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~\. ‘a Uptime Institute’ Tier Requirements for Power Situation Uptime Institute’ Tier Topology standand has been crated to assure any oxganization can meet its require level: of business services by relying ona predictable level of performance inthe data center, While poweris one of the mo critical zesousces weed to operate any data cents, the types of omer utilized to operate that data center greatly infirence the rerlts achieved. ‘With 20 yeasr of'ineident data acre more than 1000 datacenter to diar fiom, the Uptime Inotitate Tir Standard asserts that onsite power generation is the only souce of reliable power. ‘The high level of performance available fiom Tier certified datacenters stems fiom power Aictabution design that ely only on thir reliable power That sid, the Tier standaud alco allow: for Ter compliant data center: touce otheruity oarces of power az long a eee eed ‘autonomous fai-overis provided for. The Uptie Institute Tir Standard thus creates adata fete eer center envizonment that is both predictable for business needs and economical fo operate Reliability & Economics + TierCentiied datacenter: can combine owite rliable ower with mene economical Destcase utility power for costefficieney when coupled swith autonomous failover ‘but an anticipated operational condition for which aug ite sate papaed . + Thanet Ptr ern fomziotateat on xo specific requirements for Sizuply pt al Ties Standasd compliant tueawe ensia geet wellears the mnber or ype of utility datacenters eguieseable power fo fehede each coopemmn’s minonance a dslier predictable peformance and cent, the cor: of fel, ad the sonra Sa cere aesiliney. Aa peshaps les inti is ‘wear and fxr on th onate equipment the only snrce of tly the reaity thatthe only souce of elisha rele ~itis completely ower is onsite power generation ystems within th span of contol of cance they ate bul, maintained and any organization with no operated by the conmuiner, Keep snag conflicting business goal Pe acters eee + Disnuptions to the wblity power ase Soest escaceses eof sot considered afaae, bt an power when compared fo the antiipated operational condition for operational and maintenance which the site amsthe pepased eetiet meni erarmed +A TirllforV onsite generation am Syrte, along with power paths _ = and other supporting element, all Putting it Al Together sneet the Connunenfly Maintainable ‘Ther requiements work to enue adata sndlor Fault Tolsant performance centr capable of Gcliveang is ‘confimnation ests when pomered by sequined level of bucnezssemices ‘onsite power generation regis ofthe status ofoatade wlity ‘ sets services. Inspecific, Uptne etitte Ter Trading off Costvermas Relsbiligy compliance amuses hat he data center ‘Because Tet segues data cents to sect the requirement for reliable power Ihave onsite power genezation syste fo and cooling regardless ofthe stats of support the datacenter’ normal txtemal weitysousces ier compliant operation public electric uty ystems data centes ase capable of operating tue rot requied However, mest Tier the wortcare conditions when ovbile compliant datacenters choose totlie a wily syrtems ave not availble foran bli elactical tty to povide power indefinite pesiod of ine to the data center for economic reasons “Typically, sti lee cory to purchase Utne thei dis Te 451 Gop, a hednguedeobgynebsty wap da canpury ane stats ff tins mus US. Meee, Cosa Bea, Bra UK Spun UAE, Pas, Tarn Sngpae, ad lGeysn ‘Visits uptineincttets com for more information. (92017 pie bette, LLC. Alnigesresaed

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