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Welcome to the Fairy Oracle. This 36-card divination tool explores the Victorian fairy realms
and our con- nections with it. The themes in this deck express a wide variety of emotions and
concepts known to all of humanity. Use this deck to inspire your world and to let the fairies
of the old ways help to answer your questions. If you look closely at the images on the cards,
you'll see hidden figures peering back at you, waiting to tell their stories.
The Oracle of the Good Folk features artwork by Ar- thur Rackham, who lived from 1867-
1939. He was a fantasy painter whose illustrations graced the pages of children's books. His
earlier illustrations were done in pen and India ink; while his later images incorporated
watercolors to create their dreamy effects. It took him many years to develop the style that
would eventually make him famous. His illustrations appeared in books by J.M. Barrie,
Rudyard Kipling, and Lewis Carroll. Rackham's work was heavily influenced by his imag-
ination and tales of the fairy folk lore. Many of his paintings were used to captured and
illustrate the var- ious fairy tales from around the world.
Fairies have been around in European cultures centuries. However the Romantics, Victorians,
Edwardians embraced the Fairy Folk tales publicly like it had never been done previously.
They wanted very much to acknowledge the beings in their own country as they had read and
enjoyed in the stories from France and Germany such as those by the Brothers Grimm. They
created tales to enhance their own historical and folk stories. By re-sharing these tales, they
showed that such tales existed in their own country's pasts. The Irish Folk Tales were the
most popular and were seen as historical proof that fairy folk existed. With the start of the
Industrial Revolu- tion the belief in fairies still living among the locals decreased. It was
thought that with the changing countryside becoming less pastures and forests and more
cities, fairy folk had nowhere to live and thrive. The people believed they were losing their
local fairy folk as industry grew. By the 1900's, fairies and fairy tales were well loved and
people wanted to believe in their magic still occurring in the world around them. Sadly, most
people believed they were historical and no longer around.
When the Cottingley Fairies photographs appeared in 1917, the belief that fairies were still
alive and around brought about a fairy revival. Despite being proven fake later, the
appearance of the photographs kept the spirit of the Fairy Folk alive. One of the more famous
writers of fairy lore from this time was actually Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who wrote articles
about fairies existence in connection with his participation in the spiritualists movement. He
was not alone in this revival of Fairy Lore and beliefs. The celebration of having fairies
around influenced more artists work and the appearance of these stories and illustrations be-
came popular once again. Rackham was no exception to this and his work is still with us to
this day. Even today, fairies and their allure abound as we all want to be embraced by the
Good Folk.
Use the information in this booklet to jumpstart your experience with the Oracle of the Good
Each write up includes a quick summary of the story captured in each of the card, as well as a
description of the card's essence for you to assist in your interpre- tations of your readings.

Under the water, the undines learn and play. A young undine wears a shell on their
head. To their left, an undine kneels, keen on watching the youth play. Her black hair flows
up in the waters. A school of fish swim through the water overhead.
Meaning: This is a card of connections, of learning how to associate to the world
around you. Play is key in this card, for the child learns through touch and interactions. They
use their intuition to instinctively understand the world around them. Now it is your turn to
connect to the waters of life and grow your connections to the world around you.

The man preens and gestures. He appears well off and is engaged in important
business. He wears fancy clothing and a large white hat with a long white feath- er plume. He
is not so keenly aware of his surround- ings for a group of birds roost above him. Off to the
left, sitting in a nest, is a bird knitting a sock. Down below, a baby bird, freshly hatched from
its blue egg, seems to copy the motions of the man.
Meaning: Use your senses to really observe the world around you. Know your
audience and cater to their needs. What you see is what you get. Don't ignore those around
you. They may have knowledge to share if you just noticed them.

Ghostly figures float through the night skies. They look down upon the land dwellers,
moving silently among the rocks. This is the Night Watch and they guard and protect you
while you sleep. They see all.
Meaning: There are times when we don't feel secure, that the world may be falling
apart. Look to the Night Watch and know that despite what you are feeling, you are safe, you
are secure. They will protect you from the unknown. You have a close support system.

The good folk rise up from the waters to offer the girl a boon. Their long, spiny
fingers push the object high into the air. She hovers at the edge of a cliff, watching with rapt
curiosity. She wears a kerchief around her head, giving the illusion she is in touch with her
inner knowings.
Meaning: Now is the time to take hold of the unex- pected offering that is coming
your way. The world is giving you exactly what you need right now. Push aside all doubt and
reach out for what is yours, it is exactly what you need right now.

A small band of fairies walk in a misty wood. They laugh, talk and make merry in
each other's presence. One holds a small flower lantern lighting the way, while the last fairy
seems to guard their backs.
Meaning: Everyone has a tribe of friends they know have their backs. If you have
drawn this card, it's re- minding you to reach out to them and speak with them. Get together
with your tribe and make plans to have some fun and celebrate your connection to them.

Heed the sounds of the siren's song. Listen as they play and sing and take what you
hold dear and give it to the fairies. Three women gather at the edge of the shore. One fully
clothed, one partially dressed, and one naked. The allure of the song brought them here and
now they give back to the old folk.
Meaning: This card is a warning. Beware of the siren's song, what you may be
offered might not be what you want. Think about what is going on and make sure the
situation you find yourself in is truly what you want. Be aware of what you are being asking
to give away of your own as well.

It may surprise you to know that St. Nicholas is in- deed one of the Good Folk. The
jolly old elf, he loves bringing gifts to all the good children every winter's eve. He's not alone
in his endeavor. Many tiny fairies hang off his cloak with packs of their own. All are ready to
spread cheer around the world.
Meaning: If you have drawn this card, it is time to ask yourself what generosity can
you gift and give to other people. Are you receiving more than you are giving? Perhaps it's
time to give back to those who have sup- ported you.

In every age, a revolution happens. For the Victori- ans, the rise of the Industrial
Revolution heralded a time of fear and worry for the old ways. The construc- tion of
skyscrapers, of smoke stacks and of machines threatened to tear the very fabric of
imagination away. Thankfully, the fears were only just that. For the Good Folk are still here.
Meaning: It always feels darkest before the new dawn. Revolution can be a scary
moment. Embrace the change but hold true to your ideals. Be weary of what comes. Rage
against the dying of the light. Hold up your candle to the dark and light the way through the

A young man, wearing a brim hat, leans out towards a maiden crouched against a tree.
She appears fearful, shying away from him. Two fairy maidens hold the young man's arms,
attempting to sway him over to their desires. There is a subtle seduction at play here.
Meaning: If you have received this card, you are being encourage to leave behind the
familiar, moving on to the world of something more. What is drawing you to that new realm?
Embrace the change, the chance to do something new.

This is a special time. A dedication ceremony is happen- ing. A new baby receives
their name. All have gathered around to celebrate. Music plays in the background and there
are offerings to be made to all the folk.
Meaning: This is an auspicious card, you are being taken care of by those around
you. This is a wonderful time to celebrate yourself, your companions, new life, and projects
you are working on. Use this time to show gratitude for all that you've accomplished and

A fairy and her companion sit between the roots of a great tree. They share an
important moment, some- thing no one else can hear.
Meaning: This is the important times, to share secrets with others and to go deeper with your
associations of others. This card is all about sharing secrets with those you trust. Sometimes
the secret can help lighten your load and brighten your day. Fairies love sharing secrets, in
fact, many collect secrets and use them as bartering to trade for other services and goods.

A group of fairies practice their symphony. A large book has been propped up in the
center of the clear- ing so everyone can see their parts. Some fairies play instruments, while
others lend their voices into the melody.
Meaning: As any musician knows, practice is the key to success. This card advises you to
practice your craft, whether it be music, writing, or visual arts. Re-view what you know and
take time to think about what may be missing from the project you currently work on.
Two warring factions meet high in a darkened sky. Fairy warriors wield bows and
staffs, rushing in to met the bats threatening their homes.
Meaning: Send out the troops. This is a time for physical engagement, for defending
your own rights and for protecting the valuables. It is the time to stand up to dangers lurking
around. Combative force may be necessary at this time. Stand your ground and don't back
down. This is a hard lesson to take but danger does appear in life and must be met and dealt
with promptly.

Fair Helana stands in the reeds, the sun casting halos around her hair. She is the one
who takes the time to think, to really understand what the nature of being human means. She
desires the highest form of love and ends up rejecting anything that does not meet up to her
expectations. As a result, she is alone, yet is surrounded by caring individuals.
Meaning: If you have drawn this card, you are being asked to think about where you
are going. Look to the higher sources to guide your inner compass. Allow epiphanies to
come. Realize the wisdom received and acknowledge its origin.

A bumblebee pushes off from the flower on a thistle bush. It hovers midair. Nearby, a
startled fairy lingers. He has his spear at the ready, standing guard. Time seems to slow down.
Trouble is brewing and neither wants to hurt the other.
Meaning: This card asks you to take a defensive stance. Be aware of your
surroundings. Take preven tative measures and be prepared, you never know what lurks in
the brambles. Perhaps a smooth passing can be negotiated, perhaps not but you have to be the


A fairy gives the baby a ride of their life. High above the trees they glide, enjoying
each other's company. The fairy holds tight to the baby's legs, securing the child to her back.
Meaning: This is a joyful card, one of endearing trips and moments spent with
someone you care about. It's time to take a chance, break out from your daily mold, and allow
your imagination to fly free. Trust in yourself and be open to new possibilities. Flights of
fancy, like daydreams, give us the input we need to climb higher.

17. REST
In a darkened room, a child sleeps soundly in a cra- dle. The curtains are drawn
around the parents' bed. It is time for sleep. To give the body a rest. To let the mind dream of
new worlds and new ideas. Two gar- goyles have been carved into the tops of the bed. They
keep watch over the family as they dream.
Meaning: Rest is a treasured component of any spiri- tual quest. If you have drawn
this card, it is time to take a break. Finish what you are doing and step away for a bit. It is
time to sleep, perchance to dream. Give yourself a break.

A man wearing a top hat pauses along his morning walk. The fairies creep out from
their hiding places, whispering memories to him. He holds up a hand. No more, he seems to
say. He does not have the time, or desire, to hear their stories or their songs. He has grown up
and is beyond their reach now.
Meaning: Rejection is a part of life. There are so many options in the world, you
cannot say yes to all of them. Learning to distinguish what you want from the chatter of what
you don't want is a meaningful skill to learn. This card reminds you to cultivate your
resources, to say no to things you do not have the time for or no longer actually need.

A fairy queen advances through the night, like a moon touched bride. An host of
fairies surround her: beautiful childlike maidens of honer carry lanters to enlighten her steps,
while winged fairy children hold her coat so that it doesn't touch the ground. She is tru- ly
dressed like a bride, her pale face looking forward to an enchanted future. She merrily walks
onward, by her own steps, without fear but anticipation.
Meaning: This is a card of direction. It encourages to progress forward, to create your
own light to make your step safe, and to not lose trust in the incoming future. Your centre
won't be in the present, but in the act of becoming. Every step forward will be like a kind of

A hole from the surface causes unsuspecting fairies to tumble down onto the hard,
dark surface below. One horned pan is just now understanding his predicament. Without a
secure route to head out, the fairies must band together or face their demise. Just like the
skeletons surrounding them.
Meaning: Another cautionary card, Demise warns you to watch your step. Be careful,
be mindful of your surroundings, otherwise you might meet your downfall.

drawn this card, you are being asked to put your best must band
It is late in the evening as two worlds collide for per- haps the last time. An elderly
gentleman bids fond farewell to his fairy companions in a misty field. There is a sense that he
is leaving this world and moving onto the next. And while he's never forgotten the good folk,
he must say good-bye once more.
Meaning: Fond Farewells are never easy. If you have drawn this card, you are being
asked to let go of something. This is the only way you can clear your self so you can move
forward towards the next realm.

Two fairies hover against Springtime flowers. They preen, their chests puffed out.
Who are they presenting to? They seem to be self-indulging in the moment, not allowing any
external presence to disturb their ritual.
Meaning: Being righteous is to understand the rules of society and to know your
place within it. If you have appearance forward. Be at your best and truly know your own


A tiny pookah peeks out from the leaves of a tulip. Something shiny has caught his
eye. He wears shiny baubles around his neck and has a long feather tucked in his magnificent
hairdo. A heavy cloth bears the weight of the pouch at the side of his hip. He wears only one
shoe. Is this because he collected only one?
Meaning: The Collector knows what he wants to own. If he has come to you, be on
the look out for your next addition. Choose wisely, make sure this is something you desire.
And above all, don't lose your shoe.

A child chases a kite being pulled by a flight of swal- lows. The long tail spins and
turns, as the child rushes from the left to the right in their attempt to grab ahold of it. They do
not notice the rose bush jutting up from the ground behind them.
Meaning: Finding true moment of pleasure is a rare gift indeed. Delight reminds us to
move toward what places a smile on our face. If you show up and smile, the world seems a
lot brighter. No matter how dark the world appears, you can hold onto this one moment of
joy. Let it spark the flames inside for more.

A baby stands in the water of a lake, the tattered strands of a kite entangle his body.
The kite is heavy and keeps the child from moving on his own. Two swans rush in to help
remove the strings, freeing him from his imprisonment.
Meaning: There comes a time in your life when you need to reevaluate your choices
in order to make better decisions. The time is now. Be aware of what is going on around you.
Don't let yourself get caught up in too many things. Reevaluate your position and get help
from those you trust when you get stuck.

A fairy gently dances across the strand of a spider's web. An insect kneels behind her.
A spider plays on a cello off to the right of the web. Beneath her appears a secondary web, a
safety net, to catch the fairy if she falls.
Meaning: Life is full of moments where we are asked to balance ourselves. We
balance between work and play, taking time for ourselves and being with friends and the list
goes on. If you have drawn this card today, find your balance on the rope of life. Uncover
what is out of balance and what you need to set yourself straight again and keep going.

A small pack of fairies holding lanterns on sticks care- fully cross the ground between
two trees. Dark and menacing faces peer out from the trees, eyes watching them as they pass.
A single owl perches on a branch. high above, watching them, protecting them as they make
their way through the land.
Meaning: Being supported by those you care about is a great feeling. Follow your
true light, that inner voice calling out to you which asks you to stay on your path. Keep to
your heart's path and your support team will follow you.


A well-dressed gentlemen bends down towards a young child. He holds a dandelion in
one hand. His lips are puckered as he pushes air across the delicate flower, blowing the seeds
off into the wind. Down be- low, the child counts on their fingers the number of wishes they
desire to make. Will they all come true? Only time can tell.
Meaning: Wishing on dandelions has been around for a long time. It is said that when
you pick one and blow, you can receive any wish your heart desires. When you do make a
wish, share it with someone you care about. Let them in on what you desire, perhaps they can
help you attain all that you desire.


A boy blows his pan pipes while sitting on a mush room. Down beneath him, a crowd
of fairies dance and honor the moment along with him. The sky dims, suggesting this party
has been going on for a long time.
Meaning: You are an amazing being who has done in credible things in your life.
Revel in who you are and what you have accomplished. Share these achieve ments with those
around you. Your friends will be there to cheer for you.

While the small fairy turned his back on the baby, a group of pixies have lifted the
child up and away out of harm's reach. What caught the fairy's attention? And will he be able
to capture the baby again and bring them back with him?
Meaning: Distractions are a part of life. They remind us to be mindful of our actions
and what we are doing. Follow your true path or you'll be carried ure you limit the
interruptions going on around you. Find your focus to achieve your goals.

Two children are talking. The boy in the red hat is boasting and the fairy is listening
to all the tall tales and lies the boy shares with his female companion.
Meaning: No one likes a gossip. Be aware of what you say and to who you say it to.
This card suggests you be truthful to yourself and others. Be aware of those listening when
you least expect it. If you are too focused on being the center of attention, you'll miss
something important happening right in front of you.

A girl bundled in a heavy coat looks up at the wooded creatures standing around her.
They lean down, as if they are giving her some meaningful wisdom. She appears to be taking
their teachings to heart.
Meaning: Teachers are all around us, in the wind, in the trees, and in the creatures
skittering across the lands. This card asks you to seek knowledge from the unusual sources.
Nature has much to share, all have to do is listen.


Many nymphs dance around a tree, holding onto one each other's hands as they spin.
They known the value of having a good party with friends and loved ones. Off to one side a
maiden bends over laughing.
Meaning: Time to throw a party with your tribe. Celebrate a community goal and
share it with the world. You and your group have put in a good effort.
Fairies pull on the hair, clothing, and hat of a young girl. She must have done
something to deserve this unwanted attention. Perhaps this is the Good Folk’s way of
teaching spiteful children a lesson.
Meaning: Be true to yourself, or pay the price. Gift givers can always take the
rewards back, if you do not seem to appreciate them. If you've drawn this card, think about
what got you into this sticky situation and how you can make amends to get your self out of


A coven of witches takes flight in the stormy weather. Wispy cats dart in and around
their brooms. The more seasoned witches navigate the turbulent winds with caution, while
the younger witches take delight the adventure. One witch, does not seem to be as andure
footed as his friends, because he holds onto his. broom with trepidation.
Meaning: Be your own navigator though the rough times. Trust the path you set out
on. You know you can get past this storm. Let this card guide you hrough the hardships you

Many fairies float in the air, playing with the will-o'- wisps surrounding them. They
speak with the drag- onflies and each other and seem to be having a won- derful time with
one another.
Meaning: This card is a wonderful omen to receive. Rejoice and celebrate with your tribe.
You have worked hard and done so much. Know that bad times will pass and the good will
return. You are in the moment. Let the wild rumpus happen!


ocusing on the question while you shuffle helps you remember what the question is and gives
you space allow spirit to help select the cards for your answer. When you feel your deck is
properly mixed together, You can stop shuffling.
Oracle decks help people get clarity on areas in the life. The cards can also be used for other
purposes lik Many readers use spreads, or purposefully designed meditation focuses,
creativity boosters, or whateve patterns, to set the cards in. Spreads come in all sizes your
mind can come up with. That said, this bookle and shapes, from self-designed to pre-created.
They focuses solely on helping you to use the cards as an be one card or take an entire deck.
In the next sec-
divination device.
When you are ready to do your first reading, think
ion of this booklet, there is a spread designed specif- cally for the Oracle of the Good Folk for
you to use.
a question you want an answer to. The best question the simplest spread is a single card used
to answer to ask are questions that are open ended- these sta with What or How. Take the
time to hone in on wha is going on in your life, the reason you are turnin can help you get
better information from the cards to the Oracle for advice. A well thought out questio
Questions such as "How can I change to bring lov into my life?" or "What can I do to be
more creative? will yield better results than "Who will I marry?" o "Will I get this
your question. All you need to do is look at the card, et the imagery speak to you, and write
down what you think it is communicating. If you feel stuck, or ost in what is being said, flip
through this booklet to unlock what the card might be trying to tell you. Be reative and allow
your imagination to guide you into how you want to use the cards. Draw cards from the op or
the bottom of the deck.
When you are done with this reading, pick up all the
After you have a good question, hold the cards in you cards and shuffle them back into the
deck. This way hand and begin shuffling. There is no right or wron the oracle is ready for the
next reading.
way to shuffle oracle cards. As you shuffle, keep you question in the forefront of your mind-
hold it there lockwise. Use this spread to gain insight into your urrent situation and to create
an action plan to step
ADVICE FROM THE FAIRIES SPREAD to the life you desire more.
This simple two card spread gets you started wit reading using the Oracle of the Good Folk.
- Card One: What do I need to know?
- Card Two: What action should I take?
Card One: Where are you? This describes you in the present moment.
Card Two: Helpful forces. This card gives you in- formation around something you need to
get you where you want to go.
Card Three: Unknown forces. This card shows you something you don't know about. It may
hinder your progress or it may help you along.
Card Four: The First Step Out. This card gives you an action you need to take to achieve your
THE FAIRY RING READING Fairy rings are a popular sight in fields and forests These
naturally occurring circles are made from loops o mushrooms or, sometimes, flowers. Many
cultures sav them as places where fairies would gather and dance. is said that if you stood in a
fairy ring for too long you would be whisked away to the land of Fairy never to re turn. They
inspire our imaginations and spark curiosity just like divination tools such as this one.
The Fairy Ring reading uses four cards and is deal in a circular pattern starting at the right
and moving

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