All Things Blue Analysis

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All things blue analysis

Group 2
Fairuzi Esa Fatin - 21019011
Khaira Fadhlika Ramadhani - 21019014
Layla Ummy - 21019046
Muhamad Rafel Ramadhan - 21019051
At just 9-years-old, Iza is a child like any other—playful and curious about the world around her. But for Iza, that
world has changed. Unknown to her, an alien race has laid siege to Earth leaving civilisation in tatters and remnants of
humanity fighting for survival.

But all Iza knows is that which her mother, Adel, tells her: That it’s dangerous outside. That a giant dragon prowls the
skies, swooping down on unwary victims. And that her father left, like so many others, to fight the monster and restore
order. That’s why they stay inside, retreating to a makeshift shelter whenever the beast draws near. With dwindling
supplies and just a wind-up radio giving scattered reports from the outside, Adel seeks to survive as best she can—and
protect her daughter from the awful truth.

Despite Adel’s warnings, Iza sneaks upstairs to peek from a window at a playground across the street—her mind
casting back to a happier time spent playing with her father.

The moment is short-lived as Adel rushes in having overheard reports that the ‘dragon’ is close. They hurry to their
shelter where Adel distracts Iza with stories and games. When a growing rumble signals the dragon’s approach, Adel
covers Iza’s ears and eyes, keeping her from understanding the true nature of the danger and leaving us to guess at
the terror beyond the walls.

With the danger having passed, Adel finds sleep. Iza sneaks back to the window where she sees a boy, Ted, a little
older than herself in the playground below. Hungry for friendship, Iza slips from the house and joins him where, for a
moment, their fears are cast aside as they take turns pushing one another on a roundabout.
A fleeting moment of friendship leads a
lonely young girl to a devastating truth
Plot : a parent living in fear of the inevitable, coupled
with the innocence of childhood on the verge of
being lost forever

Flow : a six years old girl Iza and her mother Adel, who
fierce hides among the clouds. Something ready to
pounce at any moment. It keeps them indoors glued
to the radio, with a heavy supply of bottled water
and rations at the ready.
- A dining table draped in sheets. A ring of duct tape holds them in place\

- Iza approaches the staircase

- Iza sits on the couch cradling a bowl of cooked potatoes
- She looks to Adel asleep on the couch, the radio dying in a hiss of white noise
beside her.

- A small bed, covers stripped. Toys poke from a cardboard
box. Window shaded, fixed at the edges with tape.
- Iza (main character)

Iza is the main character in this drama. She is a lonely child and just stays at home with her mother
without knowing what is going on in the outside world. Up to the climax of the story she realizes that
something strange is happening outside and she wants to know everything.
“iza approaches the staircase”
“iza tip-toes into the shadows above”

“Iza peels back a corner of the shade. She scans the sky,
tentative, expanding her search as her confidence grows.
Satisfied, she rests her chin on the sill, stares at a
playground across the street.
A swing-set, climbing frame, roundabout - still, empty.
She blinks, lost in memory “

some of sentences above proven that how Iza really wants to know what's going on outside because she's
always at home and doesn't know anything
“He passes from view. When she comes back around he’s TED
no There ain’t no dragon!
longer pushing, his face turned to the sky, frozen in worry.” IZA
Is too, my Mama said so. And my Pa
“Iza follows his gaze” went away to fight it!

“A contrail cuts overhead. Turning with the roundabout’s “Ted stuffs his hands in his pockets. He stares at her,
momentum like the hand of a clock” sympathetic - a little older, but a world wiser.
An air-raid siren WAILS in the distance.”
The dragon... There’s a fire in its tail. ”Iza looks around, confused.Ted backpedals a few steps,
TED takes off running.”
The hell you talking about?
IZA The several sentences above are evidence that Iza was
It has claws - like giant icicles initially confused because she saw many irregularities
and it lives on the sun. outside her house.
It’s from their engines! Iza “my friend said there’s no dragon”
A dragon got wings, it swoops down This sentence is proof of the climax where Iza is aware that
on you- all this time what is happening outside is not what she
- Adel

Adel as Iza's mother in this drama. Instead of being a good mother wanting her child to be safe from all the alien
threats and battles that are happening outside, she indirectly hides all the facts from her child. By saying that the fighter
planes outside are dragons, and so on.

- Ted

Ted is a supporting character in this drama. Because she met Ted by accident, Iza knew that something was wrong
that had happened in the world that she had not been aware of until now.

- Iza’s father

The character of iza's father is only mentioned once in the drama, no conversation takes place between iza and his
father in the script

“father,late 20s,beams encouragement from the sidelines”

proof that her father was out there, helping others with their troubles, battles, and more
the conclusion is a young girl who has
been living at home and never knows
what the world is like out there caused
by a lie that her mother made up, but a
friend introduces the outside world that
she has not known so far that makes her
realize that she is alive in sheer lies
Thank You

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