iSTANBt'L, Tel: +(90)212 38.1 '12 3l'

Fax: +(90 )212 38J 12 J{
E-mail &LU!E!9yi&! web http//

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