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TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................... i

CHAPTER I........................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Research Title ......................................................................................... 1
1.2 Research Fields ....................................................................................... 1
1.3 Study Background ................................................................................... 1
1.4 Research Problems .................................................................................. 5
1.5 Research Object ...................................................................................... 5
1.6 Research Significance ............................................................................. 5
CHAPTER II ......................................................................................................... 7
LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................................... 7
2.1 Prior Research ......................................................................................... 7
2.2 Research Paradigm .................................................................................. 8
2.3 Literature Review .................................................................................... 9
2.3.1 Communication ............................................................................... 10
2.3.2 Mass Communication ..................................................................... 13
2.3.3 Mass Media ..................................................................................... 14
2.3.4 Advertising ...................................................................................... 16
2.3.5 Semiotic Analysis ................................................................................ 23
CHAPTER III ..................................................................................................... 29
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................................................... 29
3.1 Research Methods ................................................................................. 29
3.2 Research Time ....................................................................................... 29
3.3 Unit of Analysis .................................................................................... 29
3.4 Data Collection Techniques .................................................................. 30
3.5 Data Analysis Techniques ..................................................................... 31
3.6 Data Validity Test ................................................................................. 31
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 33


1.1 Research Title

A Semiotic Analysis of Hyundai STARGAZER Advertisement “Bintang Baru

1.2 Research Fields

Advertising is part of marketing activities. Advertising is a message
conveyed by the seller to potential customers. Advertising is one of the media that
can be used to increase product sales. This is in line with what was disclosed by
Jefkins in (Kurniati et al. , 2015) that advertising is a sales message that is
considered the most persuasive and potential for communicating with consumers
and has a relatively low cost.
Ads often display content for a short duration. This is because an ad that is
too long will be boring for the audience, so it is necessary to compress the duration.
By condensing this duration, the seller tries to convey all advertising messages to
the fullest. The message is conveyed verbally and easily understood and the
nonverbal message is implied from the scene, the use of colors and signs in existing
advertisements. Semiotic analysis is used to read signs in advertisements to
understand the implied message conveyed by product advertising content.

1.3 Study Background

In today's interconnected world, increased knowledge and innovation have
a positive effect on the ease of accessing information . Advances in technology are
always related to the media and the internet, where everyone can access information
from anywhere and anytime. This fast information transfer process has become a
very reliable platform for advertisers in promoting their products or services. Over
time, advertisements that were initially delivered in print media, then developed
into electronic media such as radio and television, are now increasingly expanding
into cyberspace in the form of photo or video advertisements that are distributed via

social media. The process of delivering messages as fast as lightning, not limited to
broadcast time, up to unlimited coverage is the main reason why we see lots of
advertisements on every social media we use.
Advertising is news orders to encourage, persuade the general public to be
interested in the goods and services offered that are posted in the mass media or in
public places. According to Macfoedz (2010) the purpose of advertising is not just
promotion, but there are messages or other objectives such as driving demand,
balancing competing product advertisements, improving products in terms of usage,
and instilling product images in consumers' memories.
Bittner (quoted from Widyatama, 2005) argues that there are two main types
of advertising, namely public service advertisements and standard advertisements.
Public service advertisements are non-profit advertisements, while standard
advertisements are advertisements which are structured in a special way to promote
products and services with an emphasis on company profits.
An ad is not necessarily just delivered without purpose. Lingga Purnama
(2001) explains that advertising must be designed to convince people to buy a
product or service. Ads should be memorable and designed to catch people's
attention, so they remember the product or service and want to buy it.
Advertisements must also convey the characteristics and identity of the product in
a way that makes consumers want to buy it. Furthermore, Ardia et al. (2020)
explained that advertising is not only used for promotional purposes, but also as a
means of sending verbal and nonverbal messages. If the message is conveyed
verbally, the audience will not have too much difficulty understanding the message
conveyed, but what if the message is conveyed nonverbally and the audience will
assume for themselves what the intent is to be conveyed.
To maximize effectiveness, advertisers must create an ad containing a good
message, and with good delivery as well. duration limitations result in advertisers
having to be able to condense meaning in advertising messages as maximally and
effectively as possible. If the delivery of advertising is good, it is hoped that the
advertising message will reach the window of the consumer's mind and the purpose
of making the advertisement will be achieved. Condensing the meaning in the
advertising message earlier causes there to be many messages that are not directly

visible, so that the overall meaning in the advertisement needs to be studied which
in communication science is known as semiotics/semiology. Barthes in
(Kurniawan, 2001) reveals that semiology basically studies how humanity makes
sense of things . interpret ( to signify ) in this case can be elaborated by
communicating ( to communicate ).
Semiotics is the study of meaning in signs. Advertisers use signs to
communicate the meaning of their products. This can be tricky, because sometimes
signs can mean different things to different people. 'Meaning' means that apart from
carrying information, objects also want to communicate through signs. Semiotics is
used in advertising to show how certain signals in an ad work to interpret the
meaning of the ad.
The semiotic model chosen in this study is Roland Barthes ' semiotic model.
The main reason lies in the relevance of the content of the theory which, when
compared with similar semiotic models by other experts, this Barthes model has its
own tendencies, besides the theory which is quite recent and as a refinement of the
previous theory ( Saussure's theory ), aspects of denotation, connotation, myths, as
well as several things The others in this theory specifically have relevance to the
object to be studied and the phenomena that accompany it.
The meaning of advertising through semiotics can describe that an
advertisement will be delivered to certain targets. Advertising always uses
creativity because it can help advertising in providing information, persuading,
reminding, increasing value, and can "blow up" advertising (Basnendar, 2007).
Through creativity, companies which in this case act as advertisers must be able to
take advantage of existing social phenomena. Strategies for implementing
segmentation, targeting and positioning can be applied by advertisers to
disseminate the promotion of goods or services offered.
Advertisements to be analyzed in this study is a Hyundai Ad The “Rising
Star of the Family” stargazer . The reason for doing research on this ad is because
this ad contains a lot of values and messages. Hyundai advertising slogan Stargazer
is the “Rising Star of the Family” which means what it's like to be a star, to be a
spotlight and light on a dark night, or to dazzle every eye that looks. Hyundai
STARGAZER is here as a star that emphasizes appearance, comfort and safety. The

increasing consumptive lifestyle in society provides opportunities for automotive
manufacturers to offer their products using advertising media. Creativity and
attractive language make advertising a communication and persuasive tool to attract
consumers, including Hyundai , which is one of the leading car manufacturers from
South Korea.
Many previous studies have conducted semiotic analysis of several product
advertisements with the aim of finding out the meaning to be conveyed by the
advertisement. Diantirta Flowers Yapati Puteri (2017) analyzes the semiotics of
Aqua advertisements on television media and the results of her analysis state that
these Aqua advertisements have succeeded in convincing the public that Aqua is a
popular brand of drinking water which is said to be beneficial to health. Drinking
water from Aqua can help reduce dehydration and help you stay focused .
Velda Ardia, Indriawan, Jamiati KN (2020) in his research entitled
"Semiotics Analysis of Gojek Advertisements of the "Scholar" Version, obtained
the results of the analysis stating that the Gojek advertisement called "Cerdikiawan"
is an advertisement that invites the public to perceive Gojek as a smart and powerful
application . who can easily solve all problems related to life.
Agitha Fregina Pondaag (2013) analyzed the advertisement “Push the
Building version A Mild Go Ahead ”. The results of the analysis show that humans
need renewal in life in order to be able to create renewal. We can't do many things
alone, but we need to work together to do it. We need to love the environment, one
of which is by planting trees around the house. This will help make the environment
more beautiful.
Based on preliminary observations of Hyundai Ads Stargazer "New Stars of
the Family" that the researchers did, found that the ad contained video ads about
the descriptions displayed through the scenes and narration of the characters in the
ad. Advertisements are narrated both verbally and nonverbally to the market,
namely small families who need safe and comfortable transportation.
The interest that the researchers put into this research is the usefulness of
this research which, when it has been completed, will be useful to many parties,
starting from companies, advertisers, the public, to researchers. This research is

expected to be better than similar semiotic analysis research because it uses
phenomena that are not only up to date, but also close to society.
Thus, the urgency in this study is to explore the results of semiotic analysis
in an advertisement and to find out the overall meaning of the nonverbal messages
conveyed in the Hyundai advertisement. The “Rising Star of the Family” stargazer
. With that, the researcher decided to research related to the topic "A Semiotic
Analysis of Hyundai STARGAZER Advertisement “Bintang Baru Keluarga"".

1.4 Research Problems

From the research background, the problem in this study is to analyze the
Hyundai STARGAZER advertisement "Bintang Baru Keluarga". The goal is to
know and understand the nonverbal messages of advertisements displayed in scene
signs, dialogue, use of color and other possible signs.

1.5 Research Object

The object of research is the problem under study. The object is the
semiotics of the Hyundai STARGAZER advertising video "Bintang Baru
Keluarga" to find out and understand the nonverbal messages of the advertisements
displayed in scene signs, dialogues, the use of color and other possible signs through
Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis .

1.6 Research Significance

This study uses a qualitative method using a semiotic approach to analyze
and interpret Hyundai Stargazer “ Rising Star Family commercial .
The step that will be taken by the researcher is to watch the advertisement
for the Hyundai STARGAZER "Bintang Baru Keluarga". While watching the
researcher will analyze the semiotics of the advertisement seen from the colors
used, the dialogue spoken, and the activities carried out. Then relate it to the existing
aspects of Roland Barthes ' theory, especially in Roland Barthes' semiotic table
regarding signifiers, signifieds, denotative signs, connotative signs, and especially
mythical aspects. Then explore how myths from various existing societal
phenomena are made into Hyundai's advertising material , how Hyundai uses

existing loopholes and makes them "weapons" in promoting its goods/products.
After the data is collected, then the researcher will process it by discussing the data
and answering this research problem. Then the final step will be carried out by
drawing research conclusions.


2.1 Prior Research

Efforts to find comparisons and new sources of inspiration for further
research are known as "previous research". In addition, previous research
contributes to the determination of research positioning and prioritization. In this
segment the researcher includes notes on the results of past research related to the
exploration that must be completed, then completes it, both disseminated and
unpublished explorations. As for some of the previous studies that the authors
looked at had themes related to the current research.
Tri Pujiati (2015) conducted a semiotic analysis of Top Coffee
advertisements stating that Indonesians must change their coffee drinking habits in
accordance with Indonesian culture. This study also suggests that Top Coffee serves
coffee that is in accordance with Indonesian culture.
Witanti Prihatiningsih (2016), who also led the semiotic study "Myths vs.
Facts" and the aftermath of this study, stated that the importance of the messages
contained in promotions invites us to continue to think logically and rationally. If
we have a problem, calm down before looking for a better solution. If our own
personality cannot be calm, then what is in our minds is only occasionally looking
for answers. The motivation behind the temporary arrangement is the answer which
will only add or create new problems in our life from here on out.
Similar research was also conducted by Nur Fadhillah and Shania Nasla
Sounvada (2020) by analyzing Wardah advertisements with the theme "We Are Not
Alone" episode 4 which states the results of this study are the meaning of
denotation, namely the situation during a pandemic which does not allow migrants
or migrants to celebrate Eid with their families, but there is always happiness even
though they cannot gathering with family. For its connotation, there are signs and
symbols that can indicate that the advertisement is an advertisement for Wardah
products such as the use of Wardah product colors, female characters and various
products that appear implicitly. A related myth is that Wardah products are

preferred by women, especially those who are Muslim, because they are halal, safe
and effective. Because Wardah is determined to convey love, give happiness, and
look beautiful for women.
Rahman Asri (2018) conducted a semiotic analysis of advertising for
children's formula milk. The results of the analysis of formula milk advertisements
convey a 'message' to mothers who are the target audience, that consuming formula
milk products will make their children champions, super, successful in learning,
and achieving their goals. Advertisements for children's prescription milk products
on TV have built the importance of the truth of children's insights for mothers
regarding the use of children's formula milk products as shown on TV.
Yusanto and Rifansyah (2017) conducted a semiotic analysis of the “Friends
of Pure” Bear Brand advertisement. The conclusion from this analysis is that the
'denotation level' displayed 'borrows' the moment that appeared at that time, namely
Chinese New Year. Meanwhile, at the connotation level, the sign is shown with
high kinesic correspondence so that the importance of "Pure Friends" as a picture
of a true companion is very much conveyed in this notification. These promotions
try to take away the importance of achievement. Achievement is not enough with
abundant material, true achievement is the way we respond firmly to requests that
we have achieved, appreciate and be grateful for. True achievement is the point
where we can make the individuals around us happy and 'Pure Friend' is important
for the most common way of creating achievement.

2.2 Research Paradigm

A research requires a paradigm as a way of understanding the complexity
of the real world. Paradigm is firmly embedded in the socialization of adherents and
practitioners. Paradigm shows what is important, valid, and makes sense.
Paradigms are also normative, showing practitioners what to do without the need
for lengthy existential or epistemological considerations. (Mulyana, 2003).
There are several paradigms in research. According to Creswell (2014) the
research paradigm is divided into four parts, namely post -positivism,
transformative, pragmatic, and constructivism. Post -positivism paradigm is
determinism, reductionism, theory verification and empirical research; the

transformative paradigm is political, collaborative, oriented to justice and power
and change; the pragmatic paradigm is pluralistic , problem-centred, oriented
towards real-world practices and the consequences of action; The constructivism
paradigm is understanding, social and historical construction, and has multiple
participant meanings.
The paradigm that the author uses in this study is the constructivism
paradigm. Hidayat (2003) states that the Constructivism Paradigm views social
science as a systematic analysis of socially meaningful action through direct and
detailed observation of the relevant social actors forming and
maintaining/managing their social world.
The constructivism paradigm is a paradigm in which the truth of a social
reality is seen as a result of social construction, and the truth of a social reality is
relative. This constructivism paradigm is in the interpretivism perspective which
is divided into three types, namely symbolic interaction, phenomenological and
hermeneutic . The constructivism paradigm in the social sciences is a social reality
observed by someone that cannot be generalized to everyone. ( Umanailo , 2019).
Then Patton (2002), argues that constructivism researchers examine the
various realities constructed by individuals and the implications of this construction
for their lives with others. on constructivists, each individual has a unique
experience. thus, research with this tactic suggests that any way individuals take to
view the world is valid, and there needs to be respect for that view.

2.3 Literature Review

Literature review is needed in research because it becomes the pillars that
bridge the problem context , research objectives, and research methods. In a
literature review, researchers not only have to develop discussions and theories, but
also have to determine the boundaries of discussion guidelines and theories related
to research.

2.3.1 Communication Definition of Communication
Agus M. Hardjana (Harapan and Ahmad, 2014) argues that the term
communication is an absorption word taken from English, namely " communication
" which is also an absorption from the Latin " communicare " which means sharing
something with others, giving part to someone, exchanging , hinting something to
someone, conversing, brainstorming, connecting, making friends, and so on.
Effendy (2013) defines communication as a process of communication
between people. What is stated is one's thoughts or feelings towards other people
by using language as a channel. In the language of communication, a statement is
referred to as a message ( message ). The person who conveys the message is called
a communicator . While the person who receives the statement is called the
communicant ( Communicatee ). Strictly speaking, communication means the
process of channeling messages by the communicator to the communicant.
Cangara argues about communication between humans ( human
communication ), that communication is a transaction, a symbolic process that
requires people to regulate their environment by (1) forming a correlation between
fellow human beings; (2) through the exchange of information; (3) to strengthen
the behavior and behavior of others; and (4) trying to renew the attitude and
behavior ( Nofrion , 2016) .
Based on several definitions that have been made by experts, it can be
interpreted that communication is a series of messages that involve images or
images that are limiting in building relationships or maintaining existing
relationships by trading data, information, or pieces of knowledge. done in order to
change the attitude and behavior of one another. Function and Purpose of Communication

Bangun, in the Organizational Communication Book written by Siregar et
al. (2021) said that communication plays an important role in the organization, the
function of communication is divided into four functions, namely :
1. Oversight function.

Organizations have a certain way of doing things, and communication is
important so everyone knows what is expected of them .
2. As Motivation.
By communicating clearly and helping organizational members feel
motivated, we can ensure that they are doing their best work .
3. Emotion Disclosure.
The main type of communication that occurs within an organization is social
communication. This is where people express their feelings about what has
happened or what is happening
4. Information.
Decisions can be made based on information collected through
communication activities .
Dewi, (in Siregar, 2021), revealed that whatever the form of organization,
communication will function :
1. Informative.
Leaders and members need a lot of information to complete their tasks. This
information helps the organization to pursue its goals.
2. Regulatory (Control).
Communication helps keep organizations running smoothly by setting rules
and guidelines. It also helps send orders and reports to everyone involved .
3. persuasive.
invitation to others about following or working on ideas/thoughts or
assignments .
4. integrative.
Organizations that are separated into different parts or divisions will still be
bound together and coordinated by communication.
Meanwhile, the communication goals described by Effendy (2013) are as
1. Inform
Communication means providing data to the general public, showing the
public in general about events that occurred, thoughts (considerations and
behavior of others), as well as everything conveyed by other people. To

understand the benefits of mass communication utilized by society. It's like
seeing mass communication by the local area is more important than seeing
the impact. This approach views a more dynamic work in a communication
2. Educate
Communication is also a method for education. With communication,
people can convey their thoughts and reflections to others, so that other
people get data and information. To understand the task of broad
communication in shaping perspectives and the positive side of society.
3. Entertaining
Apart from providing data and teaching, communication also plans to
convey diversion or entertain others.
4. Affect
Communication has the goal of influencing everyone who communicates,
of course trying to influence each other in terms of the communicant's brain
and then trying to change the right attitude and behavior of the communicant
into a certain form.
Furthermore, Effendy explained that the purpose of communication lies in
the changes that are expected to occur after the communication process occurs.
These changes include changes in attitudes, changes in opinions, changes in
behavior, and social changes. Nature of Communication

There are several characteristics in communication. Effendy (2013) argues
that there are several types, namely:
1. Face to face ( face-to-face )
2. Mediated _ _ _
3. Verbals (Verbals)
a. Oral (Oral)
b. Writing/printing ( written / printed )
4. NonVerbal (Non-verbal)
a. Gestures / bodily cues ( gestural )

b. Pictorial ( pictorial ).
In the process of delivering a message, a communicator (sender) is expected
to be able to get feedback from the communicant (recipient), so that the intent of
the contents of the message can be understood properly and works effectively.
Face-to-face communication is carried out between the communicator and the
communicant directly, without using any media except language as a symbol or
symbol. Media communication is carried out by the communicator to the
communicant, using the media as a tool in conveying the message.
In the process of exchanging messages, a communicator (sender) is
expected to be able to obtain a response in the form of feedback from the
communicant (recipient), with the aim that the intent of the items in the message
can be seen properly and run successfully. Face-to-face communication is carried
out in a straightforward manner between the communicator and the communicant,
without involving any media except language as a sign or symbol.

2.3.2 Mass Communication

Communication is not limited to 2 directions by communicants and
communicators with a small number, but can also be between a large number of
people. The more people who receive communication messages, the more diverse
interpretations and impacts will arise. This makes mass communication important
in communication science.
The definition of mass communicationaccording to Bittner the simplest put
forward by Bittner namely: mass communication is a message that is communicated
through mass media to a large number of people ( Romli, 2016).
Gebner's definition illustrates that mass communication produces a product
in the form of communication messages . The message production process cannot
be carried out by individuals, but must be carried out by institutions and requires
certain technology, so that mass communication will mostly be carried out by
industrial societies. The product is disseminated and distributed to a broad audience
continuously at regular intervals, for example daily, weekly or monthly.
(Romli, 2016 ).

Gebner's point of view was emphasized again by Meletzke by utilizing mass
media which is one way and does not necessarily make messages more open to
everyone. As Meletzke 's definition shows , mass communication is any type of
communication that forwards open messages directly with the help of one-way
specialized media and loops to a dispersed public. The term spread indicates that
the communicant as the recipient of the message is not utilized in one place, but is
scattered in other places. (Romli, 2016).
Another definition of mass communication is conveyed by Sukendar where
mass communication is of course a process of media association that produces
messages and sends them to the general public. Moreover, some of these messages
will be utilized or consumed by many people. Mass communication is indirect, one-
way and open. Mass communication has three components of the impact of mass
communication, namely cognitive, affective and conative. Developed cognitive
impact includes awareness, learning, and expanding information. The impact of
success is connected with feelings, sentiments and perspectives (mentality).
Meanwhile, conative impact relates to behavior and goals to achieve something
with a specific goal ( Sukendar , 2017 ).

2.3.3 Mass Media Definition and Characteristics of Mass Media

Media is a tool or means used to send messages from communicators to the

general public, while the notion of mass media is a means used to convey messages
from sources to the general public using communication tools such as newspapers,
television, films and radio . A media can be called mass media if it has certain
characteristics. The characteristics of the mass media include ( Cangara , 2010):

1. It is institutionalized, which means that the media manager consists of many

individuals, starting from gathering information, managing information, to
presenting information.

2. It is one-way, which means that communication is unlikely to occur in two

directions between the communicant and the communicator. Reaction or
feedback still occurs but with a tempo of time and pause.

3. Expanding and unison, which means it can overcome the barriers of distance
and time, because it has speed. Move broadly and simultaneously, where at
the same time, information is received by many people.

4. Using mechanical or technical equipment, such as TV, radio, newspapers,

and the like.

5. It is open, meaning that messages can be obtained by anyone and anywhere,

regardless of age, gender, and ethnicity. Mass Media Functions

The function of the mass media for society according to Dominick quoted
by Denis McQuail in his book is as follows (McQuail , 2011):

1. Surveillance (Supervision)

a. Warning before Surveillance (Supervision and Warning)

The function that occurs when the mass media is associated with
something conveying a message in the form of a threat or danger, for
example the risk of floods, tsunamis, earthquakes, rising costs, and so on.
b. Instrumental surveillance (instrumental supervision)
Notification of information that contains benefits or can help many
people in everyday life. Such as recipes, new products , and others.
2. Interpretation (Interpretation)

The mass media not only supplies facts and data, but also provides
interpretations of important events. Example: Editorial contains comments
and opinions with perspectives on the news presented on other pages.
3. Linkage

Extensive communication can differentiate individuals from a

pluralistic culture, in this way forming relatedness remembering endlessly
equal interests about something.

4. Transmission Of Values (The Spread of Values )

The socialization function is the way in which individuals adopt

the behavior and values of the group.
5. Entertainment (Entertainment)

Often seen on TV and radio media. In addition to providing

information, appeals and notifications, the mass media also functions as a
distributor of entertainment to the public.

2.3.4 Advertising History of Advertising Development
The development of advertising is closely related to the development of the
media. The growth of advertising is in line with developments in technology and
mass media. Almost every ad uses mass media to be able to promote something. In
its development, advertising tries to find ways for a message to reach the audience
in a good way and results. Media selection needs to be taken into consideration for
an advertisement to be disseminated.
The history and development of advertising began with the ancient Greek
and Roman civilizations. At that time advertisements were disseminated in the form
of chain messages or also called the word of mouth . The chain message was carried
out with the aim of smooth buying and selling in society, which at that time only
knew the buying and selling system in the form of barter. The printing system that
was put into use from 1450 which began with the invention of the printing press by
Guttenberg , and the emergence of a number of weekly newspapers, made
advertising increasingly used in commercial or commercial purposes. William F.
Arens (in Ratna Noviani, 2002) mentions that at least the development of
advertising goes through 5 stages, namely the Pre-industrial Era, Industrializing
Era, Industrial Era, Post Industrial Era, and Global Interactive Era .
The pre-industrial era began when history was recorded. In this era, many
goods owners used special signs that were carved and then installed in front of the
shop as a means to promote the goods offered. Furthermore, the Industrializing Era

lasted more or less from the mid-1700s until the end of World War I. It was started
by the Industrial Revolution that broke out in England. In this era, the mass
production of goods by machines accompanied the development of advertising
where advertisements were used to publish the prices of goods. Then, the Industrial
Era was marked by the great development of industrialized countries. This era was
marked by the emergence of electronic devices in the form of radio and television
which later became a means of mass communication, which then again became the
right media to advertise an item. Then, the Post-industrial Era , started around the
1980s. At that time, a new marketing term emerged called demarketing , which was
marked by the emergence of awareness of the sensitive environment in which we
live, and began to fear dependence on natural resources. For example, when
electricity is decreasing, advertisements are used to inform people to use
environmentally friendly devices. Finally, namely the Global Interactive Era ,
which accompanies the development of new technology at the beginning of the 21st
century, which creates a major impact on the world of advertising. Television and
satellite receivers have developed rapidly and allow people to watch television
channels that have specific programs. These developments and shifts have changed
television from a mass media that exists as a medium with the widest reach. At the
same time, computer and internet technology has had a major impact on advertising.
The presence of computers and the internet provides new media for advertisers to
reach even larger audiences and with even greater profit potential. Thus, the internet
has turned into a new advertising medium that is growing the most rapidly
compared to previous eras.
In Indonesia itself, rapid developments in the world of advertising occurred
after the fall of the Old Order. The New Order era tended to pay special attention
to various aspects, especially the economy. Great attention to economic issues is
considered a breath of fresh air for the advertising industry. The style of advertising
in Indonesia is increasingly growing into a distinctive advertising style. This
distinctive style is built by three things, namely physical, character and style or
styles . The physical description that is characterized by Indonesia can be seen in
the geographical and demographic conditions in Indonesia. the depiction of
characters refers to psychographic descriptions, and the description of style can be

seen based on references to clothing styles and the various accents of languages
used by Indonesian people.
In the early 1970s the advertising industry experienced an era of rapid and
brilliant growth. At that time, the public and private sectors worked together to play
a major role in the economic sector. The media industry is also experiencing growth
marked by the increasing number of magazines, newspapers and radio. This
situation gave rise to new advertising agencies in Indonesia. at that time, advertising
technology and available resources were very limited. The advertisements that are
present are dominated by script or copy . In addition, the advertisements that appear
are also more informative, namely emphasizing information in the form of detailed
product descriptions. In the late 1970s, developments in advertising had come to
the point where the scripts and visuals were thought out to be better. Then, with the
development of television technology in the field of visualization, advertising
scripts have become more effective and less long-winded.
Marked by SK MENPEN No. 111/90 which requires that advertisements be
broadcast on television are advertisements produced domestically and by
Indonesians , making the development of advertising in Indonesia even stronger,
especially when private television started to appear. Since then, the development of
advertising in Indonesia has continued to shift until now. We can find
advertisements wherever we are. The use of print and electronic media is
increasingly making various advertisements appear in Indonesia. Nowadays, in a
time when humans already live as if they are inseparable from gadgets and the
internet, we use various social media in our daily lives. From there, as previous
history took place, advertising always accompanies existing technological
developments. Our daily life is always presented by exposure to advertisements that
appear from various social media. Call it Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok , Facebook,
and so on. Definition of Advertising

Astuti (2015) defines advertising as a means or media used by sellers to
promote goods and services to consumers. The main purpose of advertising is for
consumers to get to know the goods and services offered by the seller. According

to Junaedi (2013), advertising is the structure and composition of non-personal
information communication. Advertising is usually paid for and has a persuasive
character, which contains products (goods, services and ideas) that are defined as
sponsors through various media. Advertising is a form of impersonal
communication used by goods or service companies to communicate products sold
to consumers. (Hamdani in Sunyoto, 2019). Meanwhile , Kotler and Armstrong
(2018) argue that Advertising ( Advertising ) are all paid forms of non-personal
presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services with certain sponsors.
In Communication Studies, Effendy (in Girsang, 2016) argues that
advertising is a communication message that is broadcast to audiences with the aim
of giving something or offering an item or service by hiring mass media.
Meanwhile, advertising is an activity of spreading communication messages to
audiences with the aim of giving something or offering goods or services by hiring
mass media.
Based on some of the opinions above, it can be concluded that advertising
is a non-personal presentation in the form of goods or services that are used as a
media for introducing products that are communicated to the public and usually
advertising is done for a fee so that company goals are achieved. Types of Ads

Every day, various advertisements are often seen in various media,

Rahmat Kriyantono (2013), advertisements are grouped into several types of
1. Based on Purpose
It is divided into three types, namely informational advertising,
persuasive advertising, and reminder advertising. Namely as follows:
a. Information advertising. An advertisement can be said to be an
information advertisement if it contains advertising material with the
following objectives:

1) New product notifications;

2) Notification of packaging and price changes;

3) Describe how a product works;
4) Correction of wrong information about certain products ;
5) Notification of information regarding services accompanying a
b. Persuasion Advertising. An ad can directly persuade people to:
1) Specifies to choose a brand that advertisers;
2) Advise to buy the advertised brand;
3) Changing the buyer's perception of a particular brand;
4) Persuading consumers to buy or accept the offer now.

c. Reminder Ads. Advertisements whose contents aim to:

1) As a reminder that a product is likely to be needed in the near
2) product awareness keeper;
3) Establish good relations with consumers;
4) Reminder to whom and where the product is sold;
5) Reminder for consumers when the market is quiet;
6) Convince the buyer that the purchase that has been made is the right
2. By Nature
a. Commercial Ads. Are selling goods or services directly. Among them:
1) Consumer Ads that offer goods that are consumed;
2) Inter-business advertisements selling non-consumer goods ;
3) Trade Ads that offer goods to be resold. The target audience for
this advertisement is agents, wholesalers, suppliers or retailers;
4) Response Ads that make it possible for consumers to provide an
immediate response after viewing the ad.

b. Non-commercial Advertising . Namely advertising that is not selling

goods or services directly. Among them are:

1) Public Relations advertisements that have the objective of

providing information regarding the company to the public;
2) Institutional Advertisements that have the goal of creating and
building an image for a company, meaning an effort to raise

awareness of the company's name associated with a special image
so that the public can remember the company with a good image;
3) Public Service Advertisements which are usually made in the form
of reminder messages and invitations to the public to take part in
community programs with the goal of the common good;
4) Job Vacancy Ads containing information about job vacancies
needed by companies seeking new employees;
5) Corporate Identity Ads that contain domination of information
related to corporate identity through certain symbols that can
remind audiences of the company's identity.

3. Based on the Media Dissemination

a. Print Media Advertisements published in print media , either
newspapers, magazines, tabloids or books;
b. Radio Ads;
c. Television ads;
d. Outdoor media advertisements that can be seen in public places or in
public places such as billboards or moving images;
e. Cinema Advertisements that can be watched after or before the film is
f. Internet Advertising/ Digital Advertising which is an advertisement
with social media as its channel. These include Youtube, Twitter ,
Instagram, Facebook, and advertisements that are present in every
application or website .

4. Based on the Form of Presentation

a. Spot ads, which are usually broadcast on TV and radio, usually have
a short duration, so they have short, concise, and clear final sentences.
Words , music, and sound effects are also characteristic of spot
b. Column and Line Ads published in print media based on the size of
the column or row. This type of advertisement combines elements of
words or sentences and printed images;

c. Adlib advertisements that are played by TV or radio broadcasters
packaged in such a way as if they are directly talking to viewers or
d. Advertorial advertisements that are packaged into news so as to convey
the advantages and disadvantages regarding the product in a more
detailed and straightforward manner;
e. Sponsor Ads. That is a form of advertising by buying a special place or
time from a media. Advertising Functions

Shimp in Hartini (2016) formulates that the advertising function consists of:
1. Information Notice
Advertising can be used as a means of informing the market about a
product, cost/price changes, the function of a product, how it works, and the
image of a product .
2. Audience Persuader
Advertising can inform product brand preferences, change consumer
perceptions of product attributes, invite consumers to try the advertised
product or service and persuade consumers to buy in the near future.
3. Reminder
Advertising is made to keep the brand of a company's product lodged
in the minds of consumers and increase consumer interest in existing
products .
4. Value Added Notice
Advertising can provide added value to brands by adjusting
consumer perceptions, so that brands are often seen as more luxurious, more
stylish and usually superior to products offered by competitors.
Advertisements used through effective media convince buyers to buy goods.
Meanwhile, Purnaningwulan (2015) argues that advertising means convincing
readers, observers, so they choose to take certain steps. Meanwhile, advertising
plans to present an item, highlighting the buyer's existence of the item and the need
to buy.

Macfoedz (in Rahmawati 2013). Describes the advertising purpose of
advertising as :
1. Drivers of increased demand ;
2. Compensation for competitors' product advertisements;
3. Drivers for increasing the effectiveness of salespeople;
4. Drivers for increased use of products;
5. Product image reinforcement in the consumer's mind window.

2.3.5 Semiotic Analysis

Research on an advertisement can be done in various ways and methods,
including semiotic analysis. In semiotics, we will further discuss how the meaning
of an advertisement is seen and described through existing signs, which then the
meaning of the advertisement becomes an additional step to find the research results
according to what you want to study. Definition of Semiotics

According to Vera (2014), semiology or the science of semiotics is a science
that is used to present messages as signs in the communication process. John
(quoted in Sobur, 2016) states that the sign itself is the basis of all communication.
By using signs, humans can communicate with other people.
Zoest (quoted in Sobur, 2016) defines semiotics as "the science of signs and
everything related to them: how they work, their relationship with others, their
transmission, and their acceptance by those who use them".
Saussure (in Halid, 2019) defines semiotics as a science that studies signs
as part of social life. According to Saussure , our views and perceptions of reality
are shaped by the words and other signs used in social contexts.
From these definitions, semiotics or semiology is the study of signs and how
they work, how humans can understand signals from signs and capture certain
meanings to interpret them as objects or ideas. Signs have several important special
characteristics. First, a sign must be observable, meaning that the sign must be able
to be caught. Second, a sign must be present to refer to something. Which means, a
sign can represent, replace, and give a presentation of something. A sign is not in

the boundaries of language, but also in non -language matters such as the behavior
of characters in films. Semiotics Roland Barthes

Of the many figures who are experts in semiotics, the researcher uses
Roland Barthes ' semiotic theory . He is a crucial figure in the history of semiotics.
Barthes is known as a figure who continues the theory of structuralist figures
Ferdinand De Saussure in the world of semiotics. Semiotics according to Barthes
in (Kurniawan, 2001) is semiology which basically explores how humanity makes
sense of things . interpret ( to signify ) in this case can be mixed up with
communicate ( to communicate ). Barthes argues that language is a system level of
signs indicating certain assumptions from a particular society, and at a certain time
as well.
Barthes interprets that the principal in semiotics is a sign. Objects not only
contain information but exchange messages through signs. So it can be concluded
that semiotics is a theory that studies about signs that appear. Furthermore,
semiotics discusses the existence of signs in a context of images, texts, scenes,
scenarios so that they become something that can be interpreted more deeply.

Table 1 Map of Roland Barthes' Signs

1. Signifiers 2. signed
(Marker) (sign) a
3. Denotative sign (denotative g
4. Connotative signifiers 5. Connotative / M
(connotative marker) signified ( o y
connotative e t

sign) h

6. Connotative sign (connotative sign)

Source: Wibowo, 2013.

Barthes' sign map , it can be understood that the meaning of denotation is
bound by the presence of signifiers and signifieds. Likewise, the connotative
meaning depends on the denotation sign. The connotation sign denotes the next
sign. From the description above, it can be seen that the denotative sign (3) consists
of a signifier (1) and a signified (2). But at the same time, denotative signs are also
connotative markers (4). Meaning does not stop at one point, but it will continue to
make signs. In Barthes ' concept , the connotative sign does not only have an
additional meaning but also contains both parts of the denotative sign that underlies
its existence. This is the refinement of Saussure's semiological theory which only
reaches the level of denotative signs.
Language in Saussure's view includes language , langue , and parole .
Language is a term used to interact and communicate verbally among others.
Langue is a sound symbol/sign system used by a group of community members to
communicate. Then parole refers to utterances or utterances that are concrete,
namely the language spoken or written. In langue , nothing can change or create
these conditions. Langue is a collective agreement that is absolutely acceptable if
people want to communicate. As a value system, langue is built up by a number of
elements, each of which has a balanced position in certain respects and is also part
of a wider function. Langue is a treasure trove of signs in which the concrete and
integral linguistic object is a sign of language. The sign of language is the
unification of concepts and acoustic images. Thus, a sign is a psychic embodiment
with two faces, namely the signifier and the signified. (Ichwan and Rafiq, 2021, p.
Barthes's framework , connotation means ideological operations, which
Barthes says are "myths" and function to indicate and justify the dominant values
that exist at a particular time. For Barthes , a sign consists of two parts, namely the
signifier and the signified . There is a correlation between signifier and signified
which is called 'significance'. The signification process is multi-layered with the
concepts of connotation, denotation and myth.
1. Denotation
Denotation is the relationship used at the principal level in a word that takes
an important part in discourse. The importance of denotation is direct, especially

the unique significance contained in a sign, and can generally be alluded to as a
representation of the signifier. (Sobur, 2016)
In a literal sense, denotation is considered the "original" meaning, and can
sometimes be misinterpreted as a reference or point of reference. Denotation can be
considered as the significance of the exact reason.
2. Five Reading Codes
a. Hermeneutic Code
Under the hermeneutic code , individuals will list various (formal) terms that
make up a puzzle that can be identified, thought about, solved, protected, and
finally solved. This code can be deciphered as secret and tense in a movie
b. Proairetic Code
Proairetic code is coded activity that is directed by the notion of process,
especially the capacity to decide the outcome of sane activity that shows the
rationale for the way humans behave. These activities have the effect of each
having its own non-exclusive name, such as the title for the arrangement in
question. This code controls the development of the story or stories and
guarantees that the text read has a story, especially the development of
interrelated activities.
c. Emantic S code
The semantic code offers many facets. During the time spent perusing, the
reader sets the topic of the text. He saw that the connotation of a particular
word or phrase expression in a text could be found by the comparative
implication of the word or expression. If we look at the various distinct units,
we trace the subject in the story. This code is a medium - relational code
code ) which is the connotation of a person, place, object whose sign is a
character (traits, attributes, predicates).
d. Symbolic Code
It is a “ grouping ” code or design that is reliably sensed given its routinely
repeated appearance through different texts based on endless implications,
for example as developments of the anti-thesis : life and death, inside and
out, cold and heat, etc. other.

e. Cultural Code
Is a reference to science or logical foundation. Most individuals exhibit the
type of information, (eg, physics, physiology, psychology, history) and
attempt to design the cultural constructs that occur at a particular time that it
is trying to communicate. This code is also referred to as “ the voice of
science ” or the sound of science.
3. Connotation
Connotation is the basic characteristic of a sign which is an ideological
operation that is referred to by Barthes as "myth". Its function is to reveal and
provide justification for the dominant values in a certain period.
Even though the connotation is the original characteristic of the sign, the
activeness of the reader is still needed so that the meaning continues to function. In
Barthes ' theory , denotation is the first level of signification system, while
connotation is the second level. Connotation is used to describe one of the three
sign ways in the second order of signs. Connotation describes the interaction that
occurs when the sign meets the feelings or emotions of the user and their cultural
values. This occurs when meaning moves toward the subjective and is influenced
equally by the interpreter and the object or sign. A connotative sign is a sign whose
signifier is open (implicit), indirect, and uncertain, which means it is open to new
in Barthes ' theory , the connotation is synonymous with what is called myth.
Namely ideological operations that function to reveal and provide justification for
the dominant values that exist and apply in a certain period.
4. Myth
Fundamentally, what distinguishes Barthes' theory from previous theories
consists of the level of signs and myths themselves. Barthes connects ideology with
myth because both have a motivated relationship between connotative markers and
connotative signifieds (Sobur, 2016). Barthes also observes the marking aspect in
"myth", namely how myth marks a society. According to Barthes , myth lies at the
second level of signification, where there are three-dimensional patterns of
signifiers, signs, and signs. As a unique system, myth is formed from a chain of pre-
existing meanings and is a second level system of meaning. When a sign that has a

connotative meaning then develops into a denotative meaning, then the denotative
meaning will become a myth (Sobur, 2016).
Myth is a people's perspective on something, a way of understanding
something. With myths, we can find ideology in texts by analyzing the connotations
contained in the myths themselves. This myth can cause us to like or hate
something. Thus, myths will cause us to have prejudice against something
expressed in myths. Only by experiencing something firsthand can we know the
truth or falsity of these myths.
Fundamentally, what distinguishes Barthes' theory from previous theories
consists of the level of signs and myths themselves. Barthes places ideology with
myth because both in myth and ideology, the relationship between connotative
signifiers and connotative signifiers occurs in a motivated manner (Sobur, 2016).


3.1 Research Methods

(Sugiyono, 2018) argues that qualitative research is carried out in order to
find and analyze what is really invisible, or in other words qualitative research really
wants to see implicit communication, research is used to study the natural
conditions of objects where the researcher is the key instrument. This study uses
Roland Barthes ' semiotic approach to examine the meaning of the advertising signs
in the Hyundai STARGAZER "Bintang Baru Keluarga" advertisement.
A qualitative approach is an approach that is used because of various
considerations that are flexible and unusual in identifying a concept, as well as
allowing changes to occur when it becomes more basic, interesting and more unique
are the facts found in the field. It can also be characterized as a kind of social science
research that collects and works with non-numeric information and this undermines
the confidentiality of this information, which can help us capture public activity
through research of target populations or locations.

3.2 Research Time

data collection and data processing are planned to be carried out within one
month, namely April - May 2023.

3.3 Unit of Analysis

Ghozali (in Faizin, 2009 ) defines the unit of analysis as a message that will
be examined through an analysis of the contents of the intended message in the form
of images, titles, sentences, paragraphs, and scenes in the film. So the unit of
analysis in this study is the video advertisement for the Hyundai STARGAZER
"Bintang Baru Keluarga".

3.4 Data Collection Techniques
In this study the data collection techniques that the authors used three ways,
1. Observation
Fatoni (2011) explains that observation is a data collection technique
that is carried out through an observation, accompanied by records of the state
or behavior of the target object. The results of the observation technique are
very dependent on the ability of the researcher's observation. According to
Bungin (2007) Observation or observation is a daily human activity in which
the five senses are used as the main tool in in addition to other five senses such
as ears, smell, mouth and skin. In this study, the sensors used only include the
senses of sight and hearing considering that the subject to be observed is in the
form of a video. The data collection instruments that will be observed in the
video for the Hyundai STARGAZER advertisement "Bintang Baru Keluarga"
as presented by Satriawan (2017) include film audiovisual symbols which
a. Visual Images
Everything that is displayed through the frame with a certain
composition in a shot .
b. Sound Source
Expression can be displayed through sound with various characteristics.
c. Design World
In the form of impressions from the characters or personal
characteristics that are displayed, the perceptions and emotions that
arise, the time and place settings.
d. Documentation Study
Sugiyono (in Abrimanto , 2017) defines a documentation study as a
record of events originating from the past. Documents can be in the form
of writing, drawings, or monumental works. In this study, a
documentation study was conducted by searching, storing, and
collecting data in the form of a video advertisement for the Hyundai
STARGAZER "Bintang Baru Keluarga". .

2. Literature review
According to Mestika Zed (quoted from Supriyadi, 2017), library or
literature study can be interpreted as a series of activities related to library data
collection methods, reading and registration as well as research processing of
related materials. In this study, data collection was carried out by searching
literature and references needed to find data on theories related to this research,
such as advertising, semiotics, and other theories that can support this research.

3.5 Data Analysis Techniques

Bogdan & Biklen (quoted from Moleong, 2017) explain that data analysis
techniques are attempts to work with data, organize it, classify it into manageable
units, synthesize, search for and find patterns, and decide what to say to others.
Vera (2014 ) describes that in communication semiotics research, data
analysis techniques can be carried out including the following:
1. Identify the variety of scenes in order to know the structure contained
2. Analysis of the advertising scene according to the selected semiotic model,
then relate it to the semiotic aspects of the selected model.
3. The process of meaning by according to the theory used.

3.6 Data Validity Test

The technique of checking the validity of the data is the degree of trust in
the research data obtained and can be justified for its truth. Checking the validity of
data in a qualitative study consists of a credibility test, transferability test ,
dependability test and finally an objectivity test (Sugiyono, 2018).
1. Test credibility
In this study to test the credibility of researchers using triangulation.
The triangulation technique used in this research is source triangulation.
Triangulation of sources by comparing research results with previous
research that also discusses Hyundai, or through articles about the "New
Stars of the Family" campaign and other relevant sources.

2. Transferability test
Transferability test is a technique for testing external validity in
qualitative research. This test can show the degree of accuracy. The
transferability test will be carried out by explaining the data in detail so that
it is easy for the reader to understand.
3. Test dependability
dependability test is carried out by auditing the entire research
process. Auditing is the same as checking. So in the dependability test , the
researcher will discuss with the supervisor to ensure that the data is
categorized as valid.
4. Confirmability Test
Confirmability test , namely testing specifically for research results
related to the process carried out, because the examination results have met
the confirmability guidelines .


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