DILG Memo - Circular 2012328 A4569d7ecf

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Fralcisco Gold Condominium II. EDSA corner Mapagmahal St..
Dilirnan, Quezon Cig

Febnrary 10'

NO. 20L2-O3



To improve field operations, the cluster approach has been implemented with the creation
of new L6oo Vl positions in the Dll-G Regional offices' Rationalization Plan, approved on June
The following guidelines are hereby prescribed in the designation and deployment of cluster
heads in the Regional offices, to wit:


1. In the approved rationalization plan, it was provided that for every two [2]
Congressional Districts [CDs] in d province, regardless of the geographical
focation, or in the municipolities in the province, a cluster is formed.
Accordingly, the City/Municipal Local Government Operations Officers
(C/MtGOos) of cities/municipalities are organized into teams according to
the cluster of cities/municipalities. However, provinces with only one [1]
Congressional District [CDs] will be considered a cluster regardless of the
geographical location or distance of the municipalities/cities from one
2. A cluster is headed by an IGOO Vl [5G-221, who is designated as cluster
head. The LGOO Vl (Cluster Head) shall exercise operational supervision
over C/MLGOOs within the cluster.

3. The cluster team is responsible for the implementation of the programs,

projects and activities IPPAs] of the Department in all the
cities/municipalities within the cluster. As averred, teamwork will be
promoted and institutionalized among the personnel of the Department
This approach will promote efficiency and economy which will eventually
address the soecific reouirements of LGUs.

4, Cluster heads shall report to and hold office in a provincial oftice or

municipality in the cluster whichever is geographically accessible to all
municipalities in her/his coverage. In the absence of a physical structure
that would serve as their cluster office, thev are advised to share office
space with the MLGOo. In the case of provinces with only one (1) CD, the
cluster heads may share space at their respective Provincial Offices;


Pursuant to the approved DILG Regional Offices Rationalization Plan, the deployment of
LGOOS Vl are as follows:

FrEtD CFFTCE {bl Ittl

REGI CI$ster
OFFICE Prov, HUC tcc
Dist. Head
r1-ql lr+h
lal l4l tq
t1l t2l t31

I 72 5 19 2t
1> 11
tl z 7
2 29 l1
lll 2 7
tv-A 2 79 I 5 1 11 26 28
t\lD 7 5 5 1 LZ 14
2 14 6 6 20 22
17 8 28 30
vtl J: E 4 13 l6 30
v l 2 6 6 19 2L
9 5 2 15 11
!x a
5 5 7 19 It
3 I6 20
xtl 7 4 4 1
5 ) I 5 i< 18
xtx E
CAR 7 5 l5
N'F ?R 49 sl
TOTAL t2 207 116 75 5S 4 93 3:'8 t70


Based on the DBM approved Notice of ofganizatiof! Staffing and compeRsation Action
Transportation Allowance [RATA], out of the 37{] LGOO Vl posations indicated in the approved
staffing pattern of the Regional Offices of this Department'

Ts address the issue on who should be designated as Cluster Head and who are entitled to
receive RATA, the fotlowing shall be observed:

responsibllities of the said position in determining the most gualified candidate
for sefection and promotion to LGo0 vl {cluster Heads, Heads of the Independent
component cities and component cities). There shall be no discrimination in the
religion, ethnicity or political affiliation.

2. tt is the responsibility of the Regional Selectlon and Promotlon Eoard lRsPBl to

candldates ior appointment, taking into consideration the following:

c Seasonable and valid standards and methods of evaluatlng the

competence and qualifications of all applicants competing for a
Partleular Fosltlon;
o Criteria for evaluation of qualification of applicants for aPpointment
must sult the job requirements of the position.
The Regional Director, as the appointing authority of the L6OO Vl appointments
shall appoint the most qualified personnel to occupy the position of LGOO Vl
[cluster heads and heads of ICC and cc]' Likewise, the Regional Director shall
design3te the cluster heads and the LGoO Vls (Provincial Office Staff)" Designation
of cluster heads, heads of CC and ICC shall be covered by a Regional order and to
be confirmed thru a Department order by the Honorable Secretary'

4. Cluster Management and Operation:

a. Renaming of the divisions in the regional office;

b. Reorganization of the provincial offices in accordance with the approved

RATPLAN (two sections in the provincial office);

c. Placement/Designation of the senior staff (LGOO Vl) in the province;

d. Reorganization of HUC offices and placement/designation of its LGoo
e. creation of the Cluster centers and clusters - regional offices are given
the freedom to devise its own clustering scheme which will require
consultation with the concurrence of field officers and affected
LCEs/LGUs. Central Office will be notified as to the reconfigured LGU
clustering setup.

5. Entitlement to RATA:

a. RATA shall be given only to those LGoo Vl who will be designated as

Cluster Heads, and Heads of ICC and CC;

b. LGoo Vl who will be assigned/d€signated as Assistant Division Chief and

Provincial/HUC Senior Staff will not be entitled to RATA. The LGOO Vl
designated as Provincial Office Staff shall serve as head of the
Operations Performance and Capability Development Section in
the orovincial offices. This Section is the counterpart of the l-ocal
Governance Capability Development Division {LGCDD) and the
Local Government Monitoring and Evaluation Division (LGMED) at
the Regional Offices.

R The Regional Director may implement a regular job rotation for those LGOO Vl
designated as cluster heads and provincial office staff in response to actual tield
operations requirement.
7. Deployment of L6OO Vl:
The LGOO Vl is a unique position in the bureaucrary but a generic position in
the Department, they can be reassigned and given various designation/capacity
i.e. Assistant Division Chief in the Regional Office, Senior Staff in the
Provincial/HUC offices and CLGoos in the ICC/CC Reassignment shall be
governed by the prescribed delegation of authority

1. The IGOO Vl assigned in the P]ovincial otfice is designated as Pro8rsm Manager. under
the immediate supervision and direction of the Provincial Director, he/she shall perform
the following f unctions'

1.1. assist the Provincial Director in the internal administration of the Provincial
Office along with human resource development, finance, general services,
and housekeePing,

1.2. provide administrative support to Cluster Heads;

1.3. ensure that policies and directives received in the Provincial Office are
transmitted to the Cluster Heads;
1.4. supervise the accomplishment and submission of required administrative and
technical and monitoring reports of the LGOO V assigned in the Provincial

1.5. perform such other functions as may be direqted by the Provincial Director;

2, The L6OO Vl designated as cluster HeAd {oUtCOme Manager} is the head technical and
Operations officer who may handle one LGU in his concurrent capacity as the Cluster Head
Under the immediate supervision and direction of the Provincial Diredor, he shall perform
the following functions:

2.1 prepare Cluster operations Plan including the operations Plan of the
municipality where he is assigned (if applicable);
2.2 exercise immediate supervision over the MLGOOs in the implementation of
proS,rams, projects and activities in the cluster;

2.3 render technical assistance to MLGoos assigned inthecluster;

2.4 ensure the synchronized implementation of PPAs by MLGOOS in their
respective municipalities in his/her cluster

2.5 ensure the timely retrieval of accomplishment and compliance reports

submitted by the MLGoOs within his/her jurisdiction;
2.6 ensure that all policies, PPAS are disseminated to all MLGOOS and LGUs in
his/her cluster;

2.7 provide administrative guidance to LCES and other local officials

within his/her jurisdiction relative to capability development services
and other policies of the department;
2.8 perform such otherfunctions as may be directed bythe Provincial Director;

The CLGOO designated as Cluster Head (outcome Manager) is the lead technical and
operations officer who shall handle a city LGU in his/her concurrent capacity as cluster
Head. under the immediate supervision and direction of the Provincial Director, he/she
shall perform the following functions:

3.1 prepare Cluster Operations Plan including the Operations Plan of the City
where he/she is assigned;
3.2 exercise immediale supervision over the MLGOOS in the implementation of
programs, projects and activities in the cluster;

5.5 render technical assistance to MLGOOs assigned in the clusteri

3.4 ensure the synchronized implementation of PPAS by MLGOOS in their
respective municipalities in his/her cluster

3.5 ensure the timely retrieval of accomplishment and compliance reports

submitted by the MLGOOs within his/her jurisdiction;
3.6 ensure that all policies, PPAS are disseminated to all MLGOos and LGU5 in
his/her cluster;
3.7 provide administrative guidance to LCEs and other local officials within his/her
jurisdiction relative to capability development services and other policies of
the department;
3.8 perform such other functions as may be directed by the Provincial Director;

Hereunder are the roles of the LGOO Vl as Cluster Heads, to wit:

ROTES fuNcfl0Ns
As DltG Local
Represent the secretary/Region al Diref,tor/ Provincia/City Director in
Point Person
his/her absence or as may be delegated in all activities at the local
level involving the Department;

Manages DILG programs and proiects at the local [clusterl level;

Regularly assesses [cluster] situation and identifies concerns/issues

which may disrupt lor improve] delivery of basic services, peace and
order, and public safety;
Performs environmental scanning, anticipates events that may occur'
applies sound situational analysis and provides authorities with
verified data and information;
F Manages and sustain an open and dYnamic line of
communication/interaction between the Department and LGU;

As Policy Advisel Steers prompt action of MLGOo/CLGO0s to inform, influence and

and Advocate underscore the need of the municipality/city to enact local measures
that trulv address the needs and concerns of their constituents and in
support of national laws and policies;
Advocates the vitality of participatory governance by buildinlorging
partnerships with CSos, NGos, Pos in the community to ensure that
local legislations, plans, programs and projects are attuned to the
needs of their constituents;

Underscores the need to make the LGU business-and investment-

friendly to allow wider contribution by the private sector to local
economic growth and development.
Assess and appraise management and ML6oo on the status of
As Performance Assists and monitors the conduct of the use of performance
Adviser management tools; lex LGPMS, SEAL of Good Housekeeping, CMBS
and other similar tools to objectively assess and evaluate their
champions/tnstitutionalizes the use of the citizen's charter in line
with the government anti-red tape drive; Ensures its continuous the
champions the cause of good governance by documenting best
performance/practices worthy of emulation/replication and monitors
the submission of documents to the Regional level
Ensures the conduct of functionality assessment of local special
bodies ILSBsl and barangay based institutions IBBlsl.
influence the cluster team members to €fficiently and effectively
perform their responsibilities as advisers on: performance
management tools, Citizen's Charter, documenting best performance/
practices worthy of emulation/replication; and functionality
assessment of local special bodies [LSBs] and barangay based
institutions fBBlsl
As Compliance ) Provides management reports of actions taken by LGUs relative to
Monitor their compliance to national laws and other priority policy directives,
and recommends appropriate action/s

> Monitors the actual participation of NGOs, CSO, Pos in the different
Local Special Bodies ILSBs]

As Capacity Ensures that Cluster Team members encourages the LCE to carry-out
Development capacity development interventions that respond to identified
catalyst performance gaps; Provides technical assistance in encouraging the
local chief executives in carrying-out capacity development
lntroduces innovations to the LGU in the development or
enhancement of systems and streamlining of operations, processes
and procedures for a more effective, efficient and responsive
Provides advice, consultanry, technical assistance and secretarial
services; and

Assists LGUS in evaluating programs offered by various service

providers for consideration by the LGU
As Partnership and P Informs CsOs, POs, NGOS of partnership opportunities with LGU5 in the
Synergist Adviser implementation of local development projects;
> Assists in facilitating the selection of NGOs/CsOs/Pos repr€sentatives to the
different l-SBs;

> Establishes and sustains ties with the private sector to jointly recognize
exemplary performance by the LGUS [e.9. Incentives and Awards Program
for the Barangayl; Assist in the implementation of Incentives and Awards
Program of the LGUs [e.9. for the Barangayi

> Advises management of convergence areas at the LGU level for the
implementation of Department PPAs;
> Encourages LCES and sanggunians on the importance and/or benefit of
implementing inter-agen€y programs and projects;

> Enioins LGU Leagues to align their plans and programs with the d€velopment
initiatives of the national and local governments

As Supervisor
Provides administrative guidance to MLGOOs & technical staff

Assists the Provincial Office in managing, planning, organizing, directing,

supervising personneJ within the cluster;

Oversees/coordinates the efficient and effective provision of technical

assistance and consultancy services on local governance with the cluster

Assists the Provincial D,rector in mana8ing and directing the efficient

conduct of researches, studiet evaluations and trainings on all areas of
local governance within the cluster

Oversees the efficient and effective discharge of officials functions

MLGOOS assigned within the cluster

Assists the Provincial Director in the exercise of administrative

supervision over field personnel, such as DTR, TO within and outside
cluster, reportt review, etc.

Assists the Provincial Director in managing all personnel assiEned in the

Exercises immediate supervision over the MIGOOs in the
implementation of programt, projects and activities in the cluster
Conducts regular meetings of cluster Members at the Provincial Office

Performs administrative funciions.


All issuances inconsistent herewith are hereby revoked and/or amended accordingly

This circular takes effect immediately.

Republic of th6 PhiliPplncs



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