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Through the video above, it can be seen that commitment is one of the factors that

motivates you to achieve the goal you want, you will strive constantly to achieve
that goal and you will succeed in the field you want.

So how do you keep your commitment?

1.Consciously execute your agreements: If you're not 100% sure you can, scale
down to the point where you know you can. say no to things that derail you and
don't overdo things on yourself just to please others
2.Use the language of the Creator: You must believe in yourself, Whatever you
want to achieve, make sure you believe in it and believe in your ability to
accomplish. Don't say "I will try" but say "I will do it"
3.Make your agreements important: you can write down your plans, it's like a
commitment that underpins you and doesn't let anything get in the way and get in
the way. should be more important than anything you do.
4.Make a plan, then do everything in your power to execute your plan: No matter
how big or small your goal, you need to commit to taking big action every day.
distractions, time and track other
5.If problems arise or you change your mind, renegotiate: As you go through life,
you too can make mistakes and fail, and that's completely normal. That's life and
things will happen but never let this get in your way in any way, you must have a
lot of faith in yourself to get you through this difficult time. easy and never give up
 =>learning to value your own goals and desires is the only way you’ll be able to
get to where you want to be. Not only does keeping commitments to yourself get
you further ahead, but you’ll also feel good about yourself because you kept a
promise to yourself

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